Women's Healthcare in the Correctional Environment

Women's Healthcare in the Correctional Environment


  1. This article made me very upset with how our prisons are taking care of the females that they house there. When women are sexually active they are suppose to be getting a pap smear done every year to ensure that they are not getting a cancer or anything that they should not be getting. This is very important and I think that a prison should have a doctor that is willing to do this for the health of women. Also when females are pregnant they are supposed to be taking prenatal and these prisons are not giving them the care that they need. It is not just the inmate they are carrying a child that is helpless because the mother is the one that takes care of them and if we are taking that away from the mother what is she supposed to do? I think that we should give more care for women that are incarcerated. This also goes for the women that have other issues like drug and alcohol additions and mental illnesses, we should be helping these women better themselves instead of taking everything away from them. Green789

    1. Yes, even though women has increased the incarceration rates then men they still have more health problems and in jail by them sitting around isn't going to help them over come them. Perhaps it makes it worse for example post partum depression it creates heartache because the mother is not with her child and will may increase the chances of hurting someone or herself. Prison guard or so to say our correctional officers does not do a good job to take care of our women in prison Yeah they might have did some bad and illegal but they shouldn't have to suffer through their pain it's bad enough they had to suffer their trauma before they got incarcerated.LifeImagine78o

  2. Women come to jail sick and living without their child makes them sick. I'm not saying if they have a child they shouldn't go to jail but it's a lil too strict. All I want to say is that the officers and the law enforcement knows how these women are when they come to jail, they come with STDs STIs, pregnant and from drug and physical abuse but they still don't show concern or partake in the proper protocol to help them while their incarcerated.LifeImagine789

    1. I agree that they do know the type of women and some of their past when they come to prison so they should take precaution for the other prisons health. I think that they are a little strict as well when it comes to taking their babies away, not only does it cause psychological disorders to the mom but also to the baby and the baby never asked for that. That causes a cycle and could potentially cause the child to be like their mother when they get older. -Bareconla789

  3. The conditions in which women are put through while being in prison doesn't seem to be humane. Women need more attention than men do because they have different needs. The women don’t seem to be treated the way they should be regarding hygiene. If the prison doesn't give the women who have contagious sexually transmitted diseases proper treatment, next thing you know a whole section of the prison could have the disease. Instead of properly treating that one prisoner now they have to treat twenty prisoners and spend more money. Also not giving women the right care after having their baby take away from them can cause trouble for the prison. That women could cause a lot of disturbances because she is mentally not stable and could cause fights and more work for the guards. Even though the women committed a crime and deserve to be in prison I don't think their baby asked to be taken away from their mother. -Barcelona789

  4. So what I got out of this article is that it takes a lot of money to properly take care of a women in prison because of all the routine check ups and as we learn in class many prisons do not have the money. So why don’t we focus more on reforming women and keeping them out of prisons. Statistically speaking most females that end up in prison have been victimized or had drug addiction so if the government was able to help more with these things outside then is should have an impact on the amount of women that are going to prison. Also one thing that this article talk about was the amount of baby wings that were out there where the mom can be with her baby by saying there are “several” of them out there but if I remember the video from class correctly they said the one in that prison was only one of very few. -Acerunner789

  5. Women in the correctional population have many physical, mental, and emotional issues. Most of the women are there with alcohol and drug abuse, previous victimization, and health issues. I feel that women who are sexually active and have children should have the right care that they need. Even females who are not in jail are getting pap smears, so why should it be any different? For their health, they should be receiving the same care. The programs that allow the mother to be with her unborn child help with her reform or rehabilitation because she is getting clean and staying out of trouble for her child. If the mother doesn’t have a relationship with her child, then she is more likely to not care and go down the wrong path. Women have many more issues than males do and with some help they could have programs to allow them a better life now. CSI789

    1. I am I am in total agreement with you when you said that if a mother does not have a relationship or bond with her child she is going to go down hill and start to have a bad path. If our prisons could help females more they would be able to lower the rate of women coming back into the prison.Green789

    2. I don't agree with most of the stuff because if that woman didn't go to jail and had the baby she will be more focus on being pleasured by other men than taking care of the baby. Yes this is a thing to get their mind of there sentence but it really isn't punishing them. I say that because they need to think about there crime and how they are going to change there way. The baby is just a distraction and a lie. I say a lie because the woman is putting on a play saying she can take of the baby when she is really trying to reduce her sentence to get out of incarceration quicker. In the movie we watched in class with the prostitution woman with a lot of kids that are in foster homes or living with her mother. She really has her mother taking care of her kids than her. If she was taking care of the kids she wouldn't be in prison trying to have her mother take the new born child. Her mother is already taking care of so many kids that it is killing her from what I heard from the video. All these women are going to do is get out and go back to doing the same thing they did before. Phenom789

  6. It was talking about women and there children again. Saying that it makes them sick that they are going to be separated from the baby. That wouldn't happen if they didn't commit the crime. I can see that if you just got pregnant and you didn't know but if your 6 months in the pregnancy the child should be taken away from her. If your putting a child with a mental, physical, or emotional mother you are putting the child's life in danger because you don't know if the women is going to snap. I am nervous about letting inmates keep there babies. The movie we watched in class where woman inmate told us that other women in the past have killed there own babies. Phenom789

  7. I think that women who are incarcerated should not being given the privilege of having a lesser or different sentence because they have children. These women need the structure and strictness of jail/prison time. However, if we decide that they need to be locked up, we should be taking proper care of them while they're in our hands. Yearly exams, education and pregnancy care programs need to be developed and enforced for the good of both the women and the people they come into contact with once they get out. -NavyAME

  8. I believe that women prisoners should not get lesser sentences based on pregnancy or if they have family on the outside. They need the proper sentence that fits their crime, but if they are pregnant then should have the necessary medical treatment given to them, so that the baby can grow to be healthy. Also there needs to be educational programs and reports for them, so they're prepared and able to care for their when they get released from prison. The last thing anyone wants to see is a mom who's just released from prison who has no idea how to care for her child which could be dangerous for the child, and could result in the mom being sent back to prison. Flitzy789


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