Youth and Solitary Confinement...

Youth and Solitary Confinement...


  1. Solitary confinement alone is quite a big punishment even on the adult level. People are not supposed to be held up in a room for that long. People need some type of socialization or they will go crazy people were born to communicate with others. It becomes an even bigger problem when it becomes a child they are putting in this confinement. Children are not even fully developed and when you throw them into solitary I feel as if it could affect how the child develops and could make it to where they could not function in a normal society once they have been introduced to this kind of treatment.


    1. Everything you said is hundred percent correct. Solidary confinement for adults is a severe punishment not to mention when you do it to juveniles. The fact that juveniles are not fully developed is a key component when talking about juvenile delinquency and development. That’s why you need to understand that juveniles are not done developing until earlier 20s to mid 20s.

    2. Solitary confinement is just as what you said "quite a big punishment even for an adult". We are talking about kids here and this is just too hard of a punishment for them to receive because their brains aren't fully developed and their sense of self isn't fully developed. This is equivalent to psychological torture because locking someone in a room in 23 hour increments can wreak havoc on anyone.

  2. Youth and solidary confinement is a very dangerous practice. Not to mention the fact that many juveniles may have a mental illness to begin with. Realize that I said begin with referring to before they are put in solidary confinement. The living conditions in solidary can drive anyone mad. Because you have to take notice that what solidary confinement is which is being by yourself for at least 22 hours a day to the whole 24 hours in the day being by yourself. Most likely not having anything to do when you are in solidary. What that can do to juveniles is something that is not reversible after the fact of being in there for so long. Plus there is the fact that most of the time the juveniles that are put in solidary confinement are placed in there for days to weeks on end. The worst is when they are put in there for months on end which is bordering on in human. And most are put in solidary for way to long which is something that needs to be fixed

  3. Solitary confinement for youth is not the smartest way to punish young individuals. Youths need social interaction so they can develop into young men and women and taking that away can make them develop more problems than they already have. The video said many of them had psychological disorders and locking them in a room for 23 hours increases the risk of suicide and ill thoughts, especially those who are on drugs that will make them not sleep. The Japanese used this technique for captured American soldiers, and many of the ones that lived faced addiction, became abusers, and some became criminals once they were freed and released back into society. Why would we do that to our own people? Let alone another human being letting have no social interaction, which is necessary.

  4. "Many of them are put in solitary confinement to protect them." Really? In order for youths to develop they need social interaction. Putting them in solitary does not give them what they need to develop into young adults. Many of the kids are going to age out and stop getting into trouble. The video said that they are in the cell for 22 or more hours a day. It increases suicide and thoughts. Being in solitary is enough to drive anyone mad. Especially those with mental illnesses. You have to just sit there and either try to sleep or just do nothing unless they give you a book to read or something to study with. You just start to think and think. Sometimes you just think to much that it drives you crazy.

  5. They said that they keep young people in solitary to either protect them from the adults or to punish them. Whether that is the case or not it should not happen like that. If you want to protect them from the adults, put them in a completely different area with people their age. If you want to punish them, put them in solitary for a few days NOT a few months. Strapping down a mentally ill child for 72 hours if just absurd and immature. I know I am young myself, but I do think I have more common sense then these people who do this kind of stuff.

    1. I definitely agree with this. I think that they should have separation between the children and adults and not have to worry about confinement because of someone coming by or having to protect them. That’s why they may have two different facilities that are needed. CSI 123

  6. Solitary confinement is being held in a cell by yourself for twenty-two hours. Many of the children are either held in solitary confinement to be protected from adults or because of punishment. Many children suffer from some type of mental health like bipolar, PTSD, ADHD, and maybe some others. With this type of illness and solitary confinement added to a child’s life doesn’t do anything but make them worse instead of better. It causes them to draw on the walls, become paranoid of their own thoughts, and can make a juvenile more violent then when they went in. Solitary confinement is not the answer to the problem. The children need time to interact and be social with others and better themselves. CSI 123


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