Freedom Act in Brevity...

Freedom Act in Brevity....


  1. I think Edward Snowden did a good thing for the public. The public should be aware of what the federal government is doing, as far as surveillance on the people. However, I do agree with the Patriot Act more than the USA Freedom Act. In this day in age, with all of the threats we get from god knows where, we do indeed need heavy surveillance. Its not as if the government is watching your family 24/7 in your house. If they have reason to suspect you are planning an act of terrorism, then they will be watching you closely. I see it as, if you have nothing to hide, then it doesn't matter. Seriously, you will most likely be left alone if you aren't doing something you are supposed to. Any method possible to get these terrorists out of here and from killing our people, is okay in my world.


  2. The Patriot Act was an attempt to restore public trust in the government after the Snowden disclosures. I feel that Edward Snowden did a very important thing when he released that information. I believe that if the government suspects that someone will commit a terrorist attack or harm others in a different way, then they should monitor them, but I do not think that they should be monitoring people for no reason. I think that when the person who introduced the Patriot Act says that the act has went beyond its original intent, that a revision was necessary. I think that the Patriot Act will not completely repair the trust of citizens, but I agree with Jameel Jaffer when he said that it is an important first step. Overall I think that government surveillance is very important, but I think that once they have gathered enough evidence that a person is not a threat, they should move on.

    1. Yes, while the Patriot Act may not fully bring back the trust but it is a good first step. It is necessary to monitor what is sent over the web. We should just focus in on those who show signs of terrorism. The other people should be looked at every now and then but mostly left alone. DeadMan456

  3. What Edward Snowden did was a good thing. The citizens needed to know that the government is watching our conversations. The Patriot Act was and did bring back the public trust to the government. We need to monitor what is sent over the internet to search for cyber terrorism and other possible acts of terrorism. However, we do need to have a end point to how far the government can go with this security. DeadMan456

    1. I think that in this age of technology, it is very important to monitor what is being searched and what is being sent! I do agree, though, that there should be a point where the government should have to stop this monitoring and move on to someone else.

    2. I agree what you said about having to monitor whats being searched on the internet. What Snowden did was a good thing also by warning the people of what the government is doing. They should only be able to monitor those people who the government feels like is a threat.

  4. The article was good. It was an attempt to restore the public trust in the government. I think that it was a great idea to pass the law. Also, to prevent terrorist attacks here. I think that government surveillance should be a good as good can be. I do think the government do need to watch the internet for any other terrorism attacks/plots. I do believe it took a long time for the public to trust the government again, after all that happened in the past. In a way, I think its a good thing that the government can get into your conversation, just in case something like the 9/11 happens again. I think that the citizens should rely on our government, to protect us in a matter like that. I do think it was a good idea to bring this law into effect. Great law!


  5. Most people in the government say that Snowden was a traitor to this country, but a lot of people agreed with what he did by spilling some of their secrets. With the Patriot Act, the government tried to restore the public's trust which it did for most people. It was an invasion of our privacy for the government to hear what we say, but it could be a good thing to catch people doing criminal acts. I do agree we should monitor some people because some people are crazy. If they suspect that someone is doing illegal activity and there is a chance for someone to stop it, then I think it should be okay to monitor. However, they should not be able to monitor just because they want to. For example, what people search on the internet, should be monitored, but not what they text to each other because people like to joke.

    1. I see where you are coming from when you say what we search on the internet should be monitored. I agree completely with that. What I do not agree with is them not monitoring our texts. A terrorist or another threat to our country is going to get the word out to others however they can including text as well. I do not think they should heavily do this but pick out key words in a scan search then read only those messages with those words in it.

  6. I think what Snowden did was right. People have the right to know what their government is doing, especially if we let them run us and the country. I do think they should monitor but to some extent. We deserve privacy but they deserve to do their jobs and find threats. A terrorist or another threat to our country is going to get the word out to others however they can, including text as well. I do not think they should heavily do this but pick out key words in a scan search then read only those messages with those words in it. The government had no right to hide something this major from us. I do agree that because of the Patriot Act we have begun to trust the government once again. That is a great thing because we should not fear our government but embrace it and take pride in them.

    1. I fully agree with you, people who have entrusted certain people to run this country should at least to some extent have an idea of what they are up to. While I do not fully agree with what the government does with their power, I do believe what they are doing is good for keeping this nation safe. Piglet456

  7. I think that what Edward Snowden did was a very good thing. He really brought it to the forefront of a lot of Americans minds to think about what they do on social media, because whether they like it or not to some extent we are always being watched. I think Snowden really started a chain reaction because more than 20 bills have been passed about what the government can and can’t do as far as surveillance goes, since Snowden leaked all that information. However, some Americans do not seem to think this bill works. They still think that bill or no bill the government will still spy on us, trying to get information about what is going on in the nation. In some aspects I think this is not a bad thing, there are some instances where I think it is actually very beneficial to have the government looking on the internet. Such as, when there are threats of cyber terrorism. I think in if there power is not being abused it is okay for the government to moderately monitor the internet. Piglet456

  8. I have mixed feelings about this act that our goverment has layed apon us. Yes i do understand and agree with survailance of potential terrorist but i also don't want to have all forms of my communication being watched or listed to. I feel like that is for one an invasion of privacy and two a spit in the face to our first amendment. And what i mean by that is as Americans we can say whatever we desiger but god forbid we say one key word such as ISIS, bombs, ect. and were automaticly being watched by some fed who thinks were the next terrorist. I don't mind my goverment trying to stop the next terrorist attack but they must figure out 1st who really is a threat and who isn't. But then that comes down to the base question...Is it better to be safe or sorry meaning is it better to have the goverment watch our communication and be safe or have the freedom to say whatever whenever to whomever.


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