Life Without Parole.....Juveniles


  1. Life without parole is an injustice to juveniles around the US. This basically gives juveniles no chance of having a life, and totally disregards the cognitive age of the juvenile. Many people do not reach their full brain capacity until the age of 25. With this being said, juveniles make hasty decisions that many come to regret later in life. It is unfair to punish a person for life for a crime they committed when they were a juvenile. Unless the juvenile was committing a hate crime, and has no remorse for his actions, then he or she should not be in jail for life. We all make bad decisions, and it takes time for us to realize just how stupid they were. This is because we grow up, and life begins to have a better purpose. Many of these juveniles do not think they have a purpose, which is why they turn to committing crimes. Life without parole for a juvenile should not be an option, except for the cases in which the juvenile shows no remorse, almost taking pride in his or hers own actions.

  2. Giving a child life without parole is a problem. Anyone under the age of seventeen should not be charged as an adult. Children are naturally deviant they want to try things and their brains are not fully developed and tend to see "whats going on in the moment and not the consequences". Giving a child life without parole is not letting the child live their life and cutting them short of their true potential. Progressive means such as juvenile detention centers, counseling, and other means need to be set in place to help them not continue a criminal career. Addressing things like family problems, internal issues, and physical issues can put a child back on track and potentially save their life from the criminal justice system. Many of them grow up and out of this stage in life. Only 10% of offenders go on to an adult criminal career and that shows that kids do grow up and out of this stage. Life without parole should not be up to anyone, it should be illegal. It is way to harsh of a punishment and no one on this earth should be able to sentence a juvenile like that.

    1. I totally agree with what you have to say here. It is not fair whatsoever, and should not be implemented in today's society. We have too many heartless lawyers deciding someone's future, and this is an injustice to our juveniles in America.

    2. Giving a child life without parole is defiantly a problem! It is not fair to that child or to the family. The child doesn't get the chance to live. All of their life is going to be in that cell, reliving the act every day. They need a chance.

    3. Yes I agree also. A child is just that a child, you should want to help that child become better and show them something other than jail and negative tings. All a child really want is to be loved and excepted at the end of the day. If they knew better they will do better.MotherOf4123

    4. I also agree with this. It is a problem. They need to be given the chance of living their life. There are many factors that could play a role in committing a crime that could be helped and save the child from future encounters in the justice system. CSI 123

  3. When it all comes down to it a child is only as good as their parents and or family they are raised by. I'm a huge believer in criminal behavior is learned. And one child will respond to a situation differently than another. Age also has a lot to do with it. Juvenile that is 13 vs one that is 16 . The frontal lobe is more developed but still not fully developed. How can u say a 13 can't consent to sex with a 24 year old but if they commit a crime with one he is responsible for his actions. I also believe a person can rape your mind and have you doing things you wouldn't do if that 24 yr old didn't put it in your mind to do. Death penalty and life without parole is a bit harsh for a child. Even if you tell at 13 yr old that they have life it wouldn't not register in their minds that they will never sit in a high school class room or go to prom. I understand that some of the crimes children commit are unbelievable and someone should do the time for the criminal act. The child should be helped , put in counseling why waste two lives when you can save one. MotherOf4123

  4. Giving a juvenile life without parole, is not giving them a chance. Yes, there are some circumstances where they should be in prison for a long time, but then there are others were they should only be in for a few years. It all just depends on what the crime is. Also, it really depends on the age of the juvenile. A 12 year old committing a crime is very different than a 16 or 17 year old committing the same crime. A lot of times, the 12 year old is doing what the 17 year old is doing so that they can fit in with that crowd. They may need someone to have their backs if something were to happen. Children's brains have not fully developed when they are 12. I believe that life without parole for a child is very harsh. Maybe keeping them in for a couple years to really get into them. But let them learn. You do something bad, you go to prison for a little, but then you get out, and that is when you can see if it changed them or if they are still going to be the same as before. If they act up again, that is when something needs to happen.

    1. I agree that when a 12 year old is doing a crime they do not really think of the seriousness of what they are doing. On the other hand a 16 or 17 year old is doing something they should have a little more sense of mind in what they are doing because they are pretty close to being legal adults. They should set up a system or a program where if a juvenile does something that could result in a life sentence that they get a mandatory set of years in prison and if they are showing signs of changing their ways the can be up for review to get out and if they commit another crime after they have gotten out then the punishment of the next crime would be twice the charge for them being charged originally.


  5. Juveniles commit deviant acts because they have been sexually abused, maybe had influence from an adult, and/or has family problems. Life without parole is something that is a swift, severe, and certain punishment. Giving a juvenile life without parole doesn’t allow them to become who they want to be. Their brains are still developing mentally and their bodies physically. There is still time for the child who has committed a crime to not continue down the path of least resistance. Depending on what the crime is that has been committed then yes, serve the time but in hopes that lessons will be learned. If it is hard for a child or teenager to realize that they just got sentenced to life without parole they probably didn’t realize what kind of crime they had committed or what they had done. CSI 123

  6. Giving juveniles life without parole is a bit harsh. Even with an extreme case like murder it should be taken into account how old the person is to decide the amount of time they go away for. Doing this could most definitely affect the juvenile's ability to mature and grow into the well rounded adult they could be. Being in prison they would be very open to labeling theory by labeling that youth as a "bad" kid or a "felon" the youth might then take on that lifestyle just to fit in with the title. Even if after the fact of the juvenile being arrested they release him the possibility of him showing signs of recidivism increase dramatically due to the fact that he or she has been in the system for so long.



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