I feel as if though the CIT training should be a mandatory thing to acquired and learn during basic police academy training. This program could help de-escalate situations and make the officers more aware of when they are dealing with a mentally ill subject. It would better educate them on how to talk to a mentally ill person as well as keep the subject from being victimized. As said in the article, most mentally ill people do not have the intentions of creating a harmful situation, but if an officer or surrounding people do not know how to go about calming the person down then that is where things can get ugly and turn into a tragic situation. If a person is having a psychotic episode the person may feel as if though there is voices commanding him/her to do certain things, this can make it harder for a police officer or person with out proper training to safely defuse the situation. They also said in the article that any time an officer does not have to put their hands on some one it is greatly appreciated, I feel like a lot of people would find this true. sparks456
I agree that all police officers should have some of training to deal with the mentally ill. If the suspect is mentally ill they should be treated with a whole different approach. Mentally ill people are usually nonviolent and police should take that into consideration when dealing with them. KLICK456
I agree that most mentally ill people are nonviolent and officer should realize that when dealing with them. I think these programs will be a good idea due to helping the officer deal with these situations better. Mentally ill people need to be dealt with differently then people without a mental illness. All cops should have the training on how to deal with mentally ill people. dragons456
Mentally ill people need to be treated differently then other people. Mental illness is a disease, its a chemical imbalance in your brain and the criminal justice system needs to realize that. I agree with you how can they be violent? if they aren't in their right mind. -dicaprio456
This article has to do with big part of the criminal justice system. Most people that are incarcerated have some sort of mental illness. That shows me that most of the people that the police deal with are in the same boat. Which mean they need to be treated with a different set of tactics. Getting violent with the subject is only going to make things worse and will not calm the situation down. Cops definitely need to try and talk and reason with them before getting violent or using force. The article also shows that New York is trying to keep mentally ill people out of the prisons that are already over populated. I feel like this is a great step in the right direction for the Criminal justice system. KLICK456
I agree that police should approach mentally ill suspects with a different tactic. Instead of using force, they need to defuse the intensity of the situation. Once police can calm down a "violent" individual, they can do a whole lot more than just stop them from doing something illegal. They can also get the mentally ill the help that they need. -Eclipse456
I agree. When people have a mental illness they are not in the right state of mind to know what exactly is going on. These people need to be handled a certain way for the police to be effective in what they are trying to accomplish. bball456
The Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) program will help reshape the way law enforcement agencies will deal with individuals that have mental health disorders. The CIT program will train every officer to deal with people who are in distress and have a mental illness. Some police do not understand that some of these people they deal with are not in the right mind. According to the article, in the first six months of 2015, there were 462 fatalities. Out of those 462 fatalities, 124 of those cases dealt with an individual who was having a mental or emotional crisis. Once officers go through the CIT program, these numbers will hopefully drop. I believe that every law enforcement agency should have to take this program for the benefit of not only the mentally ill, but police officers themselves. -Eclipse456
I agree with making this a required program throughout all law enforcement agencies. By doing so, it could make the fatality rate decreased in a dramatic manor as well as help officers avoid victimizing mentally ill subject. I feel as if though it would make the officers job more safe as well as help mentally ill people get the treatment they need and deserve without having to use force. Sparks 456
I think all police officer should go through the CIT training before they can start patrolling the streets.Since most criminals have a mental illness, the officer need to know how to deal with them. Some officer don't know how to deal with people with a mental illness. This training will help them handle situations with a mentally ill person better and help prevent something worse from happening. Officers need to be able to calm the person down or to keep them calm and they can only do this with proper training. Orange county is working on a program that will benefit criminals with a mental illness greatly. They want people in the mental health and criminal justice systems to come together and help people with mental illnesses. They are trying to coordinate programs to get people out of lockup and into treatment. This will greatly benefit people with a mental illness because they need help with their illness not just be locked up which causes it to get worse. I think in the future years many officer will become better trained on how to deal with mental illness and many more programs will be available to help people with a mental illness. dragons456
The idea of working with the mentally ill civilly is for the most part a new idea. What we know about the human brain and the way it works has explained a lot to us and helped people understand the mental processes of someone with a mental health problems. This training can make a very large difference in policing with people who might not have complete control of what they are doing. Once again the main idea here is communication can work, so violence never has to. It is better to talk to someone and calm them down then force them down.
I argree with you. The human brain and the way it works has explained a lot to us and if you really think about it ,it would help you understand people that has a mental health problem. People with mental Heath issues it is not their fault . Sometimes it just runs in the family. So if police officers were trained for issues like this, things could be a lot better for the police and people with mental health issues. Keya123
I think all police officers should go through the CIT training before they even go on the streets. I feel that way because they work with all kind of people and you don't know what kind of people you would run into that day. This article is great, it plays a big part of the criminal justice system. I believe some people in jail has some kind of mentally ill problem. I feel as people need to think before they do things, but again if they have a mentally ill issue they really don't know what they are doing. Police officers need to be trained so they will know how to talk to them. Keya123
I agree with you because police officers would need to be smart when talking with people. I remember my professor saying to me that the big muscle guys will get themselves in trouble. It's the guys that can talk themselves out of trouble. I also agree with you on liking the article. It was a very interesting one. bodybuilder456
I completely agree with you. All officer should have CIT training. I think it is very important in today's society to have. I also think the training will help them deal with people in general. There are people that do not function when someone yells or uses force. Force should only be used if the situation calls for it and they do need to learn how to talk to them. dance456
The CIT training should be mandatory. What happens when your a police officer and you have a mentally ill person. You would need to know how to calm them down well enough that you can talk to them man to man or women to women. You need to be on the same page as they are. If you get a police officer that doesn't know how to act around the people that he or she is dealing with then he will in trouble. bodybuilder456
I agree that the CIT training should be mandatory for all officers. Because most people who commit crimes or are in prisons have some form of a mental illness. By training officers properly these people could be less violent and can get the proper help. If this training doesn't get taught to all officers then they will not know what to do with these types of people and they could become very violent.
I think that it is very important for all officers to take classes on the mentally ill. Many crimes now a days are from the mentally ill. They make up a lot of the population. Yelling at mentally ill people is not very effective. Sometimes they just need someone to listen to them, or they are crying for help. What the officer did was a very successful and useful strategy. I think that mandatory mental illness training is a very good idea. With psychiatric hospitals closing there are more and more mentally ill people on the street. Like it said in the article just talking to the person made everyone calmer. Officers need to learn how to talk to them instead of force. dance456
More than half of jail inmates suffer from some type of mental illness, so it is logical to employ some type of mental illness training for officers. Reacting aggressively to a mental attack will only make the person worse instead of calming them down. Personally, I think it's common sense not to yell and threaten a person who is hyperventilating and having an anxiety attack, but not everyone is a psych major.
I believe that if all police officers had training not only on mental illness and other things that lots of officers would know how to better react to some situations. savage456
Mental illness is a sickness we all know this. But not everyone knows the signs of it and that the problem when we talk about police officers. We as criminal justice majors need to learn more about this topic and this article points out the big reasons why we need to. First of all almost everyone has a type of mental illness. So cops are in the front line of dealing with these people not at there best but at there worst and because of that we should get to know the signs and symptoms of mental illness. They talk about CIT, which is a program that is there to teach cops about different illness and situations, which is wonderful. The key with mental illness is to deescalate the situation and then get treatment and not the opposite and throw them in jail or prison because that won’t help a bit. If we get treatment then we need to get more room so more beds available for patients. jfl123
That is true what you are saying. We can't be throwing mentally ill people in jail. The effects prison and jail could do to these people with problems already. My paper I just wrote about women being incarcerated could have PTSD and prison could give them flashbacks of certain attack, at any time, that happen to them in their childhood or teen years. This could happen to a different mentally ill person with a different illness. They could be in prison or jail then all of a sudden something could spark that illness and they could never be right again because they don't have a program to help with their problems or help them get through it or deal with the illness. Phenom789
Its good that the police academy that this particular officer went to trained him on how to deal with people who are mentally ill. Hopefully other academy and police departments start doing this as well. This could cause other police officers to be more kind and understanding of those who aren't able to. Also it could make the police department closer to the community because they would communicate with them more and others would see that they are kind and trust them more. This training also helps because most people who commit crimes have some shape or form of a mental illness.
I personally agree with the suggestion of police officers having to undergo the training to learn how to deal with the mentally ill . Police not having the proper training would often turns the situations hands the opposite way it's supposed to go. Police usually wouldn't know how to handle or approach situations because theyre mental . The (CIT) crisis intervention training program will give the police force a whole different outlook because they are going to be looked at differently now because they'll care more. So , I totally agree on making this program required. -cashes123
I agree 100% that officers should undergo CIT training before they even are aloud to patrol the streets. Since most police officers don't suffer from a mental illness it's hard for them to "spot" someone with a mental illness in the first place. Most people who don't suffer from a mental illness are blind to the fact that its even there. Its so shocking to know how many recourses are NOT there for people who suffer from mental illnesses, and thats one of the biggest problems I think we have in this country. CIT training for police could help reduce the risk of shootings between police and community members( those who suffer from mental illness). The more cops educate themselves the more they can resolve issues without violence. -dicaprio456
I think that this CIT training should be mandatory because it will help the officers that are patrolling the streets with the calls that they receive. Not knowing what is going to happen when they get there. Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. If more police officers undergo this training it can help reduce the number of people in the system and also help the number of hospital beds that are getting cut. It will also reduce the shootings because both sides will become calm again. CSI 123
By forcing officers to take the CIT course, that can help give officers the educational background they need to deal with these certain situations and use tactics that do not involve violence. Without the proper training, officers have no knowledge on how to spot the illness and approach the suspect. If officers know how to deescalate the suspect without force, it could help lower the number of fatalities that occur due to the lack of training. Broncos456
What you are saying is right. Future police officers need to have this specific training of “how to” and “what not to do.” Taking this mental health class in November will help us (students in criminal justice classes) understand mentally ill people more. Taggswag456
CIT training, in my opinion, should have been made mandatory years ago. It is important for officers to know how to deal with those who are not mentally stable because when dealing with someone who is mentally unstable, small things have the power to escalate a situation exponentially. According to a report made by the American Psychological Association, mental illness among today's inmates is pervasive, with 64 percent of jail inmates, 54 percent of state prisoners and 45 percent of federal prisoners reporting mental health concerns. Most prisoners have some type of mental illness and providing CIT, as the article explained, “[officers] know how to talk them down instead of escalate,” which is most important when preventing crime. Putting those who are suffering from a mental illness in jail will only make the situation worse. For example, an old classmate of mine was recently charged with attempted murder and earlier this year, was found with 22 accounts of child pornography. These are absolutely horrid crimes and some sort of punishment should be administered, but the primary focus should be giving the help that is deserved. This person has attempted suicide and even attempted during the most recent attack. If these calls for help are overlooked, then our system, which is partially focused on reform, will have failed.
I think that every officer should have to undergo the forty hours of crisis intervention that Pierri had. Some officers might have instigated, making the situation at hand much worse. The idea of sequential intercept is also a great idea. It is definitely a great way to connect police officers with other officials. Mental illnesses are a lot more common these days. In the article, it says that Orange County Police Department is trying to get this type of training to be mandatory, which will be extremely efficient when working with anyone considered to be mentally ill. This training will help reduce most of the risk officers face when in contact with someone who has been diagnosed. The amount of deaths in correlation with police officers and those who suffer is not justifiable by any means. If police had the correct training, the amount of deaths would be immediately cut in half, if not more. By cutting this number in half, it will lower the costs and the population of the prisons. KayaJ456
If every officer was required to undergo the forty hour CIT program then there could more thank likely be many situations that could be avoided before violence became necessary. For the average criminal officers will usually try to use intimidation to non-violently stop criminals. That will not work on the mentally ill, trying to calm them down is the only way.
I think every officer should have to take a CIT class in order to become a police officer in general. It would almost be silly to not have that class because its not every person that an officer has to deal with that will have a mental problem but they need to be able to spot certain characteristics that might show mental issues and be able to simmer down the situation without having to kill or wound the person in order to do so. It could also be used in children's point of view if a kid has to be on a certain type of medicine in order to accurately behave and his family can not afford his medication then he would be prone to commit crimes because of his lack of medicine. A police officer not seeing this in a child could be forced to use deadly force even if the child just needs some medicine to calm down. It shows as an example of strain theory as well.
I think CIT should be required to be taught at the Academy and be something that is embedded in every officer. The reason being there are alot of mentally ill people that are arrested that cannot control their actions. As a response cops could escalate the situation and be caught doing a diservice as well as putting themselves in danger. Mentally ill people are not typically violent in nature. It is important to mention NOT everyone an officer sees is mentally ill, but signs are present. There are many reasons why someone could be a danger to themselves and those around them an example is not having medicine. Not everyone can afford prescriptions as a result won't be treated to their fullest ability. I do like how New York has brought light to this and are not encarcerating those that are mentally ill. This is a right step for the Criminal Justice System. Palmdaddy456
I agree with you 100% that CIT should be a required for every officer to have before they graduate. It would help a lot more officers recognize situations, rather than escalating it without knowing the conditions on a situation. Now do I believe a lot of mentally challenged people are arrested because they can’t control their actions? To an extent. Ask yourself how long is that excuse going to last if they keep re-offending? ThinBlue94789
First things first mentally ill people are not criminals. They have a very serious condition that forces them to act the way they do. This would be like label an autistic person as “stupid.” They are not stupid they are autistic. Do others really think that the people that are mentally ill really want to be this way? I will answer this question for them. No. Anyways, if “In New York’s Orange County, police and mental health officials are looking to divert people with mental illness out of the criminal justice system. The path to doing that involves close cooperation among law enforcement, mental health and social services” is true this will greatly help police officer in understand the people with conditions. It is very crucial for one to how to handle these persons. One thing gone wrong could follow by a series of unfortunate events. Taggswag456
I like how you differentiated the idea of a criminal and the mentally ill. However, I believe that does not mean these people should get a "free pass" as their need for rehabilitation and treatment is more greatly needed than other offenders. -Pack789
I believe that CIT training should be mandatory because the police officers do not know the type of people that they are going to be dealing with that day. If the police officers go through training before they go out on the streets then they will be able to realize someone who may have a mental illness and be able to deal with them a different way then the people who know what they are doing at the time of the inncident. bball456
This whole idea of rehabilitation and understanding over brute force and criminalizing people with mental problems can provide so many benefits. We can focus on helping these people who suffer from these ailments that contribute to criminal activity. We can reduce recidivism rates with these methods by extending these programs and services beyond the prison walls. If we can focus on these mentally ill offenders as well as provide social services and programs, it can cause these inmates to remain out of prison and be sociable and responsible citizens. As we all know, this will greatly decrease the costs that the corrections system requires. At the end of the article it mentions similar programs in services that are currently being utilized around the country. Hopefully we can finally start to see some real change. -Pack789
WOW, he had a great teacher at the academy to defuse that situation. That tells me something about the police force and there is minimum communication with people and mentally ill people. That the police departments having to adapt CIT training to officers so when they do come in a situation like Pierri. To teach them how to defuse a problem before it get worse. This is what the cops need to be doing all along. The cops need an different approach with the community, by working with people to get their trust and respect, than just trying to enforce the law and being bullies in the peoples eyes. Phenom789
I believe it’s a great thing that the officer knew what to do in that pressured situation. I believe that CIT should be required in all PTIs across the U.S. Dealing with mentally challenged people and children are on the rise, and I feel the proper training should be taught on how to handle it, just the same on how learning a 2nd language should be required in PTI. With that officer being at the scene and quickly going to work, mentally breaking down that barrier between the police and the mentally challenged person was excellent. On a personal note, dealing with mentally challenged people in the field can be stressful and require a lot of patience if you have no idea how to handle the situation. I can tell you that I definitely was stuck when faced with that situation, because I didn’t know how to go about it. ThinBlue94789
I feel as if though the CIT training should be a mandatory thing to acquired and learn during basic police academy training. This program could help de-escalate situations and make the officers more aware of when they are dealing with a mentally ill subject. It would better educate them on how to talk to a mentally ill person as well as keep the subject from being victimized. As said in the article, most mentally ill people do not have the intentions of creating a harmful situation, but if an officer or surrounding people do not know how to go about calming the person down then that is where things can get ugly and turn into a tragic situation. If a person is having a psychotic episode the person may feel as if though there is voices commanding him/her to do certain things, this can make it harder for a police officer or person with out proper training to safely defuse the situation. They also said in the article that any time an officer does not have to put their hands on some one it is greatly appreciated, I feel like a lot of people would find this true. sparks456
ReplyDeleteI agree that all police officers should have some of training to deal with the mentally ill. If the suspect is mentally ill they should be treated with a whole different approach. Mentally ill people are usually nonviolent and police should take that into consideration when dealing with them.
I agree that most mentally ill people are nonviolent and officer should realize that when dealing with them. I think these programs will be a good idea due to helping the officer deal with these situations better. Mentally ill people need to be dealt with differently then people without a mental illness. All cops should have the training on how to deal with mentally ill people. dragons456
DeleteMentally ill people need to be treated differently then other people. Mental illness is a disease, its a chemical imbalance in your brain and the criminal justice system needs to realize that. I agree with you how can they be violent? if they aren't in their right mind. -dicaprio456
DeleteThis article has to do with big part of the criminal justice system. Most people that are incarcerated have some sort of mental illness. That shows me that most of the people that the police deal with are in the same boat. Which mean they need to be treated with a different set of tactics. Getting violent with the subject is only going to make things worse and will not calm the situation down. Cops definitely need to try and talk and reason with them before getting violent or using force. The article also shows that New York is trying to keep mentally ill people out of the prisons that are already over populated. I feel like this is a great step in the right direction for the Criminal justice system.
I agree that police should approach mentally ill suspects with a different tactic. Instead of using force, they need to defuse the intensity of the situation. Once police can calm down a "violent" individual, they can do a whole lot more than just stop them from doing something illegal. They can also get the mentally ill the help that they need. -Eclipse456
DeleteI agree. When people have a mental illness they are not in the right state of mind to know what exactly is going on. These people need to be handled a certain way for the police to be effective in what they are trying to accomplish.
The Crisis Intervention Training (CIT) program will help reshape the way law enforcement agencies will deal with individuals that have mental health disorders. The CIT program will train every officer to deal with people who are in distress and have a mental illness. Some police do not understand that some of these people they deal with are not in the right mind. According to the article, in the first six months of 2015, there were 462 fatalities. Out of those 462 fatalities, 124 of those cases dealt with an individual who was having a mental or emotional crisis. Once officers go through the CIT program, these numbers will hopefully drop. I believe that every law enforcement agency should have to take this program for the benefit of not only the mentally ill, but police officers themselves. -Eclipse456
ReplyDeleteI agree with making this a required program throughout all law enforcement agencies. By doing so, it could make the fatality rate decreased in a dramatic manor as well as help officers avoid victimizing mentally ill subject. I feel as if though it would make the officers job more safe as well as help mentally ill people get the treatment they need and deserve without having to use force. Sparks 456
DeleteI think all police officer should go through the CIT training before they can start patrolling the streets.Since most criminals have a mental illness, the officer need to know how to deal with them. Some officer don't know how to deal with people with a mental illness. This training will help them handle situations with a mentally ill person better and help prevent something worse from happening. Officers need to be able to calm the person down or to keep them calm and they can only do this with proper training. Orange county is working on a program that will benefit criminals with a mental illness greatly. They want people in the mental health and criminal justice systems to come together and help people with mental illnesses. They are trying to coordinate programs to get people out of lockup and into treatment. This will greatly benefit people with a mental illness because they need help with their illness not just be locked up which causes it to get worse. I think in the future years many officer will become better trained on how to deal with mental illness and many more programs will be available to help people with a mental illness. dragons456
ReplyDeleteThe idea of working with the mentally ill civilly is for the most part a new idea. What we know about the human brain and the way it works has explained a lot to us and helped people understand the mental processes of someone with a mental health problems. This training can make a very large difference in policing with people who might not have complete control of what they are doing. Once again the main idea here is communication can work, so violence never has to. It is better to talk to someone and calm them down then force them down.
ReplyDeleteEarthquake 456
I argree with you. The human brain and the way it works has explained a lot to us and if you really think about it ,it would help you understand people that has a mental health problem. People with mental Heath issues it is not their fault . Sometimes it just runs in the family. So if police officers were trained for issues like this, things could be a lot better for the police and people with mental health issues. Keya123
DeleteI think all police officers should go through the CIT training before they even go on the streets. I feel that way because they work with all kind of people and you don't know what kind of people you would run into that day. This article is great, it plays a big part of the criminal justice system. I believe some people in jail has some kind of mentally ill problem. I feel as people need to think before they do things, but again if they have a mentally ill issue they really don't know what they are doing. Police officers need to be trained so they will know how to talk to them. Keya123
ReplyDeleteI agree with you because police officers would need to be smart when talking with people. I remember my professor saying to me that the big muscle guys will get themselves in trouble. It's the guys that can talk themselves out of trouble. I also agree with you on liking the article. It was a very interesting one. bodybuilder456
DeleteI completely agree with you. All officer should have CIT training. I think it is very important in today's society to have. I also think the training will help them deal with people in general. There are people that do not function when someone yells or uses force. Force should only be used if the situation calls for it and they do need to learn how to talk to them.
The CIT training should be mandatory. What happens when your a police officer and you have a mentally ill person. You would need to know how to calm them down well enough that you can talk to them man to man or women to women. You need to be on the same page as they are. If you get a police officer that doesn't know how to act around the people that he or she is dealing with then he will in trouble. bodybuilder456
ReplyDeleteI agree that the CIT training should be mandatory for all officers. Because most people who commit crimes or are in prisons have some form of a mental illness. By training officers properly these people could be less violent and can get the proper help. If this training doesn't get taught to all officers then they will not know what to do with these types of people and they could become very violent.
I think that it is very important for all officers to take classes on the mentally ill. Many crimes now a days are from the mentally ill. They make up a lot of the population. Yelling at mentally ill people is not very effective. Sometimes they just need someone to listen to them, or they are crying for help. What the officer did was a very successful and useful strategy. I think that mandatory mental illness training is a very good idea. With psychiatric hospitals closing there are more and more mentally ill people on the street. Like it said in the article just talking to the person made everyone calmer. Officers need to learn how to talk to them instead of force.
More than half of jail inmates suffer from some type of mental illness, so it is logical to employ some type of mental illness training for officers. Reacting aggressively to a mental attack will only make the person worse instead of calming them down. Personally, I think it's common sense not to yell and threaten a person who is hyperventilating and having an anxiety attack, but not everyone is a psych major.
I believe that if all police officers had training not only on mental illness and other things that lots of officers would know how to better react to some situations. savage456
ReplyDeleteMental illness is a sickness we all know this. But not everyone knows the signs of it and that the problem when we talk about police officers. We as criminal justice majors need to learn more about this topic and this article points out the big reasons why we need to. First of all almost everyone has a type of mental illness. So cops are in the front line of dealing with these people not at there best but at there worst and because of that we should get to know the signs and symptoms of mental illness. They talk about CIT, which is a program that is there to teach cops about different illness and situations, which is wonderful. The key with mental illness is to deescalate the situation and then get treatment and not the opposite and throw them in jail or prison because that won’t help a bit. If we get treatment then we need to get more room so more beds available for patients.
That is true what you are saying. We can't be throwing mentally ill people in jail. The effects prison and jail could do to these people with problems already. My paper I just wrote about women being incarcerated could have PTSD and prison could give them flashbacks of certain attack, at any time, that happen to them in their childhood or teen years. This could happen to a different mentally ill person with a different illness. They could be in prison or jail then all of a sudden something could spark that illness and they could never be right again because they don't have a program to help with their problems or help them get through it or deal with the illness. Phenom789
DeleteIts good that the police academy that this particular officer went to trained him on how to deal with people who are mentally ill. Hopefully other academy and police departments start doing this as well. This could cause other police officers to be more kind and understanding of those who aren't able to. Also it could make the police department closer to the community because they would communicate with them more and others would see that they are kind and trust them more. This training also helps because most people who commit crimes have some shape or form of a mental illness.
I personally agree with the suggestion of police officers having to undergo the training to learn how to deal with the mentally ill . Police not having the proper training would often turns the situations hands the opposite way it's supposed to go. Police usually wouldn't know how to handle or approach situations because theyre mental . The (CIT) crisis intervention training program will give the police force a whole different outlook because they are going to be looked at differently now because they'll care more. So , I totally agree on making this program required. -cashes123
ReplyDeleteI agree 100% that officers should undergo CIT training before they even are aloud to patrol the streets. Since most police officers don't suffer from a mental illness it's hard for them to "spot" someone with a mental illness in the first place. Most people who don't suffer from a mental illness are blind to the fact that its even there. Its so shocking to know how many recourses are NOT there for people who suffer from mental illnesses, and thats one of the biggest problems I think we have in this country. CIT training for police could help reduce the risk of shootings between police and community members( those who suffer from mental illness). The more cops educate themselves the more they can resolve issues without violence.
I think that this CIT training should be mandatory because it will help the officers that are patrolling the streets with the calls that they receive. Not knowing what is going to happen when they get there. Mental illness refers to a wide range of mental health conditions that affect your mood, thinking and behavior. If more police officers undergo this training it can help reduce the number of people in the system and also help the number of hospital beds that are getting cut. It will also reduce the shootings because both sides will become calm again. CSI 123
ReplyDeleteBy forcing officers to take the CIT course, that can help give officers the educational background they need to deal with these certain situations and use tactics that do not involve violence. Without the proper training, officers have no knowledge on how to spot the illness and approach the suspect. If officers know how to deescalate the suspect without force, it could help lower the number of fatalities that occur due to the lack of training. Broncos456
ReplyDeleteWhat you are saying is right. Future police officers need to have this specific training of “how to” and “what not to do.” Taking this mental health class in November will help us (students in criminal justice classes) understand mentally ill people more. Taggswag456
DeleteCIT training, in my opinion, should have been made mandatory years ago. It is important for officers to know how to deal with those who are not mentally stable because when dealing with someone who is mentally unstable, small things have the power to escalate a situation exponentially. According to a report made by the American Psychological Association, mental illness among today's inmates is pervasive, with 64 percent of jail inmates, 54 percent of state prisoners and 45 percent of federal prisoners reporting mental health concerns. Most prisoners have some type of mental illness and providing CIT, as the article explained, “[officers] know how to talk them down instead of escalate,” which is most important when preventing crime. Putting those who are suffering from a mental illness in jail will only make the situation worse. For example, an old classmate of mine was recently charged with attempted murder and earlier this year, was found with 22 accounts of child pornography. These are absolutely horrid crimes and some sort of punishment should be administered, but the primary focus should be giving the help that is deserved. This person has attempted suicide and even attempted during the most recent attack. If these calls for help are overlooked, then our system, which is partially focused on reform, will have failed.
I think that every officer should have to undergo the forty hours of crisis intervention that Pierri had. Some officers might have instigated, making the situation at hand much worse. The idea of sequential intercept is also a great idea. It is definitely a great way to connect police officers with other officials. Mental illnesses are a lot more common these days. In the article, it says that Orange County Police Department is trying to get this type of training to be mandatory, which will be extremely efficient when working with anyone considered to be mentally ill. This training will help reduce most of the risk officers face when in contact with someone who has been diagnosed. The amount of deaths in correlation with police officers and those who suffer is not justifiable by any means. If police had the correct training, the amount of deaths would be immediately cut in half, if not more. By cutting this number in half, it will lower the costs and the population of the prisons. KayaJ456
ReplyDeleteIf every officer was required to undergo the forty hour CIT program then there could more thank likely be many situations that could be avoided before violence became necessary. For the average criminal officers will usually try to use intimidation to non-violently stop criminals. That will not work on the mentally ill, trying to calm them down is the only way.
DeleteEarthquake 456
I think every officer should have to take a CIT class in order to become a police officer in general. It would almost be silly to not have that class because its not every person that an officer has to deal with that will have a mental problem but they need to be able to spot certain characteristics that might show mental issues and be able to simmer down the situation without having to kill or wound the person in order to do so. It could also be used in children's point of view if a kid has to be on a certain type of medicine in order to accurately behave and his family can not afford his medication then he would be prone to commit crimes because of his lack of medicine. A police officer not seeing this in a child could be forced to use deadly force even if the child just needs some medicine to calm down. It shows as an example of strain theory as well.
I think CIT should be required to be taught at the Academy and be something that is embedded in every officer.
ReplyDeleteThe reason being there are alot of mentally ill people that are arrested that cannot control their actions. As a response cops could escalate the situation and be caught doing a diservice as well as putting themselves in danger.
Mentally ill people are not typically violent in nature.
It is important to mention NOT everyone an officer sees is mentally ill, but signs are present. There are many reasons why someone could be a danger to themselves and those around them an example is not having medicine. Not everyone can afford prescriptions as a result won't be treated to their fullest ability.
I do like how New York has brought light to this and are not encarcerating those that are mentally ill. This is a right step for the Criminal Justice System.
I agree with you 100% that CIT should be a required for every officer to have before they graduate. It would help a lot more officers recognize situations, rather than escalating it without knowing the conditions on a situation. Now do I believe a lot of mentally challenged people are arrested because they can’t control their actions? To an extent. Ask yourself how long is that excuse going to last if they keep re-offending? ThinBlue94789
DeleteFirst things first mentally ill people are not criminals. They have a very serious condition that forces them to act the way they do. This would be like label an autistic person as “stupid.” They are not stupid they are autistic. Do others really think that the people that are mentally ill really want to be this way? I will answer this question for them. No. Anyways, if “In New York’s Orange County, police and mental health officials are looking to divert people with mental illness out of the criminal justice system. The path to doing that involves close cooperation among law enforcement, mental health and social services” is true this will greatly help police officer in understand the people with conditions. It is very crucial for one to how to handle these persons. One thing gone wrong could follow by a series of unfortunate events. Taggswag456
ReplyDeleteI like how you differentiated the idea of a criminal and the mentally ill. However, I believe that does not mean these people should get a "free pass" as their need for rehabilitation and treatment is more greatly needed than other offenders. -Pack789
DeleteI believe that CIT training should be mandatory because the police officers do not know the type of people that they are going to be dealing with that day. If the police officers go through training before they go out on the streets then they will be able to realize someone who may have a mental illness and be able to deal with them a different way then the people who know what they are doing at the time of the inncident.
This whole idea of rehabilitation and understanding over brute force and criminalizing people with mental problems can provide so many benefits. We can focus on helping these people who suffer from these ailments that contribute to criminal activity. We can reduce recidivism rates with these methods by extending these programs and services beyond the prison walls. If we can focus on these mentally ill offenders as well as provide social services and programs, it can cause these inmates to remain out of prison and be sociable and responsible citizens. As we all know, this will greatly decrease the costs that the corrections system requires. At the end of the article it mentions similar programs in services that are currently being utilized around the country. Hopefully we can finally start to see some real change. -Pack789
ReplyDeleteWOW, he had a great teacher at the academy to defuse that situation. That tells me something about the police force and there is minimum communication with people and mentally ill people. That the police departments having to adapt CIT training to officers so when they do come in a situation like Pierri. To teach them how to defuse a problem before it get worse. This is what the cops need to be doing all along. The cops need an different approach with the community, by working with people to get their trust and respect, than just trying to enforce the law and being bullies in the peoples eyes. Phenom789
ReplyDeleteI believe it’s a great thing that the officer knew what to do in that pressured situation. I believe that CIT should be required in all PTIs across the U.S. Dealing with mentally challenged people and children are on the rise, and I feel the proper training should be taught on how to handle it, just the same on how learning a 2nd language should be required in PTI. With that officer being at the scene and quickly going to work, mentally breaking down that barrier between the police and the mentally challenged person was excellent. On a personal note, dealing with mentally challenged people in the field can be stressful and require a lot of patience if you have no idea how to handle the situation. I can tell you that I definitely was stuck when faced with that situation, because I didn’t know how to go about it. ThinBlue94789