DOJ and St. Louis....and the Community

DOJ and St. Louis....and the Community


  1. With the shooting that occurred in St. Louis County, that involved an officer and Micheal Brown it was a very tragic event that could have been avoided in a multitude of ways. For instance, in the article it was stated that the department "lacks the training, leadership, and culture necessary to truly engender community policing and to build and sustain trusting relationships with the community." In order to have effective policing along with effective crime control, the officer must be trained in certain situations as to where they might encounter culture diversity or experience different values and morals through out the community and know how to deal with it. If an officer lacks these skills how is he supposed to engage in effectively interacting with the citizens of the community and get a positive response that would make his job and the community a safer place. Sparks 456

    1. I agree with you. The police should have better relationships with their community. If that was the case then maybe none of this would of happened. Maybe Michael Brown would of gotten shot because then if the police officer had a better relationship with his community then he would have a better relationship with Micheal brown. I rest my case. bodybuilder456

    2. I agree with the Brown shooting could have been prevented if the officers were properly trained. The officers need to be better trained on how to handle stressful situations. Officers cannot police to their full ability if they are not properly trained. The police need to gain better relationships with the community if they want to have the best results. dragons456

    3. I agree with what you have presented. It appears the underlying problem is that the officers lack the ability to understand who they are protecting and serving in this community. Peele even said, the police are the community and the community are the police.
      Training and running scenarios should be required for each agency, because the world we live in has made some big changes that require police to be at their peak at all times.

    4. i agree, police officers and the community should have respect for each other and the police should know how to effectively solve a situation. If the police has good training and learns how to solve a problem properly then that would help the community.

  2. I agree with this article. I feel that they should just simply train their police officers better. I believe the story was that Micheal Brown was walking down the street when the officer pulled him over and I guess Micheal Brown grabbed the officers tazer so the police officer shot him dead right there. I don't know who to believe. Micheal Brown or the police officer. I just hope it doesn't happen again. Police Officers jobs are to serve and project not just shoot anyone they think that is a threat. bodybuilder456

    1. Yes, we do need to do a better job of deciding when to shoot and when not to shoot. Training in this situations would be helpful, and stricter protocols on when to shoot should be given as well.

    2. I argree with you because officers do need to know when to shoot. Being an police officer can be really dangerous but that's when the being trained should come in at. I do feel as Michael Brown did take his tazer but that shouldn't been the reason to kill him, I really don't know what side is true but to me they both was wrong at the end of the day. Police officers need to be trained better then they do. I mean it's a people job so what do you expect. Keya123

  3. No doubt. Culture is created and enforced by leadership. kY345

  4. The incident between officer Darren Wilson and Michael Brown brings a lot of doubt into the criminal justice system. People want change in the St. Louis police department, and their officers to change with it. According to the article, the "COPS report made 50 findings and 109 recommendations for changes in St. Louis County police policies and procedures." The St. Louis police department admits that their officers lack training in community engagement and need to learn to deal with diversity in the community. They also go on to say that their officers should take a leadership role in the development of fair and impartial policing practices countywide. I don't exactly agree with this article. I believe that the departments are trying to change, it just needs a little more time to take place. Police are in the works of putting their training into place. -Eclipse456

    1. I also agree that the incident with Michael Brown and Darren Wilson brings a lot of doubt but the criminal justice system has been improving for years and will continue to improve. Police are portrayed as leaders but some of them are being very good role models for the community. I believe that in time Ferguson, Missouri, will be a better place to live if the police actually apply these new practices.

  5. I agree that there needs to be some reform that takes place within their department. With that being said, the community cannot just expect an over night change. When your in as deep of a hole as the St. Louis County police department is, its going to take some time to rebuild trust and relations between the department and the citizens of the community as well as a lot of officers stepping up to the plate to take a leadership role to take action in this reform. They also need to know that it cannot be done single handedly sparks456

  6. A lot of great changes were made by the U.S justice Department. I agree that the officers of Ferguson, Missouri, do lack training. That doesn't mean they are bad cops, but I do believe it reflects on how they were trained. If the cop that shot Michael brown was trained to handle stressful situations a little better the loss of a life wouldn't have taken place. I'm curious if these changes will actually fix some of the huge problems in St. Louis.

    1. I believe these tactics and new ideas can fix huge problems all around the United States, not just in St. Louis. It is a new era of policing that needs more police and community companionship. Police are still being trained with old outdated tactics that do not work anymore.

      Earthquake 456

  7. The Michael Brown shooting opened the eyes of a lot of people. It made people realize how a tragic event can effect a city and also how a department needs changes. After the shooting, the DOJ did a assessment on the Ferguson Police Department and discovered that they needed a reform. They said the police department lacks the training, leadership, and culture necessary to truly engender community policing and to build and sustain trusting relationships with the community, which are major parts in effective policing strategies. The Brown shooting could of had a different outcome if the officers were properly trained. The officers need to be better trained on how to handle stressful situations and future events like the Brown shooting can be prevented. The citizens need to realize that the changes will take time to happen and that the won't just happen over night. dragons456

    1. I agree with you saying that the police department needs to implement some type of community policing platform and build better relationships with the citizens in the community. With better training and better leadership they could possibly avoid another shooting like Michael brown. If the ferguson police department does change its way of doing things then it could possibly avoid problems like shooting unarmed people and it could could also spread to other police departments around the country. This could make the criminal justice system a lot better and safer for everybody else.


  8. It is about time that people are finally realizing there is a problem with the way we police. I am sorry that it took the killing of Michael Brown for people to realize it. This shows how useful community policing will be in so many areas. The police might finally get the training they need to effectively communicate with people in the communities they are policing. I feel a lot of problems could be avoided if the police and the community had a way of communicating better, so both sides really knew how the other felt.

    Earthquake 456

    1. I agree with you. There definitely needed to be something done. It is really sad that it had to be after someone's death. They will hopefully get that training that they need. I think that there are many places in the United States that need better training as well as St. Louis.

  9. It's sad that people start to realize that the police officers of Ferguson Missouri do lack training and Communication after the shooting of Michael Brown. After the shooting people start to open up their eyes and start to know what was going on in their Community. I feel as the community police need to build a relationship with their members of the community. The only way to end un cause things is to work together as a whole. I feel that community policing need to gain better Communication and work as a team to get the job done. Keya123

    policing need to work at their Communication as a whole I mean they a team. Keya123

  10. I completely agree that St. Louis police did not have proper training. There is certain training that needs to happen in order to effectively have community policing, I do not think that that proper training has been happening. It is not only in St. Louis though but other places as well. It is tragic that they realize a change needs to be made after someone dies. I think there needs to be more check ups to see what is going on in the system. In order to have effective policing the community needs to trust that the officers will do their job not only well but correctly.

  11. I agree that officers of Ferguson Missouri lack training. The lack in training shows from how officer Darren Wilson reacted to the situation he was in. There were so many other ways he could have handled that situation and prevented the death of Michael Brown.

    1. Its sad that maybe if he was trained a different way Officer Darren Brown could have reacted to this situation a different way, and "maybe" this situation could be avoided. -dicaprio456

  12. This article just proves that the police department in st louis really needs to incorporate the community policing platform into their way of thinking. The department of justice proved that the police department was not training their officers on community relations. This needs to be changed now, so there is more trust between the civilians and the police department. The lack of training with community relations is what caused shootings such as the michael brown shooting to happen. Hopefully the police department changes its ways according to the ferguson report and start doing their jobs better.


  13. The biggest thing that stood out to me about this article was that the police realized they they lack the training and don't know how to interact with the communities in a good, sufficient way. I think it's a very good thing that the department is beginning to realize that their relationship with the communities is very weak, and that they are trying to fix it. But the problem isn't only the police, it's going to take some hard work from the communities to come together as well.

    - rose456

  14. If anyone wants to see improvements between the police department and the community, the departments need to put more emphasis on improving the relationship and community policing strategy. While training new officers, a major critical point that needs to be taught is how to interact with the community and treat everyone fairly. It is good that the police have realized the problem,now they need to figure out a way to fix it. -Broncos456

    1. A solution is clean cut and basically laid out for them, but the only problem is to get the police officers and community to cooperate. If officers and community are resistant to learning about how to treat each other with respect, then the area will unfortunately be at a stalemate since community policing is dependent on equal respect. Training officers is one part of the reform, but community members also play an important role in it.


  15. We need to change the way we train police officers, we need to put more time and effort into what they are already doing.When they train officers they need to incorperat how to interact with communties and more importantly the different types of communities and the different types of people that live within them. Not everyone comes from the same background, and has the same feelings towards the police like other people do, which also comes another big factor. As police we should treat every single person with the same respect as the next person. Its great that this is finally being brought to the surface and being realized as a real problem in the criminal justice system. -dicaprio456

    1. I do not think that academies need to necessary change the way they train future police officers. However, I think updated methods of training and teaching is very necessary. We live in a society that is always changing so we must do this in the criminal justice system to understand it better. Taggswag456

  16. It was absolutely necessary for the DOJ to do some type of investigation on the St Louis Police Department. It has been known for some time that their policing strategies have not been the best, but this is clear evidence that no attempt has even been made to make officers better at communicating with the community, which is essential to the reform. Community policing says that police and citizen involvement is necessary for implementation, so to begin the reform that is needed so desperately in this area, training in leadership and culture is needed.


  17. I read this article for preparation on the Ferguson and Community Policing term paper. This shouldn't have been an issue in the first place. There is no excuse as to why the Ferguson department was allowed to "protect" the city for so long when their forces were trained insufficiently to fit the people's needs. As the article says, "the department lacks the training, leadership, and culture necessary to truly engender community policing and to build and sustain trusting relationships with the community." A department should represent the community it is serving, in regards to race and gender. If the Ferguson police would have been better trained in community policing and represented the diversity of its community better I believe the riots could have been better contained.

    1. I dislike very much how they word this article. All they do is suggest that the police officers get more training in order to help out community relations in St. Louis not actually enforcing anything. They could take the advice but not even use it and that is a very scary thing. I think now more than ever is the time for the officers in the department to take notice of these things and make the changes they need in order to better themselves, better community relations, and to set an example for all other departments out there that being a good and well rounded police force that people aren't afraid of could potentiallylower the crime rate if you are acting correctly towards the people in the city.


  18. There might be a lot of ongoing issues with the Ferguson County Police Department, but shouldn't these issues have been taken care of a long time ago? COPS should be evaluating every Police Department and seeing what each Department could improve on. It shouldn't be that after a crisis happens, or something that goes wrong that they should look into it. Each Department should have more training in general. Not just physical and target practice, but more so training community wise. They need to be more familiar with the community and their interactions before going out and patrolling alone. There should be more precautions when stopping someone. Yes, the officer did the right thing, but it could have been handled differently. Community policing is a great way to stay in contact with the community and earn their respect. It is sad that the shooting of Michael Brown brought forth so many questions about the way that police go about their duties. I feel as if not only the Police Department should have more general knowledge of the area they are located, but the community should have more of an idea of what the P.D. is really trying to do in their neighborhood or environment. By achieving this, it will bring so much more understanding between the two and increase the effectiveness of community policing. KayaJ456

  19. I find these issues to be something that really doesn't get "fixed" as these agencies present it to the public. KayaJ456 mentioned in her post "Shouldn't these issues have been taken care of a long time ago?" I think the underlying problem should have been, but the problem is glazed over since the department has been doing the job their way without repercussions. As a result we see the community reach out in ways that outsiders do not understand. The way these issues go are always violent in manner either physical or verbal. These forms have been flooding the Internet through photos and videos.
    Police agencies need to start working on being an aid to the community and not "O (insert your adjective here" it's the police." Talking to a cop intimidates people and it shouldn't be that way at all. These are public servants and as of lately communities across the nation's have changed the values of police as a collective.
    Agencies need to see what the community is handling their actions and communicate ensuring they are doing what they have sworn to do. Every officer has sworn to uphold the constitution and need to know what their purpose is in the community.

  20. If it is true that the police officers in the St. Louis County Police Department (SLPD) "lacks the training, leadership, and culture necessary to truly engender community policing and to build and sustain trusting relationships with the community." Then Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) need to communicate with the offices in understanding on how to make a change for the greater good. Also, if typical officer training isn’t up to standard then this another drastic change that must be completed. It is very absurd to think that the residing officers in such a rough area like St. Louis are not up to code. Overall, the department needs to makes the improvements that’s COPS told them to do but at the same time COPS needs to make sure that departments across the country are fulling them. In criminal justice everything in it is constantly updating for a better society. Taggswag456

  21. After reading this article, it is hard to realize that if some of the officers had proper training then situations such as, the Michael Brown shooting, the outcomes could of been different. If police had the proper training that we think they should have, situations would not be handled as violently. Police should have different training courses before they go out on the streets, therefore if the enter into a situation that can be handled in many different ways then the officers will chose the best way to keep everyone safe. Unlike the Michael Brown case.


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