Law Enforcement Career? Some Tips.....

Law Enforcement Career: Some Tips.....


  1. The biggest thing that stood out to me in this video was when she was talking about her first “Big” arrest that stood out to her. Catching a man for rape and she felt that justice would be done. But after apprehending the suspect she didn’t feel that sense of ease and victory that she assumed with all his mental instabilities. When you watch arrest on T.V. on shows like Law and Order or something you can somewhat live vicariously through the person arresting the suspect they were trying to find the whole time. You actually get a feeling of gladness that there is one less person doing bad things in the world. Truth is I don’t know how I would feel if I was pursuing someone who raped a 13 year old girl. What it would feel like when you grab their wrist in order to cuff them. You could feel a sense of justice, rage, or even sick to your stomach knowing there are plenty more where that came from. There is also the possibility you don’t find this person you’re looking for. The emotional toll of always wondering where and how they got away. It can be a very emotionally demanding job.

    1. I agree with you, I don't know how I would feel after apprehending somebody like that. Obviously everyone would have different and or mixed emotions when they finally catch the "bad guy". Like she said in the video she was so excited that she was able to track this guy down until she had arrested him and began interviewing him realizing that his mental disabilities/illness was more to blame for what he had done. Sparks123

    2. It’s a difficult job to work as an officer. Because each day that you go in for work you don’t always know what you are up against. Each day along with every encounter will be totally different. The guy that raped a thirteen year old girl in a wooded area. The officer speaking described him as being a mess of a human being. The lines are not always very distinct between the good guys and the bad guys. It’s a sad situation on both ends the girl has had her childhood taken away very early on without even being able to choose when. Forensic123

    3. I agree, it would be a great feeling putting someone away for rape or any other crime, however; I think I would have many different emotions running through my head in a reel life situation. TV shows make it look fun and exciting, i'm sure it's not all like that at all.

    4. forensic123 I agree and watching this women speak on such real horrible events makes it all the more scarier law enforcement is a tuff career and can affect you in ways some will never understand, it can also be rewarding in a sense catching a criminal who can hurt a 13 year old child i can only imagine how good she felt. oh how i hate hearing things about children. she is a very strong women.patient123

    5. That was very well written and I completely agree and ask myself the same thing. There are so many different variables in how something like that can be handled and it's impossible to say "oh I would have done..." In moment processing everything that is happening might not leave you feeling how you think you would be. Acquainted123

  2. When she goes into talking about how she had to equally balance her home life out with her work life I felt like it was a good thing to bring up. She said that the cops she knew that suffered did not have this. She mentioned that you cannot bring your work life home with you otherwise it will create problems. A lot of cops that I have talked to have told me the exact same thing. The whole emotionally detaching yourself from a case or something tragic that happens would probably be the hardest thing a person would have to do but I’m sure that over time as an officer you would build these skills. In the clip she made a lot of good points on how demanding and emotionally straining this job can be and is. “A lot of cops we lose is because it wasn’t as fun as they saw it to be on tv.” However she did say that it is a very fun and rewarding job. “At the end of the day going home and thinking, I did something good.” ~sparks123

    1. I agree completely that leaving work at work is an absolute must with a career like this. It takes a special kind of person to actually be able to do something like this. Its one thing to let it go and be able to have a functioning home life, but its a whole other story to actually be able to forget about it. I think some things that officers witness in there careers could potentially stick with them forever. gabegun123

    2. It would have to be hard to learn how to let everything go when you get home at the end of the day. Emotional toll is a hard thing to gauge on someone else and on yourself. You may start to turn into a different person always with your mind wandering and not even realize. I'm sure leaving work at work is a slow learning process learned over time.

    3. Balancing work and home life is one of my biggest fears pursuing this field. Not just the fact that I am going to have long hours or get called in randomly, but the fact that I could die any day and potentially leave a wife or kids with no father or husband.Dangkids123

  3. Listening to this woman speak made me feel confident, but also worrisome. It made me feel confident because it was reassuring hearing her talk about how this generation is going to have a huge spike in number of officers who are hired. This was nice to hear because at times it seems to me like there are so many criminal justice students at my school alone, let alone all the others in the nation. That calls for a lot of job competition. It was hard though hearing her talk about some of the things she has had to deal with and see in her career. She at one point even talked about how she had to trick herself into being able to deal with a crime scene. I know these are things that every officer has to face in there time of duty, but its one of those things that could really have a negative affect on someone. Media portrays this job as being a fun, action packed gig, but fails to show the negative side of it.

  4. Listening to this woman speak made me feel confident, but also worrisome. It made me feel confident because it was reassuring hearing her talk about how this generation is going to have a huge spike in number of officers who are hired. This was nice to hear because at times it seems to me like there are so many criminal justice students at my school alone, let alone all the others in the nation. That calls for a lot of job competition. It was hard though hearing her talk about some of the things she has had to deal with and see in her career. She at one point even talked about how she had to trick herself into being able to deal with a crime scene. I know these are things that every officer has to face in there time of duty, but its one of those things that could really have a negative affect on someone. Media portrays this job as being a fun, action packed gig, but fails to show the negative side of it. gabegun123

    1. It definitely does not show everything that goes into being a police officer as they portray in the media. They always show the exciting thing a high speed chase or something exciting but they don’t show the things behind the scenes. Like if there is a cool gun fight they will show that in a movie but they won’t show the huge stack of paperwork the super detective will have to do because they did so much to catch the bad guy at all costs. Birdman123

  5. This is a very unique video I didn't realize that there where so many police officers hired in the 1970's and they are about to retire this will open up tons of jobs for the newer generations. When she talked about the cases that sticked into her mind it just amazed me when she talked about the little boy drowning and she went home and told her husband that they have to sell the house because she didn't want to raise her kids anywhere near water. She also talked about a suicide victim that shot him self in the head and the wife had to wittiness it which is just terrible. She also talked about armed robbery offenders who had a sawed off shot gun when she didn't notice it until she already had them cuffed. She says that Law enforcement is as fun as we think it is and it is very rewarding. Elite123

    1. Yes its great for future officers that so many positions are going to be available do to retirement. Good for economy and law enforcement. For all her cases its good she found way to deal with those issues officers should know how to, because they don't know when they might go to a crime scene and see the same thing or even be there when it happens. wreked123

  6. She gave me confidence as well! She went on to explain how there will be more jobs opening up for our generation. that was my biggest concern is not being able to find a job after I put all this time into getting a degree. Elite123

  7. It was an interesting video, I have heard from several officers over the years that the job was ninety percent boredom and paperwork and the other ten percent was the fun stuff, but I think it was interesting how her favorite part is not actually the danger and adrenaline filled parts, instead, it was before it all went down in the briefing part. It was nice to hear of the job possibilities available in the near future because there are so many students in my classes and around the country that are all competing for the same jobs. So it was nice to hear that with a lot of long time police officers retiring that the chances of getting a job will go up. With the people that became police officers because they thought it was going to be packed with excitement all the time and quit their jobs because it was boring didn’t really research the job field, in my opinion. You may get a cool and exciting case once in a while but it is more of just dealing with small things that are not exciting, maybe a good story, but not exciting. Birdman123

    1. I agree with you and think that a lot of people have not done their research on the field. Because when I made the decision that I wanted to make this my life it was not because of the fun and excitement, it was more for the helping people and trying to fix things that I have the ability too! Green123

  8. High risk search warrant when everyone is asleep. I always thought they were planned out the previous day or a day earlier. Watching law and order or realistic television show will actually give you that impression that they just stake out the place for the day and kick the door in just as the sun begins to go down. The story about the rape victim, was so sad. He raped a thirteen year old girl in a wooded area. The officer speaking described him as being a mess of a human being. The lines are not always very distinct between the good guys and the bad guys. Mental illness is a very issue in today’s society is possibly something that will never be fixed or amended. Those who are mentally ill are not even always able to afford their meds. So as a community we have to put together a plan to see I what ways can we help people as such. Because we don’t wont innocent kids and humans being hurt, especially with situations that could have been prevented to begin with. Forensics123

  9. The Lady said that well and gave out some good advice for future officers or people getting into law enforcement. The fact that a lot of her generation is getting to that retirement age and tons of new position will be available is a good thing. It keeps it going and there isn't a short on people wanting to become officers. Balancing out work with family was good advice, Keeping the stuff you see at work at work would seem to better help officers cope with what they see or experice. wreked123

  10. It was an interesting video, I have heard from several officers over the years that the job was ninety percent boredom and paperwork and the other ten percent was the fun stuff, but I think it was interesting how her favorite part is not actually the danger and adrenaline filled parts, instead, it was before it all went down in the briefing part. It was nice to hear of the job possibilities available in the near future because there are so many students in my classes and around the country that are all competing for the same jobs. So it was nice to hear that with a lot of long time police officers retiring that the chances of getting a job will go up. With the people that became police officers because they thought it was going to be packed with excitement all the time and quit their jobs because it was boring didn’t really research the job field, in my opinion. You may get a cool and exciting case once in a while but it is more of just dealing with small things that are not exciting, maybe a good story, but not exciting. Birdman789

  11. This was a great video to watch, but the title was misleading. Sheriff Rahr had a lot of good insight on law enforcement, and what to expect once you are in. Her story about the girl really had me torn. Whenever one of the parties has a mental illness the situation becomes much more sensitive. I can’t wait to be able to witness firsthand the feeling she described having before a raid. I was able to watch the Peoria county SRT do an explosive breach for training, and it was the coolest thing ever. She is definitely right about having to be an adrenaline junkie for this job. I was glad to hear her touch base on family life and life outside the job. That has always been one of my biggest concerns with law enforcement. I have heard a lot of cops talking about the struggles this job causes on relationships, and have met a lot of divorced cops that blame it on the job as well. dangkids123

  12. The Sheriff had some interesting comments on the public’s perception of law enforcement. Most people have little or no involvement with law enforcement, so their perceptions are formed by what they see on the news and TV shows. Given the latest in a series of police videos involving shootings, many wonder how prevalent this is. TV shows have a time slot to tie up loose ends and provide a conclusion for the viewer. This belies the many man hours of gathering and analyzing information needed to bring the case to a conclusion.
    She mentioned that new deputies did not always have a complete grasp of the complexities of their duties, which is not unlike any new employee to an organization. From her comments, she seemed to provide qualities she considered essential to be successful: the ability to remain emotionally detached; the ability to think rationally and clearly during times of extreme stress and to recognize that every situation may not be clear cut. Humvee123

    1. I can see how new officers don't fully grasp the complex nature of the job. the ability to think rationally and clearly is something that these officers build over time. At first I could see how officers struggle to understand that every situation isn't clear cut. I believe that's part of the rush these officers like though also. silverline123

  13. I absolutely loved this video of this interview! I noticed that she and I have a lot in common. For example she just sees that she wants to just help people and that is what I see in this career. She also stated that police officer like to help fix things that they know that they can. The only thing that makes me wonder how they do this is when she was saying that she was on a case that she seen a little boy that had drowned. That would be very hard. She said even to this day she can not stand to seen brown pants. That may be the only thing one day that will bother me. I also agree with her when she was saying that police work is a rush! I can see that and I can not wait to be apart of this! Green123

  14. I thought this was a great video because this lady seemed extremely honest about all of the stories she was telling. I think it takes a lot to be able to talk about things that you definitely do not want to talk about like how she was talking about the baby in the lake and she remembered every small detail of that day. Or how she was talking about the husband that shot himself downstairs at his house. It takes a strong person to be able to talk about that kind of stuff. Another thing that stood out to me about this video was how she is using the position that she is in the sheriffs department to better the community and put information out to the community more often. And also how she is even trying to change a law that she feels could be better for people after they are released from jail.

  15. I admire her she's a mother, career women and wife its so hard to juggle all those things and she has to deal with everyday criminals having to stomach the things shes sees and go home to her family and have to try to block those things out and even after watching her video shes doesn't even realize how she may have inspired other women looking for a career in law enforcement. patient123

    1. It is great to see that not only men can be an inspiring force in the criminal justice system. It seems as if you do not often hear of a female doing something amazing in this line of work so when a video like this is made showing how a female can complete things just as well as men. Hopefully she inspires more women to do this as it would add more diversity in the criminal justice system which will help community affairs in the process as well.


    2. Patient123, I completely agree with your views. As I stated in my blog, I was reassured that I, as a woman, am 100% capable of being in this field as my profession. I'm not trying to put men down because they're great at their jobs as well; I'm simply stating that it's easier for a woman to hear from another woman. Gators123

  16. This video surprised me that some people actually quit the force just because police work is not what it is like on television. I think it is pretty messed up that once a person on Medicaid is arrested they stop paying for their medical problems because their medical problems could be the reason that the crime was committed and if they need financial help to make sure they can get their medicine in order to not commit a crimes seems pretty ass backwards because that makes it seem like they want those people to get incarcerated again and again.


  17. This video was appealing to me because Sheriff Sue L. Rahr confirmed that this job, while emotionally draining at times, is very rewarding. There are things you won’t ever forget because they’re so horrific that they’re burned into your brain. However, there are things you won’t forget because they’re so good that they made you feel like you did something that really matters to someone.

    I also think that this clip was interesting because it proved that women can make it. While there are women police officers, detectives, and correctional officers (as well as many other demanding positions), it seems that there are far more men in this profession. As a woman, I was reassured that I can do this if I keep my mind to it.

    Lastly, I think this video was beneficial because Sheriff Rahr is giving a boost to those who are trying to make it in law enforcement. She specifically says that this profession is very awarding and you always feel like you’ve been able to help someone and make their lives easier. Gators123

  18. She did an exceptional job of not sugar coating anything and letting the audience know exactly what can happen when you are in the line of duty. Some of her examples honestly seemed more like horror stories. She also gives great advice on how important it is to separate your job from your home life. That alone seems like a monumental task as not only is it something that takes a good portion of your time, but events such as the ones she explained seem like they will affect you negatively in a major way. It is also worth noting that she does directly say that law enforcement is a rewarding field to go into especially due to helping others and getting a sense of accomplishment from making a different in people's lives. This video is a great example of something everyone considering going into this career path should view and think about. Acquainted123

    1. explaining that some situations could effect you in a negative way is so true. As a law enforcement officer I think you have to build that "tough skin" to deal with situations. For those officers that can't separate themselves from work to there home lifes it's terrible and can take it's toll I'm sure. I've heard of many officer not wanting to talk about what they deal with which can effect there home life because they close up. I hope new officer understand it's ok to talk to someone even if it's not a person at home. silverline123

  19. I like how she talked about the situation with individuals with mental health problems. Mental health is scary because these individuals struggle with everyday life and choices. These individual comment crimes and are victims of crimes. On both situations at times they don't understand that the situation is wrong, or at the very least don't understand how wrong it is. As a law enforcement officer I can see how it's hard to separate yourself from situations and what you encounter. Like she said about having a home life to separate her is a good thing because not all officers have that. There’s too many officer out there today that don’t have that balance from work to home life. When talking about work being boring all but that 10 percent. That 10 percent is the chase, the helping of others, or the scary situations. I think that 10 percent is what makes it worth it. silverline123


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