Procedural Justice and Police Legitimacy


  1. This video on procedural justice was really good and this guy went really in-depth of what procedural justice is and how it should be preformed by the officer. What I took from this video was that that it all comes down to being treated fairly from the officer. I like how the video says that the officer should let the victims talk and treat them fair no matter what they did. Police should be polite and I agree with that. I have been around many officers that are not fair and treat people poorly. Communication is very important from the officer and from the victim as well. I agree with the guy from the video as far as treat others out in the field as you would want them to treat your mother, I think that is a great way to go about it. It may solve many problems before they get worse. Great video to watch.

    1. It was a pretty good video, informative in many ways. Sort of comparative to what officer Jordan was describing to us in class a couple weeks ago. You do want to treat a citizen as if he or she is someone very close to you. That way your actions nor your experience will go sour and the communities perception of you will not change. You will not lose respect. Forensics123

    2. While this video did address some thing that seem like common sense, it is good that these things are being beaten into everyone's head. Being able to act respectful to everyone is such an important thing that really gets overlooked especially in recent times. Acquainted123

  2. Procedural justice is fairness in resolving disputes and allocate resources, implementing decisions according fair processes. It is important that the public have a positive relationship with officers. Fairness of the situations determines what kind of impact the officer will have with the public. Remaining professional and treating citizens in the community with dignity and respect is key. Because treatment for one is how the community predicts it will be for all. Communicating and signaling is a neutral transparent element. Dignity and respect should be for all you should treat an offender as you would want someone else to treat your mother or father. Trustworthy motives treating the citizen as if you care about him or her. You do not get any points unless you communicate if it isn't communicated it did not occur.Procedural justice should be used as a skill just as you would driving or martial arts. Forensics123

    1. I agree with you, procedural justice is a simple thing to do and it should always be used by law enforcement that gives fairness in any situation that they may come across. Procedural justice can also help when dealing with the community, if the public sees the officer is treating someone differently over another person then they will think that maybe the officer or officers are not serving the whole community properly. If they do treat everyone the same then the public could see it as though they are serving the community as a whole. Birdman123

    2. I agree that the practice of procedural justice is vital in a police department. It looks bad on the officer if hes treating some people differently than others. All officers should have to serve people in a professional manner even if an individual has hard feelings towards them. You have a better chance of the individual losing some of those negative feelings towards officers by being fair and respectful. gabegun123

  3. With the events that have gone down around the country for the past few years with the riots and the tensions with the community and the police it is going to be key that police show that that they are not discriminating against anyone at all because it can lead to a bad situation like what happened in Ferguson, that incident that has happened quite recently has given the perception of the police in the eye of the public a black eye in a way. In the video it talks about the importance of the golden rule but it should always be in the mindset of everyone in society, especially police officers, to treat people how you would want to get treated yourself. I am aware that there are a lot of people that don’t do that but a law enforcement official have no excuse not to, they are the professionals that are trained to treat everyone the same and need to carry out that mentality. The video was pretty dry and tedious to watch but it does have some important information about not being accused of discrimination by using procedural justice. Birdman123

    1. Yes I do agree with you a lot of the times police are not discriminating a lot of the time it is just that they are just doing there jobs and it just happens to be one group is causing more trouble than another group Elite123

  4. Procedural Justice is very important among all police officers. We have been focusing on this in my police operations class and I have come to learn how vital it is. Procedural justice is important because at time it is difficult to determine how other officers handle the same situation. As an officer you must be consistent with your works. If you let one person off for not using a turn signal, how can you ticket the next? There are determining factors though that can lead to weather you ticket or not. Say the first person was cooperative and polite and the next was aggressive and rude. It would be understood if you ticketed the rude person and let the other person off but everyday people don't see the situation like a officer does. Being consistent with your procedure to every individual is important, but there are factors that will determine your discretion towards the individual. gabegun123

  5. Procedural Justice needs a lot of work in my opinion a lot of police officers are still stuck in the "old days" where some of this stuff they are doing are acceptable to where today they are not and could even be punished. I believe the most important element of Procedural Justice is the trustworthy motives if a officer dosn't care about the citizens of the community they are serving they are less likely to use ant procedural justice at all. It is hard to make a police officer change his opinion about what he thinks of his community. the second most important in my opinion is Neutrality this goes hand and hand with the biases we talked about in class officers should arrest people on the same grounds as everyone else the reasons should be the same no matter what ethnic back round or other differences they might have. Dignity is a obvious thing a officer needs, he needs to be able to respect everyone. Participation is important to the citizens need to be able to explain there side of the story. Elite123


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