Police Suicide......Community Relations?

Police Death......Community Relations?


  1. The staged suicide of a Illinois Police Officer resulted in a month long man hunt for three suspects witch were suspected of shooting the cop. The officer made up 3 arbitrary suspects to stage his own suicide. That then escalated into a huge investigation. Investigators found evidence of embezzlement and also recovered incriminating text messages coming front his phone. Now when you hear about something like this you wonder how many other cops were doing the same thing. The officer was a lieutenant so there for he was looked up to by fellow officers. Also you have to wonder what this does to the community. The people were thinking that their were 3 cop murderers running around in the streets when it was really just staged. Hopefully this department can get to the bottom of everything and improve from here on out

    1. The only way police officers will ever be able to effectively do their jobs and keep the streets safe is if they have trust with the community. Officers like Gliniecwicz are the reason the community has trust issues with the police. If officers cannot even trust each other, how does anyone expect the police to have a trusting relationship with the community. Unfortunately, there probably are other officers out there doing similar things.

      Earthquake 456

  2. In todays society courruption is and always has been a big thing people have to worry about. In this case no one would have suspected such an "honorable" officer to steal and lauder money from a program he was leading for children. He had also been committing criminal acts throughout the past years and these were finally starting to catch up with him and along came the heat and fire from the ones who were supposed to be his supervisors. Some may call his acts towards staging his suicide "well thought out" others may call it a cowardly act. This is something that people have just learned how to deal with, there are always gonna be corruption in this world and especially in the criminal justice system. I myself find this act to be a very cowardly one, and a permeant solution to a temporary problem. Sparks-456

    1. i agree with this statement. This was a cowardly act from the officer because he wanted to be a honorable officer but he did everything that would make him not honorable. I agree that with all of the criminal acts that this man has done it was all starting to catch up to him which led him to complete suicide.

    2. I am always reluctant to claim that suicide is a cowardly act, but in this situation, it seems as though I do not have any other adjective to describe it correctly. The sole reason why this man completed suicide was because he was looking for an escape to his problems which would have brought dishonor to him, his family, and his department. I feel bad that he thought the only solution was to compete suicide, but am not empathetic toward the crimes he committed.


  3. What this certain police officer did to leave this world was not right. Trying to put down three innocent people for his death, stealing five figures of money from the explorer association, and causing the departments to search and waste money that could be used for something more important to try and find people that were never involved in this officers death. I understand that the officer wanted to be seen as a hero to the community, but to be a hero to the community then the officer needed to do heroic acts instead of stealing and having his trainees set up crime scenes for his own death. In my opinion, this inncident makes the officers look unreliable and untrustworthy because he was stealing money from a foundation to help students and young adults enter into a professional field. The way this officer commited suicide was not the right way.

    1. I like your point about how much money and how many resources were used in this fake man hunt. This man pasted being a hero when he decided to steal, I cant see the point of making this case so big. Hopefully this department gets to the bottom of all the stolen money and get most of it back in the program where he took it from.

    2. I agree with you. He should of not of gone out like that. If he wanted to quit so bad that he killed himself then he should of just quit his job. He didn't have to die like that. I think that he did that because he was just to afraid that he was going to be put in jail, which he deserves. bodybuilder456

    3. I agree with you. Who takes money from young kids. If you a police officer why do that. You are here to protect the communtiy not go out killing yourself because you know you were wrong, and you don't want to be a man and own up to your actions, thought dieing was the easy way out. Keya123

  4. Of the many things, one thing this staged suicide has done is destroyed the relationship between the police and the communities more than it already was. People now are going to not trust and not like the police more than ever before.Also, in just overtime hours alone, around $300,000 was spent in this manhunt. There was so much money poured into this search when none needed to be. This also just goes to show how corrupt the police can be, and it totally ruins the relationship with the community. All officers are now going to be paying for that one officers mistakes.


    1. I agree, this severed relationships with the community as well as what they may be going through already. I like how you mentioned the OT hours these officers will be getting paid due to the search.

      I pictured it like this:
      Man steals $10,000.
      Police responded: $300,000
      Officers OT: $xxx

      Cops are going to be seen as crooked and some may questions the others inside if one guy could do this who else is in on it.

      I think there should be a new policy on money handling. Such as 3 people present on checks and signing off on papers.


  5. I feel that this is a very wrong idea. Being a police officer, why would you want to terrorist the community like that. Faking a suicide, like really?! Why in the heck would someone do that. I understand that he stole money from his fund with staging crime scene for young cops to learn to investigate the scene. That's why they searched for him for so long is because he made it appear that he will did get killed instead of committing suicide. Bodybuilder456

    1. I agree with you. This situation is very wrong. However, he did not fake his suicide. He faked his death by suicide. None the less, this man is a complete coward. To me death was his way of escaping the whole process so he didn’t get scrutinized by the public. Taggswag456

    2. He didn't fake his suicide he faked his murder by committing suicide. Joe Gliniewincz was not only stealing thousands of dollars from the explorer program, he cost the police department hundreds of thousands of dollars by having a massive manhunt for the guys that "killed" him. I think he may have been depressed and maybe thats why he did it but only he knows.


    3. He didn't fake his suicide he faked his murder, but no matter what he did was wrong. He should have taken the fall for what he did and did the time. He should have never gotten the right to call himself an officer of the law. -dicaprio456

  6. Fox Lake Police Lt. Joe Gliniewicz is a complete coward. This man stole from a children’s fund over the years and took his own life. He had gotten caught funneling thousands of dollars away from this organization into his own pocket for a police investigation. How he took his own like is even worse too. He radioed into the stations about three suspicious characters. When the police found him it had looked like they had gotten the better of the Lt. He had struggle marks also had been shot in the chest twice. However, this was not true he set this up to make it look like this. Joe Gliniewicz did this to himself and made it look like he had gone out like a hero. Proceeding this the police station went on an investigation that costed the public hundreds of thousands of dollars. When a few days later to find out he had fixed this whole situation. Taggswag456

    1. I agree that Lt. Gliniewicz is in the wrong. He stole money form a program thats main purpose was for kids who was to pursue law enforcement. Everyone respected him and looked up to him when really he was a criminal the while time. He could of easily ruined peoples lives if they got blamed for killing the officer. dragons456

  7. I feel that the police officer killed himself so he can have others thinking that the boys he was after killed him. But if you would even think of anything like that you should be into someone mental hospital. I feel as every police officer should be tested for mental illness every 6 months to a year, because that's was really crazy for that police officer to kill himself. I feel as why kill yourself just own up to your action. I feel that the officer had a mental health problem. Killing yourself is not the answer. Keya123

    1. I think he was a coward. He didn't kill himself because of a mental health issue he killed himself because he couldn't deal with the fact that he was going to be caught laundering money. He then blamed these kids because he also couldn't deal with the fact that a community that once thought highly of him would look down on him.

  8. I think the officer killed himself thinking that people would think of him as a hero. He was hoping that they would never discover all the money he stole and he would alway be thought of as a hero. He took all that money that could of benefitted the kids to fund his personal life. He used the experience he had from setting up fake crime scenes for the explorers program to help stage his death. He said he was chasing 3 suspects to try and cover it up by saying someone else shot him. He could of easily ruined the lives of 3 innocent people by trying to take his life to escape his actions. Officer Gliniewicz should of took blame for his actions instead of killing himself to escape the consequences. dragons456

  9. Officer Gliniewincz is not a hero. He was not only staged his own suicide, but also was laundering money from a youth explorer program. I think that Gliniewincz may have been depressed and thought suicide was the answer and perhaps he wanted to go out in a way that made him look heroic. Things like this can cause the community to not trust the police. The police department of Americas are already under a lot of scrutiny and this makes it even worse. Gliniewincz was well respected by his peers and others in the community. After this, they are all looking at his differently and he was not the man they all thought they new.


  10. Officer Gliniewincz is a criminal plain and simple. He deserved to be locked up like everyone else, officer or not. Not only was he stealing, he was stealing from the the explorer program. The program is for youths who are also interested in joining the criminal justice field. This program allows youths to see what it is like to be a police officer and learn the things that will be necessary for them to join the field. Gliniewincz is stealing from the people who looked up to him and respected him. He clearly knew he was going to get caught soon. Instead of shaming his name and family by going to prison, he tried to make it appear that he died a hero. When in fact he killed himself and used the skills of setting up crime scenes for the explorer program to stage his own crime scene. He is an abomination, and took the easy way out, instead of facing what he did.

    Earthquake 456

  11. Officer Gliniewincz is a criminal, everything he did was wrong there is NO "good explanation" or any excuse for what he did. I think its one thing to STEAL but to steal from the youth is another ball game. Especially since he was a police officer someone who is trusted by the community, and the community and the the youth of that community looked up to him so much! There is nothing more deceitful than someone pretending to be someone that they are not. He should've never been given the right to wear that badge to call himself a "police officer". He was wrong for what he did and couldn't handle himself so he took the easy way out. You think the community had problems trusting police officers then? This just made it even worse. -dicaprio456

  12. There's no excuse for what Officer Gliniewnncz did. He was a coward who decided he couldn't handle being caught stealing and laundering money and in turn had to complete suicide. But he didn't stop there, he also had to blame it on kids who weren't there because he also couldn't handle the shame of completeing suicide. This Officer gave a bad name to his department. He used to be called G.I Joe, now he's being called G.I Joke. And it's not like the community had enough trust issues with officers to begin with.

  13. After reading about how the death of the officer was a suicide,many thoughts came to mind, was he avoiding going to prison so he was not locked up with people he put in there? Was he trying to go out a hero instead of a criminal? Or was he trying to keep his name clean and honored? We will never know the real reason why he staged his death as a murder scene. I also find it extremely wrong that he took so much money out of the police explorers program. How can you take money away from a fund that helps kids who want to be like you when they are older? Its a shame that his funeral was so focused around him being a hero when he is actually a coward who couldn't face the consequences that he brought upon himself. Broncos456

  14. This subject is rather thought provoking and raises many questions. What stood out to me was the officers rank of lieutenant. That in itself is a title that shows your dependable, trustworthy, and have the skills to be a leader. When the officer completed suicide he showed many symptoms that this was going to end in him taking his own life. What stood out to me was his reaction of the text message. He must have been missing something to embezzlement funds from a Youth Program that he ran. Being an LEO you are wanting to be a role model showing children what you do, the message he sent to the members in the Explorers as well as his team was if he can do it, someone else can too.
    Reforms should be made on how money is handled not one man should ever hold the responsibility of handling money alone because temptation can be higher behind closed doors.
    As well as the man hunt, this was a terrible message to send to the general public. If your at home and you hear 2-3 men had a gun and shot a local officer who you knew; imagine the fear that left those at home who had to live a month knowing there was a cop killer in their community who was armed and dangerous.
    Tax dollars were wasted and daily lives were put on hold due to a temporary problem that ended his life. Makes you wonder what kind of legacy do you want to leave behind?


    1. *Above*

      Published by: Palmdaddy456

  15. When first hearing about this, I was astonished. I was blow away on how far a person would go to hide from the embarrassment and dishonor that would ensue a suicide. At first, I felt bad that this officer felt that he had to cover that he had been feeling thoughts of suicide and eventually completed suicide, but after reading more in depth, I am less empathetic towards him. Although I would never claim a suicide to be a cowardly act, it is, in this situation, a way to avoid facing the consequences of the crime committed. Once the real cause of death was released, it can be assumed that the community felt lied to and cheated. Not only did this police officer lie to his community, but he stole and laundered money from an association that essentially helped children form their future with law enforcement. This act not only broke the trust that had been gained from the population, but will make the community hesitant in the future to trust officers. This proves that one mistake can be detrimental to an entire community.



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