Why Study Sociology in the First Place....

Why Study Sociology in the First Place....


  1. Interesting video and introduction to what Sociology is. I won't lie, I was not very familiar with what exactly this class was prior to its first day, but now, after watching this video, I can definitely see why Professor White stressed that this is a Gen. Ed. class, i.e. - a class every student needs to take. I say this because, at a point in education, it is no longer about the numbers and letters of math and english, but more about doing your best to understanding the needs and desires of others. At ICC last semester, my favorite class was Humanities, a class that focused on the understanding of cultures of those around the world. Humanities answered the questions of "why" some people act the way they do, or why they do what they do. Now, I'm excited to continue with Sociology, a class that seems to focus less on "why," and more on the "how," as in how to deal with and help the needs of others. JimHalpert012

    1. I agree with you on this Halpert, I was in the same boat. Coming into the class I had no clue what is was really all about, honestly the only info I had on it was from the course handbook. Doc White made it very clear that it is a class we should all strive to take, as it is important to understand how and "why" we can coexist. MuayThaiGuy012

    2. Definitely agree at some point in our lives it's no longer about the letter, numbers, and grades. Those only really matter for a short time in our lives. Then it's up to us to work with the people around us to get things done. This is a very important class that I never really thought about before but I'm glad it is made a requirement. VT012

    3. Yes I agree also we were never taught why to ask why or how its like it was just embedded in us and that we shouldn't question it we should just go along with. Its kind of like different cultures in a sense why they don't do certain things that we think are weird or shouldn't be done, they've never questioned it, it was just accustom to them and a way of life. Neverson012

    4. Definitely. First day of class I had no idea what this class was about at all not going to lie. I was never taught the different types of cultures or to question a certain situation. We all have learned from right and wrong and that's it nothing more than that. BlackHawks012

    5. Definitely agree that its not about letters, and numbers at the end of the day. We should be able to critically think, ask questions, and understand everyone's view point and opinions. So if we cannot do those things then how can we communicate effectively toward others in the long run? I think we are going to have a lot of good group discussions.Blue012

    6. This is going to be a good class for understanding personal relationships for me more so then professionally because day one health careers programs they tell you two things don’t kill anyone and be unbiased. Sense I grew up the way I did I struggle to put 2 and 2 together being unbiased is not a problem. Example I went to school with this girl I considered her a friend after two years of friendship and being in the same classes as her. We went to a dance and I saw her with a fellow classmate thought since they showed up together they were dating. No they were brother and sister. TAGTaylor33012

  2. This video wasn't exactly what I expected. She gave a broad meaning to sociology. As the title says "Why study sociology?" well that's because without being able to understand and communicate with others in a social setting you can't do anything. No matter what field of work you are in you will always have to interact with people, and judging people because you don't understand them cuts off all communication. No matter where you go there are people you have to communicate with for example cashiers, waitresses, doctors, mechanics, librarians...the list goes on. This class is a gen ed because of the importance to be able to work with people and relate to them in a social setting on an everyday bases. I'm excited to learn more in this class. I feel like we will have some good discussions with many different views on certain topics. VT012

    1. I completely agree. Understanding why other people do what they do is only going to help you in all social settings. It's impossible to not interact with anyone and the more we understand others the more well rounded and functional we'll be as individuals, and as a society. I share in your excitement for this class. Purple012

  3. This video made me understand sociology a little more in the sense that it is important that we look at the world a different a way instead of viewing it the formal the way we've been taught. I use to always think of why does this happen and how does this happen and i could never really get a clear answer because nobody actually sits down and discusses it. Its like a unknown in the world and it shouldn't be. I think the class will give me a more broader way of thinking instead of always thinking inside of the box. Nerverson012

    1. This is so true! I hope that this class will help me to think more critically and outside the box. Instead of just seeing everything from one side or from my own personal perspective. Even more so this class will teach me more about the society as a whole and how it all connects together. Believe012

    2. I agree. I think a lot of people are raised with a certain set of views that are never challenged and it can be hard for them to understand why people don’t think the same way they do. This class could be a good way of causing them to examine why they believe what they believe. Moot012

    3. Yes, thinking outside of the box is the perfect term for what I'm imaging sociology to be. We all are most likely going into carers that involve dealing with people, and having verity of perspectives while thinking will definitely benefit us.

    4. The great thing about sociology is that everyone comes from different backgrounds, education, ethnicity, and beliefs. With this, we can listen and try to understand other people's view outside of our comfort zone. We can open our minds to more than just what we were raised to believe in. I think this is going to be a great class if we can all stay open minded about other's points of view. Storm012

  4. Right away I was hooked and I believe that she summarizes sociology. She does this in a splendid and straight to the point way. According to what she said, Sociology isn't so much an orientation to knowledge, as to it is more of an orientation to life. If you truly think about it we can only be taught so much out of a text book. If we want to broaden our horizons and learn about much more we as students of life need to see the bigger picture, not just the illustrations on a page. Human interaction will most undoubtedly grant more of a mental foot print in our minds and has more of a lasting effect. I think this class will better equip me with essential "life" skills, than what I have previously had. People come from all over the world with different views on things, different cultures, all sorts of differences. Yet we can still coexist? This is what I am seeking out, the how and why. Hopefully this intro class can give me the foundations to do so. MuayThaiGuy012

  5. I agree completely with most of statements said in the video. Dr. Maltby hit the nail on the head when she says that sociology is a class where you ask questions. Like about things that are going on in the world and how you can change or prevent them. I took a sociology class my last year of high school and I think that it is a great class. From my own personal experience, with the class I think that taking a sociology class is very eye opening and helps people to be more open minded. Sociology is a class for people to express their own personal opinion and thought on a certain situation and I think that helps us coexist with one another by learning how to understand everyone opinion, or at least respecting their opinion. Even if what they believe may not be what we believe. Believe012

    1. Dr. Maltby did very well when explaining why we should take this class she was very thorough with her explanation. if everyone in the class will express their own personal opinion then it will help other people in the class see how they see the subject and their emotions toward it. That's why we have to comment on other people post so that we don't only see our opinion of the video but we see others peoples opinions and we understand theirs. Godzilla012

    2. Wow I did not know they offered sociology in high school now. When I was in school it was not offered if I could recall. I think that is great it is offered now. I agree about being more open minded after this class. That's why I think they have it as a pre req and required as one of your first classes you take entering college. Especially with so many cultures and differences. Pinky012

  6. I agree with her, and like her enthusiasm about sociology and what you can get out of it. I had an interest in sociology before I even knew it was a class I was required to take. I really liked how she said it was good for those with questions, because I have a lot of questions. I find it interesting to study why people do what they do and how/why our society makes the decisions that it does, or accepts certain things, or fights over silly things, and so on and so on. It is very interesting how people interact and what comes out of our interactions. I want to see different views and why/where those views came from, how they effect others, and see if they are open to others views. I like how she talked about the students seeing a different light in a place they had already been to. We form feelings, thoughts, and opinions when we experience something, and a lot of times the first ones stick and we see no reason to change them. It sounds like she opens her students minds in sociology, where they then go back to a familiar place and see it with new light and maybe an open-mindedness they didn't previously have in that area. Purple012

    1. I also am interested in why people make the decisions they do. The different views you mentioned are what I believe to be different perspectives on life. People in India are obviously going to have a different perspective on life then someone from Canada. These perspectives/views are the main reason why this class is going to be very interesting.

    2. The deeper I get into sociology the more I want to learn about sociology. I want to be able to ask questions and learn more about the world we live in. I like the fact that socoilogy is in every aspect of life. Sociology tells us why. This is important to know so we can prevent the issue from happening again. Vemto012

  7. One of the main things that interests me about sociology is the reason behind people actions, or why things happen the way they do. She mentioned seeing things through a sociological lens, which to me that sounds like just looking for specific actions or characteristics that shows certain signs. Now what these signs are is something I am hoping to learn in this coarse. Another thing that interested me is when she mentioned how sociology is used when observing anything that has to do with human beings. The Ferguson Missouri epidemic is something that could be exp[lained through a sociological point of view and would be very interesting to see what it would state.

  8. This is a very interesting video. After watching this video I a very excited to see what is to come in this class. She made it seem as though the main reason behind sociology is curiosity and asking questions. I also like how she explained that sociology is a very useful accommodation. there are many different fields and jobs that use sociology. there is definitely a job in sociology. she was talking about the kids from London that are viewing their hometown from a different point of view a different lens if you will. I hope that taking this class I too can see thing from a different lens. My major is criminal justice and I know that this class will help me understand maybe why people do the things that they do and hopefully I can relate to them and see it from their point of view from their lens. I am very excited about this class. Godzilla012

  9. This video didn't really seem to be what I thought it was going to be. I mean yes when we go into a certain field we are all are going to deal with people no matter what we won't get out of it. We can try but it won't last long. One thing that kind of caught my attention was that we need to learn how to put our thought's into a proper manner without trying to offend anybody no matter rather it's race,color, ethnicity, or sexual orientation. We have our personal beliefs but it's mainly common sense to keep comments to our selves. Overall this video could have been a little more detailed towards the end. I felt like she was beating around the bush with it. BlackHawks012

    1. I thought this video provided a good general idea of what it is to study sociology but I do agree with you when you said that this video could have been a little more detailed. Although I have a better understanding about what it is to study sociology I definitely need to learn more about the subject. Hadrosaur012

  10. I wasn’t sure what to expect when going into this class and I think this video made it a bit clearer to why this class is important. I always knew the textbook definition of sociology, that is the study of human behavior, but I never really thought about everything that actually includes. I think that it’s important to have sociology as a gen ed because it forces people to step back and look at their views with a fresh perspective. I am hoping that my views will be challenged and that I can come out of this class with a better understanding of other people. Moot012

    1. I agree with you, sociology is an important gen ed. to take and all college student should take it. Trying to understand people can be difficult, but in my opinion it's amusing to try. As far as others they may not like the challenge on understand another human beings, so they my get frustrated, and no one wants to deal with a frustrated (which ever career choice they may have). I am also hoping to be able to challenge myself in this class. I'm already a very observant person and I hope taking this course will only sharpen my perspective to understand others.

  11. It was a very interesting video about sociology. I had no knowledge about sociology and what sociology is exactly. I had no idea what to expect going into this class and this video helped me a little. I believe whatever field you go into you will have to challenge yourself and give your perspective on things. Like the fact that you ask questions and you really break down and analyze what's going on around you. I understand why this is a Gen. Ed. requirement. I believe its so that you can development and see how you interpret others perspectives as well as your own. This is what I took from the video. I am hoping that throughout this class I will get to better understand others and challenge myself as well. I cant wait to learn more about sociology.Blue012

  12. I have never taken a sociology class before and never really gave it a second thought. My understanding of sociology was that it is the study of groups of people. I realize that was a very vague idea of sociology. This video opened my eyes to how big sociology actually is. Not only are you studying groups of people but the study can be widened and narrowed down to specific areas of study. You can study a group of people in a town and narrow that down to different races, gender, religion, class, and so much more. I can understand why studying sociology would help in any job situation or any life situation for that matter. The more understanding and knowledge of the people you interact with the better any performance or outcome will be. I think the woman in this video defined sociology well. I feel like I have a better understanding of what it actually means to study sociology. I am looking forward to learning more about sociology and hopefully I can put it to good use in the future. Hadrosaur012

    1. I agree, she explained it well. When I heard it I automatically assumed it was more for just social work or workers, but after she started breaking it down into more detail its a good thing to know or have for just about any line of work or field of study. I also agree with you on the more understanding of people and their situation the better the outcome. I think it also opens up more room for compassion if you can understand groups and situations. Deacon012

    2. It was interesting to hear Dr.Maltby’s explanation on how her students saw people in London with new perspective. I am excited to learn more about this subject, hopefully I can see my life around me with new perspective too. I believe that sociology opens our mind to look things around the world in different ways - chichi012

  13. This class was completely foreign to me until after watched these videos and read other's blog posts. Sociology is the study of the way humans behave and communicate, but since everyone is not the same and we all behave differently, how do we really study it? This video helped relate sociology to the real world for me. I now have a better understanding as to why this class is a requirement. Sociology is used every day, everywhere, and there is no avoiding it. Taking this course, I hope to better understand how to listen and understand others opinions. I hope to learn to accept that there can be more than one way of seeing things and there is not always a "right" or "wrong" answer. The video did a good job explaining how this type of science is all about answering different questions and seeing different points of view about the subject. Storm012

  14. I believe that it is important we all should study sociology sometime in our journey of being a "college student". Many careers that we college students are aiming to obtain, are in outlook of conversing and dealing with other humans almost on a day to day basis. I know not everyone thinks alike and sometimes I wish others had the ability to think as well as me (entirely not in a cocky state); but I'm am an observer to things and the people around me and it has benefited me in a lot of different ways. Being able to read people through body language, noticing when someone is trying to get over on me, or simply having a bad feeling of a setting. Some of you may not understand my point of view and some may. I was surprised because this video was everything I predicted sociology to be from my general understanding, and thought process that I have. Maybe this class will sharpen my ability to understand people and the dissensions they make, maybe not. Surprisingly, I'm really interested in sociology and look forward to a stimulating semester.

    1. mommy012, I can certainly see what you mean. I would daresay we all have moments where we wish someone else could step inside our shoes and view things from our perspective. While this is, sadly, virtually impossible, hopefully sociology will help us all to be able to view the world from others’ perspective and, as much as possible, walk a mile in their shoes. – Jung012

  15. I knew nothing about sociology pretty much until coming to class the first day and Dr. White speaking to us and now these video clips. I'm finding them interesting and looking forward to this class. I would have believed like she talked about in the clip, that hearing "sociology" my first thought would be for like a social worker. However, having a little exposure I now think this class is for everyone because it seems like a class for life or how to evolve in general and learn the world we live in and people we live around in that same world. I'm thinking this class will help me to improve my everyday experiences in my career and life and look at things differently. Deacon012

    1. I agree completely. I have never previously taken any sociology class prior to this and I knew very little to no information about it. After the first class with Dr. White I am very eager to learn and understand the social science know as sociology. Knowing and understanding what is happening in society around us is key and I think this class is going to be a good first step in that direction. Bullsnation012

    2. Sociology was completely foreign to me, too. I really had no idea what to expect and was told by many that it was boring. But having been in Dr. White's class for one meeting, and after watching these videos, I already understand it better than last week. I feel it's going to be great class. Marley012

  16. The beginning when she said that essentially sociology is asking question to how and why things are done and to question the world be live in. I think this would be good to have knowledge in this department if I am going into law enforcement. Because I think I would be asking plenty of questions on things I do not understand while I am out in the field. I also think it's awesome how she said in the video that sociology can fit in to almost any job. I think that is cool know that you can correlate this subject to almost any career path if I were to ever decide to change my career path sometime in the future.

    1. I like the fact that it can apply to any job. Most jobs especially law enforcement pretty much require you to deal with people. Knowing where people stand in a situation can greatly aid you in making the correct decision. This way you can avoid unnecessary conflict. DeadMan012

  17. When I first started this class. I had not much knowledge about sociology and why it is important. After watching this video I have now more understanding of socliogy. I learned the value to studying sociology. Socoilogy is important in our lives. We need to know why and how and sociology helps us to accomplish that. Through sociology we can relate to each other's. Respect people differences. Socoiolgy teaches us how to be able to live together with our different believes, culture and religion. Vemto012

  18. This video gave me a bigger view on sociology. it showed that it covers multiple aspects of our lives. Personally and professionally, this class can better our view on things. We have so many stereotypes in our society that this class can help us knock down if not completely destroy. With sociology we can bring people together into a better society. DeadMan012

  19. Dr. Sarah Maltby presents a very compelling argument for studying sociology. I especially found her appeal to people who have questions about the world they live in as I am, most definitely that person! It was additionally helpful to know that sociology is a course that works toward those going into social work as it is closely related to my major, psychology. Obviously, the world is a rapidly changing place and sociology appears ideally suited to evaluate and investigate these changes. While sociology may not have been my personal first choice for a course to study, I’m excited and grateful for the opportunity to investigate it. I also hope that we have some assignment where we have the opportunity to examine our city in the manner that City University students get to examine London! This video certainly hoped to solidify in my mind the importance of studying sociology both for personal curiosity and understanding our rapid global society. – Jung012

    1. I'm definitely one of those people too, and totally agree that it will be an interesting class for those who want to learn about the world and humans. I feel like absolutely everyone, even if they don't want to, need to take at least one social science class. This way we all can understand eachother and how each individual works. The video did a good job of adding in the global aspects, I also agree. All of it is very vital to us as students. -leafy012

  20. I enjoyed this video for a few reasons. This doctor explained not only what sociology is, but why we should even bother studying it. Sociology is so important to our every day lives, as she stated. It is the study of our own race and all of mankind. Understanding and learning about yourself and other people is key to living a life with successful relationships. I also liked the fact that she is not from America. This furthers the point that sociology is universal. No matter where you are in the world, this science will be applicable. Hearing about the outlook of jobs pertaining to sociology was also very interesting. Previously I would have thought that the future wasn't so bright, but now I know that it is opposite. The only downfall of this video was her speaking directly towards a crowd in the UK. It left a little confusion, but overall this video was simple and a great introduction to why we should study sociology. - leafy012

    1. I wasn’t expecting it to be so simple of an explanation personally, but she spoke very eloquently and yet not in a way that confused me or led me down a primrose path. For me the London example was a way to relate it and make it easier to understand if i applied it to my own hometown. -Pasta012

  21. In my personal opinion, I think this video was rather informative. At the same time, it was not exactly what I expect it to be after I had viewed it. Dr. Maltby was very straightforward and broad in her explanation of what sociology is and how taking the class tends to be very beneficial for someone. I agree with a majority of the statements she made about how the class is eye opening and how it is good to be able to see things in a different way, or seeing a bigger picture. I have no doubt, that by taking this class, it will do exactly that. With the brief summary she gave about the class, it started to lead me towards understanding that sociology can be very beneficial in almost all aspects of social interaction by understanding how and why we are all able to coexist in this world. Bullsnation012

  22. I agree with the Dr.Maltby. As a social being it is important to understand the aspects of sociology whether as a parent, employee or common citizen. As we start interacting with people with varying level of maturity and education it is important to understand where they are coming from, it also helps to see things from their perspective. After reading, few introductory books on this subject I have a new view of things happening around me. I am able to give reasoning to some of the events happening in even in my own family and the patients I deal with. I believe more knowledge on sociology will make me a better person to see the world in a new way. I am looking forward to learn more about this subject - chichi012

  23. Questioning what you know and why you know it seems to be the basis for sociology. I don’t really know why yet, at least not fully. But I feel that the understanding of sociology is vastly understated. Most people have become more about their own mind and being independent, but how can you really be independent if you never knew what dependence really is? How would you define it? Viewing things from a new perspective on occasion is good for the soul I think. Like she said in the video is ‘do sociology’ can change your idea of what is considered normal in your own normal surroundings outside of your home and close friends and family. The observation of new things in a familiar place to me seems like a great way to introduce a wider perspective to someone before they become ignorant of their surroundings. The London observation class they do may just help more than they realize at the time of taking the class. -Pasta012

  24. Coming into this class I really didn’t even understand what the class was going to be about or how it could translated into a profession. This video helped unveil all of it in a way or at least made it a little clearer. I understand why it is important but this is going to be difficult to apply to paramedicine due to limited interactions with families of the patients except in rare occurrences when the patient is a child or the need of a translator. Hopefully this class will destroy that thought help make sticky situations a little bit easier. Unfortunate I really don’t question why things are the way that they are. I typically just accept it and move on. I would like to question many things though but I don’t know if I knew the answer if I would really care to change why it is the way it is or just say oh and leave it at that.TAGTaylor33012

  25. I fully understand the reason Sociology is now required for gen. ed. classes. Sociology is people interacting with one another in any way, shape, or form and it is important for whatever field you go in to. You will always be surrounded by people or doing something that will affect another person. We have to have some idea about how others might perceive the world or at least come to an understanding that not everyone thinks like we do. Listening to her say that sociology is good for those who question the "how" and "why" of things makes it more intriguing to me, personally. I question almost everything that happens in the world and would like to know more. All of these videos, and having to write about each one, makes me extremely excited about learning more. Marley012

    1. I agree with this completely. Sociology should be used and applied to everyday life. There are people from all over the world and it's important to be understanding of differences in order to have a peaceful environment. I feel like that's a huge reason why this world is such a crazy place. Too many people not caring enough to ask questions and understand others. I'm excited to learn more too. dandelion012

    2. Having a sociology background would be intriguing to any field you are looking into. Being able to understand the concept of the "why" in things reveals an open mindedness and ability to think outside the box. These aspects would be sought after in any job or career path you are seeking out.

  26. This was an interesting opening remarks about what sociology is all about. I most defiantly agree on how Dr. Malty was presenting and telling us how important sociology is. I didn't have a clue that sociology plays a huge role in our lives . I didn't know it could be this important Until I watched this video. I realize this is why we ask questions about things that can be solved by simply using and understanding sociology that can lead us to better opportunities as well as solutions to them. As Dr Malter explain that every situation can be talked through sociology as well as the problems that over come us humans. This video encourage me to ask questions that can be difficult to be answered. As Dr. Malter used a great example from how students experience opportunities in London to see totally different land through using Sociological lands.I find it amazingly interesting for me to study this course and experience the passion of life by studying more about sociology. Shakalaka012

  27. I liked her passion for the subject. I like it when people feel strongly about their interest. It makes it much more interesting.
    Because I have a Human Service background, this is right up my alley. I really enjoy people but I don't always understand them. Learning compassion and how to be a better person should be a required class for everyone. The benefits are unlimited and can be applied to most every persons life. Her questions were the same everyone has asked-"Why is this happening?" and, "Why is this happening to me?" Dr. Maltby made the case and in a society full of capitalism and mass migration, it couldn't come at a better time. Sometimes I feel like our society is a ticking bomb, but I would imagine others have felt exactly the same way. The Watts Riots and the 1929 Stock Market Crash come to mind, and I'm certain that people felt they were at the end of the world as we know it.
    I look forward to this class. Knowing how others feel about what is going on around us is of great interest to me.
    OICU8 012

    1. I agree i thought her passion for this subject about students having to have this course to be mandatory for college students was awesome. I also agree about dr. Malty making the cases about society. And i as well look forward to knowing how other people feel about citations and what is going on.-Bengals012

    2. I am going to enjoy this class for the same reasons. I grew up in a very rural area where everyone thought the same way. It's very interesting to me to hear other people's views and opinions. I feel that it can only help me deal with different types of people in my future career.Crown012

  28. I liked how she talked about this subject and what she brought up. I really don't know a whole lot about sociology at this point but i am very curious to learn. I think that it is vital for all college students to have sociology as a mandatory class in college. It is very important for me because of what my major is. My major is business and you have to be able to communicate in business. So i firmly believe that sociology is very important. I thought that Dr. Malty did a great job of explaining in this video. But i just believe that it is important and agree that this needs to be a mandatory class or general education course for any student in college. All this course can do is help you.-Bengals012

  29. This video gave a good example of how sociology is being used today. I totally agree with her when she said that it is being used in almost every occupation these days. I plan on going into law enforcement, and I know using what I learn in sociology will greatly benefit me.I believe it will help learn how to talk to and deal with people from all kinds of backgrounds. Even if we grow up in different surrounding, we are all humans and have alot of things in common.I would like to be able to see things from many different prospectives, and I believe this class will help with that. In this day and age it is important to consider other people's beliefs and feelings. To be able to do this, I feel that it is necessary to see things from all angles.It does not matter if I agree with how you feel, I still need to respect it. Crown012

    1. I am going into law enforcement as well, and I really agree with you. Sociology will really help make sure we communicate with different people from different backgrounds in the right ways. I agree when you say we are all people, we just grew up in different surroundings, we really do all have a lot in common, society just teaches us to act differently and not communicate with each other. -dicaprio012

  30. The only experience I have with Sociology is the one class I took in high school ten years ago. Although it makes perfect sense now, I had no idea how many different areas in the workplace this subject can be applied. Dr. Maltby does a good job explaining that in this short clip. I like that she said Sociology is good for people who ask questions in all areas of life. I'm definitely one of those people and always have been. Dr. Maltby seems very passionate about her work in the subject and expressed how Sociology creates passion in the world around you. The world needs more passion and understanding. And for that reason alone I am looking forward to learning more on this topic. Dr. Maltby explained how sociology is cutting edge in the fact that there are so many areas to specialize in. She also stated the importance of just "doing" Sociology and I found that intriguing. Exploring the world through a sociological perspective is crucial for growth as a population, in my opinion. I'm grateful to be studying something of such personal value to my everyday life. dandelion012

  31. I took sociology in high school about two years ago and i loved it. It really makes you think and look at life in a different way. Sociology is an area of study that i think everyone will and can enjoy, you will find it very interesting. When she said sociology is a orientation to life, she couldn't have put it in better words, it opens your eyes to parts of life you really never thought about. And how we act as people in a society and what makes us act the way we do. Im very excited and interested to learn at a college level -dicaprio012

  32. To be quite frank, I did not like this video. Not that it matters, but I just believe that her explanation of sociology dimmed in comparison to the Auguste Comte video. I like how she emphasized on the fact that sociology has grown in importance over the years, where once it seemed to only pertain to social work and now can virtually be applied to any work force. You really can find use in sociology in any field. Seeing as how sociology is the "why" of a situation, being able to engage on this concept would reveal an open mindedness to the worker and an ability to think outside the box.

  33. Maybe we should be teaching Sociology in high school, now days kids know how to communicate through texting, face book and any other way their phones work. If they have to face an actually person they are confused. What are they going to do at a job interview or when they start college and cant depend on their phones to get them through it. I had never even heard of sociology until I was told that I had to take it here. Now I am finding out all kinds of fascinating stuff and cant wait to learn more. Sherlocked012

    1. I agree with you. kids today only care about their phones that they pull them out everywhere and it wont work in a job interview, nor any job where you have to communicate with people. colorpurple012

  34. I believe that the speaker is trying to say/or say studying sociology will help you with any career field. Once a person starts understanding what needs to be done in order for it to work will help determine what's needed to be done. Sociology is here to help the individual to understand the structure of other objects which is interesting to look something and observe it; finding new thing or ways to work with it or even around. colorpuple012

  35. Signing up for this class I wasn't to excited to take this class. I really didn't know why it was a pre req and why it was an requirement. After viewing the videos I'm starting to come around to see the big picture. Communication, social behavior going into any field of work or any aspect in your life it's important to have a course like this under your belt. So moving forward you an take on your environment and whatever it throws at you. So I am honestly eagered to take this class and ready to learn about different environments. With many questions that I have accumulated already this should be interesting. Pinky012


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