Bill Maher on Ageism via Humor.....


  1. I think this video is hilarious and makes some very good points. I also think in seriousness though we need to remember some things. Being a father that has raised his kids after divorce from ages four and two, I know from experience that grandparents use a lot of their time and money helping to raise and provide for their grandchildren. Even though the children aren't receiving the money on paper, many are receiving it "through the grapevine" of their grandparent. I also know this to be true because my wife is a teacher at an inner city, low income school in Peoria Illinois. There the experience first hand that many of these kinds not only receive what they need through their grandparents, but also they live with them. Many low income parents simply say they can't handle the burden and pass them over to the caring grandparents. All that aside their are better ways of distributing the aid people need. One such idea is to stop passing out Social Security to wealth elderly people that don't even need the income. Another is to stop handing out link cards to people who sell the food and use it on drugs instead of feeding their children. I used to need food stamps and know the help is needed but I uses it correctly and when I became financially stable immediately terminated it. These programs are corrupt and need reformed but not cut. How about stopping the food stamps and distributing the wealth to food pantries and actually seeing it go where it is supposed to? All I'm saying is many of the people loosing their money train are the ones abusing it. Almost everyone I know has seen these people walk into a gas station and buy $20 worth of junk food and sodas when the kids aren't anywhere around.Camp012

    1. I understand your thought process on social security but do not agree with withholding social security from the wealthy. They have earned that over the years of them working. Maybe when they started out with their first job they were not finicially stable. That is money they have earned over the course of their life. So why should someone else who maybe didnt work as hard or much benefit from others success. compassof4012

    2. I don't have children, but I have seen the people you're talking about. I also had a mother who would spend regardless of the needs of her children. I get very frustrated with all of the people I see taking advantage of a system that was set in place for those who've hit hard times. I wish there was a better way to regulate funding and spending, and maybe one day we'll find one. Firedancer012

  2. It was a funny and entertaining video to watch and laugh at but also brought up good points and facts about what is going on around us. They talk about social security money but I was under the impression that there was nothing left or close too. That by the time i can claim it there will be nothing left even though I have put towards it since I was 15. So Im not sure how these elder people have this money coming in from there. Their retirement yes but they have also earned and put towards that all their career life and again rightfully deserve it. I also believe the older generation lived through tougher times and learned how to save money, hold it back. Believe they budget stricter then we do. I believe they have earned these bonuses in life especially the older generation their work ethic compared to now. I think the government sometimes distributes money or too much of it in wrong areas of people in need some being they can work and bring income or go back to school. Know he was making light of it and making it out that older people are getting ridicilious things above and beyond but I think good for them. These generations knew of hard times we cant even comprehend with them working and hard labor. Yes we still have handfuls out there that do the same but not comparable to their generation. Our generation now has the means or the schooling available to them. They can go back to school and get it paid for to go if low income with child care. Theres programs to help you get back on your feet not to live off of it and yes not all do but theres plenty that do. That behavior takes away from those in need. compassof4012

    1. I completely agree with you, I thought there was little to no social security left and that is rather alarming to me. What happens when I'm old and I cant work? Is the money I have paid in going to be available to me, or am I going to have to fend for myself. Its just scary that the government finds these expenses to be okay. Shouldn't there be a limit on what they are giving and logical reasoning for what they are giving it for. You are 70 years old why do you care how big or not big your penis is, shouldn't you have already have your fun in your prime years? Absolutely insane. Why aren't they investing the money to good causes, better books and education for children, more nutritious lunches at schools? I feel like anything would be a better cause than penis pumps, Viagra and STD treatment for these elderly in nursing homes. newmommy2be012

    2. It is ridiculous that a large majority of the population has been forfeiting their hard earned dollars over to the government so that the government can pay out all that money to others. What is even more wrong is that the ones who are paying all this money won't get the same luxury when we are of age. To me social security is the biggest shame anymore. Yet, what else are we suppose to do to take care of the aging. I enjoyed your comment. farmgirl012

  3. I agree with you that there are options available for the poor parents raising these families to get help instead of handouts. As far as Social Security goes, from what I've read it will not simply run out. They will have to stop using it for certain areas. There is alot of corruption in social security too and they may eventually have to go back to simply providing it to retirees and not everyone that has a disability. Right now they are handing it out to a lot of people who haven't and never will put money into the fund.Camp012

  4. These statistic numbers were surprising to me concerning the cost for senior to have sex. That is really what it amounts to. I had heard that seniors were having sex in nursing homes but didn't realize the government was paying out hundreds of millions of dollars for penis implants or whatever they are. It amazes me that they are passing around sexually transmitted diseases. I'm all for them doing what they want to do but damn that is a lot of money. That money could be feeding really poor people. I'm all for the seniors collecting what they have coming to them in social security but I hope some is left when it's time for me to collect and it hasn't all been spent on penis injections. nana012

  5. I thought the video was very funny but all kidding aside it's very surprising to see where the tax payers money is really going. $25,455 is a lot of money and some people say that the elderly have earned because they've worked for it their entire lives, which is true in a way. I personally think that it could be doing a lot more good than it is, I mean how many families and poverty stricken households could it feed? Or how many nursing homes could it improve, by hiring more qualified staff and supplies? I don't know if the spending will ever change, so long as the right people keep getting their cut, but I hope that when I'm old and need assistance of my own there will be enough money to take care of me on. Firedancer012

  6. I thought this video was absolutely hilarious, but crazy to think that the numbers stated here are true. I feel like the money the government is giving them for penis pumps, Viagra and STD treatment could be going on better things. Like feeding children for instance, or education for children and teens. However what I think is right and wrong won't change anything in all actuality. I understand that the elderly have been here longer, but why didn't you have your fun when you were younger instead of waiting until you are way older. And for the love of God why are teens smart enough to use a condom but these elderly people aren't? It's absolutely mind boggling to me. I find it odd how the government can hand money out to these elderly people on things that definitely aren't important, but if it wasn't for my grandpa working very hard his whole life and being smart with his money my grandma wouldn't be able to survive off of the social security check she gets each month. Its sad when you look at it in that perspective. I can only hope that when I am old and retired that social security that I have been paying into for almost ten years is still there for me when I need it. newmommy2be012

    1. I believe that this demographic group seems to not care what the outcome of their sex is. In all actuality, I think it is truly because they probably think that, because of their age, they are not vulnerable to these diseases. That they are almost immune to the circumstances because they are only having sex with someone in their age group and they cannot have "those" diseases. The government needs to spend money on cleaning up the disease and not encouraging the sexual activity. Kane012

  7. It seems that the seniors have gotten a better living (they do deserve that since a lot of them have been through a lot) even if it is helping them get stimulated. Ha. Let these old people do their thing! 70 is the new 69! Who wants to lose there motivation and sex drive? Nobody! These old folks got the feeling of never using a condom and went berserk. They old and wanting to feel the real deal and why would an STD stop them? They might live a little longer than they did years ago but what do they seriously have to lose and who are they really spreading these STD's too? Whats it matter how much money we spend for them to get their freak on? Let them boogey down and get nasty! We do spend a pretty penny on their habits but why is this any different than the government robbing us blind of money for something foolish? Thought this was a good video and the humor makes it easier to follow. P.O012

    1. I'm all for the elderly retaining their motivation and sex drive as long as it's done safely and cost effectively. An STD may not only stop but may even kill them if they aren't careful. Also, they may spread them to someone young. There are people who seek out elderly people to date for financial gain. Unfortunately, this video gave the impression that the sex was limited to nursing isn't. poeticLB

  8. What a great video. Bill Maher tells it like it is. It is interesting to know that the government is behind most of the funding, but why? Is it because the people that make the laws have parents or grandparents that are in the nursing homes? How is it decided? I understand that sex drive is sex drive, but why does the government feel the need to subsidize it? Retirement is totally different than a program that the government funds to allow the elderly to have sex that seems to have no consequences. I appreciate the fact that the government feels the need to intervene, but when does it stop? A fulfilled life has MANY different meanings to everyone. Kane012

  9. This video makes light on a very prominent problem/topic in our world today. But really what is so wrong about old people wanting a little love? After all, it is a human instinct! A elderly person having a high sex drive should not be more shocking than a young person's sex drive. Still, I don't believe that this is what tax payer money should being going to. Out of all the things I should be giving money to the government for, it should not be a old man's penis pump. Isn't that twisted? Especially, when you think of all the other things that money could be going to instead that would be considered better well spent.I also found it shocking when the video talked about the elderly and STDs. It just sounds like the oddest combination in the world. But sex is sex, no matter who's having it. farmgirl012

  10. The use of humor to voice concerns is a good way to make what he's saying a bit more palatable. I'm sure there were many people who were offended by the topic of penis pumps, sex in the nursing homes and sexually transmitted infections and changed the channel. Unfortunately, they then missed out on valuable information. Sexually transmitted infections are on the rise in the aged population. They are being provided with the tools to assist with their sexual performance but not educated on the dangers of contracting a communicable disease. You have elderly men and women who are not just having sex with people their own age. They are being pursued by or involved with younger people who may not be monogamous. They may even be the ones doing the pursuing. Do I care that the government is paying for penis pumps? Sure. I would want to know more about the individual needing/wanting one. Is it medically necessary? Is there a more cost effective option? Is he in a monogamous relationship? Will he use condoms to prevent the spread of STIs? Will Social Security also pay for grandma to have a more fulfilling sex life? What is being offered for elderly women who may be suffering from female sexual dysfunction? Will the laws include covering the medications for women or just the ones for the men? I realize that sexuality is a part of life. They're elderly not dead. So why not ensure that they're having safe sex. Set guidelines to limit their prescriptions since these aren't life sustaining medications. That way costs can be kept low and they still get their needs met. poeticLB

  11. This video was hilarious. And not just hilarious, very informative. Its crazy to know that the std rate among the elderly is that high. But honestly, I have no real opinion on the funding for penis pumps or anything for the elderly. They have lived long lives, why not let them "go out with a bang." They deserve it. If the government and our tax dollars can give free money to lazy people who don't want to work then we should be able to fund the elderly getting their freak on. KingOli1016


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