District 150 and School to Prison Pipeline......

District 150 and School to Prison Pipeline......


  1. It is pretty ridiculous the amount of unnecessary suspending that has been taking place and its even crazier that it is right in our backyard. I believe schools these days have really gotten out of hand with how they run their establishments. From the clothes kids wear to how they act really should not be as punishable as it seems to be these days. At my old high school they would send you home if you had holes in your jeans above your knees and give you detention if you refused to do something a teacher told you. As a kid if you think that you are in the right you might not go to that detention and if you don't go to that you get suspended. The last time I checked schools are supposed to be helping kids succeed and gain information to better out country for the future. So when you push kids out of school it kind of defeats the purpose of what their ultimate goal is. It is understandable for rather hardcore offenses like fighting, bringing weapons to school, and other pretty out there crimes. But for back talking, insubordination, and dress code? That should be handled in a better way that way our youth feel safe but don't feel unwanted and unimportant to society.


    1. I agree schools have gotten out of hand with suspending kids. It is a major problem in some areas and District 150 defiantly needs addressed. Cellphone use was one of the most shocking things kids got expelled for according to the article. Ive seen teachers on their cell phone before in high school and sometimes kids have an emergency situation they need to deal with. Either way kicking a kid out of school is defeating the purpose of school.

    2. I am a firm believer in school the fact children need to be in school everyday. Including the ones with mental illness and behavior problems. The issue I believe is authority our children cant submit to authority because the issue on the streets with police and community is leaking into the schools. The laws have taking our ability to discipline our own children away from us and now they are running over the teachers and police, The schools are kicking them out and the police are killing them. The predominantly black schools are the ones with the problem. Just like the children that have a issue the teachers do too. When working with children you have to have a passion for it. You can treat it like a job, because you are dealing with innocents lives that matter. You have a degree and 9 times out of 10 the teachers children aren't at that inner city school ,so they don't care. You are preparing them for life so you have to be careful. parents teachers have to come together.MotherOf4123

  2. "Twenty percent of Peoria School District 150 students were suspended from school at least once last year. The total number of out-of-school suspensions increased after steady declines since 2009." This number is absurd, do we not understand what many of these kids are going through? Many of the kids they are suspending are thrown right back onto the streets, and this makes them even worse. Schools need to understand what is going on in the child's mind before making an move to suspend the child. We need to use restorative justice on these kids, and help them DURING school. Do not just boot them out, and basically say goodbye to the child. Instead, have an in school program that helps rehabilitate these types of kids. This would be way more beneficial for the child and society as a whole.

  3. I totally agree, it is insane how we suspend kids for back talking and not dressing according to the dress code. This needs to be dealt with in a different matter, and suspension should not even be considered in these types of circumstances.

    1. ^^^This was supposed to be a reply to 36chambers123's post. My bad!

  4. These suspensions didn't surprise me the least, coming from Pekin High school I saw this happen to kids weekly. The zero tolerance "law" that schools have come up with to solve problems has backfired and does not work. All it does is put the kids on the streets while their parents are at work. They tend to do delinquent activities or do nothing at all. Both of those things can be very harmful for the individual. What schools need to do rather than suspend kids is have the three strikes policy. DON'T suspend a kid if its his first offense, again the labeling theory could come in play here. I think some schools are starting to see the affects of this policy as well as the graduation rates declining by kicking out kids.

    1. Also coming from Pekin it was crazy to see all the little things that students were getting in trouble for. Like the energy mints that were "drugs" or having a design in your hair, when other students had colors. I agree that there should be a three strike policy. I believe that would help figure out what students actually need punishments and what students don't.

  5. Is it really necessary to suspend 20% of the students at least once? It really doesn't surprise me, but it makes me wonder what they were doing. Were they really causing that much trouble or were they just o their phones? Coming from Pekin High, I saw students getting in trouble for the littlest think. Phones accidentally going off in class because they forgot to shut the ringer off, or being a few seconds late because they had to grab the book for that class. I believe that the zero tolerance law defiantly has its problems, and it doesn't work like they want it. Schools should not be suspending students for their first offences. Talk to them the first, send them to the office and get a detention the third, and if they do it again then that is when something should be done. Suspending a delinquent is just letting them have more time during the day to do delinquent activities.

    1. You have made some good points. For example the 20 percent of kids getting suspended at least once and the way you describe the phones or books suspensions. One thing I don’t agree with is that policy of suspensions and the way it could be done. I agree with the first part but we must see what they are guilty of and if it is not acceptable then they should give the person help not a suspension.

  6. The percent of kids that have got in trouble last year doesn’t surprise me. But it is also way to high because of the minor little deviant behaviors they are committing. I am glad to here that the rate of suspensions and exploitations has gone down from last year. When the article talked about the use of restorative justice I think is a great idea and should work in the long run. But the students will half to truly feel like you want to help and that won’t happen over night. The now law sb 100 is the thing that I think that will change the environment of the schools. I the reason for that is the policy’s that are in the law will not allow for minor or bulling the offender to happen. The way I mean of bulling is administrators to punish offenders harder that the actual offense makes sense. And when that happens in September of next year the school system will do what it is designed to accomplish teach kids.

  7. Sounds tome that the district is starting to see the problem in our schools. They are focusing on helping the students other than going straight to suspending the child. This SB 100 seems to me as a gateway for brighter ideas. All new plan have to be put in action, so you can get the reaction you are looking for rather its effective or not. There is a problem over the state of Ill when it come to the free education. The private schools don't seem to have the same problems as the public (taxes dollar ran) schools. Its more or so a issue between the teachers and th students, its like the children aren't respecting the teacher any more. Could it be that the law is taking away the ability for parents to discipline their own children so they feel they can get away with more things. I know there is abuse going on in the world but there is a line between abuse and discipline and we as parents need to get back in our kids lives stop letting tv and media rate our child and teach them right from wrong and not that you can talk to adults let alone someone that wants to teach you something you will need to make money to raise your own children in the future. Some of the problem is at home. Respect can get you far in life. MotherOf4123

  8. This is totally unacceptable for a school district to behave like. What ever happened to no child left behind? I would of imagined that this students would be given a second chance. The way these children behave is how they were grown up to act like, so I do believe that it is not their fault at all. It is the parents and the lack of control they have on them. So I honestly think that they would be granted with such permission to be understood and even helped where they might need it.

    1. I agree with you. Some of these kids grew up in bad homes and bad areas. It is what they know. It is important that the school can have some of a positive reinforcement on them. Cowboy123

    2. I totally agree with this because it definitely starts with the home life. It is how the child is raised. If the parent has no control, what makes you think that a child will sit through class without disruptions? CSI 123

  9. I went to school at Dunlap so I was not to familiar with the district 150 environment. I never saw the point in suspending students unless completely nessecary. Taking a kid out of school and giving them no credit for there work is not going to encourage them to do better. I always thought that in school suspension was the best option. It is where you still go to school but you are isolated from the rest of the kids. However, you still get your homework and tests. If anything it will help you get a break whether it be a fight with someone or confrontation with a teacher. It also helps the school keep an eye on you. Kids shouldn't have such a bad label that they are taken out of school. Cowboy123

  10. In the case of the District 150 schools we have to first look at the environment that the kids are raised in. Many do not have the same type of support systems that the average person has such as a loving family and a decent support system. What this does to a young adult and kid is to make them chose a lifestyle that leads to poor decisions because the people that influence them, and support them pray off of the lack of those things that they have. I also believe that the school systems can do a better job of limiting the amount of punishment they give for insubordination or just have the teachers use their discretion better so that they aren’t constantly punishing kids for minor offenses such as talking to loudly in the hallway or chewing gum. Those type of infractions don’t need to be punished harshly. To me the best thing to focus on to help reform the school district is to focus on giving the kids the support and care that they may not see outside of school. Allow them to mess up and learn to not make mistakes instead of pushing them out of school and out into the world where they will inevitably make bad choices because they don’t know any better way of surviving because they haven’t learned enough in school. While this does not pertain to every student it would help the majority and that is all you can hope for. CSI 123


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