Wealth, Power, and Families


  1. When this table truly puts the situation into perspective, it's crazy what is really going on in our country. I like the fact that he shows that most of the wealthy don't even realize how much of a difference there is and the inequality that is going on. I hope there is a point that we all find a happy medium where there is still reward for hard work but the wealth is distributed more evenly. Still at least in this country I don't think we realize how thankful we should be for what we have. With all the technology, medicine, and better standards of living we all enjoy compared to one hundred years ago we have come a long way. It's hard for me to wrap the idea that even the poorest have it so bad when we almost all have shelter, clothing, water, and food available to us. I think humanity would be better suited if we could get the entire world to those standards. Camp012

    1. I agree. There is some major inequality in this country, but I also believe that a person can make their reward what they want. It isn't all about money. I have friends that make a ton of money, but that's all they end up doing is spending it on this or that. I look at reward on a completely different scale. I look at certain things I have (a camper, a motorcycle) and realize how hard I work to be able to have those things, but I also like the enjoyment they bring. Camping and riding with friends and family.That is what I think puts me in my own 1%er group. Not the big money sitting in a bank account, doing nothing for me. You can't have a quality conversation over a campfire with a stack of money. Life is too short to get hung up on keeping up with the Trumps of the world. Kane012

  2. This another interesting video. The way I see it, though, is that some of those 1%ers have worked their TAILS off to get where they are. While some have the "old money" and just kind of fall into the wealth because of what their grandfather did 80 years ago to gain that wealth. Yes, there are very many poor families in the country, but some do choose to live a certain lifestyle that does not include a decent paying job. I do also understand the unbalance in the pay scales of mid-level employees, as compared to the CEO. I look at it as the CEO has a lot of responsibility to direct that company in such a way to move forward. However, there are some that are OVER paid, can do a horrible job and STILL get a huge bonus. That is truly out of line. I have a good job, with decent pay and I am happy with that. Would I like to make more? You bet, but I can provide for my family, do things with them that I didn't get to do as a kid, but also keeping them grounded, to some extent. It is tough when my kids come home and tell me what kind of car some of their friends are driving and I know I can't compete, but I also remind them of how good it will feel for them in the future when they can go out and buy that car on their own. They don't understand it now, but they will and THAT is when they will understand what TRUE wealth is. Working hard to be able to reap the benefits. Kane012

  3. I agree with you that kids need to understand the ideal of working hard for what they want. But even people born into "old money" could do alot of good in society if that was instilled in them from generation to generation. In all as Americans we should all be grateful for what we have. I also think that we forget at times that some people aren't interested in the technology and other things most of us want in the first place.Camp012

  4. This is a very nice video that shows the reality in our country, and how things are getting very bad for some segments in our population. This is not to deny that people have been working really hard to achieve what they have today, but it is also true that many other American work hard and are not getting the same result, Why is that? Is it possible that just one percent of the population is very smart in order to be able accumulate that much more than the rest of the people? futbol012

  5. This chart is really unsettling. The top 1% have most all the money. Therefore, the top 1% have most all of the power. I can't understand how any CEO earns in one hour what it takes the employees a month to earn the same. It looks to me like the rest of Americans are earning nothing compared to the top 1%. There are poor and middle class people that work hard everyday and will never achieve these types of earnings. Does that mean that the top 1% does some kind of extra ordinary job of working to earn that kind of money? It seems so unfair to me. The middle class looks like it is on it's way to being right there with the poor. I guess that is why they say in years to come, the middle class will be obsolete.

    1. I don't know about the middle class becoming obsolete, but I can see the space between the classes getting larger. If the rich keep getting richer as trends dictate, and the poor keep getting poorer, the distance between the two would get much larger. I found the chart extremely disturbing and wish there was something some group could do. Firedancer012

    2. I wonder too just what these CEOs are doing that makes them so special to earn that large of a paycheck. There are many occupations in America that are so under-appreciated and under payed. It makes me feel like you almost have to aim for those top paying jobs to get anywhere. And if the rich do get rich enough than the middle class will become obsolete. The gap will push enough distance between the groups that poor will practically have nothing and the middle class will become the new poor. farmgirl012

  6. This chart is scary, and I have a feeling that it's only going to get worse as time goes on. This video put a more realistic perspective into light, because I'll admit I was in that group who thought the wealth was heavily weighted in the favor of the rich. I had no idea just how much the scales were tipped in the rich's favor. Another idea that came to mind when I was watching the video was how much it takes for the 1% of the nation to be as wealthy as they are. I mean humans are ambitious creatures, constantly trying to better themselves and move forward in life. How do the 1% people keep the wealth with the rest of the world nipping at their heals for the money. And if the rest of the world succeeded, how would the people in charge of distributing the wealth do so fairly? Firedancer012

  7. I agree with the others about this being an eye opener video with the charts and numbers. I always knew the rich out way the poor or even middle class but the wealth is not in my world my day to day life so it goes unnoticed to me at times. But its truly sad and scary how it looks on the charts and how the scale tips. I believe some people do work harder then others pushing themselves and sacrificing for what they want. But to that degree where ceo of a company making that much more then his colleagues or people under him doing the same job just not with his title? Or my biggest one is the athletes or movie stars making millions for a such a small part or time out of their life. Yes they practice and rehearse but for the millions they making comparison to the time they serve? Again compared to the people putting in long hard gruesome hours in a coal mine, factory, farm , and other hard laboring jobs. What about the teachers , social workers, or any community workers helping to develop and grow our future. To me just doesn't make since and is scary. compassof4012

  8. This video is amazing. I love how it breaks down the numbers and percentages on the chart. I was really fulled on the whole concept on the way the scale goes. It amazes me how the scale, labels the poor as poor, when most the people coming from that certain percentage, are pulling more hours and are working more hard, than your average rich/wealthy person today. It is very disturbing but yet interesting how an average poor person, has to work more than a month to make what a CEO makes, in one hour!! That's just insane and ridiculous. This world is getting worse and scary by the day. It makes you wonder and think, since the wealthy is taking all this money from us, and putting us more in debt, what are they going to do to us next? Socialbutterfly

  9. "The reality isn't at all what we think it is." This is a statement that rings very true and is well supported by this video. It is good to know that the American public is somewhat aware of the uneven distribution of wealth in the country, yet we do not completely realized just how bad it is. We all can agree that achieving the ideal is fairly impossible so what does America expect the solution to this problem to be? The way I see it, the rich are going to continue to make money and the poor are going to stay poor. Can the wealth distribution problem really be solved? The narrator mentions the concept of socialism in the video. Socialism as a solution is almost as terrifying as the wealth distribution gap in the first place. In a socialist society, we would see no incentive and those actually working losing what they have earned. This is why it is indeed "dreaded". Greed is a scary thing and it is never going to cease being a societal trait leaving me to believe the gap is never going away. farmgirl012

  10. That video really blew my mind, and opened my eyes. Truly very sad how rich some people are, and how poor others have it. The problem might be solved if companies give out salaries that are more reasonable. Instead of paying the CEO a heaping amount of cash maybe the workers salaries could get distributed more even, and then the problem wouldn't be as big as it is. The problem is people care far to much about their own personal wealth and well being. They don't realize that there are other human beings that are also working their tails off to provide for their family at home. (Mac012)

    1. Companies should pay reasonable salaries and I'm sure they think they already do. They think their CEO deserve huge bonuses along with large salaries for the headache of running the day to day operations of the company. I agree, they've forgotten the other group of people that are working hard to provide for their families. poeticLB012

  11. This video instantly made me think of Caterpillar. When you see the real distribution of the amount of money that the poor get, versus the rich, its really upsetting. Knowing that the CEOs of these companies get millions of dollars while the people who actually work their asses off to keep these companies going are getting laid off and have to find other ways to care for the famlies is sad. Watching these big shots get $500,000 bonuses and these factory workers can't even get an extra $1 pay an hour. Its sad how things work out in this country. Its really selfish and unfair. Not everybody can make it to the CEO position. But when you see loyal workers who work their butts off, they deserve job security at the least, and/or a little more pay since the company can find money out the hooha to hand out for bonuses.

  12. This video instantly made me think of Caterpillar. When you see the real distribution of the amount of money that the poor get, versus the rich, its really upsetting. Knowing that the CEOs of these companies get millions of dollars while the people who actually work their asses off to keep these companies going are getting laid off and have to find other ways to care for the famlies is sad. Watching these big shots get $500,000 bonuses and these factory workers can't even get an extra $1 pay an hour. Its sad how things work out in this country. Its really selfish and unfair. Not everybody can make it to the CEO position. But when you see loyal workers who work their butts off, they deserve job security at the least, and/or a little more pay since the company can find money out the hooha to hand out for bonuses.

  13. This is definitely an eyeopener. The rich will remain rich and the poor will remain poor. So many CEOs get huge bonuses along with huge salaries while the people that make their jobs easy are under paid and under appreciated. Empires do end...that's a frightening thought considering the US is an empire whose currency is losing value. We've taken our eyes off the big picture and become distracted. States are going broke and yet figureheads are commanding large salaries. Poverty still exists. People are homeless while wealth is unequally distributed. what's wrong with this picture?poeticLB012


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