DOJ's Reviews.....Are They Enough?

DOJ's Reviews.....Are They Enough?


  1. You know I'm all down for these different departments trying to win over the hearts and minds and build a bridge of trust between them the their citizens, But I just don't see how it works. Our military has used very similar tactics all the way back to Vietnam. And they don't work very well. These reviews are just teaching cops what they should already know. Such as the levels of force you should use when dealing with a criminal. There's five levels from just having a officer on site talking the crook all the way up to use of deadly force which we all know is the last thing to do. But Cops must be abled to protect themselves and that doesn't mean shoot first and ask questions later. They have an array of tools to deescalate the situation. Words, stun gun, baton etc.; The force they use can only be determined by the officers threat level. The only bad part of that is the officers threat level might feel like its way more than it truly is because of factors such as adrenalin, fear, lack of experience in those types of situations, the list is truly endless. So if you ask me "Are the reviews enough?" I'm going to say no don't the Justice dept. is reviewing the department and the departments are reviewing each officer. Wasting money on stuff that is less useful than actual training for their officers in those types of situations. Getting someone physiologically prepared for something is the most important thing ever. By teaching these types of senerios and how to deal with them other than lethal force would honestly benefit every department in to the country probably.


    1. I see where you're coming from. In most of the cases that have been shown on the news, the officers have had plenty of other options other than shooting. However, the reviews can reinforce what they have already learned and give them a fresh start. But i do see how they don't help as much as they should. DeadMan456

  2. I think that these reviews could benefit the San Francisco Police Department very much. They may not be as harsh as the investigations in Ferguson, but look at how that changed the policing and affected the community in negative ways. This could reinforce the proper way to deal with situations that some officers might have forgotten long ago, while being a collaborative effort from the community and the department being reviewed. This initiative is about transparency, and that’s what will rebuild the trust between the police department and the community of San Francisco. It worked in Las Vegas to bring the officer-involved shootings down to historic lows, and other cities have been interviewed as well. While I think this process will certainly be revised in the future due to practices and society changing, I think it is a much better alternative to breaking down the police force and trying to start from scratch.

    1. That is true because it states that the department regularly updates all of their violent incidents in their community. But at the same time do they really update every single violent crime in their town I mean they little violent crimes they probably didn't update at all because they thought it wouldn't be a "big deal". DaBulls456

    2. I also think that the reviews can help benefit the San Francisco Police Department. By the way it is working in Los Vegas, it will most likely work here too. Officers in these types of situations should go back and retrain so that they do not make the same mistakes again.

  3. These reviews really can change a departments policies on things. Like in San Francisco's case they changed 72 out of 80 policies with just the one review. Though i do say they could be reformed to be more effective, they can be very effective and useful. They give the officers new training and reinforce what they already know. Give this review to the police departments that are troubled and it can make them better. DeadMan456

    1. The review has helped out a lot of the police forces. I think it is pretty neat that they do introduce new techniques to enhance their abilities to protect and serve our cities and stats.

  4. The review has helped out a lot of the police forces. I think it is pretty neat that they do introduce new techniques to enhance their abilities to protect and serve our cities and states. If we were to give them to cities and states that are not in good shape this review and watch how much better results you get. This will also enhance the trust between the citizens and the police force. I was shocked that the results were so high to be honest. I mean in the San Francisco case it was 78 out of 80 forums completed. This initiative helped bring down the officer-involved crimes down to a record low in Las Vegas. If that does not say it is working, then I do not know what will. I just wish we had this review before all the shootings and negative of the police force. Maybe then we would not have so much trouble between the citizens and our justice department.

    1. I was also shocked at how well the review helped the police departments it was used on. I like seeing this a lot more than I liked reading about Ferguson. I agree if this would have been around a lot sooner, then the relationship between the residents and officers wouldn’t be so severed.

  5. I thought this article was a little bit up and down for me because there where some statements that I thought where good points and some that I think where not the greatest to mention. It states that the San Francisco department regularly updates the violent crimes in the community. But how often do they update is my question I mean they might do it every year but they might leave out most crimes that are being committed in the town also. We don't need another town to be called racist because they shot a young African American. It might not hit the media like Ferguson but the justice system should change as well. Why wouldn't the United States Department of Justice not launch their civil rights investigation into San Francisco Police Department? This their something that they are hiding from the community because who knows it could effect the community or a country as a whole. They live by an oath and follow that oath. I guess it comes to show. DaBulls

  6. I thought this article was a little bit up and down for me because there where some statements that I thought where good points and some that I think where not the greatest to mention. It states that the San Francisco department regularly updates the violent crimes in the community. But how often do they update is my question I mean they might do it every year but they might leave out most crimes that are being committed in the town also. We don't need another town to be called racist because they shot a young African American. It might not hit the media like Ferguson but the justice system should change as well. Why wouldn't the United States Department of Justice not launch their civil rights investigation into San Francisco Police Department? This their something that they are hiding from the community because who knows it could effect the community or a country as a whole. They live by an oath and follow that oath. I guess it comes to show. DaBulls456

    1. I totally agree with you 100%. I think we do not need another city called racist. I think we have a lot of that going on already. I do agree with you when it said, that they update the crime and give it to the community, is also m also my question too.


  7. Regaining the trust of the people that they have broken may be a hard thing to do, but I like how they are trying to change the way the police act. The article does state that the program has had some success in other cities, so it is a good way to start. It talks about how the police department in Las Vegas; they have already completed 72 out of 80 reforms and that the officer involved shootings have dropped nearly 40 percent. The numbers show that this could work. It is also a good idea to keep the community aware of when a violent act happens that involves the police. It shows that they are not trying to hide anything from them. Overall, the reform shows that it works, so it is a good place to start. Slowly, the department will gain back the trust of the people in their community.

  8. I think police departments across the world try to build a bridge with the community. As it is being showed in the media, as only Black males are being targeted or harassed by the police. I believe that the police has lost the public trust a lot. Its not just one police department that need to set up the trust, its all of the departments around the world. I do think the public can step in and try not to be so violent to the Police. I know one bad apple spoil it for all. Not every Police Officer is bad, but yes that is how the public sees it. I don't think we need another town to be called "Racist". I believe that in a good wealthy neighborhood Police Officers treat people different, rather than being in a poor part of the town, people are probably not treated so good by the police. I do think it is good for the citizens to call and give feedback to the police departments, so it can better the police officers. To show them what they're doing wrong and what they are doing right


    1. I think that when you say one bad apple spoils it all you are completely right. All it takes is one officer to be violent in a situation that doesn't call for violence, and not only does that department get labeled as violent, but departments across the country get labeled as violent. However what citizens don’t understand is that for the most part all the officers are trying to do is there job. A job of an officer is not all black and white there are some grey areas and they do not make the right decision 100% of the time but that does not give people the right to act disrespectfully. Piglet456

  9. I think it was interesting in this article how London Breed was actually upset when the department decided not to launch a civil right investigation in her police department. At first I thought that was weird, why would she want people looking into the department, they are bound to find something. That something could lead to the whole department having to send out reforms. But the more I read into the article I realized that it would be a smart idea to get the department investigated. It would in a weird way rebuild the trust of the community because it sends the message that the department is not trying to sweep things under the rug. They are trying to be completely transparent with the people, so that the trust in the police is gained again. Trust is something all police departments across America need to reclaim and this is just one of the ways to do it. Piglet456


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