6,000 Released....To Worry or Not to Worry...Or, Inevitable?

6,000 Released....To Worry or Not to Worry...Or, Inevitable?


  1. Wow I like the fact that Obama is putting this more into consideration. I do agree that many will make a major come back in society if they werenot judge upon their criminal past. The past is meant for the past and future is meant to made you cant constantly being the past into the future or there will be no hope of changing period. I likr the fact that countries and jobs are already making that change and it's quite an encouragement to help the recidivism rate increase. But what I don't agree on is having the criminal history bix there after they do their interview if we are going to take it away take it away period, we are still judging the past and the only person to change it is the person itself and they will never get a chance to if we hold on to something so evil ,Yeah I know it was wrong but they know what they want to do to better them selves just hear them out and give them a chance it's not that hard as it would be if they weren't given any chances LifeImagine789

    1. I agree with what you are saying about the have you been convicted box on an application, but I also believe that it should be in some part of the interview process because you don't want someone who got caught robbing a bank or stealing money to handle a large amount of cash, but I do believe they have a chance to prove that they are better then the person they were in the past.

  2. When an ex convict gets out of prison they normally don’t have intention of going back to prison normally they want a better life, but more ex convicts are unable to get a job and many are left homeless once they are out of prison. I think that having the “have you been convicted of a felon?” on an application discourages ex convicts to apply because they automatically have the mindset that they wont be hired. By taking that question off the application I believe that they will try harder to make a better impression and will actually have a chance at getting a job. I think the steps Obama is taking to make sure that those ex convicts actually have a chance once they get out of prison is something that should have been done a while ago, hence why our prisons are overflowing with inmates. Releasing the prisons early could both be a good and bad thing but we will never know unless they try everyone deserves a second chance, unless they actually deserve to be in prison for life. Low profile drug offenders should have the chance at a new life instead of having to live in the past for a dumb mistake they made 5 years ago. The past doesn't always define a persons future.

  3. I really do agree with the "Have you ever been convicted of a felony" question should be removed from job applications because it discourages a lot of felons from completing the application of give up hope for the job because they know that they won't be hired because of it . I think that's a really nice for Obama to take a stand on helping inmates get better as in finding homes and jobs so that the retention rate inproves for men and women because the number one reason they do return to prison is they have no where to go when they get released and no job so they go out and do the same thing that got them incarcerated before . rebuilding the criminal justice system is what our society needs and president Obama has made a very great decision on helping inmates turn they're lives around for the better . -cashes123

  4. I think that Obama is making a good decision by allowing changes to be made about inmates finding housing and jobs. Most places won’t hire you if you have been a convicted felon, but I think by taking that off the application it will allow the rate of recidivism to go down because men and even females will have a purpose to get better and want a better life. In the article, it talks about how men with criminal records make up about 34 percent of the nonworking men between the age of 25 and 54 which stood out to me and also how they were less likely to receive a call back for a job offer and most of them were African-American. From a management point of view, that’s more of a racial profiling or they are being stigmatized because of what has happened to them in the past or for something that was wrong place at the wrong time. CSI 789

    1. I agree with what you are saying and it is a horrible thing that some inmates were in the wrong place at the wrong time and now they have to deal with it. With that being said they would have to mark on the application that they had a felony. With this program that Obama is trying to do this would help them all. Green789

  5. This article was very interesting to me that Obama was trying so hard to be able to find a way for inmates to be able to come home and fins a job. This is what we should have been doing all along. Yes we there are people in this world that will not change however there are numerous inmates that only went back to their old ways because they had no way of getting a job or having a place to stay. The article stated that 20 million people have been convited of a felony which means that that is a lot of people that are not able to find a job necause of thier background. I really hope that we could find a way for us to be able to have a program for everyone. Green789


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