War on Drugs? Who Were the Combatants?

War on Drugs? Or, Race, Class, and Unfortunates?


  1. The statement saying " it will not be prevented by arrest but by treatment " is a very clear and understandable statement why put someone in jail with that type of problem, their not going to survi4because once their out they will do it again this time they won't be in jail they will be six feet under it. And another thing blacks weren't the only to drugs and herion it is now shown that whites do it more and then to be more soft going and easy on them why because it's their fault they in that situation not saying blacks have a easy way out too. It should all be an equal way for treatent for this problem we all deserve second chances and a better healthier life. If we have kids alot can change them and changing this bad habit from the parents will make a better come up for the young. LifeImagine789

    1. I agree that throwing someone in prison isn't going to help them with their problem but they do need to be put somewhere where they will stay away from the drugs. Getting them help when they are younger with make a healthier future for them, I don't think anyone wants to have to bury their child. -Barcelona789


  2. This article opens your eyes up about drug addiction. Not only does the drug addiction kill the person doing the drug but it also kills their families. Hearing about the stories of younger individuals who have died because of an overdose is sad but when the family knows about it, it is kind of their fault because they could have gotten them help. I think it is ridiculous that we are just now talking about expanding the platform for rehabilitation and it is kind of sad that it is towards Obama’s term if he cared about this issue so much he should have addressed it earlier. Too many people have died from overdoses and they could have gotten help if someone forced them to go to rehab or could have turned them in and they could have potentially gotten help in prison and stayed away from the drugs. -Barcelona789

    1. I agree with everything that you are saying. The drugs are killing the person using but also the families that are dealing with the person that has the addition. It is ridiculous that they are just now trying to look deeper into rehab for these problems. They should have already done this and you are also right when you said that the families should of tried to help and get the user help. Green789

    2. I agree that the drugs are killing the user and the family members on the inside as well. With drug users/addicts it is said that normally an addict will go through at least 8-10 drug relapses before the person begins to start showing major progress towards full treatment. An addiction is a horrible thing and I think it is a good thing that the criminal justice system is making the conversion from locking people up to actually treating these people with the appropriate treatment they deserve. Sparks456

    3. It is sad when somebody dies from drug addiction and even worse how it effects the rest of the family. I wouldn't say that it is the rest of the family fault because they didn't get help. Even forced rehab wouldn't help that much because the user wouldn't think they needed help. After they were forced into rehab they would just start using again. The same thing would happen in prison.


  3. The families that have experienced the losses in this article are very on point with their view of how to handle an addiction. It is a disease for people that needs to be treated and cannot ever just stop. Much like any other disease such as depression or cancer it is something that if left untreated will eventually cause permanent harm and death to a person. Simply arresting people and taking them away from drugs or whatever addiction that they may have only serves to make them relapse harder, faster, and in a more dangerous way than they would if they were to be given treatment. Yes this is all up to the individual that has the addiction and they need to have a want for this to actually work to its fullest potential, but as a society and culture we should do everything in our power to help these people and treat their addictions as a disease and not just a phase or way of life that cannot be changed and helped. CSI 789

  4. An addition is something that not everyone can understand. This is a very powerful thing that can tear families apart. The families that have to go through this not only loose their family member but all hope that they could help their family over come this addition that took hold on their life.This article stated that overdoses are growing more than car crashes. We need to find a way to keep people from using any drugs however that is a difficult task we have been trying to do this for years. We would need to make sure that we helped them with everything that they needed. Green789

  5. "People are committing crimes to feed their addiction, plain and simple." This is something that needs to be realized by law enforcement and by the people of the community. Treatment instead of arrests should start to show a greater positive impact when it comes to dealing with people who have an addiction. It is good that people are finally beginning to realize that what they have been doing for all of these years just simply wasn't working and that it was time to make the change. All lives matter and these people simply need the treatment in order to fight this epidemic and addiction. Locking people up for an addiction instead of giving them treatment is just sweeping it under the rug and is not helping the situation by any means. I'm glad that new ways of treatment as well as bills are being passed making it easier to access reversal drugs.

    1. Treatment over prison time is the way to go! Judges in courts need to start understanding that locking up every drug addicted person is not going to help them. It will simply starve them of their addiction during their time spent in prison. After their time is served they will go out and relapse. It is time the United States starting fighting against drug addictions with more treatment center lock ups rather than prison lock ups. Taggswag456

  6. First things first, I would never let my son/daughter live life being addicted to heroin. Nor would I financially help her so she can keep doing it. These parents should have right away approached their daughter about entering a rehab center. Knowing that for years they basically kept it on the down low seems to a case of abuse to me. It’s not like a drug addict will all of a sudden want to come clean when she is leaving a free and easy life. To me the parents are not fully responsible for this but should have taken immediate action a long time ago. More than likely if they would have their daughter would still be alive today. Taggswag456

    1. THANK YOU!
      Some people seem way too lenient with the parents, as they are there to guide us when confused. They should have quit covering her so much and pushed her into rehab. She would probably still be alive, and speaking on how much she appreciated being put in rehab. In the article, it mentions her boyfriend, I wonder where he was at this whole time. Rest in peace to her for sure. They had knowledge of EVERYTHING. Why not do something about it? So confused and so many blanks in this case.

    2. I agree with you that parents need to be watching their kids more closely and most definitely not allow them or "accept" their drug addiction.

    3. I agree with you on never letting my kid live a life of being addicted. I would make them go to a treatment program and get help with their addiction. I also agree that I would not help support their addiction. If you allow your kid to steal form you and you not do anything about it you are pretty much supporting their addiction. dragons456

  7. Drug addiction effects everybody. The families mentioned in this article went through hell when their daughter died from drug addiction. The family wasn't entirely at fault but they should not have just pushed her addiction under the rug. Instead they should have taken the proper steps in to getting her the help she needed to get off of the drugs. I'm glad that the government and law enforcement agencies are finally realizing that drug addicts need help and not to be locked up.


    1. I agree with you that it effects other people besides themselves to a certain extent. The criminal justice system isn't worried about these drug users making their family's sad, they are more worried about these addicts getting to attached to their drug of choice and breaking the laws to get it. Most of the people committing burglary's are addicting to drugs. So by sending these people to rehab would hopefully stop the rate of drug use and also overdose.

  8. Hmmm I wonder what the mindset of her parents were. Not putting any authority or punishment for her stealing. Such acts were permitted by her parents and avoided the bigger issue. Stealing money from the parents is bad, but not as bad as the girls mindset must have thought " Doing heroin is now apart of my lifestyle and has been accepted by my parents." Not wanting to pin all the fault on the parents, but when do you put your foot down and say enough is enough? I won't even want my child smoking marijuana, let alone heroin. At the same time, I do believe any drug addicts should be put in a rehab center and not in a jail cell. Back to the child, instead of punishing her, instead of paying off her debts and having $400 a day been taken away, why couldnt they pay for her to go to rehab? Did her boyfriend know of this struggle? I would think that if he saw his loved one become addicted to such a horrible drug, that he would get her the help she needed no questions asked. The overdose epidemic is too huge to be avoided. Don't let your kids be a statistic in the "deaths" column.

  9. the way they are dealing with drug abusers is not the way they should be. Putting someone in prison instead of rehab makes no since to me. They aren't harming anyone but themselves so therefore they should get a chance to change their ways and get rehabilitated. I understand that not everyone they comprehend will be washed away of their drug habit but it would help a lot more than throwing them in jail.

  10. When it comes to drug dealers and pushers, I can understand putting those people into prison so they can stop hurting people with their drugs, but the users are not going to get the help they need by being incarcerated. Make them pay fines, and send them to an institution that will help them stop using. If you put them right into prison, when they get out, they are going to go right back to using drugs because they don't know how to say no to it. That's exactly what they would learn in a rehab.

    1. I agree with you. Putting them in jail I mean it's understandable but putting them into jail won't stop anything. People that does drugs don't mean no harm .they could be hurt if anything, that's why putting them in rehab would be the better answer if anything. Keya123

    2. Agreed, putting them in jail and making pay all the fines isn't going to help them or want to make them get help, If anything it puts these addicts in more of a suppressed mood and want to use even more. -dicaprio456

    3. Inmates have a far off better chance of getting clean in rehab then prison. It was thought before that if in prison the person would go years without the drug and be clean by the time they got out. Sounds good in theory, but real life is not that easy. Prison guards cannot even keep drugs out of prisons. Between 2006-2008 there were 44 drug overdoses from inmates in California prisons. The amount of drugs in prisons is astounding and needs to be controlled.

      Earthquake 456

    4. I agree 100 percent. The dealers need to be the ones that are in prison. They are killing innocent people that just get into the wrong crowd. They need help. They need to go to an institution and have a strong support system. They need someone to be there for them while they are going though a hard patch.

  11. The article makes you realize how serious heroin addiction is. It also show you how much heroin use and death from it can affect families. The family should of done more for their daughter during her addiction. They should of helped her and made her go get help instead of letting them steal form them and kept her addiction a secret. People steal to feed their addiction. They need to realize that treatment does more for someone who is addicted to drug than just locking them up does. They need to have more treatment programs for people who are addicted to drugs. People are more likely to stop using drugs if they go through a treatment program than they will if they just sit in prison. dragons456

    1. I agree with you. Just like in south park. "drugs are bad mhkay." Heroin makes so many families eventually fall apart. It literally takes them and rips them apart limn from limn. Why would you even waste your money on those sort of things too? I know I wouldn't and neither should the people that are using these drugs. bodybuilder456

  12. This article want us to know that drugs kills you. Heroin will kill you faster than any other drug you know. People need to get their love ones into a rehab place so they can get help. Because when you get hocked on them drugs you get a addiction. Putting them in jail will not work, they need to be in a rehab place they will learn the same lesson there as well. Keya122

    1. I meant keya123

    2. Placing the drug offenders in a rehab facility will definitely be more beneficial than placing them in jail but they should also help those that need more after they can get them clean. Repeated users of a drug like heroin will take over somebodies ability to beable to help themselves by finding a job or a place to live.

  13. I agree with this article. It tells me a lot of information about how the "war on drugs" affects people and what we can do to prevent some of the things that are happening. Such has rehab places to send these drug abusers. This world would be a much better place if we would just pay attention to the people around us instead of ignoring them. bodybuilder456

  14. This article really makes you realize what drug addiction does to families, it destroys and tears apart so many families, and takes people away from their families way too soon. It just goes to show you anyone, ANYONE can be taken down by herion, herion does discriminate it does not care about the color of your skin or where you come from. People need to realize that drug addictions are mental ilness. We aren't helping people if all we are doing is locking them up. We need more places for people with addiction to get help. I guarantee you a lot of people who want help cannot afford or don't have people around them telling them to get help. "With heart disease or cancer, you know what to do, you know who to call, with drugs you're out in the wild west." This stuck out to me so much, because it sad that a lot of people turn their heads to drug addicts. All these people addicted to drugs are your everyday people, who need our help more than ever. I really hope to see a change, I've lost people to addiction and it tears you apart. -dicaprio456

  15. Drug addiction is a very tricky thing. Sending people to rehabilitation facilities instead of prison is huge step in the right direction. I find it interesting though that during the "war on crime" era, when it was majority blacks and minorities getting caught with these drugs, that it was very harsh sentencing. Now that there is an abundance of white people dying from drugs the laws are being changed as to help the person instead of just punishing them. I truly this has happened out of coincidence with the changing times, but unfortunately knowing how the American government has been and can be this is doubtful. I just hope when addicts are being caught, they are all being sent to rehabilitation facilities no matter their race or background.

    Earthquake 456

  16. For Obama to take a step back and walk around the communities and realize that drug addiction and people over dosing is a problem. Spending that 133 million dollars to help drug addicts and to prevent kids from even trying them is a good way to spend our money. Building rehab facilities and placing kids and adults in these programs instead of a jail cell will be beneficial and cut costs on housing drug offenders.

    1. I agree, we should spend the money on the addicts instead of on the jails. It would be the more humane way to act, and keep the person at the forefront of our actions. We need to help them, not bring them back into the system!

    2. I agree with sending the users to rehab. However, I think the dealers deserve to go to jail. People will say "it's the users fault though". But if your profession is selling drugs you will try to convince anybody to use. That is why kids tend to use drugs and people will give it to them. Cowboy123

  17. "Other parents like him have successfully lobbied for similar measures across the country. Almost all states now have laws or pilot programs making it easier for emergency medical workers or family and friends to obtain naloxone. And 32 states have passed “good Samaritan” laws that protect people from prosecution, at least for low-level offenses, if they call 911 to report an overdose." The good Samaritan law is a life saver. This allows family members of drug users a security blanket over their child. Many parents are oblivious as to what their kids do in their rooms, and this law helps them out immensely. It can also save a child's life. It is smarter to spend the money on the drug addicts than to spend it incarcerating them.

  18. After reading this article and watching the video, it was a huge eye opener to me about how important it now is to treat instead of punish these drug users. Clearly what we have been doing to prevent drug use and addiction isn't working and we need a new approach. By investing money into treatment facilities and not prisons, we can clear up space in jails, and cure people from their addiction. One thing I learned from the Mental Health Class, is that the user has to be willing to help themselves, if they aren't willing than they wont take it seriously and there will be no progress. We need to improve and expand our facilities for treating to make them more effective and to really improve the practice used at the facilities. Like stated in the article, drugs aren't affecting just the druggies anymore, its your neighbors, coworkers, friends, and family. It is becoming to relevant and if we don't do something now it will take over most of peoples lives and become worse and worse. Parents shouldn't have to worry about their kids and they defiantly should not have to go through losing a child to an overdose. If that is the top killer right now, that is where our focus should be. The longer we wait, the more lives that will be consumed by drugs and prescription pills. Broncos456

    1. Exactly! IMMEDIATE action needs to be taken. If we wait any longer, more and more kids, teenagers, and adults will have to suffer through the harsh realities of drug abuse even more. Improving and expanding health facilities is the best route to reduce and rehabilitate those who experience substance abuse.


  19. This article opens your eyes. Heroin is killing people left and right. Not only does it take a toll on the person that is doing the drug, but it also takes a toll on the family. Just like in the article, her family was hiding it from the rest of her family. It really shows how important it is to treat the drugs, not just punish them for doing the drug. They need help. If Courtney got the help from her parents, she could still be alive today. But then again when they go and get help, they are with a bunch of other people that may or may not be doing the same drug. They could get to talking and when they get out of rehab, they could be doing the drug together.

  20. First of all, I thought it was funny that the title mentioned a "gentler" war on drugs. Oxymorons make me giggle.
    On a more serious note, heroin is a deadly addiction that deprives those using of a normal life. It not only has a social effect on people, but the economic damage that can be done to one addicted to heroin may be detrimental. Drug treatment and prevention programs is the most important and effective route when reducing drug use overall. By rehabilitating drug users, money, resources, and lives will be saved. Heroin is beginning to spread to every crack and crevice of the nation. To halt this disease from spreading, immediate action must be taken.


  21. Heroin has been said to be one of the most addictive drugs. It can destroy someone's life. I know from experience. When I was in high school one of my friends died from doing heroin when we were 16 years old. I almost think of it as a bigger deal now then I did back then considering I know a lot more now about it then I ever did. It's a sickening thing that even young kids can get there hands on that junk. It is time to educate better on how to cope with problems and good rehabilitation programs. What I have learned from this class is that we need to do more investing in helping youths. Cowboy123

  22. Heroin is deadly and very addictive. I also know someone that died due to a heroin overdose and that destroyed his family and all of his surrounding friends. The man that i knew was a sophomore in high school when he died so i can relate to this story about the young girl dying. i believe if there was more of a focus on fixing a heroin users problem than just putting them in jail there will be a bigger effect on that person versus just letting them sit in jail for using. If more money was spent on trying to help these users fix their addiction there would be more room in the jails and prisons for the real criminals and there would possibly be less over doses on a harmful drug because users are getting treatment.


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