Sociology and The Relevance to Us....

Sociology and Relevance


  1. I am interested in this class even more after this clip. Especially when he discusses everything being controlled by forces and factors that are not seen or understood. I feel the same way.I believe that's why certain things happen on a time line or the old analogy of everything happening for a reason. I think you can control some of the choices you make but that others are already made for you. I really had no clue what this class was except what my adviser described, which was that it was along the same lines as psychology. However, between Dr. White's somewhat summary of it, this video, and just kind of browsing through the textbook. I believe I'm going to remain in the class and see where it goes. I also liked how in the clip refers to menopause as being personal but public. I would think this is how cancer patients feel too. We are all on the same boat of humanity each fighting different battles, and each with a different destination or drop off point. Deacon012

    1. I too am interested in this class because we will have great debates on certain topics. Like everything happening for a reason. Everyone wants to believe that even bad things happen for a reason but I believe sometimes bad things happen and there is never any explanation or good reason why. However I do agree with the menopause and cancer patients examples. They are dealing with their problems in private but know they are not the only ones doing so. VT012

  2. I have mixed feelings about this video. I did like his example with suicide, if everyone has a different percentage of committing suicide then how do the suicide rates stay around the same each year? Is it a matter of chance or a matter of science? When life gets the best of you it is always good to remind yourself that you aren't the only one dealing with that type of situation. Thousands of people go through the same hardships everyday. It is only that for some people it is harder to be reminded of this when they are so focused on the problem and feeling alone where they are. Which is another reason it is good to learn sociology, so we remember we are not the only people on this earth. I however don't agree that we all have a choice, not all life's decisions are up to us. Every problem is different. There are just certain things we can't change or can't decide on our own. I wish more people paid attention to sociology because it would make decisions and tough times a lot easier. VT012

    1. I agree that there aren't certain things we cant change like where we were brought up or how we were brought up. This is what puts us in different categories like middle class or upper class. The suicide thing is something to really think about because if your making your own decisions why would it be almost the same every year where you live instead of it being significantly different. Neverson012

    2. I do have a very few mixed feelings about this video but I think the point across this is that we are not alone in this world. We will be stressed out, anxiety through the roof etc. It really just depends on us to see if we want to end it all. I did very much like the suicide example and how he mentioned that the rate never changes. Who ones one day it could either drop or stay the same. Some problems may be different than others but we are our person and make our own decisions. Overall the video was an eye opener. BlackHawks012

    3. Every problem IS different, but it is very easy for us to feel alone- physically, when we are surrounded by so many people. Our culture helps us share in real-time, all around the world. However, we cannot find comfort in those that in our immediate vicinity. Some of the benefits of having this global reach are also working against us.
      It used to be that an illness, for example, was only shared by a small number of people in the world. These people would never realize they were the only ones facing the disease. But now, we can find these people and we are able to realize we are not alone. Others share our plight. No matter how rare the condition, someone else is probably facing the same challenges-somewhere. In this closely meshed world, strangers are sometimes the person we are standing next to and we are not aware. Knowing we are not alone does have some comfort, but we cannot lose sight of our immediate neighbors. We need to be a part of the tribes we identify with and we also need to realize we are part of something even bigger. We each have many groups we are a part of, and we need to focus more on the similarities in place of the differences.
      OICU8 012

  3. In some instances, I completely agree that events happen because, in some way, people are connected. But I also believe that we do make our own decisions, because those decisions are what we feel are right. Not because the people around us are telling us this or that. When Richards was speaking on suicide and how the rates haven't changed much over the years, this could be because the same amount of people every year, or every couple of decades, have the same problems coping with the outside world, due to genetics and/or mental illnesses. It may also be the social environment crippling their look on the world, which would go along with what he was saying. I can't really say I disagree with Richards, but I can't whole-heartedly say I believe what he says either. How would any of us really know if things do, in fact, happen for a reason or if it's just a coincidence that things keep lining up in the same way? When people are going through the same (or similar) troubles it makes since that they would feel it is a very private matter. And yet, they are closer to someone sitting in the hospital bed next to them or even in a psychiatrist's waiting room, than to someone they grew up with. People can feel when others are in pain, but I don't know if that causes us to be completely controlled by their presence. Marley012

    1. I was a little lost when Sam Richards started talking about how suicide rates haven't changed much over the years. I wasn't sure how it could stay so consistent. I liked your answer. You described examples of people every year or decade suffering the same problems or possibly the social environment affecting their world. Your example made sense to me. It made me think about how many situations we share with other people and not necessarily people we know personally. Hadrosaur012

  4. Ive never took a class like this i took psychology and i thought they would be similar but there not. I really enjoyed the video because its gives a different perspective on the world as to how humans connect in many ways we think we don't.When we say we have a problem and no one understand there is somebody out there that could be going through the same things you went through and you wouldn't think of it like that but in reality there is. The video makes me believe that if we came together more and we leaned on each other more the world might actually be a better place. Its like everybody is trying to get ahead or better than most people but if we came together we could accomplish more and appreciate more in life. Neverson012

    1. I agree completely! In think that sometimes we do consider ourselves so different from others. But in many ways we are the same. But some people are stuck in a one track mindset and don’t want to see things from some else’s perspective or understand their opinion. And yes maybe if we could stop trying to outdo one another the world would be a better place. Believe012

    2. Yes, that is what I chose to take from the video as well. Our connection to the world around us. Everything thing we do matters. People in general can be very short sighted without any ill intention, but also not realizing they are a part of something much larger than can be seen. Purple012

    3. I absolutely agree with you, a lot of time is wasted with other being jealous or one another and trying to bring each other down because of their insecurities. If we all come together with good intentions to understand on another the world would be a much powerful force.

  5. I wasn't sure how to comment on this video so I am choosing to relate it to my own life. I can relate to Sam Richards when he says "I am humanity" "we are humanity" at the end of this video. It makes sense to me that individually we all are a part of a larger group. Sam Richards' suicide example made me think of a personal example in ways I haven't before. I knew someone who committed suicide and I never really thought about if it was a strictly personal or private matter. My opinion is that for that individual it was extremely personal but the after effect of that incident spread wide and affected many people. I find it interesting to think about the cause and affect of this situation. If the suicide never happened then his widow would never have put together a very successful annual event to raise money and awareness for suicide prevention. The education from this event might help another individual who is suffering. Maybe they will receive the help they need and choose not to commit suicide. That extremely personal decision might actually be influenced by a larger group. In the example of Sam Richards' wife having peri menopausal symptoms I do think that is a private matter but once she told her husband, doctor, or maybe a friend it became public and she is now a part of a much larger group. If she looked up peri menopause on the internet she would find that she is one of many women who suffer from this. Now she is a part of a large group of individuals who don't even personally know each other. I don't think my thoughts are right or wrong. I did enjoy how this video made me really think about things. I am looking forward to studying the different aspects of sociology. Hadrosaur012

    1. I agree that I wasn't sure how to comment on this video as well. So I decided to go with my perspective on some of the different topics Sam Richards brought up. I do agree that the things we choose to do weather good or bad has a larger impact then we may think. It affects more than just that person.I do agree that this video has really made me think. I'm really looking forward to what lies ahead.Blue012

    2. I like your thoughts on the suicide part. I didn't even think about the direction of farther out such as who its affecting after the fact. I was focused on him talking about it being personal not on the people afterwards. I have had quite a few friends who have and their spouses and kids have to deal with it. So yea, its strange thinking how would it be different if they hadn't made that choice. Deacon012

  6. I like how he spoke about the different “personal” decisions that we make thinking that it will only affect us. When really we are a part of something much bigger whether we want to view certain situations from a sociological view or not. I also like how he spoke about how society and how sometimes people shape you into who you are. Like your character and who you want to be or how you were raised. Some of these things are instilled in us from a young age up until now and we cannot change it so we hang around people who reflect the same character and mindset that we have. I don’t think that it’s a bad thing either. I was kind of confused by what he meant by “I am Humanity.” But I think he meant that each situation that we go through as human’s others have gone through too and that’s what connects us and makes us. Believe012

  7. I felt his overall message was to say we aren't alone. We didn't get to where we are all on our own, and even with all the effort we put into our own lives going forward, we are not doing it alone. There are always outside factors influencing our decisions. It seemed at some points he was trying to say we have no choice at all, even when it seems that we do. I can't say I completely agree. To me, it's really about accepting that there are influences, learning from them, and making choices based on those decisions. Ultimately, though, the decision is ours. It may be outside forces that influence our minds and put us in a state of contemplating suicide, but isn't it our own minds that either complete it or don't? I, overall, really agree with realizing you aren't alone. I think there is a comfort in feeling that whatever you are going through good or bad, you aren't the only one. When you feel grieve stricken over a loss of a loved one, I think it's a comfort to know every single person loses someone. It's a part of life and we can take that knowledge and figure out how to move forward. When you experience something great in life, I think it's important to take note that everyone experiences great things at points in their lives as well. Purple012

    1. You make a very good point. There are always outside factors that influence what we think the actions we take and how we feel about them. but the bottom line is that at the end of the day its not magical forces that make the decisions its us and only us. The fact that no matter what we do or where we are we are never alone. Godzilla012

    2. You said this very well! I was trying to get out something similar. We do make our own choices in the end, even if they are somewhat influenced by others around us. We are still the ones who decide that this event is what we should or shouldn't do. Marley012

  8. I have mixed feelings about this video. The moves that we make as an individual are the same things that people around the world are going through. Such as the suicide example that he gave, you are sitting in a room by yourself and this is a very difficult and frustrating situation that you have to make but, you are not alone. I loved that he pointed out you are not alone because, some individuals truly believe that they are alone. Everyone experiences and goes through life changing situations. I do believe somewhat that there are outside factors that contribute to our own thought's and decisions but, do we let what others say stay in our head? To me, it seems that he was trying to make it seem like we have no choice at all, and we do. You control you at the end of the day. It's just you and your thoughts and feelings.Blue012

    1. The suicide example could have so many different interpretations derived from it. I didn't even think that he really meant "were not alone", I was more along the lines of "it's not as controlled as we think." To each his own, though! Interesting ideas. I don't think he was trying to say we have absolutely no control, because to an extent we do, but rather that there's always something else playing into our decisions and thoughts. leafy012

  9. I am very interested in this video even though I had to watch it again a couple of times to really try and understand what his message really was. I agree with him that everyone is connected through some force that is so much more than we could comprehend. His examples that he used were very fitting to the video and his message because it is real. I had a time when I was down in the slumps and one of my great friends just had a feeling that I was in danger and he helped me through it. Ever since then I was a firm believer that there is something connected between us all because he had a funny feeling. There are a couple things I don't really agree with though. I believe we do make our own happiness because everyone is unique in their own way and only we truly know what would make us happy. Its our lives we make what we make of it some people start of better than others and some people are dealt the worst hand possible. Manners make the man. Godzilla012

    1. I agree with your first point. Suicide is always a hard topic to cover and I think he did a good job with it. There is a lot of good messages in this video that definitely take a few watches to completely understand the full message he was trying to get across. Moot012

    2. I also did watch the video couple times. Every time I watched it I learned something new. It amazing how Sam explains the society and the way it connects with each other. Talking about suicide is diffently a tough subject. You can never understand the fully. I'm really excited for this class. Vemto012

  10. I have some mixed feelings about this video but the suicide example was the most interesting part. The point of that is to say that we have the choice to end it or not. When he mentioned suicide rates stayed the same and never really increased kind of took me to shock because it's only less than what I personally thought it was. Other than that our happiness is what we feel is right not just by somebody else's opinion. We make our own decisions. We may suffer but we know what the right and wrong thing to do with our decisions. BlackHawks012

  11. I have some mixed feelings about this video but the suicide example was the most interesting part. The point of that is to say that we have the choice to end it or not. When he mentioned suicide rates stayed the same and never really increased kind of took me to shock because it's only less than what I personally thought it was. Other than that our happiness is what we feel is right not just by somebody else's opinion. We make our own decisions. We may suffer but we know what the right and wrong thing to do with our decisions. BlackHawks012

  12. I enjoyed this video. A lot of his points made me think about happiness and the human condition. I think that the main point he was trying to get across was that it is important to understand other people because other people can directly or indirectly affect our lives in more ways than we realize. I think that the section on suicide was the hardest to listen to. It’s a hard topic to talk about but I think he presented it well and his presentation made me think. Overall I think he handled this subject well and I look forward to possibly seeing more presentations by this man. Moot012

  13. I liked the video. The examples of humanity and society was amazing. I really like how Sam talks about how every one influenced by external factors which its true. Our surroundings do affect our decisions, the people who we hang out have impact on us. “ we are big community and imagine ourselves holding hands around the world and feeling what they feeling and connecting to live” I mean all this is beautiful I’m so happy to be in that class. It’s is important we study sociology. By studying sociology we learn how to interact with people and understand why people do what they do. Studying Sociology helps us understand society’s structure and function. Once we understand it we can apply with what we learn to fix the issues in a society. VEMTO012

    1. I agree that people are heavily influenced by the outside environment. They do greatly affect our decisions and how we perceive the world. People who are treated like trash are going to greatly devalue their lives while those treated like royalty are going to have smiles and rainbows everywhere. DeadMan012

  14. It's interesting when he said his girlfriend who never studied sociology but she got him to study it after picking up his book one day. How she told him that it was life changing and it changed his perspective as well. So somebody who never studied it made someone else want to study it, that's fascinating. It shows how interesting this subject is knowing that it can change a sociology teacher's thoughts around. I like how he said that we are shaped by other people but, yet in the end we make our own decisions, even when our freedom is just an "illusion." This video made me want to learn more and read up more on sociology, this man words everything so well.

    1. Ibanez012, I enjoyed that story, too! It certainly goes to show that we shouldn’t shy away from studying a subject, even if it is unrelated to our major or vocation. I trust this will be an interesting semester as we delve into what appears to be a fascinating subject more deeply! – Jung012

    2. I agree with the presenter, I happen to starting to take a peek my daughter’s high-school Sociology book and was not able to put down the book as it was interesting as I have never read Sociology formally in a organized book. This book gave me a new perspective on life and I am glad I am taking Sociology class now - chichi012

  15. I liked the fact that he brought up the suicide rate. We all believe it's on the rise when it's actually staying the same. And better understanding what people are going through will help us make better decisions on how to handle the situation. Like his story about his wife during menopause. Knowing this stuff can help us better interact with other people. DeadMan012

  16. This was a very interesting video! First of all, TED speakers are among the best public speakers I have ever heard. They are very poised and experts at holding an audience’s attention. I enjoyed how this video emphasized the interconnectivity of humanity and how we are never truly isolated, even in our most difficult, darkest private moments. It reminds me somewhat of the quote from It’s a Wonderful Life, “Strange, isn't it? Each man's life touches so many other lives. When he isn't around he leaves an awful hole, doesn't he?” None of us are ever alone, from a sociological perspective or from the sheer impact that our life makes on the lives of others. I’m excited to dig further into this interconnectivity and the impact our culture, coculture, and society make on us as individuals. Hopefully, it will be as empowering to us all as it was Sam Richards. – Jung012

    1. I definitely agree about TED speakers. They are full of interesting information and are great with audiences. The connectedness of humans is something most forget, I think. Our actions and those of others directly and indirectly effect everyone, as a whole. Its funny that Mr. Richards went on to marry the woman who knew nothing about the topic before opening the intro to sociology book. And how her one observation made him think about it on a completely different level. I'm also excited to get into this interconnectivity more. Cheers! dandelion012

    2. I agree about the fact that TED has great speakers. Personally what he was saying reminded me of the ‘Pass it on’ the one about a little boys school project to make the world a better place. So many people were affected by him it was unimaginable how far it went. It. Help everyone from his mom and grandma, to drug addicts, robbers, to a suicidal person. TAGTaylor33

  17. After watching these past few clips on this blog, Sociology has me by the tail. It is interesting to here them talk about suicide, back in HS I and basically the whole school had lost a friend to suicide as we were a small school. After watching this video some of my unanswered questions had been answered. It was hard for me, but at the same time eye opening. This class is going to continue to have that effect on me, as well as my fellow students. Many questions can be answered based on life experiences, not only our own but from others too. We as human beings are all connected even though it may not seem it, in some way or somehow we are. Interestingly enough we are going to find out so much more then we thought we could about us, others and everything around us then we thought possible. I am excited to see where this journey of a class takes me. MuayThaiGuy012

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. It is such an interesting theory that all people are deeply connected through life without even knowing it. We all make life choices but they are the same choices others have to make on a daily basis. I prefer to think of us, as a human race, to be connected on higher, more peaceful levels; the level of connection Sociology says we have just seems ethically wrong, which is why I feel excited to learn more about it in the coming weeks. JimHalpert012

  18. Living life with the idea that certain factors are going to happen no matter what is a very interesting concept to me: i.e. - Sociology is a very interesting concept to me. In my opinion, and I believe I share this with many of those from my generation, your personal life and fate can only be determined by the actions you yourself make. By that logic then, suicide rates, for example, could be completely different from year to year, however, typically they stay about the same. That is what I find most exciting about learning in this course - what the "correct" mentality to living life really is. Or is there even an answer? Maybe instead of saying "Sociology is very interesting," a more appropriate statement would be "sociology is very confusing." JimHalpert012

    1. Social forces contribute to completion and attempts of suicide. The stats stay relatively the same (location, gender, etc.) because a collective pattern. We are more than just 'one' believe it or not. JustaThought012

    2. I agree, when my ACL was torn, my legs and knees were the strongest they have ever been. Guess what my ACL still tore, it still happened even though I took all the precautions for prevention. In the end I had no control over it and that was my thought processes was in correlation to your stated above, "your personal life and fate can only be determined by the actions you yourself make". MuayThaiGuy012

  19. I really enjoyed this clip and it makes me want to delve into sociology even more now. TED speakers typically have a great understanding of whatever topic they're discussing and hold the audience's attention well. Mr. Richards was no exception. Personally, I agree with his overall message in the clip. That is, that everyone is connected despite our different circumstances. The reference to suicide rates usually staying the same throughout the years really stuck with me. I have lost several friends due to suicide. What if they had been thinking sociologically? If they knew they weren't alone regardless of their specific situation. The last couple minutes of the clip also stuck with me. 'I am humanity' and 'We are humanity' are such powerful statements. Can you imagine if the entire earth's population thought this way? If we could all realize our happiest and saddest moments are all connected. How amazing would that be! The sociological perspective is something I really look forward to learning more about and applying to my everyday life. In grateful to be in this class with you all and Dr. White.

  20. I think every action we do has implications to others in our life, directly or indirectly. In some cases, our actions directly affects our family in the ways that we have not imagined, sometimes it even goes beyond people those who are not immediately connected us. The world is a place of interconnected beings, hence I think sociology is very interesting subject. Everyday we live and work with other beings and the concepts of sociology plays important role whether we realize it or not. Some of the suicide statistics in this video is interesting and eye opening. I liked Dr. Richardson example of him and his wife going through difficult times together in life which explains the idea behind social beings - chichi012

    1. I completely agree with this. Whether we realize it or not, our actions affect all of the people that we surround ourselves with. The same idea goes for the decisions we make. Even if we are an able to see or feel it, there is an underlying connection between ourselves and those we are close too. Bullsnation012

  21. This video was very interesting to me, however, I did not necessarily agree with the entire video but over all, this video intrigued me. I particularly enjoyed certain topics and scenarios that Sam had brought up when trying to get his point across. When he talks about the scenario of one sitting in a room by themselves and making the decision to kill themselves or not, I can’t help but actually agree with what he is saying. He says that people believe they are free and are making a decision based on their own personal opinion and free will, when in fact that is actually not true. He says that people make decisions based upon social aspects in their life and based on others own beliefs in order to fit in, even if it is subconsciously and one doesn’t even realize it. I couldn’t agree more with this statement due to the fact that it is very common for people to want to feel accepted. People are all linked or connected in some sort of way even if it is by some higher power that for some reason can not be seen or felt. Bullsnation012

    1. It is difficult to find something that we agree with completely. This video really opened up my eyes to sociology. This was the most interesting out of all four videos I watched. The speaker did a spectacular job relating real life events to technical terms in sociology. He relates his personal wisdom and experiences with facts. I could connect mentally much easier to this video because I could associate it to something. Though everyone learns differently, this video is a way I could easily understand what he was talking about. Storm012

  22. This video was very interesting it touched on a lot of things that will be interesting in this course and i look forward to discussing these topics. He told a very good story about his girlfriend of the time and talking about how the first chapter alone was able to change her view on particular things. I do agree that sociology and how you are portrayed is on your image. You are given this shaped image and you are shaped this way by your peers. Your peers are the ones that shape you and really determine who you are. These are things that we do not think about in our everyday life when we are at school or at work, it just isn't something that we think about. I think for everyone taking a sociology class is very beneficial for anyone and i think everyone should take it to help open your eyes. -Bengals012

    1. I think taking a sociology class, even if you don't plan on advancing into sociology, would be a good move. It seems like it will open your eyes to the bigger picture, and if you plan on having a career in law enforcement you'll definitely want to have a good grip on how the world works and why people do what they do.

  23. I believe that Sociology can be a very hard thing to understand. Factors that can't be seen affect us in every type of way in almost every aspect of our life. If we are having problems with something chances are we aren't the only one having a similar problem. I'm very excited to start learning and trying to understand some of these factors that affect us every day. This clip has enlightened me on the subject of sociology and how hard it can be to understand at times. No matter where we are or what we are doing these unseen factors affect us all the time. Understanding these factors is the hardest part. Some people may never be able to understand. I hope that this class will help me understand what I am not able to now.
    ~ Caz012

    1. I agree with you there Caz, there are a lot of things we just don’t see but we know are influencing us. I’m excited to see how much we don’t see just as much as seeing what we’ve already noticed then forgot once again so it can ‘re-teach’ in a way so we don’t forget it as easily and make it more complex but also easier to understand.-Pasta012

  24. Not even a minute into the video and I already knew he had made a point; remaining independent, while relying on others is a balancing act between the ego and outside influence. I just wonder if in his stories he considered the idea of personal choice to accept information before societal impact became the main force behind the decisions made. Most of all the ‘interconnectivity’ comments he had seemed a bit odd but somehow made sense because of how society is structured, we see differences and ignore common things, but at the same time what we see most often influences us more than we recognize. So would that recognition changes the influence it has on us or would it remain the same? The one thing this video had me asking myself was, is the influence of society lessened once you are aware of its influence or is it just that your mind finally has the basis for the information to process it properly? -Pasta012

  25. I think sociology is a very controversial topic. I for one do believe that the way you act, speak, eat or anything along those lines is made of tiny different pieces fro other people. But there are people, like this man was in the beginning, that believe that everything they do is solely of their own accord, that they are 100% themselves and 100% original. Unfortunately those people are wrong. Even if you are about to make a decision, then stop yourself and change it, you are still making the same decision that many others before you have already made. Sociology is an intriguing subject and I'm very excited to be taking the course this semester. I think sociology is a goo thing to have up your sleeve in a law enforcement career. Especially for people looking to advance into detectives. It will be great to have the knowledge and understanding of the world and how society contributes with itself in solving cases.

  26. I greatly enjoyed this video as an overview because I think this speaker does an excellent job of explaining the many components of our criminal justice system. I loved that he brings to light many facts about criminal justice that most people typically don't pay attention to. For example, he highlights the different approaches to criminal justice and breaks them down and shows why they can be faulty. In doing so, he makes it noticeable that what we have tried to do so far and are continuing to do in regards to our offenders, does not change the result. We have to start looking at other solutions because the criminal justice system is influenced by so many different things and each new thing brings a set of considerations along with it. Knowing this enables us to think and analyze critically and stop being oblivious to the importance of perception. I very much agree with his statement that different perception will produce different results, therefore it is very important to try to see criminal justice from a new angle, as he said. This video was by far one of my favorite videos because it reminded me why I love criminal justice. There are so many factors involved in every aspect of this amazing field! Cards789

  27. He said something that reminds me of some of my girls. (I help teach dance) That we shaped by other people. The head instructor said if you want to do the spits go ahead a do it but they didn’t want to they didn’t have. They always complain about having to do the splits but one girl starts to go down to the splits and before I realized it they were all doing the spits like every other class. I told the head teacher “Peer pressure at its finest.” When he was talking about freedom it reminded me of one of the biggest discussions in my philosophy class about religion. If god is all powerful, god is all loving, god is all knowing. We have free will how is there evil? That discussion last three weeks and still no definitive answers. But that was one lecture that made a lasting impression on me and always will. TAGTaylor33012

  28. This video really opened up my eyes to sociology. This was the most interesting out of all four videos I watched. The speaker did a spectacular job relating real life events to technical terms in sociology. He relates his personal wisdom and experiences with facts. I could connect mentally much easier to this video because I could associate it to something. He was very clear and intriguing to listen to. My favorite part of the video is when the speaker talked about how we, the people, are the future of humanity, how we get to create the future and study the past. Each and every one of us are fighting different battles, and we are coming from different backgrounds. That to me is the most interesting part of this class, because we get to see the similitude and voice our thoughts and hear many dissimilar opinions from other people, as well. The outstanding thing about sociology to me is the fact that there is not necessarily a correct or incorrect answer. There can be many different responses and all be correct. Storm012

  29. This video brought me a good understanding about sociology. I wondered why sociology is such an important subject and how useful it is after I watched the video. When Sam Richards began on talking about his life experiences and mentioned great example about sociology. It began on becoming an interest for me to study more about sociology. some examples that amazed me about Sam Richards was when he brought his wife story during hard times and how he was able to work through it with his wife together. Another great example was when his wife took his text book and read the first chapter of it. She than tells him what the text is telling him to tell the students soon enough he became a socialist because of the 30 minutes with his wife after she read the first chapter. Those were interesting examples plus the facts he was clarifying as well. Now that I took a good brief understanding of sociology, I'm looking forward to accomplish great work in this subject and learn much about it. Shakalaka012

    1. I agree that this video definitely did a good job of describing in detail what sociology is all about. A lot of the same things interested us in this video but it only matters if you can make sense of what he was saying. I hope to learn a lot about this subject because this is one of the only subjects that will benefit you throughout your entire life.

  30. This speaker brought up many topics that interested me. Sociology is something that opens your mind to thinks you probably could comprehend or understand before, and that is why it has become on of my favorite subjects these past few days. The fact that everyone in the world is shaped by other makes a lot of sense to me. The part that got my mind racing was when he said that we are not free, everything we think/ feel are shaped by factors and forces. Now what those factors and forces are is what interests me in sociology. Freedom is an allusion, the person who feels like they have the most freedom could really be the one who is being shaped the most. While being embedded into a structure we are all shaped by others in different ways.

  31. I absolutely loved this entire video. The concepts were raw, they made you sit down and truly ponder your life and how it truly works. We really aren't in control of our own lives. Humans try so hard to gain some sort of control over every aspect of their lives. We crave it. But even with the most organized person, things will happen that make them rethink it all. They are never fully in control. There is always some outside factor seeping in and influencing them. We are all connected. Wow. I really love this video!

    And to those who were a little weary on the subject of suicide- look up the facts. It is true that around the same amount of people commit suicide each year. As sad and awful as it may be, there is no control over it. The same outside forces move people who chose to end their lives. -leafy012

    1. This video made me look deeper into my own life as well. When you think about it, we are all apart of something and not as alone as we sometimes feel. I agree that wet all try to take control of things that we cant. Whether we like it or not, we are all influenced by the people that we are surrounded by. Crown012

    2. Isn't it interesting how we all think we have control over our own lives, but then boom you watch this video and all of the sudden we think different. But i agree if you really think about it we don't. There are so many factors that go into making a decision, so do we really have control or does society? -dicaprio012

  32. After watching this video clip, I am even more interested in this class. I'm curious to know what type of discussions we will have in class an how deep others think about life. The point that I have taken out of this video is we are never alone in the decisions that we make. We maybe physically alone but other people have also had to face the same trial sometime within their life. I really liked the menopause scenario, for the simple fact its a physiology function a women's body can't control. Menopause is a difficult milestone to get through (so I have heard) and it can be a frustrating time for the women and the close people around them. When going through the stage of menopause a women will become over emotional, suffering mood swings, and can be very irritable. I believe that the sociologist in the video clip was implying "we are all are going through this" as the actual women and families having to get through this tough time. It may feel personal within your family but their is also many other families going through this tough time. Therefore, don't ever feel alone when you come to an obstacle in life no matter how "personal" it maybe. If you think to understand someone has gone through this situation as well, and they overcame, you will have a positive strong mind set.

  33. This video was a good introductory to sociology. When I signed up for this class, I wasn't really sure what to expect. He gives good examples as to why so many people feel like they are alone. It's nice to be reminded that we all have different challenges, and we are not alone in these challenges. We are all the same when it comes down to it, so we go through many similar things. Instead of focusing on how we are all different,we should be helping each other through our struggles in life.I look forward to this class and hearing views that differ from my own. Crown012

  34. This video really makes you think what sociology is all about. I am really excited to learn in this class and learn from other people. I think we will have really good discussions about topics and I'm interested in what other people have to say, its always very interesting to learn from other people and their perspectives on a lot of things. I find it very interesting to think about how we all act as a "whole" and the decisions that we make, we make as a whole. When he said we are all imbedded deep into a structure of life, I've always said that things all happen for a reason, and the decisions we make aren't just because we decide them. There is a bigger picture here. -dicaprio012

    1. I agree with you comment; I myself am starting to look at sociology as new martial in my daily actives and finding news ways or even looking at an object differently because of the videos.colorpurple012

  35. I believe Sam Richard was saying that we don't make our own decisions; where we live; how we live and those around us effect our willingness to go on or give up. People who committed suicide are mostly people who had experience a great big lot or felt as if they have no one in the world to care for them; But those who attend college are more likely to have support and someone to encourage them. You don't realize that you adapt to the areas in which you where born in. Sociology teaches us to see that we are in some type of structure in live itself.


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