Sociological Perspective...Basics

Sociological Perspective...Basics


  1. This was a very great video. It did very well explaining that we are only human! We have our own unique way of seeing the same thing. The picture of the young or old lady was very interesting I instantly saw the young lady and my girlfriend instantly saw the old lady and I couldn't see it until the video explained it. The elephant picture was very interesting. Even though the scientists were touching the same thing they all had different ideas of what it was because they had different perspectives of it. they had different experiences with it and they were blindfolded so they couldn't see the big picture. I feel like that is the problem with humans today. people have a different perspective of that they see and experience and if someone doesn't share the same thought then they are wrong or stupid or should be punished. Its very interesting to me and I believe that people shouldn't be scared and hateful of what they don't see they should embrace other peoples perspectives and if everyone worked together then maybe just maybe we can see the big picture and learn together. That's what I hope we do in this class. Godzilla012

    1. I thought the same thing you did as well about the video. The illustration was what got to me the most because it states that we look at something in a different perspective. BlackHawks012

    2. Godzilla012, I like your feeling on "that's whats wrong with humans today.." I think the same thing, in today's society there are too many people who think that just because you don't think or do something the way they do that it's wrong. I've had problems in just the recent past with this coming from a teacher of all people. My son's middle school math teacher wanted to mark my son's work wrong because I taught him the old school way to do it and she was teaching the new way which confused my son. When I taught him the old way he totally got it and was good with it. I had to take the problem all the way to the principle and throw a fit because of it. They allowed it but I was just astonished as the closed mindedness of someone who is suppose to be teaching the opposite. I feel were all different and should be open to everyone, it doesn't mean we have to like it or agree but they have just as much right to be them as I do me. Deacon012

    3. I agree with a lot of what you said. I don’t feel that perspective is there to limit us but some people are afraid that their perspectives won’t matter and in some way back down to protect their own egos. I’m hoping in this class that we can figure out a way to avoid that to keep the conversation going-Pasta012

    4. Definitely agree with you, Godzilla012. If people weren't so quick to judge and criticize others for having different views the world be a better place. We don't need to agree with others perspectives, we just need to understand that there are people that don't see the big picture or that we aren't see the whole picture, either. Being able to appreciate our differences, instead of tearing them down, would help immensely and it's not that hard of a thing to do. Marley012

    5. I fully agree with everything you are saying Godzilla012. I think that's the one thing people do forget sometimes that we are only human. We wont always agree with each other and that's okay. It is good for everyone to have there own outlook on things. People do think that if you don't see or grasp something the same way that you re stupid and that's not the case at all. Being different is not a bad thing. Very interesting video.Blue012

    6. I also agree with you to Godzilla 012. We are humans. We are unique in our own way. Everyone one of us has a way of understanding things different than other. Vemto012

  2. I agree with the beginning of this video. If you help someone learn something new put it into something they already know. This type of example is a good way to learn new material and learn better than sitting through it and not wanting to learn anything. The illustration example was perfect. We all have our own way looking at it some see and younger woman from the side view and some see and old lady if looking straight at it. We all look things differently in the world not everyone will agree to that. This video is well organized and would recommend it. BlackHawks012

    1. I agree with the idea behind relating something you already know to something you are trying to learn. I do not think the video did a very good job going about relating it's topic to the chosen related topic, genres. The illustration was interesting to me, because I did not see the old lady until it was explained. I would also agree with the fact that the video was very well organized and did a wonderful job explaining that each and every one of us will not agree on everything, and we do not all see things the same way.

    2. I really like the idea you have going on. If someone has a way of doing something that they like and they understand it then that's going to have the biggest impact on them. the way people look at things is different if its the old lady and the young lady we just need to accept that some people don't see what we see and we need to understand that and hey what they see might be a lot better than what we see. Godzilla012

  3. This video had an interesting way of going about explaining that we are all different. Everyone will not agree with one another. I liked how the video went about explaining that social science is difficult for people to understand, not because the concepts are challenging to interpret like in chemistry or biology, but because there are many different answers to each question that could be acceptable. The pictures were intriguing to me. I personally saw the younger woman in the picture at first, but when the video went about explaining the older woman I saw that too. I think that the picture that you saw first might say something about you and the way you think. The picture of the elephant made me think about how in sociology, everyone will see things different. With this, we do need to step back and listen and respect other people's way of thinking because we are not always correct and there are multiple answers to some questions. Storm012

    1. The pictures and visuals so helped to make the concepts easier t understand. The speaker had a good type of talking that just made all the information seem simple and easy to grasp. I feel like respect and empathy come with an understanding of sociology, too. We all need to learn that no matter what, people are going to have differences. It's our job to be mindful and curious of these thoughts and beliefs.

    2. The pictures and visuals so helped to make the concepts easier t understand. The speaker had a good type of talking that just made all the information seem simple and easy to grasp. I feel like respect and empathy come with an understanding of sociology, too. We all need to learn that no matter what, people are going to have differences. It's our job to be mindful and curious of these thoughts and beliefs - leafy012

    3. I agree with you. It was interesting how he compared it to other sciences. We've all heard the saying, "it's how you interpret it", or something similar. For some biology comes easy, for others chemistry, and others is may be sociology. For me biology has a lot of facts. Things that have been determined as being as they are, no matter whether I understand it or not. A flower needs water to grow because that's how it's process works. It's not debatable. When it comes to social situations there's often differing of opinions, and more than one may be probable. Purple012

  4. I like how he had pictures to help prove that not all the time the average human can see the all around big picture. I seen the older woman in that picture at first and I had to pause the video to analyze it and find the younger woman. Which makes sense to me because one can see something whereas someone else can see something completely different. Like a movie title, one can think it would be about something completely different then what it is really about. However, I do not understand why not all sociologists agree with each other. I heard him say that one term can mean many things depending on who you are speaking to. Which does not quite makes sense. One term should have one definition, not thirteen. I guess that trails back to the first part of my response to everyone having their own opinion on a certain subject of matter.

    1. Ibanez012, I certainly understand what you’re saying. I appreciate it when words have definitive definitions. But, perhaps this illustration may be helpful. Think about the word “love.” Obviously, love means different things in the sentences "I love my grandma” and “I love this doughnut.” Neither definition is wrong, they are merely different perspectives on the concept of “love.” Perhaps sociological definitions are similar. – Jung012

    2. Personally, the pictures helped me get on the same path that he was going with the lecture to relate it to something I already know. To comment on perspectives a friend of mine might see a dog. I see an innocent, loving life that can do no harm. I am the same way about babies not so much when it comes to adults. TAGTaylor33012

  5. I found the above video very intriguing! I especially appreciate the fact that the presenter opened the video by examining whether or not the social sciences are, indeed, soft sciences or hard sciences. As my field of study is widely considered a social science, I would certainly agree that is it not an easy science. Human beings are complex creatures and we often view the world through different lenses (often called worldviews.) The lenses serve to determine both how we view and interact with the world around us. Therefore, the concept of competing sociological perspectives makes perfect sense. Each sociologist will view the field through a slightly different worldview and, therefore, see the field slightly differently. It further makes sense that these views of sociology would be able to grouped into several categories. While we each view the world differently, groups will often form around a similar mindset. I found the optical illusion and the illustration of the elephant to be an excellent illustration of sociological perspectives. None of them are invalid, they are merely different views of sociology. – Jung012

    1. I agree with the worldviews. Everyone has their own take on things and the illustrations made the perfect point. Some people see the young lady first others the older lady. It's all based on our perception. We are all different and will always disagree at some point. DeadMan012

  6. I found this video the most informative of an intro so far. Although I've seen the old/young lady pic in the past, I believe they use it for a psych challenge too, I always seem to see the young one first. I didn't see the old lady until he pointed it out. I really liked the elephant pic too because it shows that we all see and interpret things different when your not able to see the big picture. The only thing that I didn't like about the clip which I'm sure is to come in the future, was he mentioned structural and conflict perspectives but then did not elaborate on them or any comparison/contrast, so of course now I'm curious what they are and which I might be. He also mentioned knowing which you are lets him know how to talk to you, which also intrigues me. Over all I thought this video was great at explaining the thinking of sociology. Deacon012

    1. I agree with you. I do think was more of an intro to Sociology. I always see the young women too and for some reason it takes me a while to see the older lady. When he was explaining it in the video i still didn't see it. I also agree with you about the conflicts it was a little confusing especially when you don't know what they're talking about. Hopefully we will learn more about that in class. Neverson012

  7. I loved how this video used so many different analogies and photos to explain such complex concepts. The social sciences are very difficult to understand. Being someone who is awful at math and chemistry, I don't think it's necessarily more difficult then that, but to each his own. Also, the competing perspectives of sociology are true in more than just this class. Those different views can be seen everywhere. People all see things differently based upon where they are and who they are, among many other factors. Confusing, but so true! Hoping we have lots of great debates during class after watching this. This is a wonderful opening to what sociology is and how to understand it correctly. - leafy012

  8. This video is good. It gives you these two perspectives that put us into different sections. Because like sociologists, we don't always agree on things. Which made this video relate to us. Now I always see the old lady no matter what, until I'm told about the younger woman. This is all based on perception such as the picture with the scientists. When we are blind to what is physically there we each make our own assumption as to what it is. DeadMan012

  9. I found that the video challenges the idea that you can be right just because of your perspective. Some people can be too invested in one perspective and ignore the other perspective entirely. The video seemed to hint that it would teach them more in the end to debate a topic if they would be open minded about why they believe what they do and challenge themselves to explore further, but in the end it doesn’t mean you are right or wrong. Also that debate helps to point out that your personal perspective doesn’t mean you can’t learn or understand any more than you already know, it just means you have to challenge yourself with opposing points of view to understand why you think the way you do and hopefully to further the understanding on both sides of a debate by simply discussing the topic in a genuine and honest way.-Pasta012

  10. I believe social sciences are harder than natural sciences, because in natural sciences there are, most times, facts that are already in place. Whether you want to believe it or not the facts in natural sciences are true. But in social sciences, we don't know how EVERYONE will act to the same situations. We have only a theory that most people who grew up a certain way will act similar when they are faced with certain events. We don't have definite answers in social sciences. With that being said, it makes perfect sense that different sociologists would have differing views on major topics in the social world. There are many different ways to solve the same problem so, it's good that sociologists do not all share the same opinions; more solutions to world problems can come about. Marley012

  11. This video left me wanting to know more. I like how he explained the way we look at the same things differently, and that it is part of who we are as individuals. This is such an important, yet overlooked, aspect of humans. Of course we do not all think a like. I think it would be pretty boring if everyone thought a like and you never stepped outside your comfort zone to learn something new. How would you ever learn anything at all? I did not realize there were defined perspectives in Sociology and I am interested to learn more about them. What category would I be in? Do you have to be in one category? I look forward to having some debates in the classroom and seeing other peoples perspectives. Learning the why/how they got their thoughts or opinions. This guy seemed really interesting and I could see myself watching more of his videos. Purple012

  12. This video was pretty good and gives me a little more explanation about how Sociology works. I'm still not really understanding in a way but I'm starting to get it. I like that this video doesn't really sugar coat anything when it comes to different perspectives. He let us know right away that you can have two or three different on a topic because the explanation is coming from a human which makes since. I now know that Sociology might be taught differently wherever i go. To me its just something good to know and gives me more interest in Sociology. Neverson012

    1. I think once we start our conversations in class you will really start to love sociology, its so beautiful how we all think different and we all have different opinions. -dicaprio012

  13. I really liked this video. I really liked how he explained things and broke things down which gave me a well informed view on what the topic was. What I took from the video was that we are all human and that we all see the same things in a different way. Like the example with the elephant they all envisioned something different from one another. This video helped me to better understand sociological perspectives in itself. So I believe that everyone's perspective one sociology can be interpreted differently. I think at the end of the day we are all different and unique that's what makes us human. We are not supposed to agree and see the same things all the time. That would be very boring. We all have opinions and that's a great thing. I cant wait to learn more about sociology. I feel that this is going to be a fun class that challenges me and my outlook on things.Blue012

    1. I agree with your statement and also I was able to understand that being different or learning different isn't a bad thing at all. You can actually learn off others and it can help you in future studies.colorpurple012

  14. Personally I am similar to what he said about understand new material when I can relate it to something I already know but also when there is a story to go with it. There is one lecture that I remember very vividly about of people perceiving what you say and how you do it. He was saying that his partner and he answered a call for a young girl who broke her arm and had a new pink jacket on. The partner told the girl that they would have to cut it off the girl screamed thinking that her arm would be cut off, but the partner meant the pink jacket. When the video talked about Competing theoretical perspectives it remind me of a youth group I was in when I was 12 we were told specific instructions on how to draw a pig behind our head and each one was completely different but most of the eyes were not attached to the pig at all. TAGTaylor33012

  15. Finally someone really explained it, that we are all different humans and we all do not think alike. I think thats something that people forget when people get into debates or a simple conversation about something. Everyone knows that one person who thinks their opinion is the only one and that theirs is the only right one. But in reality we are all different we are all raised different we are going to think different. We all have opinions and i love hearing different opions from different people. Sociologist don't all agree either, like he said the girl looked up a definition and got twelve different definitions because everyone thinks different. Thats the beauty of humans, i really believe in that. -dicaprio012

    1. This comment was great and I could not agree more. No one person’s opinion is better than another, and they all matter. We are all different and we will differ in views morals and opinions, that does not mean one is more right than the next, it just shows that we are unique and differ from one another. Bullsnation012

    2. I agree that this video really explained what sociology is. That everyone is different and has different ways of thinking. Peoples perspectives on life are different witch is why society tends to separate itself. Certain races have similar perspectives which is why communities tend to racially divide.

    3. if you haven't taken a philosophy class you really should, you would really enjoy it. I was uncertain about what this class was about but after the video I cant wait for some class discussions. Sherlocked012

  16. In my personal opinion, this was a very well crafted video. The speaker attempts to explain the social science of sociology in a very simplistic way. It really lets you into the mind of a human and how people think about things in completely different ways. I specifically liked the used of the elephant example. The speaker talks about how there are scientist and they all think the elephant is something different because they are all put in a different location along the elephant. This directly relates to human nature. It relates to people in reality because not everyone will have the same opinion on certain ideas. Opinions will always vary due to different perspectives or views people have on a specific matter. This does not make any of the invalid or incorrect, rather it makes them just differences in opinion. There is no right or wrong way of looking at something in society, and this is one of the main points the speaker wants to get across. Bullsnation012

    1. All of the people in the image of the elephant are being exposed to different parts of it. That's why they have different opinions. Not all of them are experiencing the same thing,so there is no way they will think similarly. This is very easy to relate to humans. Many people experience many different things than others throughout their lives,and this is what leads to their differing opinions on certain subjects. You can't expect someone who hasn't been through what you've been through to understand your mindset. Crown012

  17. I liked how this video dealt with perspectives. Not everyone has the same perspectives. People that have experienced different things in like are going to have a different perspectives. I like how he brought up the elephant. Ifall of the scientists would have been looking at the same things all of there perspectives would have been the same about the elephant but since they were blind folded they all thought the elephant was a different thing. that example really helped me understand what the word perspective really means.
    Also I liked how he started the video saying it is harder to learn something that you have no connections with or no nothing about. I really thought that made a lot of sense because im the same way with Math. I like that there aren't any ways of looking at something that is wrong, everyones perspective is different so everyone sees or thinks different subjects or objects differently.

  18. This video did a good job of explaining that like most sciences, there are several theories. I was a little surprised that he only mentioned two different ones though. Like everything else, I feel like we need to gather as much information as possible and then form our own opinions as to which theory we believe in. Like he said, a good debate should teach us something new or make us question our own beliefs. We need to be open minded so that we can gain more knowledge of sociology. If we refuse to listen to different perspectives, we can't be accurate in our thinking. You need to gather information from all angles to form a proper opinion. If you only take in and observe people who think the same as you, you aren't getting the whole story. Our society in 2016 is very diverse so there are many different beliefs and ideas to take into consideration when forming an opinion on our society as a whole. Crown012

  19. This is such an interesting video for me to take a good moment and think about it. Embracing the difference between sociologist theoretical perspectives. Some examples that were mentioned in the video were interesting and make me think about it for a second which competing between theoretical perspectives. I personaly had different theoretical perspectives from the picture that was in the video. When the sociologist said what the picture looks like from different angles it was amazing knowing how different it was, my perspective was different than the videos's. I agree that Sociologist have different theoretical perspectives because we all don't think alike.
    This bring me more interest to this class and learn more about it.Shakalaka012

  20. We have to aknowledge that we all have different views. In sociology It's hard because we are dealing with humans. Humans have their own unique way of explaining things. Just like the picture first time. I seen the picture I thought it was an old lady. I didn't see the young lady until he started explaining the picture. As humans we all different, We have different ways of explaining the same exact thing with different ways of interpretation. If we all work together and try to bring all the differences together than we can see the full picture. Vemto012

  21. As I watched this video and heard him talk about the invisible groups that we belong in, I realized myself that I had actually used that concept on my daughter. She suffers from a severe anxiety disorder, any group of people numbering more than two and she hyperventalates and freaks out. The problem was she needed to get somewhere in Peoria and her only way to get there would be the bus. She has put it off since last May, because of people. I told her when she gets on the bus and look around, and I explained to her that more than one of the people around her was probably going the the same anxieties she is. So the day came and I waited for a call to either come get her out of jail or off the bus. Instead I got a call that said "Mama I did it!!" And she went on to tell me that she did exactly what I had told her, at the time I didnt think it was sociology, I just thought I had a brilliant idea. I am now so excited to be in this class, now that I do actually have a better understanding that it is really something we expirience in every day life. Sherlocked012

  22. From my understanding sociological perspective is explaining; you have more then one way to solving problems; doesn't make it wrong an example 4 times 3 equal 12 as well as 10 plus 3. Sociological theoretical wants it views to learn more then one way to solve or explore things. Makes me wonder what all I have missed and now that I know that all will I see. colorpurple012


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