Law Enforcement: Just Getting Started....

Law Enforcement: Just Getting Started....


  1. That was a decent video that laid out a few ins and outs of how to stand out as a prospective hire. The most interesting part to me is when he was telling his story of his descent into no money and not affording his $6 lunch. When the police officer came in, he instantly assumes that he is in trouble or something is going to happen. I think this is how most people think of law enforcement as a whole as of 2016. Stereotyping police into being brutish and hard people that only look out for themselves. Hopefully within the coming years that stereotype starts to slowly lift and police aren’t the biggest story in the media anymore.

    His tips with the police ride-along are actually pretty golden little nuggets of information. I was going to schedule myself one pretty soon and maybe ill actually bring something with me when I do. Maybe something a little better than bagels and cream cheese. Doughnuts sound a little more correct. These are cops right?


    1. I agree with you on the stereotype that the majority of people think cops are brutish and hard people and or that they are only there to get you into trouble. What a lot of people don't understand is that yes there may be a few "bad apples" out there but there is still a whole lot of good cops left. The media has a lot to do with building this stereotype as well and its unfortunate. I as well hope that some day this starts to slowly lift. ~Sparks123

    2. Exactly. Most people do end up thinking that stereotype. Media never usually helps the case. I've always thought that the news is like a horror tv show. Except for the fact it's real life and the bad things they show have actually happened to innocent people. It's what people want to see it seems. Never do they show any feel good stories unless it is in a special segment. And police doing wrong right now is a hot topic that doesn't help the 99% good police in the country.

    3. I definitely agree with you (and Sparks123) when you say that the stereotypical police brutality is a little bit excessive. It is very unfortunate that most people think of police as the "bad guys" of society at this point in time. If the media would stop pointing out everything bad that the law does and begin to focus on the good, I believe that the public would have a better understanding of what officers are doing and what they're going through. Gators123

    4. buckeye123 you are so right and people overlook the good police because of the bad ones but the media only typically show us the bad so the good police you hardly see it should be vise versa.we want good police but yet we scare away the good ones. gastor123 u said it all. patient123

    5. I agree, I think most of my friends get uncomfortable when police officers come around even though they have nothing to feel that way about, but I did like how the guy told that story and the police officer paid for his lunch and then walked out without even a thank you.

  2. This video clip had a lot of good points throughout it as well as many tips to help get a person throughout the hiring process a lot faster. Some of the good points he made not only help in this field of a career they can also help just getting a job in general. For instance when he mentioned that you need to stand out from all of the other applicants but not by just scoring high on the tests and memorizing information. They aren’t going to want someone who can do all of the same things that multiple other people are highly capable of doing. He made a good point of how they are going to want to see qualities in you that others may not be able to possess such as being able to talk to other people openly, or presenting answers that came from you not something that was memorized. When he talked about scheduling a ride along with an officer I felt as if though this is something important because from personal experience I have done so and he was right, it felt as if though there was a bond built between me and the officer. ~Sparks123

    1. I think it is a good point to take this approach to every job you go to; it doesn’t just have to be law enforcement jobs. It can be extremely beneficial to separate yourself from the group to standout. Unless it is something weird, like that you can juggle while smoking three cigarettes at once, if that is your only separating thing from the next guy then you should actually go out of your way to positively change yourself enough to be the good kind of outstanding. Birdman123

    2. Making your self stand out should always be as goal if you want to hired someplace or plan on advancing. The qualities of a good police officer should be all about the same for most people. So showing the skills and those qualities that they want to see will make them take a second look at you. wreked123

    3. I agree that most of the time that police are on television it is usually in a negative way. They never really show the good things that cops do every single day. It is pretty funny that he says that you should get everybody bagels and cream cheese but that is probably the only thing I do not agree with in this video. Yes, it is a nice gesture but you might look a little silly if you show up with something like that and then nobody there even likes that.


  3. It was an interesting video that gives you some helpful tips on how to get ahead in the hiring process. At first it did feel like it was an internet scam where he was trying to sell me this secret drink to grow huge muscles; but, it did give some helpful tips that I will use when looking for a job in law enforcement. Just like the video says, it is difficult to get through the hiring process as it is; sometimes it is good to be different. What really shocked me were the vacancies that are all open around the country that are never filled because they reject so many applicants because they basically “memorize” the same answers that they think they need to say. I like how he mentioned the not showing off in the physical fitness because I have seen a lot of my friends do it in the past during their attempts to apply and they didn’t get the job, and I did not think of it as a big deal until now. In the end, all the tips are helpful and he motivated me to go on a ride along soon with the department I want to be with to become more familiar with everyone, and to definitely have a nice snack when I do it. Birdman123

    1. Yes, I agree I got that same vibe at first from this video. After watching through it though I do feel that I took a lot from it. Even though the tips he was giving us were almost blatantly obvious, they were things that I had over looked. I almost want to get the book, just to see what other helpful tips he has to offer. gabegun209

  4. This is a very interesting video. It gives us very good tips displayed in a very well organized manner. The fake traps he talks about makes a lot of sense, like the fitness one for example it, I thought the complete opposite but now that I look at it it would make more sense to focus on being a team player over trying to beat everyone. The tip he gave us about ride a longs also is something i never thought about, scheduling a ride along with the right people at the right time would give you a big advantage over the other candidates. This would give you some one on the inside that can give you a good word. I also thought there was a bunch of unneeded background information and the introduction was way to long in this video, they could have gotten the same information in with out making it so long. Elite123

    1. He actually did give really good helpful information especially for those that would like to work within the law enforcement as an officer locally or out of state. He went on to describe the “Background Buzz Factor” seems very spunky and full of life saying the name alone. Helps you to actually get into the position you want get. Ride along instantly make me think of Kevin Hart and Ice Cube in a humorous way. Great useful info! Forensics 123

  5. This video was very interesting to me. It gave me a lot of tips on how to get ahead in the hiring process. When I stopped to actually think about what it was telling me to do, I thought to my self "why haven't I thought of these methods before"? The "buzz factor" is something that I am going to try to gain at any department I apply for. If you've already made friends in the department it almost seems like it would be to easy to get a job there. These steps could surely put you at the top of the list for new hires. I also think that his "hidden trap #3" could also be a good method. He talked about how you need to avoid show boating in your fitness testing. Instead you need to cheer on your competitors and show everyone that you are a good team player and would make a great partner. This video had a ton of very helpful tips. gabegun123

    1. I agree that he had a ton of good information in the video that I, would have never thought of myself, however I also think that the video did not have to be that long and there was a lot of unneeded information in it. Elite123

    2. I agree, what he said about the fitness test was a good idea. Luckily for me I won’t have to worry about any showboating. The entire video he kept saying look like a good partner, and I think that's a very helpful tip. I will definitely keep all these in mind for the hiring process. dangkids123

  6. This video was very informative especially for those who would like to actually work in this particular field. Many people do actually say that the application process is very difficult to pass and to some very strenuous. Law enforcement officers earning a starting total of 74,000 dollars a year. Full medical, vision, and dental benefits. He had no money no plan and no idea as to where he would go from here. Many people despise going to college after high school. Many think that it is just too much longer of school to go another four years after just completing four. His experience that he described at the diner was very interesting that was so sweet of the cop to pay for his lunch when he could have been a total jerk about the entire situation. Most people actually pick their careers and calling in life based on personal life experiences. The narrator actually talks about how hard he had it after graduating high school and how he thought that he could actually survive without a career. I personally would not like to be an officer, however the information I have learned here is very useful I will be sure to pass it along. Forensics123

  7. I think that this video has a lot to offer to future potential police officers (or similar professions). I know some people, like myself, never would have thought to go through that many steps to get hired. I’ve thought about a ride along, however I don’t live remotely close to the area I’d like to be. Even so, it can never hurt to get to know your local police force; if nothing else you could get some tips from them for when you’re ready to hire. Personally, I wouldn’t have thought to bring them in food for your “Buzz Factor” or to get to know those in the office. I believe that these are great tips for someone who doesn’t quite know where to begin.

    I also think that the part when Det. Howe tells the viewers to become “team players” is very essential as well. I believe this because it really does reflect on the type of officer you can and will become. In this profession, you cannot be selfish because, just for example, that moment that you want to leave an officer who tripped, your actions could potentially cost him his life.

    This entire video, excluding the unnecessary sales pitch at the end, is very helpful and effective in helping future police officers or anyone with an interest in a similar profession. I will absolutely keep this video in mind when I’m ready to begin the hiring process. Gators123

  8. Being unfamiliar with the Law Enforcement hiring process, I will take his facts and figures at face value. Much of the information he provides seems to be common sense. Dressing appropriately for situation should be a no- brainer and mirroring the dress of those conducting the process would be a good guideline. He makes an excellent point about the ride along and the personal touch. Having been on selection boards, everyone who has made it to the hiring phase is qualified, so anything you can do to separate yourself from the rest makes it easier for them to make a selection. You are always more likely to select someone you are familiar with than someone you know nothing about.
    He does a good job of highlighting the intangibles. You are expected to pass the fitness test, but helping or encouraging others shows a quality not recorded in the score, but noted by the evaluator. Intangibles are what he provides. Humvee123

  9. The guy in the video had some good advice that future officers or law enforcement officials should take in consideration. Making yourself stand out in a quality way instead of how fit you are would be better suited. Police officers should be able to work in a team and play nicely so to speak showing that you are a team player and or leader would be good qualities to show. wreked123

  10. I thought the video was good, until he tried selling me stuff. A lot of the stuff he mentioned I had already thought about, but I also learned quite a bit of new information as well. I was glad to hear that I don't need to make the tests a big deal, but he kind of made it seem like I don’t even need to worry about it. I think I will still study to get the best grade possible because it can’t hurt. I kind of think his “buzz” factor is common sense, and it should be applied to the application process for all fields of work. Luckily I did an internship this summer at the department I want to work, and had the chance to meet almost all of the officers, detectives and other workers. I’m not much of a bagel and cream cheese guy, so I’ll probably just bring pizza. dangkids123

  11. I thought this video had a lot of great ideas and different ways to go about the testing process for a police agency. One idea I thought was great was calling the department of your choice and schedule a ride a long with the department, not only doing this once but three or four times, while creating good report with the officers that I am riding with. Another good tip in this video was introducing yourself to anyone and everyone that you meet. I think this is important because I also believe that people I run into at the department and Introduce myself would have good things to say about me. I have never heard of memorizing all of the oral board questions before, but I do think that hearing the same old answers from applicants all the time would get extremely old and that being honest would be a good change for the hiring committee to hear. overall the video had great info I did not like how he made the video to try and sell stuff to people that watch the video.

    1. I agree with you and anyone trying to go into this department should go on a ride along and make connections with anyone that they can. That was great advice that this gentleman gave in this video. Green123

  12. The information that he is giving us is helpful and interesting. This video is great for anyone that is trying to apply for a police department. He is giving good advice and tips to help whoever go far in the career. If you are looking to become an officer these steps are good to follow and they seem like they would be great. I think that some of what he says we should already know but sometimes we just think we are not sure. Green123

  13. the video was very interesting he gave a lot of great tips the can be use in the future when if your looking to go that career path. I really think law enforcement is a great field and it would be a great career and not to mention like he said it secures you financially for life. I think every experience is different and will be different i like to hear feed back so this video action helped me. oh and Im with you dangkids123 no bagels and cream cheese for me lol! patient123

  14. These little tips and tricks seem like a pretty good ideas. When I watch this video it screams that networking is basically the ultimate way to get a job in criminal justice. Having ride along experience and being so well known by everyone is basically a sure fire way to get hired anywhere not just in this instance. I also find it interesting that most of the hiring process things have hidden things within them. Shows that working in the criminal justice system is not just based on hard work but how you do the work and how you use your own way of doing things in order to get to where you want to be in the job you want to have


    1. I was also surprised at how he made it a point that there were so many hidden parts to the hiring process and that you have to be aware and ready for them or you will not make the cut. I also agree that it is definitely based on how well you stand out as an individual. Acquainted123

  15. At first I thought this video sounded too good to be true as it started out like a good majority of scam videos. However there is quite a bit of great information to be found and the narrator gives every detail in order and explains why every step works to help you. Above all it puts a lot of emphasis on being a team player and actively looking out for and helping everyone around you in order to get a foot in the door and connect with people. It also challenges the viewer to not spit back whatever guides they read, but to critically think for themselves and make yourself stand out. There are many tips in this video that not I only found useful but have already shown two friends of mine and it has received positive feedback from them as well. A very useful video that I will re-watch in the future. Acquainted123

  16. I did enjoy his story. Dropping out of college is a big choice to make especially that far from home. And when he talked about not being able to pay for his lunch and having a cop right behind you, I thought he was going to be in trouble too. But then having the cop pay for his lunch and not expect any thanks breaks the stereotype that cops are these big tough guys that just use their power to be better than everyone else. Though I did like the tips he gave use to avoid the "lies" of the hiring process I didn't like the fact that he was trying to sell us his product. DeadMan456

    1. I was getting the same vibe. There where some points that I didn't even know that could be helpful to do during the hiring process. Most of it was main common sense anyways but it was a very organized video. Another thing that kind of caught my attention was to "not flaunt your fitness" it really doesn't matter how fit you are it depends on how you can good you can look out for your peers. DaBulls456

    2. I completely agree with you. His story made me realize that we tend to stereotype the law enforcement because all we see in the news is bad news about them. We do not just do it to law enforcement either, we do it to everyone. His story made me feel a lot better about how people view cops and how not everyone is bad. If I was in his shoes at that time I would have reacted the same was because of what I have heard about cops. This just goes to show you that you should not be so quick to judge or stereotype.

    3. Yea I was not a big fan of him trying to sell you something. However, if you were to actually buy his product, you would actually get something helpful out of these things for once! Yea, and that story about the cop paying for his meal was really nice. These days cops are viewed by some as killers and power abusers. There are those bad cops, but its not even CLOSE to the number of good cops there are! The cop being nice and expecting nothing in return shows the good that is out there!
      Music 456

  17. The video was very interesting and insightful. It showed a lot of tips on how to be a good candidate to be a hire. It also provides tips on how to avoid lies in a hiring process. It is interesting to find out that he dropped out of college and ended you where he is at now. I found that very fascinating. He tells of stories from his life all at the same time of teaching us that we need to be a team player and to pay it forward whenever we can. This video has opened up my eyes. It has shown me that not only you have to work hard but you have to look at how you are doing your work as well. I am definitely glad I watched this video. It will help out a lot when it comes time to look for a career job in any workplace and especially in criminal justice.

    1. Yes I never knew there where those lies in the hiring process. The video gave great tips on what not to do and what you should do to get hired anywhere. But i do like that he says you need to be a team player as you always need to back up your fellows coworkers, no matter where you work. And to go from college drop out to cop is a big change for people to go through. I agree that his story was fascinating. DeadMan456

    2. I agree that this video was very informative, and I will use these tips when applying for a career in law enforcement. I think you also have to look at how you present yourself when applying for jobs like this, or any other jobs where teamwork is going to be important. I thought it was very interesting when he said that the boards look for answers that seem memorized and eliminate those candidates!

  18. This was a great video! The mans life story of how we went from a college drop out to law enforcement was inspiring. In this video he shows how not to conform to what everyone else is doing, like memorizing things and studying way to much. Rather, he focuses on being yourself and creating that "buzz" about yourself. Getting yourself out there and showing the department who YOU are and that your a team player is far more important. They don't need someone who conforms, and is just another Jo Shmo. They want a smart, intelligent, independent and a team worker. This video gives you great tips! All in all its about you as a person and how you communicate that. People are the greatest network is this world and using them to your advantage is key. This video stood out to me. I do not like to follow others and conform. I like to do my own thing. I like to show people how I am as a person and SHOW them rather than TELL them. I will definitely remember this video as a reminder to be yourself rather than conforming to society. Otherwise you are just some other annoying applicant they have to waste their times TRYING to hire. This video kind of gives of the notion that he is trying to scam you of your money, like a million other things. But this guy actually has some good wisdom and really speaks.


    1. I was having the same thought about the video being just a scam to get money. The video definitely has an infomercial type sound to it which was why at first I felt slightly skeptical of what he was saying. The more I watched however, the more I realized that this guy has genuinely good tips on making it through the hiring process and making sure that you are the number one candidate for the job. Piglet456

  19. This video was very informative and it shed some light on what individuals are looking for in candidates to hire. The thing that I realized as I watched this video is how these hiring techniques not only can be used in getting a job in law enforcement, but also they can be applied to getting a job in most any career path. His whole point about scheduling at-least three ride alongs to establish a mentor/pupil relationship can work in other job fields, and is actually a very clever idea. The idea behind being, to develop relationships with people who will put in a good word for you, and vouch for your character when the time comes for you to get hired. This video also made me realize that in order to get a job, you need to make myself a hirable candidate in every aspect of my life. In some cases it won't be good enough to have graduated from a big name school, or gotten good grades through college. Those things won't hurt, but the hiring board won't look exclusively at transcripts, they are interested in knowing what kind of person you are and what kind of colleague you will be. If that means bringing in bagels and cream cheese to the staff or simply not posting such a controversial Facebook status, they will take all that into consideration when they are hiring you. Piglet456

    1. I strongly agree with you. I personally have done a lot of police ride alongs, to see if Law Enforcement was even for me. And, after doing plenty of them, I saw that Law Enforcement was for me. I also agree with the department's looking at what college you went to, and what your grades were. I all comes down to, of what kind of person you are.


  20. The video was very interesting, it gave a lot of good tips for the hiring process. The video was saying to, basically get your foot in the door, get a police officer to mentor you. It pointed out, to always keep your Facebook clean. The hiring board will look at the that. The hiring broad won't look at if you graduated for a good top line college, or if you got good grades throughout college, they will be looking at what kind of person you are. I believe the video was very helpful, and the man in the video gave us some of his life experiences, that will really help us out in the hiring process.


  21. This video was very interesting and had a lot of great information that I found very useful. It began by listing all of the things that would make anyone a police officer, and throughout the video repeated that there was one secret to getting hired. I think this video was very informative as to how to be an officer, and gave great tips that could be used for any type of applicant. His story was very interesting and had a lot of relatable scenarios, I also had not dreamed of being an officer my entire life; and up until about a year or two ago I had no idea what career I wanted to pursue . His information about ride-alongs was very interesting too because of the tips involving the hiring unit, and killing two birds with one stone by going through there. While the vibe this video gave off was very different than the other videos we’ve seen, I enjoyed this video very much.

    1. Yes, I also agree that the tips that he gave doing the slide show were great. The ride along part of the slide show was interesting, i just hope it is as fun as the movie makes it seems. I enjoyed this video also, but I would rather see him talking in front of a camera.

  22. In this slide show, I found it interesting that he dropped out of college knowing that he did not want to be there. For the cop to pay for his six dollar meal did not really surprise me because I know a lot of cops that are good people that would do the same. I like how he talked about being a follower and knowing things that you read; no one likes a follower. I enjoyed watching this video, based on the networking. The tips that he gave, like going on a ride along, gives you the opportunity to know if you enjoy it and to get to know the officer. Having a person on the inside makes it easier for you to get a job because they can give good recommendations for you. I enjoyed watching this video; however, it would have been better if he was talking through a camera and not slide shows.

    1. i agree i was hoping to see a face but i just don't believe a $6 dollar meal didn't influence him to be a cop many people receive help from a lot of people i bet if a doctor helped him out he wouldn't of became one

  23. This video was a alright and don't get me wrong it had some helpful information but from the start it seemed like a sale pitch you can use the information he provided at any job that you are applying for and i suggest that you do and from the little stuff he said you really don't have to buy the book and i think its probably out-dated to so i bet its a new ball game for the hiring process


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