Graying of American Prisons

Graying of American Prisons


  1. I'm not sure how I feel about this. I would say its a good idea because it is helping the elderly but they are still criminals. If you can't do the time, then why do the time? That sounds a little harsh but if they are put into prison for that long then do they really deserve all of this help? Maybe they are doing good time and they really becoming a better person throughout their prison life. If that's the case yes they deserve the healthcare but if they have been trouble since day one do they really deserve it? And the cost might be a little high on this operation. Somethnig that shocked me was how old everybody is in the prison population. I didn't really think much about the elderly being in prisons. That is an outstanding number of elderly people in prison. Gotta wonder what kind of crime they committed to be in prison for that long. That's absolutely insane for whatever they did. But its a two way road on this whole new prison reform. Not sure if its a morally wrong thing to think they don't deserve it or not. ICCRunner789

    1. I agree with you about helping the elderly criminals but only to a certain extent. A lot of them are being treated better then the noncriminals which is not right. Think about all the money we are spending on this when we could be spending it on rehabilitation programs to help people from coming back to prison. We could also use it tholepin the noncriminal elderly so they don't live a life of suffering. dragons789

    2. This is a very good argument. I could see why some people need this kind of help. I can also understand that they are prisoners and are there for a reason. If you grow up in a prison population than that is where you will more than likely die. It could be a good thing because there are people that need it but then again there will always be people who abuse it. Godzilla789

  2. There are a lot of mixed feelings about this article. This was a powerful article for how short it was. I agree that some prisoners need the helping like at a nursing home just like how they talked about the 80 year old man with dementia. He definitely needs some help. The 28 year old guy with terminal brain cancer doesn't deserve to spend his last days in a prison. (Depending on what he did the article did not specify on what he did to get in there) However those people are prisoners and are In there for a reason. Being in prison means you get some of your rights taken away such as health care. It would take a lot of money that we as a country don't have. Its pretty difficult because I think we should help the sick and elderly with nursing home like care but I also feel that they shouldn't have that right and due to the fact that we don't have the money. It was talking about how the kid in the drunk driving accident couldn't do anything himself those kinds of people definitely need that kind of help. However, if I was in his position I wouldn't want to be alive anymore. Not being able to do anything your self and just die slowly in a prison does not sound like a good way to go. As I said before this is a hard topic to decide on because I can see both sides on why its a good and bad idea. Godzilla789

    1. It is a moral dilemma when trying to decide if these inmates should have the extra care for their health needs. I’m sure if any of us were an older person that had served time and required extra attention, then you would probably fight to get that extra care too no matter if you deserve it or not because you were a criminal. Birdman789

  3. I think that putting older inmates in a different facility to fit their needs is a good idea. What I did not agree with was the compassionate release of the older inmates; sure they could be harmless and do nothing bad again but when you let these older inmates out they don’t have many options in the real world. If it was an older person who has been in and out of prison their whole lives when they get out there are not many people that can help them with any needs they may desperately need and if they want to get a job there are limited places they could possibly get a job at because of their age and criminal record. The compassionate release sounds like it is just a way the prisons justify getting a tedious inmate off their hands and save money from not having to house them. In all I think that housing the older inmates in a separate facility can help them get the care they need and it is in a slower environment then they would have to be dealing with in a normal prison. Birdman789


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