Durkheim and Socialization.....

Durkheim and Socialization......


  1. I had realized Sociology existed but had never considered the depth of understanding, and the complexities. I find it very unique that our social systems are based on very different people that have to come together to work in unison; for a similar purpose(s).
    Understanding how an individual is affected as an individual and/or as a group member will help me understand why people behave the way they do. I am a good judge of character but feel a bit naive about human behavior- this means that I'm missing some important social facts. I didn't realize how helpful this information will be to me.
    The cliques and VIP groups, and their behaviors, are beginning to make more sense. I have a good concept of organic as Biology has been a recent focus. I related to the comparison to the human organ systems.
    OICU8 012

    1. That is something that I discovered as well. I knew that society was complicated but couldn't quite figure out why. There are some lines of thought I honestly never would have considered before. We can get lost in our old habits and lose the world in the process. -Pasta012

    2. I completely agree with you. I never really grasped how in depth everything went as far as behavior and how individuals act today. There some things I would of never guessed before this video. I agree that I was missing something as well when it came to social facts. After it was explained more I was able to really grasp behavior in itself. So good video all in all I enjoyed it. This video helped me to open me eyes. Blue012

    3. Yes, I'm seeing that as well. Seeing how all this comes together and what all sociology entails. Again, I feel the more in depth we go the more I think everyone can benefit from it. Purple012

    4. I can actually benefit from this. It shows how it different settings can probably change a person and how everyone is influenced by one another. It can change a person because they where influenced by someone at work or being around the people we have all been friends with. BlackHawks012

  2. Sociology is quite simply the study of human society. The video was beneficial to me because it helped me see that sociology is so much more. I like how it went into detail about how a single person can have multiple different personalities due to structural effects of the social facts and emergent properties. I also enjoyed how the video broke down social solidarity, how strongly the student is linked to a specific group of individuals, into two groups and gave examples for both mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. I think that both mechanical and organic solidarity is something that has to occur every day, in our social lives and in our future careers in order to be successful. I associate the mechanical more with friends. You get to choose those people to spend time with, and you choose them because of common interests. Organic is more mandatory; you do not have to like the person but you are all working towards a common goal and you must tolerate them. Storm012

    1. I don't feel it's different personalities, exactly. Just different sides of your personality are stimulated by different people. Like, you are happy, goofy, and out-going with friends, but at work you're serious and contained. Not a different person, just a change in environment affecting how you can act.Marley012

  3. Interesting video,answers many questions I had in high school. But even in high school I still believed in standing up for what I believed even if I stood alone. I grew up in a tiny farming community and this hit the sociology of the town perfectly, I was never really liked then and still not really well accepted, i am good with that though no one comes to my door and tries to sell me girl scout cookies. It could just be my age now but I would have to say some of he social behavior they went over is age related, and people do actually grow out of it once they figure out who they are. Sherlocked012

    1. Yea i would agree with you that alot of the social behavior displayed in this video was moslty common only among younger people. I do think acting different around different people is something that you grow out of. I think most young people do it to fit in because they are unsure of themselves. Crown012

  4. Peer pressure can be the biggest influence on young people, it can influence adults as well but only the weak-willed usually fall for naïve and honestly pointless things like pranking strangers and looking stupid to impress your friends. I’ve had influences for what music I listened to, what clothes I wore (when possible), and the way I interacted with strangers and even some of my family changed because of it. Luckily most of my friends growing up were keeping out of criminal trouble but a few times here and there we would all get grounded or our ego’s bruised when our parents gave us a talking to. So it is relatively easy for me to see how your friends can influence your perceptions and behaviors growing up; but it’s after that point when we become adults that define us quite a bit. You could lose a friend because you want to move forward and your friend might be attached to the dynamic of the friendship as it was in the past. -Pasta012

    1. Pasta012, I can see what you mean. Peer pressure is certainly a huge factor when it comes to our behavior, both in childhood and adulthood. I wonder how closely peer pressure and social facts correlate. Social facts seems to be the norms and rules within a group whereas peer pressure involves an individual being pushed to do an activity by their peer group. I wonder if peer pressure is a type of social fact, not synonymous with all social facts. – Jung012

    2. I completely agree with this statement. Peer pressure can be very real in all ages not just kids. It can happen in almost any daily setting; from a place of work, a workout group, etc... Peoples actions and beliefs or (social facts) are made up by people they are surrounded by for extended periods of time. Who you interact with and go do things with greatly impact your actions in a social setting. Bullsnation012

  5. This video clearly shows how some people would change when interacting with two different groups. I personally feel that different sides of your personality are brought out by different people, because they have different energies that affect you. Although, who you are as a person should stay the same. Like, if you are really good friends with someone and they come see you around others, you wouldn't be mean to them or stand-offish. You would just have a different energy. If someone changes that much then doesn't that mean they are not really your friend? You shouldn't have to fit into their other groups to be friendly. In my world, my friends are everything and we have our way of acting that would not be affected too much by being around others. Marley012

    1. I also think different people bring out different sides of your personality. I know that I behave differently with my family then I do with my friends. I also know that I behave differently with different groups of friends or co-workers. The change in my behavior isn't extreme. I just have different things in common or maybe I'm more comfortable with one group over the other. Like you said "you would just have a different energy." I don't believe I would ever act snobby to anyone if those groups were to mix. Hadrosaur012

    2. Most definitely! Everyone is different and people usually have a few different sides or characteristics to their personality. We tend to keep our language and attire appropriate for school where when your with your family you don't keep such a perfect language and you don't care what you are wearing. Even form person to person they bring out a different piece of yourself. Also it is true that you could feel more comfortable and open with one person rather than another. VT012

    3. I also agree that certain sides of your personality come out when with certain people. I also believe that it has to do with what kind of comfort level you have with the person.

    4. I feel like it is almost necessary to change in different circumstances if I walked into a fire house and took off my shoes started making diner and turned on my favorite show just like I do at home. I probably get told to leave immediately but at home it is perfectly acceptable. TAGTaylor33012

  6. Interesting video and most definitely a very Straight forward understanding about sociology. I can see the differences between the pints that were presented. The video brought plenty amazing examples in the video. However the video mentioned the Social groups which caught my attention to it. It the collection of people who interact in the micro level hold similar related expectations about before. Talking about this connected to my own personal life and I can exactly know how it works because I Personally experienced many time. I act differently when Im at school with my friends but when a friend of mines shows up to my work and my brothers are around I most definitely differently. Shakalaka012

    1. The way the people would add on and explain what Durkheim was trying to say definitely made it better. The examples that they used were very easy to understand and to interpret. I feel like I made a connection to Durkheim and his views. Godzilla012

    2. I think that a lot of people do that. The way you make act around your family and people that you really respect. May not be the same way you act or fool around with your friends. I think that it's just a respect thing like I stated before. Believe012

  7. I liked this video. I thought it did a nice job of breaking down Emile Durkheim's theories. The video had a little humor with the way the actors acted and the facial expressions they used. I enjoyed that too. I have noticed, in my life, people acting differently when they are around other friends or groups of people they know. It is nice to know that this is normal. I noticed this behavior more when I was younger. My feelings were sometimes hurt but now I know maybe I shouldn't have taken the snub too personally. The video did go a little fast for me. I did need to go back and read the section on Emile Durkheim again in our text book. I liked the examples of mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity. It makes a lot of sense to me, in the example of the rural farm town, how the people would share similar ways of thinking because of their shared upbringing and common values. Watching the examples in the videos makes the definitions a lot more vivid. The example of organic solidarity was also helpful. I could see how the people in the assembly line had to work together but not necessarily like each other. No part could be completed without the previous person's input. I think this information is helpful because now if I notice this behavior in my peers I will recognize it for being a normal part of socialization. Even if I don't like the way the person is acting at the time. I can use this information personally too. If I ever find myself acting so differently amongst my different groups of friends, I will for sure correct that behavior. Hadrosaur012

    1. I used to get upset with people because they do have different personalities around different people, but this video has shown me that it is human nature. We adjust who we are and how we act to fit in and to better the situation we are in. I enjoyed the example of the rural farm town because it made it easier for me to connect, being from a small town myself. Storm012

  8. I did like this video despite it being out of focus. It was a great way of explaining what Durkheim discovered. People act differently at different times and with different people. With your parents you can be a bit relaxed because you know them so well but you still do everything you are told and follow their expectations of you. With friends it is very relaxed you don't worry or mind many of the rules and many of the rules don't apply when your with your friends. When your at school or in public you treat others with respect and follow the rules given by the teacher or even by society. It all shapes us into who we are and everyone who is around us shapes the way we behave. This is something quite important because it happens everyday. Its something we don't even think about or realize we are doing. It is very interesting to see the changes if you really pay attention. VT012

    1. I agree with you on the acting differently with different people at different times and how we don't even realize we do it. I watched this video then applied to my own relationships and its really weird to think wow, been there, done that. I so see it and see myself do it when I go down south. I have family in Alabama and Georgia I visit every spring and when I go there, their are different expectations there then here within the same family. There you address everyone with Ms. or Mr. and then their first name as a sign of respect. When I come home and I'm still doing it here (along with picking up the accent..lol) people look at me like I'm stupid, and I'm not even realizing I'm still doing it. I guess its kind of just an adaptation. Deacon012

  9. I liked how the video used small farming town as example for the breakdown of mechanical and organic, as I am from and currently live in one so that made it easy for me to connect to and understand. I am also a part-time bartender in the same town, so as I was listening I was connecting it to my experiences and it was totally spot on. Lots of my customers who come into my bar are totally different people when I see them outside of the bar scene somewhere else. Some say "hello" and some do not or completely turn their head, kinda like it said in the video. I then thought about myself and realized I guess I kinda do the same. I have to play a certain role on that side of the bar as an employee then I would on the other side as a patron. Kind of like the "wearing of a different hat". The example of kids acting different in front of parents as opposed to in front of their friends is a good example also. It explains more of like the peer-pressures we all have at some point in time or another. I like how the examples are of elements of what we are seeing or deal with in each of our own everyday life and not something that would be hard to picture. Its nice to know these are normal. I never thought about how detailed social actions really are on like on the micro level and how we all do them the same but different. Deacon012

    1. I used to live in a small county in Upstate NY for seven years, I know the feeling. When I first moved there it was as the video stated, everyone thought relatively the same, and it took me a while to get used to. Even picking up on the lingo and different symbols was new and different. There way about doing things was different then others, very hard working and family and friends where very important. EVERY body knew EVERY body. MuayThaiGuy012

  10. Well now I know what is finally called when and whey people act different when around different groups or specific people. You can have a really quite introverted person, but when around the right people they all of a sudden break from their shell and become an extrovert. This is truly amazing that you can basically be two different people. With that being said it can also be a bad thing. Say you are really kind and polite but then you hang out with some jackoff friends that are real jerks, you find yourself conforming to their ways and actions. Emile Durkheim was very smart to figure this out especially in his time where I believe it wasn't so evident based on life back then, more or less everyone probably acted relatively the same with a few exceptions that is. In todays world it is much more visible and adherent. We can also link it to social media, for example just think, when your on facebook or whatever you use, you will normally act a certain way, or say or do things you normally wouldn't do outside of cyberspace. Why? It is because you can its that simple. This is where you get your keyboard warriors and such. MuayThaiGuy012

  11. This was a very informative video on Emile Durkheim. i like the many examples and real life scenarios they present. It all makes sense and I can name out examples from my life watching this video. But it also makes sense to act different around other people. I would not even think about treating my grandpa/grandma they way I treat and talk to my friends. Because they would find it disrespectful whereas my friends would find it to be me or funny. And I noticed that it came naturally to make a switch for me. When I am around friends and when I need to be professional and/or respectful.

    1. I totally agree with you on this point. Its ok to change the way you act on the respect level to you family and elders, I do the same. What I don't agree with is acting different towards a friend because you are around a different group of friends. In the video it look to me that the girl was trying to avoid her friend she was just hang with for her co-workers, not cool.

    2. I agree about the different roles we have around certain groups and sceneries. Its only natural to adapt to that atmosphere after so long for the feeling of some sort of belonging. Also, with that certain respect factor to certain people in our life as well. Not every person in our life get the same reaction, respect, and attention that we present to other people. Pinky012

  12. I found this video to be fascinating! I find the concept of social facts to be intriguing. I can certainly see how people behave differently within different social groups, both when it come to how they interact with that group and those outside of it. I know that I behave differently in different environments. At school, I have a far more reserved and scholarly demeanor than I do at home. While I am scholarly most of the time, at home and around certain friends I know I can let my hair down and show portions of my personality that I would not normally show at college. I wonder if there is some core personality we each have that, while social facts affect our behavior for a tome, we revert back to that core pattern of behavior. Mechanical and organic solidarity also seem to make sense. While I have mechanical solidarity with my friends from church, I have organic solidarity with my co-workers. – Jung012

  13. I think this was a very good video. It made it easier to understand what Durkheim was trying to explain with the people from the 90's explaining it in their own way. One aspect they were talking about that caught my eye was the organic solidarity. I love they way they explained it. People coming together with different interests and beliefs coming together. They explained it as the human body. You have all these different organs doing different thing making the body be able to function. I find it interesting how the video used the two girl best friends who always do everything together but get snubbed at when they are at work. I can confirm this I am a male with all female coworkers and they are ruthless and show no mercy! After this video I can relate m ore to Durkheim I enjoy his ideas on life and how we operate. Godzilla012

  14. This was a really good video upon Durkheims beliefs. What I understood from this clip what people do thing to be accepted or in other words to fit in. I don't agree with the behavior to act different towards a person, because your around different group of people. I understand that some people bring out a different side of your personality, but it's not ok to diss someone because you are around another group that you feel may not accept the other person. A person that follows this pattern is ignorant and they are insecure.

    1. I agree that you shouldn't treat a friend differently based on who you are with. If the other group members don't like the person then tell them off and/or leave the group. While that group will bring out another side to your personality it doesn't mean ditch the other sides when someone you know in another group comes in. DeadMan012

  15. This video is very interesting if you can think about your own life when watching. It all makes sense if you think about how you are with your best friend and how you are with you grandparents. The social groups are people that share common interests, so those would obviously be your friends. Social facts are rates and records of society. Like the rate of recidivism, it shows how many people return to prison that have had some sort of rehabilitation. I think of some social facts to be stereotypes, because they influence people to steer a certain way.

    1. Yeah, I agree. This topic is one of those topics that doesn't require a lot of proof of accuracy because we can easily see it in our own lives. I always knew that this behavior was there, but it was interesting to explore it more and find out why. Moot012

  16. Our country seems to be becoming more organic solidarity than mechanical. There are more and more communities with a mixture of beliefs and opinions. There are a lot of differences mixed into the same populations. It makes things complicated sometimes, but it is becoming of us to accept others beyond our differences. Part of that is not falling for others negative influences. Like the girl that's willing to dis her "friend" because of the influence of coworkers. I enjoyed this videos break down of these concepts. They are played out everyday in our lives and people may not realize what they are doing. Another reason for everyone to have a dose of sociology. If they saw this video they may see that they do this and don't want to. It's easy to get sucked into what's going on around us, good and bad. Purple012

  17. I liked the video as it broke down what Durkheim proposed. It gave simple explanations of each term along with an example. When it talked about the skeleton of socialism i liked the example of an assembly line. Everyone may not like each other but they all must work together to make the end goal. And the example used for social groups is true. I act differently around different people, and even different groups of people. A great video on the subject. Though did it remind anyone else of PBS? DeadMan012

  18. This was a helpful video it reminds me of this girl I was friends with in elementary school she was nice to me when it was us or our class mates but when her next older sister was around she was mean and rude just like the other sister. I had finally got tired of it and asked why she said the other sister told her to be mean to me, so I asked her to stop and told the oldest sister about it how was friends with my cousin. It subsided till I left the school. I know personal I do act slightly different in different situations such as work, school, home, and teaching. At work I’m hardworking and careful about what I say, while I teach I try to really hard not to say anything inappropriate because I teach little kids, while I am at home I am very relaxed about what I say and how I say it, at school it a mix of all of me. TAGTaylor33012

  19. I never really have grasped Sociology I just kind of knew it was there and let it be no interest in knowing what it is or anything like that. Now in this class it is actually very exciting to be able to be learning about all of the different things that go on in sociology. The video can honestly make you relate it to your own life and what goes on in it as well. It also shows that peer pressure is a big part of sociology and that peers influence who we are and the way that we have grown up, we would b totally different if we chose other friends back when we were in kindergarden. I know that we also act different in front of our friends than our parents or grandparents and that is just because we have been taught how to act almost depending on who we are around and what environment it is.Bengals012

    1. I agree with you. Now we can give structure and reasoning on why people behave differently with different personal and social situations. This happens within our family and around us. I was not sure how to explain this so far, now at least I can apply sociological perspective to all these madness, especially with our teenage kids. I guess we all behave differently under different circumstances and it is clear from this video that there is a sociological dimension to this. – chichi012

  20. This was a very informative video. I like the break down of Durkheim theory and founding. The background of everything brought a lot of things into perspective. I know we talked about him and his part take in the sociology world, but this video broke it down even more on his roles of it all. I like the focus on how people act different around other people. Its funny because we witness this behavior almost everyday. Who would have known that this has a name and background information behind it. Its crazy because I don't think that people notice that they act a certain way under different surroundings. To mean it seems like when you hang around someone who may have a accent or talk a different slang, after so long you adapt and take up that certain talk without knowing, I believe this is the same way. Pinky012

  21. I think that Durkheim discovered a lot of reoccurring patterns that happen in human nature. Peer pressure is a part of being human and also having certain type of people you would hang with [Social Groups]. I think that the people we hang with can sometimes influence our decisions and the way that we might view certain things. But I also feel like this video only says that we as people can’t really stand on our own and that we allow our peers to control us. I think that it all depends on what type of person you are if you allow people to always affect the things that you believe or what you may think. Believe012

    1. I agree with you. some people have trouble being their own person why others stand out all on their own and make their own rules. Humans are very complex in the way we do things and the decisions that we make. -dicaprio012

  22. People acting different around different people is something that i realized through grade school and middle school. Back then i think kids did it to fit in. You could be nice to the geekier kid, but only when no one was around. As ive gotten older, I've realized that we all still do it. However, now i think we do it just to adjust our personality to the type of people that we're around. When you have a similar interest with some people, that's moslty what you talk about. When you're with other people, you might discuss other things that you have in common with them. I don't think it always follows the example in this video. I think we naturally adapt to the type of people we are around. I just think it's important to be your own person and stand by your beliefs no matter what crowd you're currently with. Know who you are, and people will respect you for it even if they disagree. Crown012

  23. I really enjoyed this video. I had no idea that there was so much purpose behind how individuals act today. Like for instance I already new based on life experiences that people act differently when they are around there friends or even other family members. I just never understood how deep it went until now. Its funny all of the things that where talked about in this video works together to better understand how people react in other situations. We are not all the same and we may not think the same but we have to work together to get the job done. It gave me a better understanding based on someone's personality. It is important that throughout life you develop and become your own person you cant listen to others ideas and let them completely change and influence you as a person. Society will always play a major role throughout are life.
    Don't let others change you. Be yourself and people will respect you.Blue012

    1. Me neither! That was the most shocking thing to me. How people act so different around separate groups of people. I feel like I learned a lot from that alone. People totally let this affect them and change them, sometimes very negatively. BE true, stay you! -leafy012

  24. This video was a great representation of how social facts and emergent properties are in everyone’s daily lives. The main point that stuck out to me in this video, is when it came to the example of the two “pals or acquaintances” can only be linked in a certain setting. Then in a completely different social setting they can act completely different. It really shows how the actions and beliefs of peer can bring about a change in someone else’s actions just from being in the same group. I liked this example because it didn’t have to pertain to just that scenario. It could have been used in almost any scenario, such as a high social class setting of a butler/main and a wealthy family. They could be very kind and caring to their house help but when others come around they could change and be completely inconsiderate and rude; all to keep of the image to those of the same high class setting. The main point I got out of this is that in a group scenario, it is hard to get a grasp on someone’s true character. Bulsnation012

  25. I liked the way this video presents the subject, this is simple and easily understood. I was able to connect lot of messages from this video to my own personal situation. I am now able to understand and apply social perspective on why my teenage daughter behave differently when she is with her friends as opposed to while at home with family and relatives. From now on, I can see their behavior with new social perspective instead of getting frustrated. Durkheim way of articulating the message was easy, especially Mechanical and Organic Solidarity, the example of a sports team was very appropriate to explain the concept. I think that this can be applied to armed forces to a corporation and see how they operate successfully in spite of potential personal differences, especially they operate using large group of people with diversity. This video certainly taught me something I always known in my back of my mind but was not able to explain with reasoning. – chichi012

  26. I like the way this video explained everything. I think this also is really easy to understand and take in because we are in a time in our lives where social groups are very influenced. I have certain friends that act a certain way in front of different people. I really don't know why people do it, it's so interesting the way we work. It just goes to show you that everyone is different and we all act different ways. The way we have been brought up really effects the way we act in certain groups and certain situations. Especially when it comes to peer pressure, a lot of people struggle with being their own person and making their own decisions they rely on other people to "fit in". It such a strange concept but people are very complex. Especially when it comes to drugs. You can always tell who the kids in high school were that smoked pot. They always wore their Bob marley shirts and always just made it obvious they smoked pot. It's kind of funny if you think about it. -dicaprio012

  27. This video was a great way that shows us how someone can change by just being influenced at either work or even being around the same people long enough that we become influenced by the same behavior. Social Structure is what any other citizen goes through in life rather if they are at work, with friends or even being influenced by family members that can set a big impacted on our lives. We all have our own little attitudes that we all go through and it's caused by watching someone do the same thing that they did when we saw it happen. Mechanical Solidarity is another structure that we all go through. Me and a really good friend have the same beliefs and we have some of the same opinions on certain things but it's something that we all go through and it can link us to a relationship to someone that we all can share the same thoughts. Overall this video was a good overview. BlackHawks012

  28. The social groups and factors are something that I see everyday. I just never knew that there was a scientific name or explanation for such a thing. You can see how a lot of stereotypes have arose from these social groups and structures. The organic and complex were very interesting to me. This is also something that I witnessed after moving from a small town to another bigger town. The social beliefs of the people were generally the same in the smaller place, meanwhile in the larger the people relied on each others differences to function properly. On a sidenote, I was really digging the early 2000's/1990's vibe from this video. -leafy012

  29. I think that this video did a wonderful job presenting the dangers of improper socialization and also how socialization is implemented in more ways than I parent may realize. I think her points about how improper socialization were very accurate. If you don’t teach a child manners or how to behave around other people the results can be disastrous for his future relationships and those around him who have to interact with him or her on a daily basis. That and over rewarding and over punishing a child can damage their view on life as well by making them selfish or introverted. Moot012


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