Defending Gideon.....


  1. The Gideon case set an important precedent where the Supreme Court ruled that a defense attorney was required for the accused for justice and to provide for a fair trial. The states subsequently adopted measures to provide for the right to an attorney. This reflects the American sense of fair play and adherence to the rules and a belief that justice will be the outcome. The responsibilities of a defense attorney include making sure the defendant’s rights are not violated and proper legal and investigative procedures are followed, even if the suspect is guilty. While the ruling was in some ways designed to reduce the emphasis on efficiency and speed, the actual implementation was not always what was intended. The video mentioned in order to challenge your defense, if convicted, was to claim inadequate legal defense. So you would need another lawyer to argue against your original lawyer that he was incompetent. Wonder how that will turn out? Humvee123

    1. To be able to challenge your defense is a good thing to add because there can be someone that feels as though they were not afforded a fair trial because your attorney was not doing an adequate job then you can always request a new lawyer to defend you so that you do maintain your right to a fair trial. Birdman123

    2. I agree I think everyone should be able to have help in proving that they did not commit what ever crime they where arrested for. Not everyone has the money to hire a lawyer to help so I think its a great thing that it was finally passed that everyone has that right.

  2. The case of Gideon became important because it gave people the right to an attorney if they can’t afford one. This was very big at the time because if you could not afford a lawyer than you were basically on your own in court and had to defend yourself, which can be hard when you are going up against an attorney. In Gideon’s case he was not very lucky since he was sentenced to five years imprisonment. With the decision of the right to an attorney by the courts that reviewed Gideon’s case in Florida, other states made this a law as well because it was a constitutional right. The video also talks about how if you think that your attorney was not doing their job well enough then they can request a new one. I like that because if you have a public attorney that does not really care if they help you, then you are able to get a new attorney to defend you properly. Birdman123

    1. Yes it is a very important case especially for poor people to be able afford a lawyer if they didn't have that right it would be very unfair they would have to defend themselves. Elite123

    2. One thing that is for sure in a society such as the one we live in today, treatment for the rich is a big difference than the treatment for the poor. I understand the law does not require as a criminal justice professional to use a certain tone or body language when dealing with and handling a certain type of person. However, i believe that if you treat others as you would want to be treated. The situation can turn out differently, possibly far better than you imagined. Because we never know when we will run into that certain person again and what the circumstances will be in which we will meet. Forensics123

  3. This Documentary is all about the Gideon case Gideon was charged with breaking and entering Gideon thought it was his constitutional right to have a attorney appointed to defend him because he could not afford one himself however at the time this was not a right. Eventually the supreme court heard his case and he had the best lawyer on his side. It was ruled that if the accused could not afford a lawyer one will be appointed to you how ever with a lawyer appointed to you, they still might not have your best interest in mind because they might not be getting paid that much. People like Eddy Joe Loyd went to prison because they believed they had a less than efficient lawyer. The standard was set very low for lawyers there where even cases of lawyers under the influence. Eddy spent 17 years in prison until they found the DNA evidence to free him. Elite123

  4. This video talks about how Gideon looked like a beat down old man. There was no counsel to represent him. He was to poor to hire his own and the court would not appoint him one. Even though the united states supreme court said they needed to and that it was his right. I agree with Gideon even if someone is to poor to hire a lawyer they should be entitled to a lawyer. Gideon was finally given a new case with counsel. And he won. That just proved there was a big difference between having a lawyer and not having one. That will not mean that everyone will win because not everyone is honest and some are guilty. Overall this was a great video and talked about a few different really good cases I had not ever learned about.

    1. I agree. Every individual deserves some sort of defense. Just like any other matter this same statement applies: you get what you paid for. You pay for a private attorney, you can control how good of work you receive in return. You get a appointed attorney, you get whatever he has to offer. Any defense is better than zero defense. gabegun123

    2. Surely that is true you do get what you pay for. I personally was appalled at the circumstances of this particular case. It was very interesting to see that public defenders actually went above and beyond for a case that was paid for by the state, and not representation of the actual person. Who would usually pay out of pocket for a private lawyer to represent him or her. Depending if you pay big dollars or no dollars usually determines the outcome of you case. Defining rather you will be guilty or not. Forensics123

  5. Very interesting subject. I had never heard of Gideon before watching this documentary. Its funny how an old man with a 8th grade education realized that every person deserves a council of defense during a trial before anyone else. I never realized how flawed todays public defense system is at times. I was very shocked to learn about Contract Attorneys. Attorneys bid on many cases for the lowest price they can just in order to get the cases. I know I would be upset if I were stuck with a contract attorney because how hard is this attorney really going to work for you? This seems like a very flawed way for attorneys to attain cases. A appointed public offender should be able to put time into every individuals case in order to make all defenses fair. When an attorney is appointed to 10 other cases, how much dedication can he really have towards just one of them? Criminals tend to be lower class citizens who cant afford a private attorney. Because of this they are assigned these attorneys who really have little interest in there defense. gabegun123

  6. Though you are not able to afford a lawyer you, you are still required a fair trial. Within the criminal justice system each and everyday many innocent people are sent away. Many who think they know their rights and do not, and some who do know their rights and are smart enough to win the case while representing themselves. The Gideon case stands out in our system and guarantees representation for all, and means just that. It is very interesting to see that public defenders actually went above and beyond for a case that was paid for by the state. And not representation of the actual person, who would usually pay out of pocket for a private lawyer to represent him or her. One thing that is really for sure in a society such as the one we live in today, treatment for the rich is a big difference than the treatment for the poor. I understand the law does not require as a criminal justice professional that you use a certain tone or body language when dealing with a certain type of person. However, treat others as you would want to be treated. Because we never know when we will run into that certain person again and what the circumstances will be in which we will meet. Forensics123

    1. I cant imagine the fear of going into a court case without an attorney by my side fighting for me, but that's what would have happened if the Gideon case never ended up happening. dangkids123

  7. This was a very informative video, but I wish the subtitles would have actually matched what the narrator was saying. In the video Defending Gideon the narrator talked about the supreme court case against Clearance Earl Gideon. Before this case the accused never had the right to an attorney, and if you could afford one you were just out of luck. This all changed After Clearance Earl Gideon was arrested for breaking and entering into a pool hall, and stole some bottles of wine from the bar and some change out of the vending machine. Clearance Gideon was flat broke and couldn't post for bail, or for an attorney. Because of this Gideon had to sit in jail for two months before trial. Finally, at the time of his trial he stated to the judge he was not ready and requested an attorney to be appointed to him. His attorney was Abe Krash. After this Supreme court case the entire justice system was completely changed. Now the accused will have an attorney bating for them in their corner. For the cops this probably wasn't their favorite reform, but for the citizens it is definitely one of the most important for our rights. Dangkids123

    1. I definitely agree that this happens to be one of our most important rights today and this case was pretty monumental. I understand how posting for bail is more of a privilege than a right but having someone able to defend you against possibly a maximum sentence especially if you are not guilty is a right. Acquainted123

  8. I did not realize before this how the right to an attorney came about and how it exists today. After this video is seemed kind of funny honestly that it took that long to realize that everyone deserves some line of defense. The bit about the contract attorney was kind of off putting and makes me worried because what if I, someone who can't afford one, gets stuck with someone who has little interest in my case if any, and won't exactly try their hardest to ensure my freedom. Definitely a case I needed to learn about considering it's end result. Acquainted123


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