More of These Needed...Many Simply Care

More of These Needed...Many Simply Care


  1. I actually really enjoyed reading this article. It was such a better read than reading about another dept. getting investigated over another shooting or brutal beating. my favorite line from this article is written clear as day; There are thousands of police officers that are out doing their jobs correctly day in and day out but it only takes a small handful to mess that all up. And it doesn't help that that's al the media shows is police beating on or shooting a person that may or may not have been in the wrong. To be completely honest if the media didn't portray the police as the criminals they take in the society wouldn't have such doubt in them. But I am also aware that when the crap hits the fan there's 3 types of people now in days 1.) the freezer - when there's a situation they freeze up and don't know what to do, 2.)the doer - they get up and actually help the situation by trying to find its solution, and finally 3.) the photographer - these are a new breed to the fight or flight sense in a person head that makes them freeze and start recording on their phones. People are so quick to record the bad and never the good. So again reading this article was like reading that your favorite sports team finally won after a very long losing streak. But I am curious on who called the cops on a group of boys playing basketball, how does being a kid and playing a sport in the road become illegal? I believe the officer handled the situation terrific by playing along with the kids.

    1. I like your comparison between this article and one on a sports team finally winning. It’s sad that a few bad apples can spoil the bunch, and I agree that media coverage certainly doesn’t help the public perception of officers. I can’t imagine how quiet and uneventful that neighborhood must be that someone would actually complain that some kids were playing basketball and that it was a noise violation. Sounds like the police are doing a good job there!

    2. I also found this article nice to read. It emphasized the fact that there are still thousands of officers out there who do their jobs quite well. I enjoyed how you categorized the three types of people out there, and it made me think what would I do in a situation like that. I would like to think that before I took out my phone and started recording I would know all the facts. The videos being uploaded to social media only tell the partial story of what happened in that situation. Nobody thinks to pull out their cell phones until things go south. Piglet456

  2. Reading this article was a very welcomed change of pace. There is a very small percentage of police in this country who do not act in the way that they should, but a lot of reports on the news and social media have people believing differently, and it makes all police officers look bad. I applaud Gainesville for pushing this video out there and would love to see more departments doing this. The article states that society’s view of police is low, and yet only 1.4 percent of people said that officers threatened or used force against them. People forget that sometimes force IS needed to control a situation, and that if the officer weren’t controlling the subject, they could be putting others in danger. I like that this article didn’t just focus on one act of kindness and instead used many examples, it just might make people rethink their negative stance on police officers. I can only hope to see stories like this being the top story or the headline instead of being filler stories that barely get touched on.

    1. These stories definitely should be the headline story. There are too many stories of police brutality on the news. We need to shine a light on the officers who do good in the community. People need to realize that just a few incidents of poor judgement and apparent lack of human life doesn't mean all cops are like that. DeadMan456

    2. I totally agree with you. I think more departments around America should interact with the community more than they do now. I agree with you, I also hope to see more articles come up like this. Great article! I also agree, with the reports on tv have the community believing otherwise.


  3. This article gives recognition to the thousands of police officers out there who do a wonderful job at what they do. As of late so many videos have been circling the web of police misconduct. As a result the American people's’ trust in the police department is at the lowest it has been in years. When videos and stories of officers doing good in the community emerge, it not only restores just a little bit of peoples faith in the department, but it also sets a good example of what community policing should look like to aspiring officers. This article mentions how people are so quick to pull out their phones and take pictures and videos whenever they think a conflict could occur. This sheds a bad light on all officers from all departments. No officer is going to be perfect, but the vast majority of them don’t go around beating up people, and I think that is the message this article is trying to get across. Piglet456

    1. Having more stories of officers like officer White, will bring the people to trust the law enforcement again. Media only focuses on the bad of what officers do because they know it will bring views. Every officer should be involved with the community and get to know the people instead of just
      patrolling and handing out tickets.

    2. I agree with the both of you. If police officers can just get a long with young kids and even adults maybe we put our trust in the law enforcement. Showing kids the cops aren't bad people and maybe giving them some advice to every day life situation can change some minds to everyone. DaBulls456

  4. We need more of these stories to hit the news stations. Not all cops are as we see them on the news. This article proves it. I have seen the video of the officer playing football with the two boys and of the officer playing basketball with the kids. These just show that not all cops are bad. Sure there are those bad eggs but we need to show the good eggs to end the hatred for cops. Just as the older boy in the football story said "I used to be scared of the cops but now I'm not." DeadMan456

  5. Bobby White is a great example of what a cop should be. The kids were not doing anything wrong, I do not see why they would get a noise complaint during the day. Being involved with the community is what a cop should do, to get to know everyone around you. With all the recent news of how cops are being brutal and racist. The media only portrays stories like that to get the people attention. This opens the eyes of many people by seeing a white cop playing basketball with black kids. There is a follow-up story about this on how the cop brought Shaq to come and play with these kids, which is awesome. If only the media showed these types of stories rather than the negative people would have a whole different view. It only takes that one officer to do something wrong to give them a bad name, but it takes more than one for them to get a good one.

  6. Officer White is the best example for what a cop should be for a community. It sets examples that all cops are not bad. We all have had a cop either stop us when we where kids or pull us over on the side of the road and think that the cop hates the world and everyone in their surroundings. It takes a real man to set a good example on kids. It shouldn't matter what race the cop is every cop like Officer White should play some basketball with kids who may grow up in a bad neighborhood and show them that it's OK too be friends with a cop. Officer White should be the one person that evey kid should look up too because no matter what race your are, what your home style is. Im sure this police man treats everyone the same and equal like every cop should be doing and not shoot young kids or arrest for something that doesn't harm the community. DaBulls456

  7. The article was very interesting to read. I believe some departments around America have been trying to get there officers to interact with the community more. Its a lot of kids, that are scared to talk to the police, or when the police get around them. I think it's really good if a White Police Officer interact with Black kids. It possible can change there mind set, and possible they might want to become a police officer. I believe that departments around America, have been trying to get Police and Community Programs started up. Like, Police Explores, Coffee with a cop, and Ride a long program. I do believe that the cop playing basketball with the kids, was a great thing to do. I think this story is a follow up story. When the Police interact with black young kids, I believe that it change minds sets with the community. In a good way, I think the community will be more likely to show no fear towards the police. I think all departments around America should start up an Police and Community program, I think we will see a chance in our society and with the police.



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