Intermediate Sentencing and 114.....Proper Here?

Intermediate Sentencing.....Proper Here?


  1. I think he deserves more than 90 days, or 45 for good behavior and 30 months of probation. It should have at least been turned around. A 37 year old videotaping "preteens" should be prison time, in my opinion. He should've had the proper common sense being the age he is to know better. I am also a strong believer on punishing people more because they knew from the beginning they should not have done what they did. So no intermediate sanctions for this guy, I think he deserves hard time. Like I said, he knew what he was doing was wrong and for that they should have been more strict on him.

    1. I agree with you that they should be more strict on him than simply serving 45 days (as long as he has good behavior) and 30 months on probation. One of the things that stood out to me was the fact that as part of a plea deal, dropped two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. It mentions in the article that he could be facing up to seven years if he did not take the deal and was convicted of all of the charges. I wish this guy were spending more time in jail than just a month and a half, considering he allegedly had aggravated criminal sexual abuse in his record. Cards789

    2. I agree with you completely he definitely deserves some hard time in prison for what he did and not the sentencing he received. Sure he is spending about three months in jail but if you factor in his good time then he would only be spending a little over a month in jail. I think he should go to prison and maybe be registered a sex offender for videotaping a preteen getting changed in a bathroom. Birdman789

  2. I don’t believe that this constitutes the proper use of intermediate sanctions because of the actions taken by Pauli which should have been a felony. Not only was he videotaping someone illegally but it was of a minor. That should have been considered child pornography and he should be spending some serious time in prison. I think the court went a little easy on him because he only got 90 days in jail and if he gets good time it can be knocked down to 45 days; that is nothing compared to what he should have gotten. His excuse on videotaping her was a joke; he admitted do doing it to see her development? I’m sure you can tell if she is growing up without videotaping her changing or anything else creepy; the better question is why is he caring that much about her development in the first place. In short he should have gotten some serious prison time instead of what he got. Birdman789

    1. I couldn't agree with you more. This is blatant child pornography and the courts know it. That's also the biggest thing that confuses me in this case; are our courts locally seriously this forgiving for something like this? His response of being curious about development should have its own conviction attached to it. No man stares at any woman in a shower and thinks that, especially an innocent child being videotaped. I think his motives may go beyond this and branch further into the demented. I’m just disappointed in the courts with evidence like this. - StrongArm789

    2. Only person that had mentioned Child Pornography. Yep. This is what he should've been charged with. Some cases similar to this one ended up with Child Pornography charges. For this dude to say he was curious about her 'development' or whatever. Puts him on a whole new level of pervert in my book. He deserves a nice color picture of himself on the sex offenders list of Illinois. Doberman789

  3. After reading the article about this man, Pauli, I came to the conclusion that I am disgusted with the fact that he does not have to endure more punishment than what they gave him. I found it unfortunate for the girl and her family that this guy is only being sentenced to only 90 days (which could only be 45 if he has good behavior) and 30 months of probation. Considering the fact that he was videotaping this young preteen girl at the age of 37, I think that he should be punished much more severely. As Birdman789 mentioned, I agree that it should be considered child pornography, which would have a much more serious degree of punishment associated with it. I am afraid that with the small punishment that was given to this guy, he will be more likely to do something like this again in the future. For crimes like these, I definitely believe in being hard on them and giving them a severe punishment, so that they can understand that society will not allow this type of behavior. Unfortunately, this punishment does not seem to be enough for the crime he committed, especially considering the fact that due to a plea deal, two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse were dropped. This guy is clearly a threat to society and could potentially recidivate at any time. He either needs to have some sort of rehabilitation for his problems or be punished much more severely for him to change into a law-abiding citizen, in my opinion. Cards789

  4. First off with this, why would a deal be struck and agreed upon for the courts to drop two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse, especially against an underage girl? I believe that if this agreement was reached to begin with, then this just proves that Pauli is guilty and should be sentenced to his 7 years in prison without any good-behavior possibility. Was this his daughter or the age of this girl are not discussed in detail. Either way, his wife found the evidence and reported this creeper to some authority. 90 days is unjust with blatant video evidence from two separate periods of time, and yet prosecutors dropped two counts of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. I understand that many cases like these never even reach trial because it carries on physically at an early age and leads to being a mental burden further down the road when unreported. But the evidence in this case, the actual solidifying evidence to put away this guy is right there, and they tell him 90 days, 100k bond, and return to society. I truly hope that this means he still has to be added to the sexual predators list, if not I feel that the court should be held fully accountable when he is caught again. I’m a little bitter biting my tongue typing this, and I’ve had to erase a lot of what I wrote a few times, but all through growing up I’ve known and met individuals who have undergone events like this, so I deem these predators as the worst type of offenders that there can be. - StrongArm789

  5. OK. first of all I had to gain composure after reading this. Like y’all. Crimes against youth make my blood boil. My daughter is almost four and if anyone lays a finger on her I swear to God as I breathe, I’m going to prison. I know this. My wife knows this. She is the only thing that keeps me attached to this world, her, her mother, and maybe Stevie Ray Vaughan☺. But I digress. So after I put down my pitchfork/torch and my ‘Where is Frankenstein?’ sign I unpacked this on some different levels for myself. In casual conversation I approached a friend of mine. She is one of the few S.A.N.E. practitioners in the state. (Sexual assault nurse examiner). She is also an expert speaker in child molestation and rape cases. Apparently, statistically individuals who sexually assault or molest usually get away with the act multiple times before getting caught the first time. (I’m leaving the number out, its crazy high). I did what probably a lot of did. I tried to find him on the sex offender list for Illinois. No dice. Sooooooo, what can we gleam good from Mr. Pauli’s brush with the law? He is in the system now! I hope to see him on the offender list for ‘videotaping a minor’. You would hope so. So the next time he is caught, and he will be caught again, you can take that to the bank. There will be no problem identifying this spade as a spade. Sexual predators are like alcoholics. Now if you’re a TRUE BLUE alcoholic you don’t stop becoming one just because you stop drinking. You’re always going to be an alcoholic. It’s a disease. There is no cure. There is treatment and abstinence. Same thing with the perverts! Just because they were stopped doesn’t mean they aren’t going to do it again. This guy will be in for real time soon. I wonder if they trumped up the charges to the (2) aggravated criminal sexual assaults so something would stick in the plea. Kind of like when someone goes to court and prosecution has like 10 charges against the defendant. Some are going to stick. They put a ton of charges on just to sweeten their bargaining power. Other questions that came to mind after reading this article: WHERE IS THIS BATHROOM?!?!?! How did a male regardless of any age get into a female ‘locker room’?!?!? If she saw him and was told not to touch the phone the second time why didn’t she report him? I’ll tell you why. She was scared. Hence the Assault portion of the charges! “threat of bodily harm coupled with an apparent, present ability to cause harm.” This little girl was fearful. Scared of what the defendant might have done to her if she pressed charges, or told her parents. And as I have learned in MHFA the stigma connected to what has happened keeps some away from getting the proper help needed. In closing cause this is way too long. This is a ‘Pay me now or pay me later’ scenario. He will do hard time. They just need a better case. Don’t clog up the ‘system’ with ‘small fry’ put away the ‘big fish’ and keep them away. Please don’t let him escalate before getting caught again and ruin a young ladies life. It’s important we all understand that assaults like this happen on a regular basis and are never reported. “Violators can’t live with the truth, survivors can’t live without it.” Doberman789


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