Harlem Re-entry Court and Recidivism

Harlem Re-entry Court and Recidivism


  1. It is fair to say that the Harlem Reentry Court is the reason for lack of recidivism per their data of how many wee retried for another felony or not. But if you look at the bigger picture and pay attention to the ones that enrolled n the program they are 30 years old. By that time in your life you are at the point of aging out of crime anyway. If your going in and out of jail t 30 years old you more than likely are suffering from some mental illness or drug addiction. Most man African American and Hispanic like in the program are going to jail starting at 16 17 juvenile age and no later than 25 26 maybe. Bout time you are 30 you probably are doing a long sentence. So basically you wont be committing new acts at that age.MotherOf4123

  2. Hiring ex-offenders to jobs related in the court system is a much needed task to complete. This method can help give the views on how other criminals’ works. Also, it will help the convict relate to another person like them better. For example, if I had my choice in choosing to talk to a younger male police officer rather than a mid-forties female I think it is safe to say I would much rather talk to the other guy. This is not prejudices, sexes, or raciest to think. It is just a way on how humans can relate to one another. So for a criminal talking to a former criminal on getting better I agree that this will help their future. Also statistics show that “Reentry court participants were 22 percent less likely to be re convicted within 18 months of release, and 60 percent less likely to be re convicted for a felony.” Taggswag456

    1. I agree with everything that you stated and it will help them to be able to talk to someone that has went through the same issues as themselves. It is not easy talking to someone that does not understand what is going on in your life. That statistic is a nice thing to see and hopefully sometime we can get more places to try this program. Green789

    2. I agree with everything that you stated and it will help them to be able to talk to someone that has went through the same issues as themselves. It is not easy talking to someone that does not understand what is going on in your life. That statistic is a nice thing to see and hopefully sometime we can get more places to try this program. Green789

    3. It really is crazy to think that these inmates are expected to become responsible citizens when they have everything, in terms of jobs, money (in some cases) and living conditions, going against them. I really do hope to see this program become more widely available. -Pack789

  3. I really like what they did for these inmates. They took them from prison and decided to help place them in a program that is going to help them succeed. This is something that the whole word needs to look at because if we would just help these felons find a place to stay, a job that they can have an income with, and just the support. If we could give them all this support we would not be having people be readmitted into the system and having their lives taken away because they could not find a job. This program helped reduce the recidivism rate. Green789

  4. This highlights the importance of giving people on parole structure and something productive to do. Not only does it show how a person after committing a criminal act, even at the age of thirty where you should know right from wrong, can transform if they are given a scenery change but it also shows that they are more likely to stay on a better path than the one they were previously on. Clearly it helped the parolees that were put into the Reentry court because it allowed them more time to distance themselves more from the bad influences in their lives and start to make better decisions that ultimately kept them from adding to the recidivism rates. Clearly there is always going to some level of recidivism when it comes to criminals and their actions, but it is a positive sign that some of them are able to change and willing to change when given positive structure in their lives. CSI 789

  5. It is breakthroughs like this, in regards to the corrections system, that makes the system work better and better everyday. I like the idea that these inmates are being introduced into society again in a responsible manner rather than just "dumping" them back on the streets. According to the data, inmates who take part in the reentry program are more likely to be employed, enrolled and a successful functioning citizen in society. They also found that reentry inmates were less likely to return to prison as opposed to their traditional parole counterparts. I think ideas like these need to be made more widely available and hopefully it will begin to put a dent in this broken system. -Pack789

    1. I agree more programs like this need to be supported more throughout the country but they still need to work on improving the numbers even more than what they are showing here. The programs does show a decrease in rearrest but the research only looks at them for a year and a half after the are out of prison and the number is only 22% lower meaning with the number they used that's like 40 or so people if I am right with math so it would be nice to see a bit larger difference in numbers. -Acerunner789

  6. With the numbers that this article is showing I myself am not too impressed with what this special reentry court is doing. It is a good thing that it is showing little improvement because with how crime is today any improvement is good but these numbers need to be much higher to have the impact that we need. It says that reconviction rate for the reentry court is down 22% within the first year and a half which is not that long of time within more time the rate could be so much lower than 22%. Also looking at the study compared to the regular parolees the reentry parolees have a much increased help once outside to seek out jobs, treatment, and receive “rewards” for reaching milestones. So even with all of this help the numbers are only cut by about one fifth looking at only the first year and a half out of prison. This just shows that the reentry courts are on the right track but still need to find more improvements for the program to keep more people from going back to prison. -Acerunner789

    1. Yes I agree that the little improvement can go a long way into changing others approving others abilities to turn their life around for the better. this shows that we do have a good part in our cjs it serves as a good purpose to stop ex convicts from going back to prison LifeImagine789

  7. I like the fact that we have programs and stuff for ex convicts and parolees coming out of jail. These jails gives them a nice come back into the society including going to school, rejoining with their family and getting employed, even tho the stastictis are still low we all know that it's coming together and everything is becoming more positive with the lives of the ex convicts, coming out of jail serving a long time gave them an opportunity to regroup and think about themselves knowing what they will and can change to make a difference. LifeImagine789


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