Ethical Research......Do No Harm

Ethical Research......Do No Harm


  1. I don't even know what to say about this clip, other then I'm not sure which is more disturbing, that these experiments went on or that they went on without people's knowledge and with no repercussions for those involved. I couldn't imagine being onlooker to experiment in number four where they said said immediate symptoms and one being getting shorter and eventual death within like 15 minutes!!, and that its still in operation today. SERIOUSLY?? This sounds like some Dr. Jekyll Mr. Hyde episode. Number ten saying shock and drug therapy and eventual sex change to gay military members, and the man involved in that is a psych professor..? I guess I can understand that things happen (what I would call insane behavior, to do that to someone) but then when caught to be involved or the person doing it to then be allowed to be a professor at a college and go on about like nothing happened seems even more insane. The one that said the government gave a disease to people then came in acting like the cdc was equally shocking to me. The people that are suppose to be helping humanity are using society as test rodents. This clip was interesting and disturbing at the same time.Deacon012

    1. I agree, most of these experiments had no punisments to the people performing them. Even the Japanese Unit 731 was offered immunity in return for the data. Only some of them where put on trial by the Soviets. The US wanted the data. I don't think that the man involved in the sex change experiment should be a professor. The people used in these experiments did not deserve to be involved just because they where poor or in prison.
      ~ Caz012

    2. I am going to go against the flow and disagree with this. Nearly all advances in the medical field would not be what they are today without human and animal testing. When we are in need of medical attention do we question how they came up with the treatments and the medicine? I understand and agree that testing on unwilling victims or experimentation on these people without full disclosure of the testing and possible side effects is inhuman. I do not understand how people can push for more medical advances but want to turn their heads when it comes to how they are discovered and tested. Storm021

    3. I totally agree with you Deacon012. This is way to disturbing I don't know how to begin with this. This is just awful. I think all the studies that been conducted are just horrific. I believe society should not suffer that way.Vemto012

    4. I agree as well this is disturbing as well as scary and i would never ever want to be a part of any kind of experiment like these ones. Why would the people collecting the data want to put someone else through that kind of experiment. -Bengals012

    5. I agree its very scary to think about. I don't understand why anyone would want to put someone through that. Things do happen I agree with that but when do we say that it has gone a little to far. Its just sad and a lot of people died from all these experiments. It doesn't sit right with me.Blue012

  2. I took notes while I was listening to these atrocities, because I had never heard of several they mentioned. I find it hard to believe what I was hearing! Humans are very mean animals and it is very obvious in this video. I find it even harder to believe that it was carried out by the leaders of nations, and that they continue to walk free.
    Experimenting on children, unwilling subject who were lied to, as well as being used as guinea pigs- with sometimes fatal consequences.
    To think our own government would take part in such studies. How does this happen? How can we prevent any of it from happening again?
    We must be lemmings! All of these events occurred without much interference. I find it very frightening. Fraud, murder and human torture should not go unpunished!
    OICU8 012

    1. That was something I noticed as well. No mention of punishment, just an apology here and there. If we really want to see change it seems as though we will have to expose these things and those involved with them to force the knowledge into the public spectrum to get results and eventual for justice for the victims.-Pasta012

    2. I totally agree with you why let these people walk free even though they run our government we have rights, right? we do have a declaration of independence but its like they're ignoring it or forgetting about it. Its just awful and wrong. Period. Neverson012

    3. I would have to agree with this statement. I also found the video shocking. I had heard and learned of several of these instances such as WWII and the Tuskegee one but I was also shocked by some of the others I had not known about as well. Humans can be incredibly mean and irrational creatures/animals. We can do things that will surprise ourselves in a way that we didn’t know we could do something like that or be capable of it, if put in the right scenario. Bullsnation012.

  3. I honestly don’t know where to begin with this video. It’s amazingly horrifying that there were things done to innocent people just so that some nobody could get off on torturing other human beings and profit from the sociopathic experimentation. On the list were a couple of experiments that didn’t lead to more serious consequences(in comparison to the Nazi experiments at least) due to the project being shut down early(Stanford Prison Experiment) or no extreme harm being done to the victim on the receiving end(Milgrim Obedience Experiment). One thing I noticed with those very few exceptions was that it seemed as though it was presented in a way as to influence a more abrasive result, by giving a suggestion to keep going or to doing nothing to protect those involved and just see what happens with no care for those on the receiving end. That lack of care for the participants is unacceptable no matter what the results are; you can get similar results doing experiments that respect our humanity. As for the more horrific experiments on the list…it seemed to me that those had the same pretense as the Stanford and Milgrim experiments, but no one cared to watch at the time. If someone did care to watch and see the victims as human, I doubt we would be talking about them now.-Pasta012

    1. I don't know if someone would have stopped other experiments, because, as one of the scientist had said, they seen the "patients" as just skin. They didn't even see these human beings as people with emotions, only as objects to help their research. Also, there would be many of the researchers or other on-lookers, scared to say anything, because they didn't want to stand up to authority figures. Which happens a lot in these kind of situations.Marley012

    2. I agree some of these experiments where basically to kill innocent people because they wanted to see how it would affect others. They should of done it a different way to experiment but then again these where in different decades also. The one experiment with The Stock Therapy for children was just horrifying because why use kids if they where killed or something might of given them a permanent disfigurement it could lead them to of life of misery. BlackHawks012

    3. I have never heard of many of these experiments before this video. These are a few things that make me slowly hate society. When 9/11 happened I was really little and for the longest time I thought it was a government hoax and that no one in this world could be that mean to kill that many people intentionally. That was all shattered when I went to New York and saw the site for myself. TAGTaylor33012

  4. While watching this video, I became very sick to my stomach. I don't understand how any human being could do any of these things to another person, especially to children! The only exception, if there really is one, would be the Stanford Prison Experiment. Zimbardo didn't intentionally set up his volunteers to be hurt or to hurt one another, and terminated it when seeing what was happening. But all the other "experiments", I would consider them acts of torture, should never have occurred. All of these scientists didn't even think about the victims as being actual humans, just as guinea pigs who are there for their research purposes. I cannot even begin to understand how these events happened without anyone in the world doing anything to intervene. Why are there so many in power willing sit by while their people are being tortured? How could this not be something that more people are aware of? Especially when there are ones still going on today? Why are they not being stopped? There should be more strict regulation on experiments so things like this do not happen.Marley012

    1. I agree with your guinea pigs comment. The people that performed these experiments must have been extremely socially detached. I don't understand how these people could possibly think that data for their cause was more important than human lives. It is sickening to know that some of these people, like Hitler, had such huge followings. How can you support something like that? Crown012

    2. The fact that they are still going is on is baffling? I can understand that we need some experiments for research but most of these weren't along those lines, these were torture. Why couldn't they have informed the people or even the ones who were already sick or poor at least compensated them. I mean if I was one of the poor or sick and knew I was gonna die anyway, I wouldn't object to testing but at least give them money for their family to use or something. Deacon012

  5. In this day and age, it is crazy to think that these types of things went on. I don't have any doubts that this typer of stuff would never fly in today's world. The people that conducted these experiments are some truly sick individuals, and it is absurd that most of them went on to be successful in life. It is scary to me that some of these experiments were conducted by our very own government without the publics knowledge. It really makes you wonder what else they have been up to. It's no wonder why there are so many conspiracy theorists! One of the ones that i thought was the most interesting, was the shock therapy experiment. People would continue to shock others becasue they were told there would be no repercussions. It's kind of scary to think that there are people out there that would enjoy causing someone else so much pain and being able to watch on as they endured it. And then at the end of thie video they give credit to the nazis for discovering some things about hyperthermia during their studies?! Way to go guys, you only had to slaughter millions of people to gain a little bit of helpful information. Seems justifiable. Crown012

    1. I don't think I'm a conspiracy theorists but I am willing to bet money that these atrocities are still being performed today. I bet no one knew at the time that those experiments were going on. I bet in the next twenty or thirty years sociology classes will be learning about the horrible things government and medical researchers are doing today. I really hope your right and I hope that it wouldn't "fly" in today's world but we were told to compare the past to the present and I can't imagine human nature has changes much in the last hundred years or so. Hadrosaur012

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Hadrosaur012, I would tend to agree with you. If people were willing to cut ethical corners to perform these experiments in the 30’s through the 70’s, they would be willing to do so today. People don’t change, just the toys they play with. However, we can hope that, as more and more of these atrocities come to light, the scientists of tomorrow will take a second moral look before performing experiments of this type. It’s no promise and, odds are, unethical experiments will still take place but maybe one scientist, possibly someone here, will be willing to stand up for what’s right when asked to compromise their morality to experiment on humans. - Jung012

    4. For all we know experiments like these could still be going on today and we would never know. What did these experiments actually do besides kill innocent people? We let people die just so that we could figure out what happens to a human when he has syphilis. -Godzilla012

    5. Medical experiments with human beings have to be done with extreme care. They need to make sure people are taken care and they have their full consents before the involve them in human experiments. If these experiments results in improving human beings life for long term that is one thing, but if they result in suffering and chaos then it need to be stopped at all cost – chichi012

  6. When I saw the subject of this video I immediately had a bad feeling in my stomach. The title, Ethical research...Do no harm, what a joke! I looked up the definition of ethical. It says pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality. Pertaining to the right and wrong in conduct. I must admit I was pretty naïve about most of these experiments. I obviously know about the Nazi's. The abuse and the gas chambers in the concentration camps is about all I really knew about it. I never dug any deeper into that horrible past. It is very scary to think that our own government supports and provides funding for these experiments. Most of them sound like a plot from a scary movie. It disgusts me to know that human beings can treat each other in the most horrific ways. I wonder what in their life made them lack the compassion for someone else made to suffer. I also thought it disgusting that the test subjects were poor, maybe less educated, people, prisoners, mental patients, and children. All people who have little control over what happens to them. The worst to me were the children. How can these doctors hurt innocent children. How can those kid's parents allow them to be experimented on like that. What is wrong with people! It scares me to think what our government might be dropping on us today! Hadrosaur012

    1. I understand that it does seem somewhat unethical, but these kinds of experiments are how we reach medical successes and come up with new treatments. We turn our backs to these cruel ways of testing, but we have no issues going to the doctor to get the newest and greatest medical treatment. We cannot have it both ways. Storm012

    2. I think everyone is naive about these tests. People do not deserve any of those tests. The part that makes me sick is that the people that were doing these experiments new it was going to harm or kill the people that were tested and i guarantee they were told the experiment wasn't going to harm them.

  7. I enjoyed the information in this video. I've heard of some of these experiments from other videos and articles. As someone who loves to learn about World War II and having relatives who served in the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS, I've read about a lot of the experiments done by Josef Mengele and the Waffen-SS. None of the experiments carried out by the SS-Totenkopfverbände where human in any way. Not anyone who has ever lived deserves to go through what they went through. The saddest part is that the people who are involved in all the experiments had no control on what was happening to them. The most inhuman was when they used children for their experiments. The speech experiment was a very cruel experiment because those kids had problems with speech and other things for the rest of their lives. Japans Unit 731 did very similar experiments as the Nazi's. They experimented with chemical agents, surgery, and many other horrific things. I do think that instead of being given immunity by the US they should have been tried for their war crimes. The US offered the researchers immunity in exchange for the data collected during the experimentation. Some of the researchers where arrested by the Soviet Union and tried at the Khabarovsk War Crime Trials in 1949. In the end no one deserves to be put through these types of experiments just for data and especially if they do it against their will just because they are not as privileged as others.
    ~ Caz012

  8. Out of sight, out of mind. We do not think how things come about. After watching this video, it made me think. Nearly all advances in the medical field would not be what they are today without human and animal testing. When we are in need of medical attention do we question how they came up with the treatments and the medicine? I understand and agree that testing on unwilling victims or experimentation on these people without full disclosure of the testing and possible side effects is inhuman. Everyone that has posted so far has said how sick this makes them. Experiments like these are how we came up with radiation treatment for cancer, penicillin, and so many other treatments and drugs that we have no problem going to get when we are sick. So, at what point to do we think about the individual over the greater good that may come from this? To what extent do you think experimentation on humans is going "too far"? I think it is interesting how we have so many laws that protect our animals and to stop animal testing but it is the government that is going about with these "inhuman and cruel experiments".

  9. I found this video to be deeply troubling and very sobering. It sickens me that these types of experiments were performed on people, many of then sanctioned and sponsored by the US government. With the exception of the Stanford Prison Experiment and the Milgram Obedience Experiment, I was almost completely unfamiliar with most of these experiments. I find the ones funded by the US government to be especially disconcerting. One would think (or at least like to think) that the government had the best interests of its people in mind (not just as a group but as individuals.) Many of these experiments appear to exhibit the philosophies of utilitarianism (whatever makes the most people happy is right) and the ends justifies the means (it doesn’t matter how one reaches a result so long as it is a good result.) These ideas compromise the individual in favor of a group. They are dangerous and these experiments illustrate their danger. Ideas have consequences. – Jung012

  10. I think that it is absolutley crazy that these experiments went on and i just don't understand how you could allow them to go on for an extended amount of time. I hate how these were sponsored by the US and i personally do not know of these expirements so its amazing how they are able to hide these kinds of things. The question needs to be asked how far is too far because we cannot use people in experiments like these and be able to get away with it there needs to be a point where people can agree what to far means. All of these have no real purpose all of it is just for the data and that is the part that sickens me the most to be honest people should not be allowed to continue with these types of experiments.-Bengals012

    1. I agree completely with your statement. Experiments like these should not ever have taken place, or any other scientific experiment that harms people. It is also crazy that these experiments have been hidden for so long and that there have been no repercussions taken against it. Believe012

    2. I completely agree. It is shocking to know that parts of the US Government were behind funding several of these experiments. I think that we look down upon other countries like Japan and Germany for some of the experiments that they have done but if we really step back for a moment, we can see that our own country has also done horrible things in the past. moot012

  11. There where some experiments that I have already heard or know of but some that I didn't hear about are just horrifying. The Nazi Experiment I knew a few facts but when the narrator was giving more facts my jaw instantly dropped. I understand it was a different time but the experiments they used was just to kill more innocent people because they where of a different religion. The experiment about the Shock Therapy and LSD for children blew my mind because they wanted to see if it would prevent children from schizophrenia. No it would cause it because it will just traumatize kids. Like I said it was a different time for some of these experiments but they still should of done it in a different way instead of using innocent people. BlackHawks012

    1. It was a different time. I thinks that's an important point. We look back on things from years ago and wonder why that was done. Generations tend to do that. Hopefully learning from the good and the bad. I had mentioned in my comment about our technology. We've come so far. Hopefully we will get to the point where there is never a need to do willing experiments on living things. Purple012

  12. This video was disturbing. I was unfamiliar with all the inhuman experiments that happened in world war II. I wonder if their was a better way of doing these experiments rather than killing people without them knowing what exactly is happening. I’m aware of the advanced technology because of all these conducted experiments. I wish that never will happen again and we learn from the past. Vemto012

  13. This video was very eye opening for me. I actually did an oral report on Dr. Mengele and his experiments while I was in high school. I don't remember much from it but there is one thing that I will always remember. He would actually take the skin off of the adults and craft them into bars of soap and force the little kids to wash themselves with the bars of human flesh soap. I cant for the life of me figure out what on earth he was trying to accomplish. It just goes to show how truly evil these people were and how dangerous some people are. World War II was truly a dark time in human history that should never be repeated. I wonder what the death toll is due to all the government experiments that have happened. All of this just shows how messed up our society really is. Godzilla012

  14. I was familiar with some of these experiments, and others not mentioned. We can seem particularly cruel as a human race sometimes. I would like to think we've evolved beyond this type of behavior, but sometimes I'm not so sure. We tend to give people a power or automatic respect, just because of their position. We trust a doctor because it's their job to make us better if we fall ill. However, there are cases all the time where doctors break that trust and take advantage of their patients. The people conducting these experiments may have actually thought that any sacrifices (even human) were for the good of the outcome. I'm not saying it's right, but we do have use for the information received during these experiments to this day. What if you found out that the medicine saving your child's life cost three other people theirs during the testing phase? It's a sad truth. Testing on animals came into the equation and people fight against it. Even those same people may use products, and even need some meds, that came from experimenting on those animals. I can't help but wonder why we have such great technology, but we are still testing on living things. Is it necessary? Is is right? I'm not sure there is a right answer or opinion in this case. Purple012

  15. After watching this video, I am truly disgusted! Like are you serious I completely understand certain scientific processes that aren't harmful. But I don’t think any scientific “experiment” should be conducted at the expense of others it’s truly scary to even think about. I don’t even think the “experiments” that took place can even be considered as that the true definition of what actually was happening would be torture. I can’t imagine how those people must have felt going through all of that whether they were prisoners or not no person deserves to go through that. I don’t care that these “experiments” were conducted to help the “greater good” as some might consider it to be it still doesn’t substitute for the lives that were lost during them. Apologies don’t make it any better either. Believe012

  16. After I watched this video, I wished this was not true. It is unbelievable to know that people can do it to other human beings, especially innocent kids. I am just wondering if still people are doing these type of disturbing experiments around us in this world. So far I thought that all these experiments done only with animals. It is very hard to digest experiments are being done on human beings, especially to know that governments conducted these type of experiments on innocent people. I can understand experiments needs to be done to solve medical problems, I think that there are better ways to accomplish this. It is very disturbing video I had ever watched. Chichi012

    1. I agree completely. All these experiments have been done without the public knowing and we find out years after the fact. It can only make us wonder what they are doing right now. It also makes me wonder if the diseases we have now are caused by an infection given to us that we are unaware of. It is very disturbing knowing humans are doing this to other humans. Also it is the same if not worse with animals. The animals have no idea why they are being experimented on. VT012

    2. I agree completely. All these experiments have been done without the public knowing and we find out years after the fact. It can only make us wonder what they are doing right now. It also makes me wonder if the diseases we have now are caused by an infection given to us that we are unaware of. It is very disturbing knowing humans are doing this to other humans. Also it is the same if not worse with animals. The animals have no idea why they are being experimented on. VT012

    3. I also agree. Just watching it was painful. I have no idea how actually being the subject would be like. It would most likely be full of pain and torture and regret for ever doing such a thing to another human. Along with animals, humans are now also an experiment. It's just disgusting with how people can do such a thing. #JSN012

  17. this video right here just proves that our government doesn't work for us or honestly really doesn't care about us. If they are willing to harm the people that pay the taxes and so forth then that's just wrong and scary. I always kind of felt that our government did wrong things to us but I never knew they would go to this extent to harm us physically. Especially children. I just dint understand it. I now see that everything around is literally controlled and its just wrong. I just want to know why there isn't people in the government that wont stand up to things like this and help us over come wrongful acts in our government. Neverson012

    1. I could not agree more.. It honestly makes me think we can't trust anyone these days, especially not those with all the power and money like the government has. I don't get why these people weren't punished more. The whole thing is sketchy and makes me really upset. - leafy012

    2. I strongly agree with this. The chemical sprays and outbreaks the government made makes you think who's side is the government on, ours or theirs? If they are willing to make us experimental test subjects for disease outbreaks and chemical testing maybe next will be testing new weaponry on us. DeadMan012

  18. I really don't know what to say about this clip, other then how could we have not know what was going on, but I guess things fall under the radar. I do believe that we should not conduct experiments at the expense of others its crazy to even process. I don't believe what was actually taking place at that time to me would be considered a experiment. We shouldn't be killing and hurting others to study science. It looked like torture to me. The bad thing about these experiments are that the people are not being held accountable for the lives that where lost. I'm not saying we don't need to find cures or experiment to find solutions but the things I saw were taken a little to far. There are a lot of people today who are willing to do experiments so why don't we find those individuals who have a choice in the matter. This was a really hard topic to talk about. I just don't feel like a lot of these experiments were necessary and on top of that some were tested twice. I just feel that its good and bad when it comes to experiments.Blue012

    1. I agree with you when you say these things are good and bad. Its almost sort of contradicting my feelings towards these types of things. I don't like it how people lost their lives, without even knowing what was going to happen to them. -dicaprio012

  19. This was a great video providing a lot of information, examples, and pictures. These experiments are all things you may think to be in a movie, which makes it shocking to know they really happened to people around the world. I understand these experiments gave us much knowledge but many were unnecessary. The test done on children were quite unnecessary. It should be common sense that when given positive reinforcement the child will excel, and when given negative reinforcement the child will not achieve the task given. Its said to say those children developed psychological problems because of the way they were treated. AS well as the gases and pesticide sprayed on cities, I believe that should have been illegal. There was really no need to infect an entire city and kill 12 people. This experiment could have been done on a much smaller and controlled environment. I could not imagine the pain these people went through. I am all for giving people what they deserve, but many of these people were innocent. Great video, but sad to see how all of these experiments took place. VT012

  20. This was a really great video, I have never heard of any of these except for the holocaust of course I always knew the nazis did experiments on people. This video was also very shocking. Its insane how cruel humans can be to other humans without thinking about the consequences or who who they hurt in the process. I understand a lot of these experiments gave us plenty of knowledge but WHY? do the have to do it in such a cruel and inhumane manor. It really shocked me that they tested on children!! There is no need for anyone to die, for the sake of science, for the sake of anything really in that matter. There are so many other ways they could have done these experiments. But yet again, the human mind is a curious mind. What really bothers me is how none of this is really spoken about, i am sure half of us who watched this video have never heard one thing about half of these experiments. This video just goes to show you how our government really is, and how they really don't care who they hurt in the process, if they get their results thats all that matters. Very interesting video! -dicaprio012

  21. OMG! This video was painful to watch. My heart was bleeding out for all the innocent lives that were taken. Not even one of those experiments seemed valid enough to do such horrible things to people. A few experiments that I’ve learned before were the Shock Experiments, the Faking to be a Prisoner and Jailer, and many other. It’s so shocking that people would do such a thing to their own kind. For example, in the Shock Experiments the amount of pain a person gets when being shocked is just indescribable. The shocker had no guilt whatsoever because all they cared about was if they would be held at fault if something happened to the subject of the experiment. Once they heard that they would not be held at fault, it was as if their inner evilness came out and they starting just giving out shocks without even thinking about the pain the other person must being going through. #JSN012

    1. It's insane what people will do when they know they won't be held accountable for the outcome. It reminds me of the movie The Purge, where for a certain number of hours all crime, including murder, is legal. Now there are some people who stay in their homes with their families trying to be safe, but there are those people who go out with no specific person in mind, but go out just to kill for the fun of it. Because they know that they will not be punished for it. So why not? What's unfortunate is that after all these years of families growing up knowing that in a way the have suffered from these experimentations, that what they got is an apology. If something to this degree were to happen today it would be chaos.

  22. OMG! This video was painful to watch. My heart was bleeding out for all the innocent lives that were taken. Not even one of those experiments seemed valid enough to do such horrible things to people. A few experiments that I’ve learned before were the Shock Experiments, the Faking to be a Prisoner and Jailer, and many other. It’s so shocking that people would do such a thing to their own kind. For example, in the Shock Experiments the amount of pain a person gets when being shocked is just indescribable. The shocker had no guilt whatsoever because all they cared about was if they would be held at fault if something happened to the subject of the experiment. Once they heard that they would not be held at fault, it was as if their inner evilness came out and they starting just giving out shocks without even thinking about the pain the other person must being going through. #JSN012

  23. I'm almost at loss for words after watching this video.
    Knowledge is not more important than human life and proper treatment of such life. I knew about a few of the American experiments, such as the Stanford and Tuskegee ones, but was shocked at how many more inhumane projects took place here in the USA by government officials. It really makes me think about who we are entrusting our safety and well-being to. My heart is heavy for all the souls lost for the mere purpose of scientific knowledge. There lives were worth much more than that.
    One another note, I was aware of the harms and torture Hitler ensued, but did not know about the extent his experimentation was. All of this was new to me, and as much as it sickens me, I want to learn more. Because these souls were lost, the least I can do is understand why they died and gain something from it so their deaths were in less vain.
    I'm against animal experimentation of all kinds, but when we put it on humans.. it's another level. It takes a true sociopathic, non-empathetic, mad man to ensue such horrible things on another person.

  24. I have heard of these experiments before in a psychology class. It is interesting to think that some of the men and women performing these experiments really had good intentions for the results. I’m not saying that all of the scientists were ignorant to the damage they were causing but some of the scientists really didn’t see that what they were doing was wrong. While it is not entirely related to the video, another interesting topic to consider is whether or not the information gathered from these experiments are ethical to use. In any case, this is a hard watch. It is unfortunate to see what some of these poor people had to go through. Moot012

    1. Yes i agree completely. It also a good thing to know that the people in the Standford jail experiment the were all paid to do the experiment and all knew what could happen to them but the hunger for money brainwashed them before they could. -EBtrojan

    2. If you notice, a lot of these were done back before we had laws that really protected minorities and children. They were considered disposable for the most part, if your child dies, have another one. Sherlocked012

  25. This is an intense lesson. Majority of these experiment I have never heard of. I find it really sad that a lot of these experiment involved children. It really did not surprise me that most of the experiments were conducted by CIA and the military though. Two programs that were started to help the people of America and we are the first test subject and not aware of the experimentation. This is a reason why I like emergency medical services experimentations we don’t put people in these type of situations and all data is collected after the fact. Unfortunately all are drugs are researched in great depth and patient have died in the process but most of the drugs are started in the hospital in a more controlled setting. Unfortunately I was a victim of experimental seizure medication when I was little, but where would we be without experimentation on people and animals. TAGTaylor33012

  26. To be totally honest this video was very disturbing to watch and see all of the horrible things the government has done in order to research and test diseases and the outcomes that happen to society afterwards. The fact of the matter is, although these horrible tests and experiments were not okay, in the sense that testing them on unwilling participants was both unethical and inhumane, these tests did help scientists understand more about some of these diseases and have really shaped modern medicine and research into what it has become today. Some of the advancements that have been made could not have happened with out these things occurring. Knowledge is not and will never be, more important than the safety and proper treatment of the human life but learning from these inhumane experiments was an essential part of the research process and should be looked at carefully to help to never have these types of experiments repeated. Bullsnation012.

  27. This video was horribly amazing. The lengths that we as humans will go to for knowledge is terrific. Because that's what this was all about, none of these experiments were just for the pure joy of torturing each other, but solely for the purpose of learning. Americans wanted to see the effects of nuclear materials and radiation, Hitler wanted to see effects of freezing, or hypothermia on the human body. Of course I believe that all of these tests were cruel and unusual, but it does say something for how much we value knowledge. We value knowledge at the expense of other human beings. I hadn't heard about the majority of these experiments, the testings performed during the Nazi rule were probably the most popular among the 15. I will be going back to this video at a later time to learn more about the individual experimentations. Although awful, they were extremely intriguing.

    1. This is beyond horrific, imagine how this people felt, image what the CHILDREN thought. I completing understand what you mean about them wanting to see reactions for knowledge but why do it on people that are unaware that a deafly, experiment is being done to them? Why bribe poor people with food in order to do an experiment that risks their lives? If they want to do these experiment for "knowledge" they should have done them on themselves. Some of these doctors didn't even get punishment for these experiments. If this was done to someone close to you would you look at it as "knowledge"? I'm not trying to bash you or your opinion in any way. This clip just really hit me hard. Interesting post (:

  28. I'm glad that this clip was shown, I did a research project a couple semesters ago on the Holocaust and the medical experiments that were performed in the concentration camps. Dr. Josef Mengele is the one to blame for these sick experiments preformed during this time period. Its very unfortunate a lot of people are still unaware about these experiments that have taken place, and many people don't understand there STILL happening the government just is doing a very well job of covering these things up. As I read the previous post I seen a lot of people were "shocked" and unaware these things were happening, but its been going on for many of years now. Its very sickening, and hard to swallow but I feel like these situation should be addressed more broad and a lot more people should know that these things are going on. You would think something this wild would be taken more seriously and all over the news plus more. Its very sad that people are being torched by others with wealth and sick minds! Goes to show you trust no one! This is a jacked up world! These doctors names should be known for the gruesome doings and harsh punishment should be given. Knowing that people are getting away with this stuff makes me scared for myself, they have no sympathy on anyone, not KIDS were mistreated! This clip really shook me up, I wish their was something I was able to do to make a difference to help, because history repeats, and you never know what may be planed to happen again.

  29. Well those were all interesting and even though they are real, hard to believe people would do that to others. I heard CIA in a few of those stories. I do not understand why we would do that to our own kind. Like purposely spreading gas and mosquitoes in places just to watch the effects it took on people. Syphilis was a big one too that I kept hearing. Why purposely give it to another human when we know the effects it has to people? I guess I'm not in their shoes to be hearing a scientist say that he can solve a solution if we can get him people to randomly test it on and them not know it. But it is interesting hearing all of these horrible stories that have happened in the past. It makes me feel like there are few good people who actually care about the well being of a human, even if you don't know who they are.

    1. I disagree, I mean just look around you now and see all the innocent people and children dying. Some people killing off their own children and not caring; imagine someone doing it to a poor economy for money or power. And it would be cheaper to pay of the CIA or Government to do these experiments with the other people not knowing because a lot of people would of refused, and if they knew they could of probably sued the person in charge. Without them knowing they could just make up a lie as to why the poorer people of dying to fast.

    2. ^^^^colorpurple012^^^

  30. After watching this video I was very upset to see all those innocent people being used as a rag dolls, tortured then killed. It's sad that it's people out there that truly believe if you not from the same race or wealthy your nothing. That's why it's so hard to trust or even help others because you never know their true intentions. Another question that popped in my head was what good came from all this. The Project 1.4 only cause still born, growth impairment and cancer. The monster study may have help the children that didn't have a speech problem but cause more problems for those who had. Holmesburg Prison experiment caused burning and hard skin and infections, the only good that did come with this was its was able to be treated. And the Nazi Human experimentation I felt was not worth doing, however it had happen and one child I will remember that was in the gas chamber was ANNIE FRANK. Most of these experiment help make treatment but I don't believe it should of happen the way it did and they should be giving recognition to those who lost their lives.colorpurple012

  31. I liked this video a lot/ I found myself very intrigued by it. I never knew three fourths of these. It is horrible that people could do such things to other human beings. All of these tests were unethical and wrong in so many ways. Coming from mentally destroying someone to physically dismembering the test subjects. The only one I was super intrigued about what the home made jail at Standford university. Yes it was wrong but I feel like it helped shaped how we treat inmates or "Clients". I feel like that helped with the reform of the correctional system. -EBtrojan

  32. I have seen some of these before and for the prison (guard/inmate) experiment, it was stopped and they did check ups on all involved for years after to make sure they were ok. Also the shock experiment they were also checked up on frequently to make sure they were OK and they were also told that they in fact did no harm to anyone. As far as the ones done on children, those should never have happened. No one should ever be allowed to say their child can have any thing, even for medical studies, done to a child. Any experiment done on human adults should be completely consensual and all facts should be given to the person, no one should be targeted because they are poor or live in a place where they feel they have no choice or that they will some how benefit from it. As far as the Nazi testing, although other countries did use their research for good, I do not understand what kind of a person could have possibly come up with some of those and i highly doubt they had medical research in mind when they thought them up. Sherlocked012

    1. First off, absolutely love the name! Second of all I agree, those child experiments should never happen, unless done right, ethically and on the subject matter that is useful and not harmful to the subjects. A child's mind is so brittle and moldable, doing these types of experiments on them is just wrong and probably cause life long mental illness or issues. As for the Nazi experiment, the people in charge of them where sociopaths,from Hitler to Himmler, these people find immense pleasure n cause harm to others, so scientific medical research was the last thing on there minds. MuayThaiGuy012

  33. It is sickening to think of the horrible things humans do to one another. These experiments and testing that was done to human beings is sick. The experiment that was performed on children with speech problems is just crazy to me. How could anyone think it was okay to do any of those tests. Giving children Adult size doses of LSD is crazy. How could you fix a child by giving them a mind altering drug. What also blows my mind is that most of these things are never talked about. This video opens your eyes and shows you just how evil people can be. The disease sprays the government did in the U.S makes me so mad. We have all of this technology and they have to test there chemical warfare on the people that are looking to the government for leadership and guidance.

  34. Some of these experiments were just horrifically inhumane experiments. I knew of the Nazis experiments int he concentration camps and of the Stanford prison experiment, but the others I had no idea went on. It makes me think why a government would do such experiments on their own people or anyone for that matter. We have so many other ways to test most of these in humane ways. We can test bio-weapons with out the human factor used. And if the human testing is necessary, we should have the right to know what is happening and for what reason. DeadMan012

    1. I agree that these were indeed horrific experiments, but I can’t say they weren’t beneficial. Don’t get me wrong some of these were just down right ridiculous especially the Nazi experiments but there were some experiments that taught us allot about the human brain and body, I’m not trying to use that as a justification but we still must realize that these weren’t all just meaningless cruel experiments. Unpredictable012

  35. Fist of all, this video disgusts and disturbs me on a deeply emotional level, no one should ever be subject to such treatment. It is just ridiculous. It is hard to believe that any of this happened and is still happing in our world today. Yes scientific experiments need to be done, to further our society and prevent us from future problems, such as weapons, biological and such, as well as viruses and just to further our knowledge and technology. We need to be able to adapt to the shrinking and growing world around us, although it should never happen by such means. I remember watching a movie about the Tuskegee Syphilis Experiment in high school, and wright away, I saw that these men where being taken advantage of, primarily because of the color of their skin. The scientists new they could get away with it at that time, because racism and segregation was so big at that time, no one was going to care about some black men, and these men thought they had it good making money. It was very sad and hard for me to watch this. If you noticed in the clip, the pattern that I spoke of continued to reach out to the oppressed or less fortunate, for example the people effected by the Nazi experiments and the orphaned kids, as well as the people of Guatemala. I believe it happens to these people, because it was out of sight out of mind and the scientists have the false idealology that they are indeed doing it for the greater good, all the while forgetting about what inhuman un ethical things they are doing to other human beings just like them. MuayThaiGuy012

  36. I found this video very interesting. Although these experiments are unethical, I still feel that the majority of the population benefits from these peoples suffering. We learn from the unethical research of the past. I’m not saying that it was right or that it is how experiments should be conducted I just feel it was beneficial because we leaned a lot from these experiments. We leaned that the things that happen to us as a child will and can affect us throughout are lives I also found it also interesting that even today we go to less fortunate places to conduct research on people. This is because this unethical research benefits us. I found it hard to believe that the US could conduct research on its own everyday population. I am very thankful that I live in a day and ages were there are FDA regulations and rules again these unethical behaviors. Unpredictable012


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