Eureka College Forum...Implicit bias

Eureka College Forum...Implicit bias


  1. It was a very long but very interesting video to watch. I wasn’t expecting a prayer at the start of the video because not many colleges do that but I looked it up and discovered that it was a Christian college. I guess you learn something new every day. It was a very good speech that Yusef Salaam talked about how the media were saying bad things about the teens without ever interviewing them to hear their side of the story. The media didn’t tell about the good parts of the kids but made it look like they were bad people. I was also not expecting a rap come out of nowhere but it was actually pretty fun to listen to because he was eloquent with the words and made his point with it. The Pat Buchanan quote really struck me when he said to hang the oldest one should be hanged and whip the others, what kind of message is he trying to get out there? That violence is the only answer to solve the violence problem? Birdman123

    1. It was a very long video and it was very entertaining The fact that they did not interview one of these guys yet there where story's all over the place about them was just insane. Elite123

  2. The narrative spent little time going into the specifics of the case and some of the details were provided by Yusef. They did point out that this was a failure at ALL levels and hopefully this example would be used as a lesson in how not to conduct a case.
    I was impressed by the strength of character of Yusef. He talks about educating himself concerning the legal system, writing his own petitions and not becoming a victim of the system. He lived his life like the quote he used “a right to be angry but not bitter”. I am not sure I could do the same in a similar circumstance.
    The other point from the video was the effect a crime has on the victims and criminal’s family and community. We focus on the victim, suspect and details of the crime, but don’t always think about the parents, friends, brothers and sisters, and the fact that this is a permanent life changing event for many people. Humvee123

    1. I agree with you that the narrative spent very little time on the specific details of this case but that Yusef did a good job at giving certain details about his story and this life changing experience for him. People don't always take into consideration the effect this may have on not only the victim of being wrongly accused but the family members or the ones that surround him. I honestly don't know how I would feel or what I would have done had I found myself in a similar situation. There more than likely would have been a lot of anger at first but then I would have tried doing similar things he had done such as trying to better the situation and educate myself on the legal system. Sparks123

    2. I agree with your opinion of the narrators specific details. Yusef was very strong and held his head up with pride after all that has been done and said of him. He is a really peaceful and calm man. Undergoing such difficult circumstances and educating himself on his case and all that has took place. This young man went positive and began to rise higher, when he could have cracked and went negative. I would like to meet this guy because he is all sources that balance strong. Forensics123

  3. This may have been a rather lengthy video but it was a very interesting watch. This video had a lot of motivation and inspiration throughout it while he was talking about his story and the events that took place throughout his life. This video just goes to show how far the criminal justice system has come and how far it has yet to go. There are so many cases out there still to this day that involve false confessions and or wrongly convicted people. Whether it be a racial issue or just anger getting the best of people I like how he told the story of the officers in the prison who came to the realization that he was not guilty, he was simply wrongly accused, they noticed his actions and noticed that a person like him could not of done something so brutal. It was also a very good point that he brought up while he was talking about the media. In today’s society everybody focuses on what the media is feeding them, whether it be factual or not. Most of the time people don’t care enough to even try and dig up more background evidence on the situation. Sparks 123

    1. I think that the criminal justice system does have a ways to go, there was a rise in community policing for a while until the Rodney King beating by the LA police department and from then on there have been problems with how the community sees its police officers. Law enforcement needs to get back out and restore the community policing they set up years ago that way tensions between citizens and police won’t be as bad as they are now. Birdman123

    2. I also agree, I think the criminal justice system has really come a long way from 20 30 years ago, but I also think that the criminal justice system has a long long way to go with the way race plays a big part in lot of crimes still to this day.

    3. Yes I agree that the criminal justice system does have a long ways to go. It has become a bit better today than it was yesterday. When you are stigmatized and looked down upon everyday you begin to wonder about these certain perceptions and beliefs others have of you. Each day that you awaken and dress to go to work it is a challenge, each day that you become closer to accomplishing your degree is a challenge, being a woman is a double challenge on top of what you are already facing. Being African American in America is one challenge being an African American woman is a double challenge. But to be an African American man is a triple challenge in America back then and even today. Though success may not come easy in the essence of my skin tone I will strive and study harder to reach the top of success. Hopefully one day in today's society we will begin to see more equal rights for all races. Forensics123

  4. This video was very long it was interesting at some points but others it was hard for me to pay attention and at sometimes it was hard to follow. The documentary that Kim Burns created was very intense it showed how the police have a lot of power and it did show racist profiling and they falsely convicted five people for a rape charge. Salaam spent 7 years in prison until his case was overturn. Salaam was told that they would loose the case , and they wanted him to confuses to something he didn't do so he could get the least charge possible. He had a opportunity to say something before he was sentenced and he used a poem to express what he was thinking. On his twenty first birthday they sent him to the adult prison. When he was in prison he practiced his martial arts and he thought he would have to use it to defend him self. He talks about Donald Trumps ad that he bought he said that it inspired a individual who wrote that the oldest one should be hanged from a tree in central park he was never interviewed once but there where all these story's going around about them. Elite123

    1. I couldn't imagine the switch from the juvenile prison he was at to the adult prison. The way he described pulling up to it was kind of spooky. I am 21 and I couldn't imagine what I would be feeling if I were in his shoes. All the inmates yelling and pounding on the cell doors as he walked through would have really been terrifying. Its a good thing he had martial arts experience to fall back on. gabegun123

    2. Definitely interesting to here his and how he ended up going to an adult prison at such a young age. The copping he did to help himself could be inspiring for some. Police do have a lot of power and some use racist profiling but everyone's profiles cop or not. wreked123

  5. This was an awesome video, I really enjoyed how when he started his speech it was when all of this started with the false conviction. How everyone in the police department didn’t care what they said all they wanted them to say was that he did it. And how he was in fear that the police would take him into the back room and beat him up until he confessed to the rap. I could not imagine going to the prison that he describes, it seems like he knew he was going to die once he went into the prison. The fact he compared it to nightmare on elm street to means that it was a very evil place. In 1989 when the crime happened there was over 400 articles written about them an that he remembers not ever being interviewed once. They where articles talking about how they where drug dealers and bad people. They even posted the address and phone number of the homes and they had gotten lots of hate mail. I think that is very wrong of the news paper to publish that. I also don’t think It was right for all that mail to go to his mom and she had to read all that hate mail and deal with all the people looking down on them. I think that this rap happened in a bad time and that the police just found the quickest person they could and said it was them. Overall this was a really long video but a good one.

    1. I agree with you that he helps us visualize what he was feeling as this was happening to him. This whole event goes to show just how far we have come in making sure proper treatment is given once a suspect is apprehended. It was also weird reading that all of those articles were written and he wasn't even interviewed about anything. Acquainted123

  6. Interesting to find that Eureka College is a covenant to the christian church. The kids who die poem is very sad yet realistic. I honestly couldn't understand what the young lady in the video was saying so I looked the title and author of the poem up and read it on google. Sadly everything that Langston spoke of in the poem gave me a visual of that time without providing a picture. The Central Park Five case is a very sad case of what was typical for that time how if you were of the African American or Latino ethnicity everything that went wrong or any murder that happened at that time was your fault. Racism was such a deadly weapon within the criminal justice system and even out in the streets. The five men were falsely charged and convicted for raping and murdering a caucasian women in Central Park in 1989, without even examining Dna. Which Mr. Yusef Salaam himself is included within the documentary. Biases, race, and law have a huge effect on society then and even statistically now still does. The articles were degrading the young men though they were never interviewed. Stated they came from broken homes and crack families. Yusef's last remarks to the judge before sentencing were pretty crafty. I would have never imagined that he would have said what he said in the manner that he expressed. Though the video was pretty lengthy, I valued that I was able to view and be informed of events I never even knew had taken place.

  7. This man has a remarkable story. It was interesting hearing about his transformation while he was in prison. He is a very poetic person so he painted very vivid pictures of his experiences. Going to prison at the age of 16 has to be one of the scariest experiences possible. I couldn't imagine going to prison for as long as he did and being able to come out on top. He made the best out of his situation and learned a lot about himself. It was cool to hear him comparing his story to that of Joseph in the bible. That seemed to be his major turning point. He was able to find a purpose while in prison that allowed him to better himself for when he got out. When he did get out he ended up landing a decent job and meeting a girl. This was a very touching and inspiring story. gabegun123

  8. It was a inspiring to hear what the lady had to say along with Mr. Salaam and his story on how he went to prison as a juvenile and got transferred to an adult prison and what he did to cope with his situation and himself so he could survive both mentally and physically. It drifted off sometimes but got back on track not to shortly after, all over it was a good video. wreked123

  9. This story in its entirety was pretty vivid and really hit home. It isn't really a thought a lot of people have that being wrongfully convicted of a crime could happen to them, but unfortunately for quite a few people its a terrifying reality. This man in particular did a great job of holding himself together and not letting it destroy him. I think that when he used the poem before he was sentenced it was a rather brave and honest thing to do. The last detail I picked up on was when he talked about how the media influences people and how the media made all of those articles that were completely devoid of facts. Acquainted123


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