Mass Murderers and Profiles....Your Thoughts

Mass Murderers and Profiles....Your Thoughts


  1. My thoughts on the shooting in Rose burg, Oregon where 10 people were shot and killed is very sad and mind boggling. The shooter was a young boy said to be caring always putting his family and others before himself said his sister during a interview. The family seemed shocked said he couldn't do anything like that. Could that be because he didn't get much attention from his family no love or support. That is common for a parent to think of their child as strong and independent when all they want is love some guidance from their parents who think the kid got it on their own and it breaks a child the child feel as if they aren't wanted or needed, sometimes they don't feel a sense of belonging and those are characteristics of people who commit mass murders such as this one. They are usually male and they target specific people for a specific reason. Now this child asked the victims a question before he shot them and that was "Were they christian" for those whom said yes he than said well you will meet God shortly and shot them dead. In these cases the offender is killed and not able to answer the question that need to be answered and that question is Why did they do it. I think the people wont understand the reason behind these things if we did there would be help for these people before it is too late MotherOf4123

    1. I completely agree with you about not getting attention from his family. I think that could have played a huge roll in him thinking "nobody cared or cares about me so why should I care about them?".

    2. I agree with you when you say that they could not be getting much attention from family. These shootings can be a way to get the attention. A lot of times with kids that do not get the attention they need seek it in a negative way. It is really sad to hear about these mass murders. Yes, they are males. I feel like a lot of the problem when it comes to males is that they are expected to be tough and never cry otherwise they are weak and they end up cracking because they have so many problems. Girls on the other hand when they are upset or having problems people listen and they get help.

    3. Very well said! I believe that with more family love and time, this killer would not have acted like this. This is such a tragic situation, and I show no remorse for the killer, except for what his life may have been like leading up to these events.

    4. Parents were very vacant in this kids life as they said they had no idea that chris was in such a slump. Signs must be recongnized early so situations like this would never commence. They grow up thinking that no one loves them and if they are bullied they grow up with hate and grudge that one day will push them over the edge and have them do shootings. If parents showed love and compassion, maybe this would have never happened. If people took time to check up on him asking if everything is alright, maybe this wouldn't have happened. But asking why and maybe will not stop this from happening again. Only awareness and recognition of the issue will. I definitely agree with you! Well said @motherof4123

    5. I agree with you on his family not giving him attention is a factor that lead him to commit the mass murder. If he was shown more love and attention during his childhood this could of been prevented. He thought if he committed the shooting he could get the attention he wanted so that could be a factor that lead him to commit the shooting. dragons456

    6. I think the parents said this to make their kid not seem as bad as he was. It seems that every time somebody dies or something bad happens to them their family always says the same thing: "he was such a kind guy and everybody loved him and he cared for others." I have never seen an instance where this didn't happen. I think the family should have involved him more or payed more attention to him when he was younger if that is the case with his family. But let's not make this about him because he is an awful person who just wanted fame and revenge.


    7. A lack of attention from parents, students, teachers, etc. could of been a major factor in leading up to him committing this mass murder. Like someone said above, he could of thought that by carrying out this act, he could finally get the attention that he has been deprived of. We will never know what this person was feeling on the inside from his point of view, and all we have left to ask ourselves is many different what if's. Broncos456

    8. I agree that if this kid had gotten more love and attention from his family things would have been different. these things are so unfortunate that some kids have to go though life not even being loved by anyone. I could only imagine how hard it would be for anyone one that isn't loved by family or friends. Not being loved could cause such hatred for the person committed these violent murders.~savage456

  2. The mass murder that are committed by people with some type of illness or disorder. I believe that if society knew more about how to spot or recognize someone with these issues some of these mass murders could have been prevented from happening.I am a firm believer in guns don't kill people, people kill people. There should be a vigorous process on how people should acquire guns. It is a true tragedy what happened to those people who lost here lives from this young man. Its also sad to know that people egged him on to killed people and taunt him saying no balls and he didn't have the balls to kill people on social media. The people who taunted him shouldn't have done what they did and should have told some one with authority that could have done something to prevent this act of violence. ~savage456

    1. When it comes to gun control I do believe people kill people and guns are just a weapon used to execute the act. But if you think for a moment that if this guy had a knife or bat or something of that nature he wouldn't of killed all those people. For one the ex marine would of took that little weak kid down. That gun gave him power..power the for once in his life he can control a situation and what he says goes. Guns give people the power they need so yes people kill people think of how many lives would be saved if an offender didnt have a gun just his fist. MotherOf4123

    2. The thing is, there are so many guns out there. The government cant just take ours guns. They can make all the laws they want but what needs to be addressed is the media. People only do this for media attention and the small percent do it because they want too. The big question is how do we keep guns out of "crazy" people's hands? In Illinois you have to have a F.O.I.D card to purchase ammo or guns. In order to get a F.O.I.D card you have to go through background checks and the state police determine if you receive one or not.

    3. Even though you need a FOID card in illinois to get a gun. It doesn't mean shootings don't happen in illinois because the fact is, they do. They happen in Chicago all the time and a lot of the time the guns are purchased illegally. There should be more strict gun laws, but the problem is how do they get put in place? Its easy enough to say "Make the guns harder to get and have better background checks." But that won't even work because guns are purchased illegally all the time.


    4. Guns are tools used to kill. Whether it is an animal for hunting purposes or to kill a human life in the military. They are also used to defend ourselves from intruders and trespassers. With any tool you can either use it or don't use it. With that said I agree with you that humans kill humans not guns. Number1Whiteguy456

    5. I strongly agree with guns don't kill people, people kill people. I think that if states stopped people with certain mental illness to get guns legally it would be an amazing idea. But that won't stop people from getting guns illegally. If someone really wanted to carry out a murder there are other ways to carry it out.

  3. All of these shootings are tragic and makes me wonder why is it happening now. Crime rates have been dropping for twenty plus years, but why are mass shootings rising. I believe that these people are doing it for the attention. They believe little in themselves and feel that no one pays attention or cares about them. Some people believe if they cannot be famous, then they can at least be infamous. Maybe some of them would not have done this if they had a good friend or a girlfriend, but the trouble is for many we have no idea why they did it. Some were obviously depressed or outcast to everyone around them, but some were popular and friendly people who seemed to have no real reason to commit these horrendous crimes.

    Earthquake 456

    1. The brain many never understand how mass murderers think. The way they break down information and analyze the world. Some mass murderers have mental illness and others have a specific problem with a specific group rather its race sex or religion. No matter what their issue is the main issue is to treat others how you would like to be treated if you see a kid looking down say hi how are you doing it just might save your life.MotherOf4123

    2. The media should and needs to focus on the family's. It is only right to do so because the killer doesn't deserve the fame. It doesn't matter where you come from, it matters how you were brought up. I think videos games play a minor role in this. Video games desensitize some people and they don't fully understand human life.

    3. Let's take a physiological approach to the reasoning behind these murders. What do all these mass murders have in common? They are all depressed and have no idea how to condition themselves on their own so they go into hiding. They build and build and build over the course of time and people seem to continue to ignore them. Then the bottle the're filling gets to full and it explodes. People with mental disorders need careful interaction to be dealt with. In the case with depression just being a friend with someone who is down can be enough to make them happy again.

  4. To me, gun violence has nothing to do with these mass shootings. Or any murder. You cannot sit here and blame guns for people dying. It is the PEOPLE that have the access to guns. People do this kind of stuff for attention. Maybe they were bullied as a kid, or their parents didn't treat and love them right. Although, neither of those reasons are acceptable for someone to go and shoot up schools. Especially schools of younger ages. The people that do these mass shooting have one thing in common, they all have some type of mental illness. And maybe it is those mental illnesses that cause them to think they could get away with shooting people. We won't know simply because we are not them. We as a society could help by raising our awareness of our surroundings, and maybe learn the signs of mental illness so we can better predict who is more likely to do one of these deadly shootings.

    1. people kill people! you are so right! i agree with you on that aspect. As well as recognizing signs and surroundings. All of us go to school without recognizing troubled kids and ignore all the signs that Chris mercer might have had. It is time for gun reform as it is way too easy for these guys to obtain all the armory and weapons at such an easy expense. Stricter gun laws should take place. Do not take the guns away as we need them for protection and some enjoy hunting. But to have it for unexplained reasons is what leads to massacres like these. Understanding and seeing the signs of a bullied kid must be ended quickly! Kids grow up with a self stigma of them being worthless if they have been bullied for their whole lives. Then they grow up with anger and grudge that one day will push them to their edge and hurt people who have never done a thing to them. They grow up with wanting payback. Awareness must be spread and hopefully it is the last school shooting ever.

    2. Amen! I totally agree with the statements that you make here. People always want to blame the gun for the act, but really it is the PERSON behind the shooting. We need to focus on the person, instead of what was used in the act.

    3. I agree with you when you say that "guns cannot be the blame for killing people" but I can also respectfully disagree with you. Aren't the people that are killing these other people in the ownership of having a gun in their hand? I support gun rights and everything but if we weren't aloud to get our hands on any guns then what are we going to use to shoot people, air soft guns? bodybuilder456

    4. For all the people who committed these crimes claiming they were bullied, or teased at school have no excuse. Being bullied is something that happens to a lot of people all the time, and it is not going away. Instead of telling people not to bully, why not inform students how to deal with bullies in a productive way. To many people see themselves as the victim and expected people to stand up for them. Why should someone stand up for you, when you won't even stand up for yourself. If they stood up for themselves in the beginning it could have been done with so early on. Instead, they stay quiet and let it fester inside them until they do snap and do these type of things.

      Earthquake 456

    5. this is very well said. You can not blame everything on guns. Guns are not the problem. It is the people behind the guns. No matter what though people are still going to get guns no matter what the laws are. Being bullied is not an excuse to kill someone or many people. There is never an excuse to take a life.

  5. My thoughts on the subject is that these people want to be known for something. The media makes a huge deal out of all this, which it is a big deal, but the people want to be known for something before they die. These people are very depressed. They are people who want to be known for something but are not. By going out and doing these mass murders they know it will get the news attention. They think that they will finally be known for something. The problem is there are signs that people see but do not report. It did say not everyone follows through with what they say, but I think it should still get reported regardless. Just by reporting someone can save many lives. I do think that the media should make everyone aware of the issue, but not to the existent that they do.

    1. I agree with you. People know that doing these mass murders that they are going to get everyone's attention. What I don't understand is why? Why do they need everyone's attention on them? I guess it's easier pulling a trigger than to do something right and be famous for that instead of being famous for something tolerably bad. bodybuilder456

    2. I agree with you most of the people who do things like this to be "know" most of the time are mentally ill. And its very sad that they think this way, i feel like if we shine more light on mental illness, and give more recourses to those who suffer with mental illness, won't feel so alone, and maybe they won't feel the need to act out in such violent ways. -dicaprio456

    3. I do not think that the media should give these people the fame they want. By the media stopping reporting so much on these cases that could possibly prompt the potential murder to do something else. If the media wouldn't give fame o these people maybe they could have used their anger for good. Maybe do something good to get recognized. It's sad that the media gives fame to the negative things that happen and not the positive things that happen.

    4. That is a logical point of view. These people who commit these crimes are outcasts, and known for very little. They very well may be looking for something that would make them stand out and be heard. The fact is that they shouldn't be shooting up schools to get their claim to fame... or infamy.

    5. Peoples biggest fear is being forgotten or living a life that won't be remembered. These mass shooting stories always gets the media's attention because its a nation being affected. People will do what they can to get the attention they think they deserve. If Chris knew what reactions and response of his cowardly act he probably would end up doing it all over again because we are talking about him.
      With reactions so negative one has to ask, why do you want to be remembered in such a negative light. Darkness will always be defeated by light the people lost are getting more recognition than the shooter with people be remembered by the community and bringing the community together.

      Psalm 56:11
      "In God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me?


  6. Christopher harper-mercer killed 10 people in Roseburg, Oregon. It is saddening that people’s lives were ended by something that could have been prevented. Prevented more in the lines of noticing signs of an “outcast”. Was he doing for attention that he had never gotten before? Was he doing it for religious purposes as he asked for the kid’s religion before firing? There are so many curveballs in this story that create gaps. But my question is how come we haven’t made it more difficult to obtain guns of that caliber. I am not anti-gun by any means. Guns don’t kill people, people do. But why must it must be so easy for these guys to get such armory. Another scary issue is that those guys were college kids like all of us and someone in the classroom decided to kill people in that class. Kind of scary to think about. But with that being said, how does one see the signs of someone with such hate built inside? Parents were obviously vacant in Chris’s life if they had no idea what was going on in his life and what pushed him over the edge into committing such a horrible crime. It could have been prevented if such actions of love and compassion were in his life. But to wrap up everything, my heart goes out to the families that were affected by the shootings. It is time that guns should be much more difficult to get and for us as humans to have more situational awareness of people.

    1. I agree with you on we should look at the signs more carefully and we could possibly stop some mass murders before they happen. I think we should make guns harder to get for someone that has a mental illness. It could help keep gun out of the hand of people who shouldn't have them. If parents show their kids love during their child hood they will be less likely to commit mass murders or violent crimes. We should make people more aware of the signs to look for and give extra attention to people who are showing the signs. dragons456

    2. I agree 100% that people need to start noticing these outcasts and watch for these signs. I don't think its the guns that are the problem. Guns don't kill people,People kill people. I just think they should do a little better on checking out who they sell these guns too.

    3. The problem we are facing is a mental problem. Limiting guns have not proven anything other than higher crime rates. The debate on stricter gun laws sound good on paper, but how can a person be screened for mental health? I think these victims will find alternatives to killing someone or a group. When people hurt they want EVERYONE to be hurt too. The mindset is if I can't be happy you can't be happy and I will do all I can to make sure it becomes a reality.
      Signs are always present in some way shape or form some more easier to spot than others. In this case Chris had a blog and posted regulary on it with his thoughts and opinons. The problem was he was not taken serious as he mentioned shootings and other violent acts. After reading some of these comments I was thinking, how did no one bat an eyelash at this.
      Love goes along way, I am rather curious why he went after the Christian believers.

      (Personal Opinion below)

      I wounder if its because the faith is about being like Christ, which promotes: Love, Peace, Hope, and fellowship. I just mention a very small amount, but going off of this Chris didn't get to experience these divine appointments attached with a community of people who want to do good and spread to gospel message of Jesus Christ's Resurrection.
      I think Chris had a problem being told how to live his life and as a result hated religion because religion tells us how to behave but if that's the case did he have a bad experience with a group of Christians or a church?
      Just blew my mind that he had the fire power that could have taken out so many people but he ONLY chose the select few that martyred for their faith.

  7. Mass murders have become more prevalent over the past few decades. One has to wonder why? Well, I believe that the murderers who commit these crimes never got the love and attention they needed as a child, or even as an adult! Love goes a long way people, and if we take the time to show someone they matter, their whole world may be changed. I'm not saying that all these murderers come form bad homes, but the majority of them do! What might have happened if these men were given more love when they were younger? I believe that some of them may have turned out much different, and even more socially acceptable to others! When parents neglect their children, we don't know how they will turn out. Society needs to start being more mindful of what is going on inside of the home, instead of focusing on what is going on in the culture! I believe some shooters could be turned form their ways if only one person came into their life and showed them true love!

    1. I also agree that the person that commits such a outrageous act has to be lacking some childhood structure. Also these people doing such things don't have a solid mental being to be made fun of constantly. At some point that person is going to snap and have some sort of outburst.

    2. I agree with you when you say a lot of those people who do commit the murders most of the time had a bad childhood or didn't have a childhood at all. sometimes a person can only takes so much before they snap, and its very tragic. -DICAPRIO456

    3. I agree one hundred percent. I also believe that a person is more unlikely to commit crime if they come from loving parents and a middle class family. The crime now a days is mainly in a poor neighborhood, more than likely near foster homes. All it takes is a good home and a lot of love. KayaJ456

    4. I don’t exactly believe that lack of love or attention makes one to become psychotic. I have heard of plenty of instances where a child who had a loving family chose to become an outcast by choice. I’m not saying not having a loving family doesn’t add fuel to the fire because it does. Taggswag456

    5. I would have to also agree with this because I think that many people could have been given more love or stability in their life and they would have turned out differently. Even now, I’m sure some of us think what if this was different? Or what if that was different? How would that affect us? I think that we could easily just be more aware of the people we go to school with or how we are within society. Things may have turn out differently. CSI 123

    6. i agree that things can be bad in a home life and could cause such behavior I think that things like school and social life that can also cause these behaviors.

  8. Most of the people who do mass murders all have things in common. They were probably raised in a bad home where they were not given very much love, they were bullied, and they don't socialize very well with people. All of those things are common or someone with a mental illness. A majority of the mass murder are committed by someone with a mental illness. We should educate society on how to spot someone with a mental illness and we could help prevent mass murders from happening so often. We should also look more at the background of a person when they purchase a gun to make sure they don't have a mental illness. If we don't allow people with mental illness to get guns we could help prevent mass murders. We won't stop all mass murders by not allowing someone with a mental illness to get a gun because they could get it illegally but could help them from happening so often. Most of the people that have committed a mass murder have all showed warning signs before they acted that people ignored. If people would pay attention to the warning signs we could help cut back on the amount of mass murders by stopping them before they happen. dragons456

  9. The average American and school aged children know about these mass shootings. It has become a fear and people often wonder will it happen to them in their lifetime. In a shootings the shooter had some sort of motivation to commit such a tragic act. They were either an outcast, bullied, mentally insane, depressed, hateful, racist, and the list goes on and on. Obviously, none of those reasons are logical to take away people's lives. People can blame guns all they want, if someone wants to commit mass murder they will do anything in their power to do it anyway. Guns don't kill people, people kill people whether that be with a knife, bomb, fists, or guns. Fifty years ago people would have never thought about doors that automatically lock when you leave or enter the room, or being checked before you enter the school if your a guest. I firmly believe people do these shootings for media attention. The media will focus on the story for days and then give the shooting an anniversary every year and these Psychopaths love it! I don't understand why the media has to dwell on the killers name so much and show them in trial. It just prolongs the pain of the ones affected and shows future mass murders that they too can get that attention. Its overall a terrible thing and needs to be dealt with.

    1. Your right, guns were just as or more available fifty years ago. Yet, these kind of school shootings were unheard of. Why is it that in our days society, that people would rather be known as a psychotic killer, than not be known at all. To many people want to change the gun laws and act like that will change everything, but it will not. The change has to come from the people who would commit these crimes and the rest of society for how they react to said crimes.

      Earthquake 456

    2. I totally agree with you. This is not a gun issue, this is a crazy person issue. Limiting the amount of guns will only cause more hectic across America. For example, how did banning the sale and use of alcohol work out in the early 19th century? Obviously it didn’t. The founding fathers fought to keep our guns for a reason. Taggswag456

    3. I couldn't agree more with you. When you stated that 50 years ago, no one ever had to worry about anything like this. Kids could walk around town without checking in with their parents all day, and kids were sent to school without having to worry about someone firing a weapon and carrying out a mass murder. Banning gun laws will not help prevent things like this from happening. Inmost cases, they took the gun from someone else. We need to take a different approach to solving this problem and do it quick. Broncos456

    4. I do have to say that I agree with what you said about the media. People aren’t getting the right attention at home or at school, so they want to go above and beyond. Granted, most murderers kill themselves so they don’t get to watch the media or news and see themselves, but they know that it will be there. With how much the media spreads, many other people could get ideas and think about doing a similar situation. CSI 123

    5. I agree that social media is defining how society works these days. People like to use social media as a weapon to pick on people who can't protect themselves. those people who get made fun of are the people who go and loose touch of society and go and kill as many people as they can.

  10. This kind of sick, not the kind of sick that says "I'm mad and I want revenge." The kind of sickness that makes me sad. Makes me stop and think about whats really happening. Why are all these mass murders happening? What could we do to stop them? I don't think we can stop them because if you think about it. All these mass murders are happening because the person was mental messed up in the head and someone made them a little upset. One solution could be to not get people so upset. Especially that upset to kill some other human being. bodybuilder 456

  11. When thinking about the reasons why someone would do such a thing like a mass killing spree you have to think of the persons social status and how they grew up. Most people that commit these outrageous acts of evil are usually male and are around their 30's and 40's. However some of them do have mental illnesses, but most do not. When having a mental illness you are usually non violent and shy. So that shows me that most people that actually carry out with the act are probably people who have been pushed too far or have been made feel uncomfortable multiple times at the spot the crime takes place. Also before most of these things happen there is some sort of symbol or a clue that something is about to happen and that symbol usually happens on a social media website.

  12. The Oregon shooter was known to keep to himself and always seemed a little weird, but that doesn't mean that all people like this are going to shoot up the school. We have all seen people who seem that way and you think that they would seem like the person to shoot up a school, but most of them won't. Gun control is also a huge problem in America, but there is no real solution as of right now. Each time a school shooting happens a discussion on safety and guns comes up. Schools try to take proactive measures by trying to up the security but that doesn't always work.


  13. When i was reading this article I got sort of sad, its honestly very upsetting and disturbing that most of the people who commit these mass murders were just pushed too far. And I think a lot of this falls back on society as a whole. Not saying we are to blame, but maybe people should really think about what they say to people, or how they treat people. You never know what a person has been through in their life, and then you bully them on top of that? It's honestly very sad and disturbing, but thats not to blame as whole I believe thats a real part of the problem. I think we should have a lot more recourses for people who have mental illness, a lot of people can't control their mental illness, most of the time because they cannot afford the medications that they need, if we had more recourses and discussed this topic more often, I mean maybe some of these murders can be reduced. i know we cannot stop it as a whole but there are things that we can do to reduced risks. But nothing really excuses taking another human life. -dicaprio456

  14. The mass murders that have taken place in the past four years alone are insane. It appears to me that the recognition the offenders are getting is a part of the motivation put into action. However, the recognition itself is not the only thing. Social media is often used for small hints to the crime in the future. Even when noticed, citizens push the person and in response say, "Oh, he would never do that" or, "He doesn't have the ambition". These comments push the offender more than we think. This plays into the question of, "Why didn't everyone know?".The article also states that there are tens of thousands of people who look the same as anyone else that could be classified as a murderer. A murderer could look like anyone you know. In the article it says that, "We can't round up all the people who scare us"(a criminologist at Northeastern University). With that being said there were also few mass murders before 1960. Could the media play an affect on the ambition factor that come into play during mass murders? KayaJ456

  15. Mass murder shooting across America have been gradually rising over the past twenty-four months. There is no apparent reason it just has. These psychopaths that have been doing there really have no specific profile. Honestly, any person of them could be in one your classes who seem “weird” could be one of them. This is very frightening to think about. How would you feel that you knew that kid sitting in the back of your math class just let lose the next day? I couldn’t even imagine. With coming from a small town I feel as if a tragedy like that would be harder rather than from a city. I’m not saying that it wouldn’t hurt the city emotionally I’m just saying that small towns generally have a closer and more personal relationship. However, after a very catastrophic event like this I feel as if the community would grow closer together. Again, these types of outburst must come to an end immediately. My thoughts and prayers go out to the families across our great nation during their suffering. Taggswag456

    1. I was thinking the same thing too. Small towns might be less likely to experience this because of the community being close. It just shows that we should treat each person how we want to be treated. I'm not saying the shooter is right at all. I'm just saying that some people aren't mentally there. Cowboy123

    2. I agree with the both of you (Taggswag456 & Cowboy123). The smaller the city, the tighter the community, and they more likely it is for someone to be able to tell that there is something wrong with a kid and that they are acting suspicious. In the bigger cities, it feels like noone knows anyone, and it is harder to tell if there is something wrong.

    3. I agree. As the article said though, it would be wrong to profile and stigmatize someone just because they are strange to us. All people are a little different, none of us are the same. Some things one person does might be weird to another, while completely normal to someone else. The only way mass-shootings like this could be stopped is if we give those that need help help, and take guns away from those deemed mentally defected.

  16. The statistics shown in this article just go to show that you can not profile every person who seems to be an "outcast" or an "anti-social" person. Although a lot of what was said in this article was revolved around most of these killers being frustrated with themselves and being depressed, you can't assume every person in that acts the same way will do the same thing. However, when it comes to "mental illness" which takes a lot of the so called blame now a days was proved that not every one who suffers from mental illness will commit a mass shooting or even a harmful act such as pushing or shoving some one down. The article also showed ways a lot of these mass shootings could have been avoided, if people wouldn't have been blind to the social media warnings and threats somebody could have done something to try and prevent it. A lot of these people didn't have the support system that your "average" person does with can trigger these things as well. Sparks456

    1. I definitely agree. I also feel like mental health issues take alot of blame for the acting out of people around us. Doesn't seem as though everytime something goes wrong, the media or doctors go directly to mental health issues as a first resort and answer. As if to say that all inexplicable wrong doings stem from mental health issues. But as we can see, and as the article states, this isn't always the case. Actually, the majority of the killings wouldnt fall under that catergory. So I think it's time to start looking at some of the ulterior motives for why mass murderers do what they do.


  17. The thought of a mass murder is just sickening. Not just the situation, but also the things that led up to the shooting. It makes you wonder what was going on in someone's head while planning all this out. When we get provoked by someone else we will sometimes resort to using physical harm like punching. Very rarely do we use deadly force to an individual. It's just sad to think that someone feels so disrespected or alone that they will take it out on people with deadly force even if those individuals had nothing to do with there condition. Who knows, some of these people that get shot could be the one's that could set the offender free from there demons. I think it is a lot more common to be mentally unstable more than ever now. Like they said in the article, no one could predict it so we can't do much to stop it. Cowboy123

    1. I wonder the same thing. What is going on in their head that makes them want to kill so many people? Why do they want to kill them? I wish some of the kids that do school shootings were still alive instead of killing themselves at the end so that they could answer questions, and they could give so help to find out the triggers to cause the shootings.

  18. Mass murders like this make me think about what our world is coming to. It is frightening to think that at a school/college where students go to learn and are supposed to feel protected are now places that are labeled as a target for mass murders. We need to pay more attention to students today and watch out for warnings like this article mentioned. We need to be more proactive about students that show symptoms of possibly planning a mass murder. Also, we need to teach students to not bully one another and think before they taunt another student. If we don't act soon, who knows what the country will come to. Parents should not have to worry about sending their kids to school to get an education. Broncos456

  19. All of these shootings that have and could happen all have the same things in common. The men that do the shootings don’t have good social skills, lacking the female companion, and maybe didn’t have the proper upbringing by two parents. What I did find interesting though is how we always talk about the people that commit crimes and have some kind of disorder or illness, but only 7 percent of people who are diagnosed with a mental illness may do something violent in a year. The mass murderers are not doing these things because they have an illness, they are doing it for revenge or because they are angry. If we were to pay just a little more attention to the kids who may be a little different or not as social then they may feel better about themselves, know that people care about them, and they may think twice before killing 10 or 12. CSI 123

    1. Mass murderers are doing these things because they are angry and vengeful, but it is mental disorders such as depression and anxiety that cause them to be impulsive and carry out the actions they have been considering. From time to time, we become jealous, angry, and upset, but this doesn't mean that we will attain a gun and shoot people. Since we have mental stability and a healthy brain plasticity, we are unlikely to succumb to impulsive, intrusive thoughts.


  20. In my opinion I don't think that stricter gun laws will stop murders. Making it harder for certain people to get guns and ammo legally could help mass murders. With the recent Oregon shooting I do not believe he may have had mental illness but rather an agenda. He posted on social media that if he does this his name will go down in history. A majority of people with mental illness will harm themselves before they harm another person. They can look at the back ground of a majority of these people and a lot of the time they are lonely kids or men. Paying attention to what these people post on social media could have played a big role in stopping what they did. If someone wold have said something about the Oregon shooters post maybe authorities could have stopped it before it ever happened. I without a doubt did not help that people said he had no balls. When people egged him on that could have been his breaking point, though no one will ever know. With a majority of these killers being dead no one can ever ask why they did it. If someone could find out why maybe that could help in stopping these mass murders, but no one can.

  21. Since the crime rate has been going down, why are shooting rates going up? That's the question that I have been wondering. Some people believe that getting your hands on a gun is hard, but in reality, it is pretty easy. As long as you can pass the paper work. But even then, people who do not pass the paperwork still get their hands on them. I personally believe the Oregon shooter was just trying to get his name out their. He even posted on his social media that his name will go down in history is he does this. That is just sickening. If I was his family, I would hate to be associated with his name. In my family, there are a few bad seeds, and I do not like being associated with them, but that is just for little things, not like a murderer. I wish that the kids who did Columbine were still alive so that we could ask them why they did what they did, and the same with the Oregon shooter. That would help out everyone try to figure out what causes someone to shoot up a school.

  22. In my opinion, those with mental illness, just should not be permitted to own a weapon. I don't believe that the government should make it harder to get a gun for those like myself or others that want to use them for recreation, sports, hunting, etc. They should focus more on those with mental illnesses, or the likes. Otherwise the article was very educational, for myself. I agree that those with mental illnesses would be more likely to commit these atrocious acts. No one in the right state of mind would kill innocent bystanders. That's why they should not be allowed to own a weapon. It will forever be impossible to halt murder and violence, but mass killings can be dealt with by not letting those with illnesses have weapons or using preventative action to get them treatment or help. Those other cases would be caused by angry individuals out for vengeance, or to commit other crimes. All in all it is important to curb the violent mass-murders that occur, but we must be realistic with ourselves and know that with guns available to the common people gun violence will never end.

  23. I am surprised that the warning signs weren't taken serious. I heard that Chris used social media as an outlet and made several posts that gave insight to what he was going to do. An example of what Chris said was, "A man who was known by no one, is now known by everyone. His face splashed across every screen, his name across the lips of every person on the planet, all in the course of one day. Seems the more people you kill, the more your’re [sic] in the limelight."
    Chris used a blog outlet to get his emotions and his point across on where mentally he is at. According to, they mentioned his fascination with school shootings, conspiracy theories and pornographic videos. These subject matters may raise an eye as to there is something wrong.This guy is an example for all of us to see that there is a problem and a direct correlation with some of the mass shootings in the past couple years. This shooting was fueled by a fixation of being "remembered" since everyone is agreeing with the fact that Chris lacked a friend/social group and was not given the needed attention and love at home his mind became embodied with hate tied with loneliness. Chris was at the wire and then he snapped making the tragic decision that resulted in shooting up his school.
    What surprised me was Christians were being persecuted for their faith. This was shocking because in America that is not heard of. The shooter asked if the victim was a Christian and if they would answer "yes" he'd follow up with, "you will meet your God." After his response he then would pull the trigger executing the victim.
    There has to be more to the story than just a gun problem.
    Guns are an easier way to commit mass murder, though stricter gun laws won't result in a safer alternative in preventing these shootings. We must be educated on warning signs and how to teach others how to cope.

    Read more:


  24. It is without a doubt that those who are emotionally unstable are more susceptible to mental diseases such as depression and anxiety, which are sicknesses that have been prevalent in most if not all killers. As explained in the article, a criminal, whether he or she may be a killer, robber, or burglar, does not have to be seriously mentally ill, but most of the time is vengeful. It is vengeance that fuels the criminal's actions, but it is the mental instability that allows the person to carry out these actions. Although it is extremely difficult to predict the next mass murderer, those who are at risk of impulsive actions should be tended to and treated. Things as simple as friendship can help, for the article suggested that solitude is a factor most prevalent in mass murderers and other criminals. Treating at-risk people will not only improve the stability of our society, but will hopefully prevent future massacres.


  25. From a psychological point of view, we can uncover the reason as to why a person committed a crime. Most of the time, we cannot. When dealing with a person who has mental disabilities, it is hard to determine a persons motive towards committing a crime. Sometimes, there isn't even a true reasoning for somebody's actions. I think that the government should make it more difficult for the mentally disabled to receive gun rights, but even if they do that, it still doesn't change the fact that anyone can get a gun on the streets. Almost anybody can buy a gun from a the right dealer, they are not that hard to get. There are many options the government has to prevent mass murders from happening. From "spying" on civilians private lives to limiting gun control privileges, it is hard to make a change with so many legislative steps. In order to pass a law, it must go through a process, in which most of the time, the law gets denied. That is why this topic is so difficult to discuss, because there are so many options but it is so difficult to carry out. -Eclipse456

  26. Reading and hearing about the Oregan shooting has really been a mind boggling experience for me. I really can't fathom why or what would make someone want to commit such a heinous crime like that. And to know that the majority of the mass murderers don't have mental illness, but are just angry with their lack of acceptance from others, it really bothers me personally. Coming from someone who has dealt with isolation and non-acceptance throughout my life, I know what it feels like to feel anger towards those who ostracized you. To feel as though no one cares about your feelings or helping you fit in. It really takes a toll on one's self esteem and emotional balance. But to feel so heavily impacted that you decide to take the lives of other innocent people? It just seems so unreal and unjustified to me. In the article, it has a quote explaining the mentality of most mass murderers:

    "According to Dr. Fox, mass killers tend to be “people in social isolation with a lack of support systems to help them through hard times and give them a reality check.” “They have a history of frustration,” he went on. “They externalize blame. Nothing is ever their fault. They blame other people even if other people aren’t to blame. They see themselves as good guys mistreated by others.”

    This observation really makes you wonder. Why is it that some people can feel as though they can project the blame to others and justify their wrong doings? This is where you see that "It's YOU not ME" mindset. These people internalized that everyone around them is wrong and they're right. And therefore externalize it and act out. Honestly, I think that if a higher percentage of mass murderers had mental illnesses, I could better understand and rationalize why they did what they did. But to act out of anger and isolation? I just can't seem to grasps this concept.


  27. People with mental Issues they should get help. I mean you can't blame nobody for the mental issues. I mean I believe they should get help. I see them as good people. I just say they been mistreated by others that's just what I think. People just say they do because they don't want to be counted for their actions if you ask me, people just don't want to pay for their actions. Keya123


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