Is Crime Rising?

Is Crime Rising?


  1. The crime rate is a very hard topic to judge and to follow. It can also become misleading to some people because of the various perceptions society has towards the crime rate. There are so many different classifications of crime from the serious to the less crime. Some people say that the crime rate is on the rise but many others may disagree. By looking at the facts and statistics provided by the U.S. Department of Justice, Bureau of Justice Statistics, you can get an idea as to how hard this "crime rate" is to follow. While American's were saying it was on the rise, statistic's either showed it a constant or on a decline. However when dealing with this, it is important to keep in mind that when basing these facts off of a rate, they have to go by a certain point of where the rate was in the previous year, they then use this as a focal point to base it around. Also stated in the article was the fact that the crime rates for 2015 will not be released until the beginning of this year. With that being said, it is nearly impossible to compare this year with previous years without knowing the legitimate crime rate. sparks 456

    1. The crime rate is a tricky topic to discuss simply because of the vast amount of studying that takes place to know the actual rate. I like your point of not being able to make any judgments on this years rate when this years crime rates wont even be released until next year.

    2. I do agree with you that it's very hard to judge Upon the system of the criminal justice alot of stuff has changed amung the years , who knows why or what or to be positively sure. It's not clear on any year therefore no judgement shall be made because alot of things aren't as equal as they say or think LifeImagine789

  2. The Crime Rate is something that is usually mislead by people that don't keep up with the facts but only what they see on media. Seven out of 10 people in studies say that the crime rate is rising. They are obviously going by what they see on the TV and not what is actually happening. It is also mislead when they take the data from a short span of time, the numbers sound outrageous and scary for most people. The longer the time span that the data is collected from gives a more accurate and settling answer. The crime rates for 2015 will not be released until the beginning of next year so this year cant even be compared to previous years until this year is over.

    1. I agree that crime rate is something that is mostly mislead because people don't look into the facts they just listen to the media that is reporting the crime rate that has happened in the past year or just a few years. Crime Rate is hard to keep up with because no one wants to take the time to look into the crime that has gone on over several years, they would rather look over the crime rate that has happened in the past year which cant compare.

  3. Crime Rate is a very difficult topic to have an official yes or no answer for. There are so many different things to be recorded. And when the news reports crime, they are doing small sections such as 1-4 years. You simply cannot measure crime in small sections like that because you are going to get insanely high increasing or decreasing rates. The media likes to tell people that crime is rising when in reality, it's not. Measuring crime is a very tricky thing to do, and if you follow the news and other media, and you always believe everything that they say... You are wrongly informed.


    1. I would totally agree to you. I think we need to get tougher on crime we need to fight back. I also agree when you say you can not get an accurate rate on crime in just 1-4 years. You need to represent a greater year date to date than that. More like a 1-20 years. Then let's see what the out come is. bodybuilder456

  4. Crime rate is a hard topic to talk about because there are so many different things that people think about it. Most of the time crime rates are mis-lead by reporters and the media because they are not looking at how crime rate has changed over several years but they are looking at how crime rate has change over one year or just a couple of years. Some may think that the crime rate is currently increasing because of what the media says, but if the reporters who talk about this certain topic actually look into what is really going on and saw that over possibly the past 10-12 years the crime rate has gone down, then this wouldn't be an issue. If the media shows correct information to the public then our society would not be as freaked about the crime. Crime rate is a hard topic to analyze mainly because of the media that surrounds it.

    1. I agree with you. People do have different thoughts about things. I feel that crimes are going up because of all the killing going on with these guns. If people put these guns down people would be better off and the crime rates will be going down. I feel that we need a lot of strong officers to stop the crimes. Keya123

  5. I agree that the crime rate is rising very fast but also at the same time going down very fast. The reason behind my thoughts is there are people that are getting better at becoming there selves instead of letting others do there dirty work for them. Yet again there are people still doing crime like they used to. I think the fix to this problem is to just keep doing what we doing with criminal justice and get tough of crime. bodybuilder456

    1. I agree with you that people are still committed crime like they have all along. Crime rate has gone up over the past 18 months. But I believe this is because of the shooting happening across the country. If you were to cancel out these situations I think that the crime rate would stay even across the board. Taggswag456

  6. Crime rate is a very misunderstood topic to discuss about. The media displays that the crime rate is “rising.” For example, a news station would say that in the past four weeks the crime rated has gone up 200% from last month. This is because that last month only one person was killed. But this past month three people were murdered. The statistic is true but is very over dramatic. One has to look at the bigger picture to understand crime rate in an area. You cannot go month by month or even year by year. Another example would be if a shooting of nine innocent lives were to happen. Obviously, this would make the crime rate go up. But how often does a situation like this occur? I can tell you not very often. The public just needs to understand that the news and media can blow things way out of proportion that what they really are. Taggswag456

    1. i completely agree with you. Crime isn't necessarily rising it is fluctuating in a negative pattern. therefore the crime rate is decreasing but fluctuates up and down. The media reports these absurd numbers to the population all time time. even though they are technically correct, the bigger picture is that crime is going down.


    2. You make an interesting point! Statistics may be true, but even mathematical information can result in skewed, disfigured information. The presence of outliers and extremes have the ability to change the result of a study dramatically. Many do not understand that statistics are not 100% correct, and should not be relied on completely. There's always an underlying factor that can cause something to change.


  7. The crime rate topic is a very debate topic to talk about. Everyone have their thoughts about how the crime rates are or how they should be. The crime rates are going up really fast. These perceptions have fluctuated significantly over the past 26 years,and even the current 70% who say crime is increasing is up from the last several years. That is really sad, 9 times out of 10 the rates are increasing because of guns because people don't know what they are doing. Keya123

  8. Crime rate is a hard topic to talk about because there are so many different things that people think about it. Most of the time crime rates are mis-lead by reporters and the media because they are not looking at how crime rate has changed over several years but they are looking at how crime rate has change over one year or just a couple of years. For example, a news station would say that in the past four weeks the crime rated has gone up 200% from last month.

  9. Crime is a difficult thing to put a numerical value on. Even if the crime rate has increased from the year before, the crime rate has been declining over the last twenty years. It is even harder if by measuring from a month to month basis. For example, if no crimes are committed one month and the next month only one crime is committed. Then the crime rate would have increased by 100%. This is how the media reports crimes and is not always accurate. Most people believe that crime is increasing because they watch the news and believe everything that is said by them. Also those people could be living in a high crime area and by seeing crime every year they could believe that crime is increasing.


    1. The people who think crime is rising the most, are the people who are not around it. They are the people who just hear about it on the news and take everything they say as fact without even stopping to think for themselves. The media might not necessarily lie, but they do a good job of bending the truth to sound more dramatic.

      Earthquake 456

    2. I like how you mentioned that the ones that are sheltered tend to be live crime is rising. Though it may not be down the road, they believe it's coming. I like how Earthquake mentioned bending the truth, they may not be wrong on the phrase "it's at its highest" maybe thus far since (x) Date, but either way it's not a fair and realistic statement since your not giving enough room for a trend. The rule of thumb is at least a decade. Those that watch the news don't watch it criticaly, but as there quick source and then share what they have "found".


  10. Crime rate is a hard topic to get a official answer for. Their are people who actually do research on the crime rates and give correct answers. Then their are the people who base their answers on what the media tells them. The media make it seem like their is a lot of crime because thats how they get all of their followers. So the people who base their opinions on what they get from the media will most likely say the crime rates are rising. When the media says the crime rate has raised over 200% since last month doesn't really mean crime rates are rising. Last month two people could be murdered and then this month five people could be murdered. So the crimes rates aren't really raising that much but the media makes it seem like it is. dragons456

  11. The people claiming they believe the crime rate is rising do not know that. I highly doubt many of the people asked actually have ever looked up any realistic statistics about crime. Majority of people merely repeat whatever they hear on the news or read online or in the paper. It is clearly the people who are not around the crime or influenced by it, to be the ones who think it' s getting worse. People who live in rural areas think crime is higher than people from any where else. This is because they hear about the crime happening in big cities on the news, but never actually see it or have it effect them. The crime rate has been dropping for over 20 years, but people feel more unsafe now then ever before. To show how much the media controls how people feel about crime look at how many people thought crime was rising in 2001. It was the lowest in over 20 years, this is because the media was focused on 911 instead of crime. Since people were not hearing on the news how dangerous criminals were every day, they assumed crime was down.

    Earthquake 456

  12. It's hard if you're not in a class like the one we are in, you don't have easy access to the data and statistics that Dr. White gives us. He has told us multiple times that although crime rates have dropped, that the community still believes that the rates are steadily increasing. It is easy to believe though, seeing as how the media is much more prevalent in our society than it used to be. The media blows up every case of crime and violence whenever it can. If citizens are turning on the tv or logging onto Facebook and only seeing stories of some new crime in their city then they're going to believe crime rates are up.

  13. Majority of the population bases their knowledge of crime off of what the media reports. While the media reports crime rising all of the time, they are trying to catch the attention of the viewers. It is very difficult to tell the true level of crime due to the dark figure of crime. To get a semi accurate picture of the crime rate, the longer periods of time that you look at, the more accurate of a answer you will get. You can not use a couple years or months to find the value of the crime rate. Broncos456

  14. News media has had a huge impact in the US and more so now then ever are beginning to spoon feed us lies upon lies in result of mind control. The sad thing is this works. If the collective parent companies heir the same material like the text said 7 out 10 believe it is rising. Just think about that 3 people understand that:
    1) The year isn't over
    2) We need atleast a decade to compare
    3) The ones who know this are being educated in fields like ours CJ.
    The media antognizes, stigmatizes, and controls those that watch it without question. We are being trained to hate, be scared, and beleive that whats happening a few states from is going to come to their door step. Crime is at its lowest than it has in 20 years, why do we not hear positive reports? The only answer we have is, they don't sell.
    Why must lives be ended for news story so the company can have a bigger wallet?

  15. It is not uncommon to hear about the media skewing information and making it seem much worse than it really is. It's similar to using a magnifying glass. If we look at specific areas and scrutinize every single crime that is committed, then yes, it will appear that crime is rising. However, many fail to step back and look at the bigger picture. Crime rates have been at a steady decline for decades and have leveled for some time now. A weakness of the population today is that we fail to look at statistics and rely on what we are told by social media and other sources of news. Just because a picture is labeled with convincing white font, does not mean that the information that is being presented is true. Society is very gullible and fails to make an effort to discover the truth.


  16. Alot of the media falifies information about the cjs or the United States alone. The media will make up something just to get some viewers or will make up some because of what the viewers said knowing that some may be wrong. Alot of the information coming from the media is wrong ns there is no way to back it up. Alot of stuff isn't real because they either take stuff and crop it in or crop it out which is hard to decifer if the situaion is actually true. Many people are very immature gullible and naive nd will never settle. LifeImagine789

    1. I agree with what you have stated, that the news is not real and they will do anything to make something look bad just so that they can have someone ask questions. This is what leads them to getting everyones attention. Green789

  17. By reading this article, it shows me from the data that people are saying that the crime rate is going up. Personally, I think that the crime rate is staying about the same. It will eventually declining, but I don’t think that it is happening fast enough. More people think that crime is going up because the media wants you to hear all the bad things and rumors that are going on in the United States and in the world. If we didn’t have any crime at all, there would not be jobs for the people that are going to school to be in the criminal justice field. Crime rate is not something that is set in stone. It is something that can increase and/or decrease for a day, month, or year. Looking at the big picture like more than just one year will allow comparison to see if the rate of crime is increasing or decreasing. CSI 789

  18. A lot of people are thinking that our crime rate is going up however I believe that it is staying right where it ha been. There are the same crimes that keep happening and I think that is why everyone thinks this. There is usually something new on te news every night or day and that is anther reason that we are having this trouble with people thinking that our crime rate is so high. I feel that it has been a long time and we a still having the same crimes that we did years ago. Green789


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