"You Promised You Wouldn't Kill Me"....Thoughts?

You Promised You Wouldn't Kill Me....Thoughts?


  1. I've watched this video for about ten minutes of this debacle this is truly ashame and it's digesting to see her die and come back. The fact that they tase her and she kept dieing is like they didn't care. Why don't these four offices have control over her it's pretty clear after the first taste she was down it didn't look like she was resisting to me and she was throwing poop come on now they are well protected in suits. They know just because they have power they can fulfil it to the most extent where it's uncalled for them they encourage it way too much where someone us dead that goes for cops too. I do agree that this video is controversial stuff shouldn't have went that far.LifeImagine789

    1. This video was very sad and it should not of happened like that. I noticed that when they realized that she was not breathing they were more worried about getting the handcuffs off than trying to give her CPR. Her hands were in from of her they could of still been giving her CPR while they were on her hands. They should of handled this situation a lot better than they did. Green789

  2. While I was watching this video this made me feel disgusted and could not believe that they tased her so many times. There were grown men that were holding her down and they should of been able to get a women in that chair without any problems. I did not see her resisting at all after they had gotten her to the ground and they had all their body weight on top of her. She was saying that her stomach hurt and that right there should of been a clue that they were putting to much pressure on her body. These officers were in the total wrong and I do believe that this video should be seen and everyone should see how she was treated. She should of not been treated like that and had this cause her death. Green789

    1. Yes this i do agree that it went horribly wrong and it took a turn for the worst when it should've been easily prevented, it sure enough that it wasn't hard at all to take down this lady, and if she had problems she definitely shouldn't have been token down in this manner it is so horrifying and digesting if we can change our Cjs it has to start by the officers LifeImagine789

    2. So how would you have taken her down? Remember: she is a prisoner, throwing urine and feces and is not cooperating.
      Have you ever dealt with a resisting mentally ill person? It's like they have super strength. I don't doubt that it was difficult to get this lady to go down, especially without force. Would you encourage them to use a taser or a baton? I think taser is a much safer option. -NavyAME789

    3. I think it's important to realize why this video was released. No matter if you agree with what the officers did or not, someone ,especially a minority, dying in jail, with the controversial topics going on with community and police relations, is assumed to be murder. Acting in the right or not the killing of this woman was an accident and the media and community needed to see that it truly was an accident first hand. They didn't release this video to make you squeamish they released it to calm an angry community. TaeKwonDoGuy789

  3. Honestly, I don't think that what they did was THAT bad. Yes, they didn't do everything perfectly but honestly, what were they to do? She was mentally ill, have any of you ever tried to reason with someone who is mentally ill? I have, and it's damn near impossible. Also, if you have ever dealt with someone who is mentally ill, you would know how ridiculously strong they can be. Was it scary for her to see the men come at here in those suits? Probably but if you read the back story, you know that they had been talking to her and trying to get her to stop throwing her urine and feces everywhere. She was ill, they were trying to help. I do not think that they were overly violent or inappropriate with her. I think it is extremely sad that she was mentally ill and the whole situation was just unfortunate but I do not think that they are to blame for her death. -NavyAME789

    1. I fully understand what you are saying here. When it comes down to it she is an inmate and as they were trying to do a simple thing as getting her ready to be transported she was becoming very violent. The guards were doing exactly what they were instructed to do by their superior officer so even if her death had happened do to the guards the guard in charge would be the one to blame not the lower rank officers. This event is very unfortunate but do to the circumstances the guards were only trying to do their jobs and between their jobs and her sickness it ended in her passing away and I don;t think this could have been changed. -Acerunner789

  4. Honestly, nothing in this world surprises me anymore. This situation is all kinds of wrong. Natasha McKenna may be a mentally ill woman, but she doesn’t deserve the treatment that she got from those men. I don’t understand why they kept saying, “Quit resisting” when it looked like to me that she wasn’t able to go anywhere anyways. I don’t see why it took that many grown men to get the woman under control. The way this situation was handled could have been a whole lot different. Since Natasha was a female, I’m just wondering if it would have been different in how they treated a male. More than likely yes. I feel that those men were more worried about getting dirty then taking into consideration her well-being that something could go terribly wrong. CSI 789

  5. This is a perfect example of correctional officers not properly knowing how to handle a situation in which someone with a mental illness, especially schizophrenia, gets agitated and starts to have an episode. When someone like this starts to act this way it is impossible to use any sort of force to calm them down; even if paired with calming words any threat of force is taken very seriously in their mind and makes them impossible to calm down. The only thing it does do is completely shut the person down and makes them more violent. It will build up if it goes on and as the article states it can lead to a condition that can cause their vital organs to shut down. I will commend the fact, however, that these men did stay calm, even though they used force, for the entirety of the time, something that is not easy to do. TaeKwonDoGuy 789

    1. I agree with your comment about how being violent with someone who has schizophrenia and is having a disorder does make them more violent and having them being as violent as they were in the beginning wasn't necessary. They did towards the middle of the video try to be calmer and try to talk to her in a settle voice but I don’t think that helped her after being tased by them a couple times. They need more training on how to react to a situation in which they were put in, in this video. -Barcelona789

  6. While watching this video I didn't even know what to think. So many movements were going on and so many people were yelling. The way in which the officers handle the situation was outrageous and did show the lack of training to take care of someone like Mrs. Mckenna. Mrs. Mckenna didn't appear to be that big so I don’t think it was necessary to send that many people in those weird white suits to go get her from her cell. They could have sent maybe two or three officers not a whole army of them. They knew her conditions prior to getting to her cell and could have handled the situation in a calmly manner by treating her like a normal person instead of basically man handling her while she is naked and keep tasing her over and over. This video shows that officers in prison don't have the training they need to have in order to keep prisoners safe and in order to keep themselves safe.

  7. My thoughts after watching this is that the guards for sure had some faults but overall nothing seemed to be too over the top except for the tasing. Like they said she did, previous to this situation, had some altercations with the guard staff to the point where they needed to be more cautious with her. The tasing could have been unused completely because they did seem to have more than enough guards who should have been able to constrain her. Also with the health issues she had the tasing her seems like it could have led to the cause of death as they describe as being due to certain amount of distress. So other than the overuse of the taser they seemed to be doing nothing wrong they were just trying to transport an inmate who was being very uncooperative. -Acerunner789

  8. I couldn't play the video but it looked like those sheriffs were doing wrong to that lady. I read the article below saying she is mentally ill. Come on and we now know why law enforcers get bad names and reputation because of idiots like these six sheriffs. Even if they didn't have the proper training they shouldn't of tased her three times in three minutes to get her in the chair. Honestly I'm glad I didn't see the video in would of made me angry to see that happen to a person mentally ill or was normal. Phenom789

  9. First off whoever was the camera man was horrible.it shouldn't take 4 MEN to take down one woman. I didn't see her move or resist at all yet they continued to taze her while handcuffed with a bag over her head with 4 men on top . Hell She was probably dead after the first shock . I think this is murder because I'm going to assume that she had a health condition that the offers knew about because her first words were "you promised you wouldn't kill me" I think it's crazy fhat these officers will taze you until you're dead but the moment someone's ready to taze them it's assault with a deadly weapon. Jiggers789

  10. I agree that the video went horribly wrong from the start . I personally feel like it shouldn't have took that many men to restrain one woman , and for them to throw her to the ground and against the cell , and later tasering her 3 times was more than enough force used . They went very far overboard to the point where they killed her . I disagree with this videos actions , if she was a member of my family I wouldn't want her treated like that at all , and I'm sure the officers that were there wouldn't either .

  11. I think it's so sad that we still live in a world full of racism, especially in this day and age. I know racism is never really going to be abolished but I can't even stand the fact that it's still a major issue. I think everything that has happened in Ferguson is a major tragedy, but all those people looting and setting businesses on fire are not changing anything, and certainly not helping their image at all. I don't think what happened between Mike brown and that officer was a racial issue, I think the media portrayed it as racist. I believe in justice for all no matter your ethnicity or beliefs we all bleed red no one is better than the next. If your going to become a police officer you need to put all judgment aside and treat everyone as an equal because we are all equal. I think if your racist you have no business being a cop in the first place. I think a lot of these things are going to change the way we police. -dicaprio456

    1. My phone glitched and commented on the wrong blog -dicaprio456


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