Prison Kids......The Title Alone is Stigmatizing


  1. Prison kids is a terrible way to even title this documentary if the kids were to see that title it could totally affect how they view themselves. If a child was labeled as a prison kid they could assume that stigma an do things that they might not have even considered doing. Labeling theory plays a huge role in this and in a child's life because one label could detour their life in a totally different direction. The title in it self should be changed but more importantly I think that there should be a lesser term used for youth who commits a crime. That way it would be a lot easier on the child and his family and could potentially turn a youth's life around just by giving them positive reinforcement to do better and be better.


    1. I agree labeling theory play a huge part in the how children act and react to certain situations. Also social control how society and their loved ones act that could cause thm to act a certain way. For example your big brother in a gang 9/0 you the lil brother will be also, the mom will be at work the brother will be watching the younger brother or siblings and having him around his gang friends and eventually the inevitable will occur. MotherOf4123

    2. I agree that the way the title gives a negative label and you should have used a more discreet way of telling the purpose. But the message in the film it self was delivered very well by the stories and statistics used in it. The whole film I think is a good representation of how juveniles are in prison and out of it.

    3. Like I said, it is wrong to jump to conclusions to some up a childs life. I think that a lesser term is definitely to call for. Who is to say these kids can't grow up to be something someday? They just need positive reinforcement. Cowboy123

  2. The title is horrible in its self, but being from a country that still have states that condemn children to death is scary. 70% of the children in prison have some type of mental illness such as Bipolar, ADHD and PTSD and being it prison on different medicine around other children in a small space, children are irritated stressed out, this simply causes a bigger problem. Many mental health places didn't want to help the children because they didn't want to deal with the behavior problem that came along with the child, so they would just lock them up In the story you see that the young men Allen ,Brian and mothers' were single mother working trying to take care of the family. At that point in their lives they were looking for attention and support so they turned to gangs. Savannah is a different story she didn't get involved with gangs but sh did get in trouble at school ..truancy as a problem for her. Most of the children in juvenile detention centers n kiddie jails aren't there for crimes that wouldn't be a crime if they were 21. Like curfew, truancy, smoking and drinking. Also know as status offenses. The Juvenile justice system laws were wrote over 100 years ago by wealth white educated men and 53% of children arrested are black. These were just 4 children out of millions of children with mental disorders that were just thrown away or suspended from school as a 7 yr child Zion on different medication at the age of 5. How could a 5 yr old wake up every morning taking pills like a adult. Then the med were switched 5 and 6 times because of the side affects. The children are being poisoned and imprisoned and us as parents are standing around doing nothing. MotherOf4123

    1. Yes, the statistics you gave were very eye-opening! If only people would realize that shoving kids in jail is no good for their mental state, this hindering the overall well-being of the child!

    2. I love the statistics. Every child that was in the video had something mental wrong with them, whether is was ADHD, Schizophrenia, or anything like that. They were in solitary confinement for the majority of their stay. It is just crazy. Jail is not good for a kid.

    3. The statistic of 70 percent of children having some type of mental illness which is extremely high, but without the proper treatment and care then it does become an issue. I agree! It’s also nice that Zion’s mother is taking into an account that she could very well see her son becoming a delinquent and is trying to help as much as she can to make sure that that doesn’t happen. CSI 123

  3. It is insane how we are still imprisoning kids for petty crimes. It is proven that keeping a child in solitary confinement actually does more harm than good to these children. When will America realize that we are emotionally draining our juvenile delinquents? This goes on to a whole other subject of us worsening the child, and permanently damaging their future. Being put in solitary confinement makes some of the children go crazy, which just makes them take more medications. These medications can then alter their brain state, making them someone who they were not. They can also develop many types of mental disorders, also damaging their future. The huge key to working with juveniles is reminding them that they still have a future to look forward to. The problem is, they don't see a future for themselves because of all the labels they have been given. So the question is, why are we making a juvenile's future seem to unattainable?

  4. This title prison kids is something that is such a negative label it’s not even funny. This tittle is the reason the juveniles thing they can only do criminal behaviors and not change their lives around. The film itself is a good representation I believe that as of what they go through as it deals with some hot topic when it comes to juvenile delinquency. Those topics are mental illness mainly. They also talk about how black juveniles are discriminated against. The first thing talks to a juvenile name are Zion and that has severe ADHD. And because of that there is a strict school policy’s. Also the school doesn’t know how to deal with a person like that which in return makes him getting in trouble a lot. The reason that I say that blacks are being discriminated against is the fact that the majority of the juvenile arrest of the city’s they spoke about had a high amount of black juveniles arrested. The figure that stuck out to me was the New Orleans stats, which were 97 percent of arrest, were blacks in a 73 percent make up of the city.

  5. They should have called it "Kids in Prison" not "Prison Kids". The topic in the show was showing kids with mental illnesses in prison. They were also talking about how minorities were mainly the ones getting arrested in schools. One kid was Zion. Zion has severe ADHD and sometimes he can not control it. His mom is afraid that he is going to get arrested for something that happens when his mental illness acts up. Schools do not know how to deal with students with mental illnesses that are not severe enough to be in a special education class. It is really disgusting to thing about it. I thought the United States were supposed to be equal opportunity. How can it be equal opportunity if in New Orleans. for example, has 97% of its arrests are black? It just does not make any sense.

  6. The title alone could be a sign of labeling theory. That has to put kids down pretty harshly when referring to them as "prison kids". A lot of these kids that are in there just could have mental issues. The boy named Zion suffers ADHD and anxiety. He will have a temper and get violent. With that being said, I think a lot of these things are stuff they can grow out of. If I look back at my life 10 years ago compared to now I handle things a lot more different. It is important that we don't give the kids a label at such a young age. Jumping to conclusions like that can affect them permanantly.Cowboy123

  7. While reading over the responses I noticed that everyone is talking about the title. It is pretty clear how they are labeling the children and is against to what the video is about. But it is however a catchy title. The video just proves that children are getting far worse of a punishment than adults are. Like they were saying in the video, children are more easily to manipulate into doing things. So why treat them worse within a court room then adults? Maybe because the authorities are fed up with the behavior of juveniles within the past decade, that would be my guess.

  8. It is a title like “Prison Kids” that could have an impact on many children. That is something that society is given them as a label which means the children are more likely to look up to that. Zion was a child who suffers from anxiety and ADHD and his mother knows as he gets a little older that he has a strong possibility that he could end up in jail. Being that he is a child of mental illness, many teachers should be trained or just learn more about how/why children act out or what they can do to help calm them down. Just because a child has a mental illness doesn’t mean there isn’t other factors that relate to them acting out and committing crimes. CSI 123


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