DOJ, St. Louis County, and Community Relations

DOJ, St. Louis County, and Community Relations


  1. If COPS want to complain about cultural diversity in law enforcement, then maybe they should examine why different minorities aren't applying for police officer jobs! I agree that their is still biased towards Caucasian cops, but we need to look at the application records first. "COPS said the St. Louis County police "should take a leadership role in the development of fair and impartial policing practices countywide. This could be accomplished in many ways including education, training, advising, and taking a public stand against agencies that have a perceived or proven unethical culture of abusing the community." We do need to spend more time educating police officers on the correct protocols for situations such as the Michael Brown fatality. Instead of acting irrationally, officers should go through all options unless they being threatened for their life. We need to take policing as an honor, and not as a means to an end, or a paycheck at the end of the week! If we install a true passion to serve the people in all of our officers, I believe we would have a much safer society.

    1. Agreed. The only way this predicament can be solved is if we take an action now. This isn't a scenario where the problem will work itself out. The officers either need to diversify, or learn how to individually handle their communities. This can be accomplished with officer protocol training, and further education on deescalating dangerous or problematic situations.

    2. I like how you noted that being a police officer should be held as an honorable title. Not saying as a title of I'm the power but I'm an officer in the community who is promoting peace.
      I also think the protocol idea is good, though you can't train for everything, but atleast that is one less opportunity for one cop to make a mistake and be penalized by the nation

    3. Honestly! I mean i completely understand following protocol, but there is a bond that needs to be made between police and communities. If police integrated more moral and ethical skill sets and values into their jobs, situations like Michael Brown would be eliminated.

    4. ^^^90sMusic123 & 90sMusic789

    5. Police officers and average citizens need to get along. Yes there will always be those who hate cops and because of social media the hate for cops is on the rise. Yes some cops are bad cops but that's such a small percentage. No one wants to look at the big picture and until then things will no change.

  2. There is so much COPS said that can be useful if funded immediately! I think the whole system in st.louis should go through a major overhaul in which we can install a true passion for serving and protecting citizens! As well as have a more vigorous system om hiring police officers and making it much more diverse. Too many occurrences where police officers are mad with power and take advantage of it. As well as they take matters into their own hands. Policing is at a tough spot right now due to too many bad occurences with police officers breaking code and going back on citizens. If this keeps going, citizens will no longer respect authority and it will cause mayhem in ways of growth of rebellions. Putting on a badge should be a privilege. But st.louis has been an example of corruption and lies. A major overhaul of the department and officers should be done!


  3. This movement is a little bit too late i think. The damage is done and now they have a thin line between the hate and love for the police. Although they are trying to make things right and better. Families are hurt from this matter and no all police aren't bad cops but that cop is still out on the street he has not paid for what he has done. Did this have to happen for the state of Missouri to know that there was not enough practice and training in the field of policing. Instead of worrying about race and gender for the recruitment of police officers focus on their ability to perform their job to the best of their ability.

    1. I do agree with you on this movement being a bit late, however there is always the option of restart and rebuild and that's just what they are planning on doing. I feel as if once the community sees that they are making a conscious effort they may take the police officers engaging with the community into consideration, granted it is gonna have to take a lot of rebuilding due to all of the bridges that have been burned. Sparks456

  4. I am very happy that they finally did something towards bettering the law enforcement in that area. It seems like from the article that this has been a problem for awhile so its a good thing that it has finally been seen as a problem and that they are working to better themselves. The only problem I see with this is that just because COPS is saying that these are all the problems that exist it doesn't really show that they HAVE to abide by what is being said. Sure it says that all these areas need improvement but that doesn't really mean they are going to. It really is just a long shot but hopefully they step up and make an example of themselves in a very postivie manner but we will see.


    1. True they can have all these grand ideas on how to change the police force for the better, but if they do not follow through then it will be for nothing. The police need to go through with what they are stating but the community will also have to go along with it. These plans are good but will not be effective if the people in the community do not cooperate with the new goals and ideals of the police.

      Earthquake 456

  5. These events and setbacks that have taken place have finally brought realization to the St. Louis county police department that they just weren't quite doing something right. It is a good thing they are trying everything they can as well as updating their tactics and information. With better training, strategies, tactics, and updated info they are almost guaranteed to see a bigger impact and a less uptight community relating towards the way their policing is carried out. As said in the article, if St. Louis police department follows these recommendations then "it could become a national model for police community relations". I feel as if a lot of people could agree with this seeing that there is a lack of training and leadership developed throughout the force. Spark456

    1. Hopefully the police do follow these recommendations it would certainly set almost a new standard for policing everywhere and could potentially show the police in not such a freighting light like they are currently. It should be that if a person sees a police officer that they shouldn't be scared but made felt safe to be around them. In society today people see the police as out to get them and that is not how the criminal justice system should be ran! Hopefully this department can get it together so this can end!


  6. If police officers in the St. Louis and Ferguson County area are not properly training then why did it take this long for COPS to do something about it? I don’t understand how they wouldn’t be though. I mean don’t all police officers across the United States generally receive the same training? However, if this is true each police officer in that area that “lacks” some of the flaws listed it should be COPS that helps them correct this situation. Also, the ones in charge of the St. Louis County Police Department should be taking some heat. How can a recently new hired on cop understand that he is doing wrong if his superiors do not say anything to him? He can’t. This lacks communication and leadership from those who are above him in ranks. This circumstance needs to be amended and soon before anything worse could possibly happen in Ferguson County Missouri. Taggswag456

    1. I agree with you. Why not just take someone that is willing to work for the force. I think what happened was that the cops around there were just getting to lazy "on the job" and just doing whatever they wanted to. Which is not fair to the other states that are doing there part. bodybuilder456

    2. I think it is stupid that they are finally doing something after a report. This police department is in a frantic to get everything back on track, to show the community that they are still ahead of the game. Before, people thought they had the proper training but now they see why cops are doing this. That officers weren't trained to deal with certain situation so the officer panics and does something stupid. Just like the Ferguson incident. Phenom789

  7. I can relate to article because I am going to be a police officer one day. When I found out that it will be really hard for me to get on law enforcement kind of made me upset. I don't understand why they have to do minority just not to seem racist. There could be some really good people that really want to be and get on the police department but they can't because they already have someone of that race already on. bodybuilder456

    1. That was my main concern police agency having to try and hire minorities. I don't think that's fair to the guy that cant join but has all the qualifications and some because of his skin color. That is crap to me and is kind of singling out witch we try to avoid.

  8. So it takes the killing of a civilian by a police to find out that the department is lacking training , leadership, and culture necessary to truly engender community policing and to build and sustain trusting relationship with the community. In my CJ class that a lot of departments have to much training or don't have enough training. That COPS reported 50 findings and 109 recommendation for changes in St. Louis County police policies and procedures. I find this great that they are trying to change their ways of policing to get a better relationship with the community. This whole Ferguson thing was wrong in every way. With Michael Brown assaulting the officer, to the officer getting out and killing Michael, to the rioting and stealing by the people. I could see the peaceful protest but when people are taking advantage and start rioting and stealing then it isn't ok. The police officer should of never got out of his vehicle and shoot at him. I know that the report says that Michael assault the officer and try to reach for his gun, but if you were the officer and you see him run away and the fight is over, doesn't give you the right to shot him. I think when he got his ass beaten by Michael Brown. It hurt his pride or manhood and shot Michael Brown. That's why police officers are trying to approach this in a different way so officers don't get there ass handed to them and the officer with his pride hurt shoot a fleeing person that was unarmed. If the community can trust you then the officers can trust the community and do their jobs better. Phenom789

  9. The U.S. Justice Department's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) had a very correct statement in this article. Unfortunately, it is a little too late for them to now realize their police are lacking training, leadership, and culture experience necessary to carry out "community policing" in order to build and sustain a healthy relationship with society. Police already took the life of Michael Brown, and now they are just getting the motivation to actually do something about it. St.Louis County police should not be the only ones taking action to improve themselves, but every law enforcement agency around the Nation should as well. If St. Louis police department is going to train their police officers in order to deal with another situation like this, then all police departments should do the same. -Eclipse456

  10. I find it great that there is being action taken on the police department. Although the activities taken part last year were brutal, I believe that the course that the officers had taken upon action were very much lacking responsibility. Even though I do not find the officer who shot Brown to be guilty, I believe that the police department could have done more to be effective. The officer should have not shot him because he ran away, but instead should have shot him because he felt threatened. Yes, there was background on Michael, but it also could have been handled better.There should be more training when it comes to community policing and getting involved. The police force should be more diverse in race, and trained to handle situations in a more fashionable manor. I also find it unacceptable to just now be taking action on what happened last year. There should have been more of an investigation on what was going wrong during the events. I'm looking forward to seeing the progress of the police department as their training partakes. Hopefullyit will not just be distributed to Ferguson County, but to all of the police departments. KayaJ456

  11. It is a shame that is has taken this long for people to realize that changes need to be made in the police force. Police need to be taught how to deal with people in a civilized way. To many officers just do not have the people skills to accurately communicate with the people in certain situations. The people also need to realize what officers are going through day after day and cut them some slack if they seem out of place or aggressive. I agree there should be more diversity among police officers, I do not believe it should be singled out though. Police officers should not be hired simply because of their race or gender on any side. They should be hired off of their skill and credentials.

    Earthquake 456

    1. Yes I agree none of those cops should have the right to be cops they shouldn't have nothing to do with police and criminal justice cause no type of justice was served in that case. They need to go back to school because when was it ok to kill shoot up somebody for doing sum little. Something has to change about every police department whether your good or bad they all need to be civilized and take care of situations in a civilized way. That's understandable to society til this day nothing makes sense. LifeImagine789

  12. This makes me mad ready over and over again about cops and diversity, they should be the last not even the ones to mention diversity. Any time you let a cop go after killing someone so visiously when she didnt do anything that malicious is beyond me. You don't let anyone go when stuff like that happens. Knowing that city is know for racism they should have looked more it that case. The cops did not care about not one black person there and neither one of those cops are heroic of anything they do. they heloped get that cops off but in the end he will get what he deserve Wethersfield he's hired off I don't care what happens to him he has no right anymore he's pathetic. Nothing about that polive department has skills and credentials.LifeImagine789

  13. WOW i really feel for the community of Ferguson. Its sad that a man had to lose his life for them to realize that the police arent trained in interaction which is part of policing. The thing that COPs need to find out is what was going on before the Mike Brown shooting that lead up to that moment. NO other crimes will be solved because of the relationship between the police and the community. Whatever the issue was it is a much bigger issue than the relationship between the police and the community they need to start from the root of the issue. For the hiring process and recruitment of a officers should be based on the education and experience physical ability to perform the daily duties .

  14. In this article talks about the corps of St. Louis county and how the improvements they can make to get up to date with modern police. The thing that started this was the Michael Brown shooting. That was in Ferguson Missouri. The review that was done by the cops found 50 things that need to be changed and 109 recommendations. The county wants to have all of them changed by the next year and half. One of the of other things that was interesting was the list of major findings which showed in more detail the pit falls of the county and Ferguson it self to. As we talk about corps we must state that there director gave the county props when they started to review them selves. He also showed it takes a certain type of courage to review your self.

  15. I am glad to know that there was further investigation done on the background of the police department liable for Officer Wilson. This investigation was necessary to help provide information about the teachings of this department, and ultimately led to the discovery of its weaknesses. According to the article, the department "lacks the training, leadership, and culture necessary to truly engender community policing and to build and sustain trusting relationships with the community." This is a great surprise and reveals to the system that this department has had a buildup of problems for some time. The recommendations made by COPs should definitely be taken into action by the department as soon as possible to prevent any future mistakes from being made.


  16. I don’t understand how a federal assessment of the St. Louis County Police Department could just now be focusing on the lack of training, leadership, and culture necessary to truly engender community policing and to build and sustain trusting relationships with the community. It has been over a year that Ferguson has happened and they didn’t know then that they were lacking in a lot of areas. I mean yes it is great that something is getting done now but what about all the time wasted? COPS said that the department should “develop a strategic plan for officer recruitment, focused on race and gender diversity, to include attention to recruiting, promotion, and retention of minorities and women.” Honestly, that is a good plan, but I’m sure that there are plenty other departments that need just as much help. CSI 123 &789

  17. Honestly, I think its sad that its come down to all this, blood shed, violence, hate and anger to finally realize that things needed to change! The department should "provide training based on best practices for crowd management skills: including the psychology of the crowd". I believe we should really focus on the psychology of the crowd more, the brain is a never ending, and everyones minds react differently, if we studied the brain more, and learned the possible outcomes of each and every situation we could learn how to desolate situations more, if we we had more training. It could also reduce the risk of possible gun violence between citizens and the police. If some policemen and women do not know how to react to a certain situation and the only think with their gun it could possibly turn out deadly but not if we had more extensive training. ALL of these recommendations should be taken into serious consideration not only st. louis county but all departments should be investigated I'm sure all departments could use more training. -dicaprio456

  18. I don’t think you can actually properly train someone to deal with what was going on in ferguson at the time. I do agree that they could have more training but its not like anyone was expecting to get as bad as it did. I dont agree that the police should use social media because you can’t believe everything you read on social media, and I think that might cause more of a problem because more people can input their comments about the issue. I think the ferguson police did the best they could without using any violence towards the community, from seeing on tv what people were doing I think it wold take more than just the police to control those people. But it shouldn't take a riot like the forges riot to fix a police force if they do have some flaws, everyone should have the same training. -Barcelona789

  19. I do think that officers need to be better trained for certain situations. People fail to realize though that officers are also human. They can not be perfect all of the time. I am not saying that it is okay to kill someone because it is not. However, every system has their flaws. People make mistakes. We are all human. That does mean though that St. Louis needs to learn from the tragic mistake that did happen. That is what seems to be happening. People including officers make mistakes and then they learn from them. Again I am not saying that killing someone is okay. there is never an excuse to take someone's life.

    1. I argree with you because people do fail to realize that police officers are also human. They make mistakes just like we do. But I do feel that people do to much. Police officers are great at times. But people make the officers act the way they do. People should be counted for their actions. Keya 123

  20. The U.S. Justice Department's Office of Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) made a good point in the article. But I think they are a little behind on their finding about lack of training. It took someone getting killed by police for them to do an assessment. They should do the assessments regularly so they can make sure all departments are up to date on training. Officers will sometimes be in situations where they won't use the training due to them reacting to save their lives but other than situation like that officer use their training they receive very often. With officers lacking training that means officer are not working with the full ability they could if they had proper training. Departments across the country should do assessments on their officer to make sure that all officer are properly trained. Police officer all receive similar training so if one department is lacking training that means many other departments are probably lacking training too. dragons456

  21. I think the revisions and protocol approaches will allow for insight on how to deescalete a situation. There have been many chances for a deescaltstion but those steps don't get pushed enough. More community policing needs to be done. Sir Robert Peele noted that the police should reflect the community and as a result be part of the community.
    To many times cops may do the job for the paycheck or be in a situation where they abuse their power because they are "the law."
    Training and a reevaluation regularly will be beneficial.

    1. I think that it would be very necessary for police to have reevaluation regularly. It would help the police keep the well being of the community in mind. I agree completely when they say that the police should be more involved in the community. That would benefit us everywhere. Cowboy123

  22. The u.s justice department office of community service made a great point. But more community policing needs to be done. Sir Robert peele said that the police should reflect the community and as a result be part of the community. But again I believe police officers shouldnt get trained for certain things. Keya 123

  23. It's about something was done about the lack of empathy among the criminal justice system. Honestly how many police-caused fatalities did we need before it was understood that there needs to be special training for how to deal with community affairs. If we could gather up enough funds to start programs like this in every department, MANY lives would be saved and there would be a clear understanding between communities and their law enforcement.
    90sMusic123 & 90sMusic789

  24. It comes down to police training and corrupt officers in St.Louis. The whole department in St.Louis should go through a major turn and investigated by other agencies. Police officers need to love what they do and treat others with respect. Training needs to be addressed. A police officer is only as good as his training. As well as have a more vigorous system om hiring police officers and making it much more diverse. Polygraphs need to be reviewed and more intense interviews need to be conducted. If not citizens will no longer respect authority and it will cause major problems. Corruption in St.Louis needs to addressed so less people will hate the police.

  25. St. Louis County Police are not the only ones who need to review their community policing tactics. Every police department needs to make certain that they are doing the best they can do when it comes to effective policing. When a new cop gets hired onto a department, he looks to the superiors of that department for guidance. If he is being trained the wrong ways, then he has no clue that he is even not doing his job correctly. Being a police officer should be an honor and today "bad" cops are ruining the reputation so many good cops have built for themselves and new officers as well. Broncos456

  26. I think all officers should get the same training so they can all be on the same understanding of safety and procedures. I think that getting a job as an officer should not have anything to do with race and I am not even caucasian. I think that the best person gets the best job. In a field like this it is important that we have professionals that can save lives and do justice for the community. I also think that there wasn't much anyone could have done to prevent the riots in ferguson. People should be held responsible for there own actions. Maybe the police officer might have been in the wrong and maybe not but that doesn't give anyone the right do destroy a community. Cowboy123

  27. In the article it says that St. Louis County "does not have policies that ensure that they always exhaust other deescalation options before using tactical responses to disorder and protests." We saw this in the Ferguson events. When the riots began the department went straight to using tactical responses in effort to the situation. When researching for the term paper that I wrote for our class I found that the St.Louis department immediately called in the National Guard to handle the situation, who in turn came prepared with tear gas, rubber bullets, police dogs, and a LRAD sound cannon. St.Louis county department really needs to make effort to build better community relations. Community policing could improve the county and help mend the past.

  28. For COPS to want to implement a nation wide training program that teaches cops how to deal with racial problems pretty much is worth a shot I would say but you cant really train an individual who is set in his ways with how they profile and pick out an individual. But I do not like the fact that they want to try to pretty much promote trying to recruit black or different racial cops. To me that's singling out witch we try not to do so much with other races.

    1. I'd have to disagree with you. There's no training ever that will be able to give you the proper tools to teach you how to handle a person on the street. Once you encounter someone, it's a whole different ball game than training. But how do you not like the fact that PDs are promoting the recruitment of minorities? Are you against minorities working for police departments? If i was a police chief and one way I think we can get the communities on our side is hiring more minorities, than i'm going to promote it more for minorities to apply. Would I make it an unfair advantage? No. You can't do that because of EEO, but if I had to chose to hire a white officer or a minority officer, I would choose the minority officer, having in mind restoring the community. ThinBlue94789

  29. I agree with what COPS said, St. Louis needs to diversify their police force. There is one thing we need to question though, is there many minorities and women applying, and do they fit the bill or meet standards. I was surprised on this though, fifty findings of inadequate policing tactics and one hundred and nine recommendations of how to fix it. I was not expecting that at all. St. Louis. in the grand scheme of things needs to come up with as the text said find new ways of dealing with things that happen and rebuild the relationship with the community again. It is good though because they have pretty much been given a study guide of what they need to do to fix what is broken and hopefully they can go even further than that. The people also need to be able to forgive everything so that everything can move along and prosper.

  30. I agree with what COPS said, St. Louis needs to diversify their police force. There is one thing we need to question though, is there many minorities and women applying, and do they fit the bill or meet standards. I was surprised on this though, fifty findings of inadequate policing tactics and one hundred and nine recommendations of how to fix it. I was not expecting that at all. St. Louis. in the grand scheme of things needs to come up with as the text said find new ways of dealing with things that happen and rebuild the relationship with the community again. It is good though because they have pretty much been given a study guide of what they need to do to fix what is broken and hopefully they can go even further than that. The people also need to be able to forgive everything so that everything can move along and prosper. Ludwig 123

  31. That is their fault, maybe when times changed some odd years ago they should have thought about giving these police officers the proper training to deal with situations like this one. The article was mentioning that there whole entire way they go about traffic stops are outdated, someone there had to of known and probably could of fixed it prior to the incident. If they feel and think that way they should change it and provide these clueless officers with the proper training. Everyone learns from their mistakes, this was clearly the mistake that made them learn.

  32. It blows my mind to think that they just now decide that they need to make changes relating to the officers and community. Are they saying that they did not notice any of this was wrong but the minute Brown was shot they then realized that they needed change. It’s like all the stuff they say about someone committing suicide that everyone should have seen it coming before hand, well how did somebody not realize that racial difference in this community was so bad that somebody was bound to get killed and that they needed change way before something like that was to happen. -Acerunner789

  33. I think that the st. louis county police should just start fresh with a new system in mind and new people. COPS had several great points about what they were doing wrong. They should have been training their officers in community engagement, diversity and community policing. A lot of police departments are training their officers the way it has been for a while and st louis is no exception. The training should be changed to be more modern and with the times more.


  34. When I read this article I see it as another organization complaining about the racial diversity going on every day in their communities. Now I’m not saying that racism doesn’t exist, but when push comes to shove, we have weigh out the probabilities of what’ going on in today’s communities, and who’s actually the most likely of gender to commit a crime. I also believe the article is getting at that if St. Louis County PD would’ve been community policing, then Michael Brown wouldn’t have been shot and killed. I believe when people complain about PDs’ policies and procedures, as no idea of why they were implemented in the first place. I do believe that African- Americans are more underrepresented than whites in police departments. But however, only way to fix that is to have more African- Americans apply for police jobs. But I believe a lot of them gets discouraged from applying. ThinBlue94789


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