Fresh Start and Females in Wayne County Jail


  1. Watching this video didn't really bother me as much as it did in the beginning of the year. The only thing that gets me is that women escaping from the Fresh Start program. That cops are willing to arrest drugged hookers to give them a chance to wipe away you criminal records, if you past the program. Shoot I will take that program in a heart beat. It is hard to do a lot of things in society with a criminal record, like getting a job. That is a big problem for criminals who are trying to start a new life. I was also paying attention to the group therapy where their are all wearing grey prison suits except one, Salina is wearing an orange prison suit. I thought at first it was to identify the more violent prisoners but later on in the video the women were complaining, in the Fresh Start program, that they didn't have toilet paper. The Wayne county jail is so crowded that they are running out of the everyday items before more come in. The Police and the courts are trying so hard to get less and less people in jail. It is hard to trust drug addicts to not go out in the world and do another or the same crime. That is why programs are put in place so they wont come back to see the courts again or even be comvicted to jail or prison. Phenom789

  2. Fresh Start is a program that aids in helping drug addicted prostitutes get clean or get help with their lives, so they don’t end up dead possibly. A lot of the females have had troubled pasts and abuse. The one girl explains how this is her last chance because she had been shot three times, stabbed, overdosed, and knowing that if she was on the streets she would be dead. I don’t know how I feel about this program knowing that many females run from it. Is it allowing enough rehabilitation that they need to better themselves? It allows them to confront problems, feelings, and pains in order for them to come to grips with their past, present, and possible future. CSI 789

  3. i think this video was really related to the topics of female incarceration like we have discussed in class. A lot of these women who are in jail often have troubled past often with mental
    Health issues caused by them. Detroit is high on unemployment and amongst the cities of the highest homicide rate. This leads these women to live in the streets to become prostitutes, Rob, sell drugs or commit violent crimes. With the unemployment rate being so high most of these women tend to recidivate back to prison because the streets are all they know. I like the idea of the idea of the women wellness program I feel like it's a discretionary release program because it gives the women chances to confront their problems for recidivation and by going it gives them something to look forward to like getting out of there early in hopes of staying out and they will be offered treatment outside of prison. I feel like the fresh start program is like a conditional diversion because they have to complete the program in order to get their record wiped and it keeps them off the streets. One thing in this video that I didn't like I'd the fact that these prisons are overcapacity but only have one security guard per pod per 64 inmates with violent backgrounds with no weapons not even pepper spray like a camera or a phone won't be able to save my life if all of them decided to attack me. I think that's something that can be changed but overall the video was informative. Jiggers789

    1. I agree with everything that is stated here, these females are having something to look forward too so that they can try and start making their lives better for themselves. And you were also right about how it is not fair to have a guard in a pod with 64 inmates with nothing to protect them selves and also not having anyone else there to help as well. Green789

  4. I think this video was very informal on how we see different places on how they handle their way of corrections and the justice system. The fresh start program is an awesome way to get females rehabilitated and a fresh start. However, I don’t believe it’s a strong idea as one of the rewards to the program is to erase all charges. This means they’re dropping felonies, we’re talking offenses punishable for more than a year. Say the female has a major offense on her record, and she goes through the program, does that mean she’s not an offender anymore? What are the chances to say that she does the program just to wipe it off her record, and uses it as a second chance to re-offense? I feel as if felonies should be dropped to misdemeanors to open and improve job chances. I don’t think we should just up and forget that she is an offender. But I do like the fact that they are giving these females second chances before it is too late, which is death. ThinBlue94789

  5. This program that is going on in this video is a very bright idea! We should be focusing everything on this and try to make this happen all over the world. Yes there are going to be the people that want in this program just for the simple fact that they are going to be running "free". I hope that we are able to help these felons as they are trying to better themselves and what better way would be than completing the program and then having your back ground taken away just for finishing everything that they have asked for them to do. I also think that this program will help reduce the readmitting rate/ Green 789

  6. Watching the video it was sad to see that one if the ladies past away. so many people have tryed hard to help these women surrender give up their bad way of living and turn it around to something more positive. watching the videos and seeing the interaction between inmate and counselor only proves that their are second chances and that their are people who are willing to help. A lot of those people went through the same thing and made a come back sEwing them go down that horrible path strucken them with fear and was left with nothing but hope of changing them. A lot of them gave up their lifestyle and others carried it on but you can't help those you don't want to be helped them their selves has to step up and be heard. LifeImagine789


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