Rationale for Punishing......Depends on the Era

Rationale for Punishing......Depends on the Era


  1. It was an interesting video to see the different kinds of punishment there are in the criminal justice system. The one thing that amazed me was the young kids that murdered a girl; you don’t think at their age they are capable of killing anyone or even have the thought of doing such a terrible act in the first place. With the punishment I don’t believe that one is dominant over the other; I think it depends on the person rather than the technique used. I mean by this is that some people react in different ways, some could be completely reformed by rehabilitation and never commit a crime again and another could think of rehabilitation is an easy way to serve a sentence. This goes for all the techniques of punishment; I think the individual should be the deciding factor instead of doing a specific technique for all of them. Birdman789

  2. While this video was very informative it was kind of showing false teachings. It also says in the bible to turn the other cheek. If someone slaps you, turn the other cheek. Not to seek revenge or do the same thing back to the person. It's not really revenge in this case but still the bible says it. Matthew 5:39 "But I tell you, do not resist an evil person. If anyone slaps you on the right cheek, turn them the other cheek also. NIV Version of the bible. Anyways back to the video. It was very surprising how those two little boys were murders. In the video the woman talking didn't even seem like it was wrong. That's how disturbing this world is. Those twos little boys didn't see much older than 10 or 11. But they would have already murdered. That is absolutely insane. And then that poor little girl, that's absolutely sick, but its how todays world. ICCRunner789

    1. I like the use of a bible verse. The bible can say some things that contradict each other; like how sometimes it can tell you to seek a brutal revenge for someone and other times it says that you should seek forgiveness instead of hate. The child murderers were scary to learn about because you think of a young kid as an innocent person but this one made you think that you can’t assume some kids are so innocent. Birdman789

    2. The bible does say its about forgiveness but if someone comes up to me and slaps me ill be For-giving-them-a-whooping. The part of the video where its talking about the kids killing the little girl just makes me sick. Godzilla789

  3. Rational thought will always determine the consequences for the decisions we make. The legal system focuses on a jury’s deliberation and the ruling of a presiding judge, unlike the early establishment of our country with job-titles being held as an executioner. I wonder what those resumes would have looked like. Serving time in prison, waiting, but knowing how long you have to remain there has got to be one of the most mind-wracking things that I personally could never imagine. It is good to bring up that certain programs have allowed dancing and yoga among inmates. It is another to bring up cases of children committing murder. These polar opposites in the span of a four-minute video really don’t achieve the goal of describing the forms of deterrence used. All I could make out was okay, here’s what they did here, here’s what they did there. Oh and capital punishment, and then a few bible verses. How do these forms of deterrence relate to the legal systems they were used, or why were they used? The information is choppy and only quickly describes types of deterrence. My final acknowledgement would be this from what I watched. The aim of punishment is deterrence or retribution or reform or protection. - StrongArm789

  4. The idea of what kind of punishment is warranted for each specific crime is perplexing. Many individuals in this day and age argue for or against capital punishment, even whether criminals deserve a certain sentence or not. As the video stated, the United States and China both take advantage of a death sentence. Even though our country and China both use this form of sentencing as an option to deal with a criminal action, we both have higher crime rates. As the video suggests, deterrence may not be a legitimate option in some cases. To most of us, a sentencing of death may be more than enough to keep us from committing a certain crime. Others may view the risk as minimal compared to the reward they may receive for committing the crime. In my opinion, all forms of punishment should be taken advantage of. If someone deserves a death sentence, then they should receive it. If another person deserves imprisonment while another individual deserves probation, then that is what they should be sentenced to. This does not mean that we as a society should not focus on other alternatives. If someone can be reformed, then they should be given time to be treated. On the other hand, individuals that are not imprisoned for long periods of time should be given the chance to develop an education or learn a skill that can be useful outside of prison life. There are so many factors that play a role in why and how people commit crimes, therefore there should be just as many or more options to deal with those that need to be corrected.

  5. OK, lets unpack this Jamie Bulger murder(2:20). These 10 year old boys, Jon Venables and Robert Thompson, abducted, tortured, sexually assaulted and murdered Jamie. Jamie was 2 at the time. Apparently society had failed these boys (insert sarcasm). Eight years in 'detention' then released with new identities provided by the tax payers, indefinitely. Bravo UK! Ok, back to the video.
    On a somewhat regular basis I was told by my biological father that I would be in prison by age 21. Now the only thing that kept me out was knowing how to get in. Being bad isn't so much fun when you know what is coming if you get caught. General Deterrence was the proven factor to keep me in check. I suppose 'eye for an eye' is the way I was raised. Fast forward to now: I believe reform should be the way if the individual is receptive to rehabilitation. If they are not receptive they should be incarcerated in order to protect society, Deterrence/ Retribution/ Reform/ Protection: I liked the cartoons for these topics. The video was a good visual. I would like to think a combination or algorithm of all these things are used to dispense justice. I do find the delivery a bit fast at 4:25 in overall time. Doberman789

  6. The video does a pretty good summarizing a large topic like criminal punishment in a four minute video. The video also showed the difference between reform and protection of a prisoner. Reforming is when the prisoner is in prison and learn what they did wrong and will not do it again through activities and classes offered through the prison. Protection is why the offender is in prison and that is to protect the innocent people and society from further harm caused by this particular individual. Reform is the best way to go about punishing somebody because they will come out as a better person and wouldn't be a threat to themselves or society anymore. This would also lower the prison population and make the world a safer place.


  7. The video does a good job on explaining the theories of punishment. The video explained many different topics that involve punishment and how they work. For example it talked about the difference between reform and protection of a prisoner. It also talked about deterrence and retribution and how they influence us. A popular theory for crime is deterrence because they think if people see someones punishment for a crime it will keep them from committing crimes because they won't want to suffer the same punishment. Another affective theory would be reform. This is where the offender understands what they did wrongs and changes it and becomes a more law-abiding citizen. They go through programs that help them with their problems and then release them. It allows them to get a second chance and become a more effective citizen in the community. dragons789

  8. contreras12 while i was watching the video i realized that there are different type punishment it explain very well it help people understand what is punishment and how is work and it also give a second chance to the person

    1. Ill have to disagree with you everyone does not deserve a second chance. for examples murder, rapist, Child molesters they should get put up under the jail. Petty crimes like DUI, Speeding deserve a second chance unless someone got seriously hurt in the mist of the crime.shaylavon789

    2. I disagree as well, some people do not deserve a second chance. Terrorists and serial criminals on most levels can not be reformed. The death penalty or at the very least, life imprisonment is necessary to keep these criminals from offending. If someone gets sent to prison for drug offences or intoxication while driving certainly deserve a second chance, or even a few. Some need to age out of crime and learn that it isn't worth the time to commit a crime. Again I will stress that many deserve a second chance, but some do not.

  9. I like theories because they are a different way of looking at a situation. This video had several areas that were shown. I am intrigued by the idea of deterrence, because everyone is different. I think it works, but we don't have a society that cares about authority that much. If we were in hamurabi's decade we would see a lot of behavioral changes. I belive that is why we are seeing a lot of policy changes and concepts and that's probably due to deterrence not working.


    1. I agree with you when you say we live in a society that does not respect nor care about authority that much. Thats why people act the way they do, so wild with no care or respect for the police. As than back in the day people knew there was punishment, it was well known. We live in different time periods, we've all grown up different ways. -dicaprio789

  10. I really didn't know there can be different punishments as they are. What stood out to me the most was the little girl her killer. Just because they was young do not mean the didn't know what they was doing. I feel like if you do the crime you have to do the time. Your age shouldn't determine how much time you get especially if you take someone life.Also certain inmates goes back because they cant live out in the real world, it's to advance for them. I feel as if you teach them the right tools they need to survive to become law abiding citizens.Protection is not a good type of punishment because just locking someone up is going to make it work they are going to be worse when they get out. Rehabilitate them treat them like normal people and not animals.shaylavon789

  11. What was interesting to me was the little girl who was killed, her killers were very young. I don't agree that those children who were young should be locked away for life.. their brains aren't even fully developed yet? One I do believe in justice for anyone who is murdered; but those kids are just so young I don't believe they should be locked up for life:That also adds to the circumstances of a crime. I believe reform is possible in that situation, the children could be rehabilitated back into society, but also I could be wrong you never really know someone. You also have protection: where criminals should be basically locked up and you throw away the key, that I believe should be done for certain individuals. Someone like charles manson, who him himself even said don't let me out I will kill again. I think it all comes down to the mitigating circumstances. -dicaprio789

  12. I found the video really interesting. I liked how it talked about all the different reasons we punish people for doing crimes. Protection for other civilians in the community or to reform the offenders. I like to see that we have activities in prison such as yoga and gardening so that these prisoners aren't just getting treated like animals they are actually learning different skills that could help better them. The part of the video talking about the little kids that killed the little kill and they were given different identities after they were released is just ridiculous. They were only around 9 or 10 when they committed the crime but it doesn't tell us how long they were in there or The brutality of the crime. Every criminal is different and some deserve different punishments. Some criminals just need to be locked away for the protection of the community while others need to be reformed and helped instead of punished. Godzilla789

    1. I agree with you on the fact that I like the way it described the different types of strategies. I did also think it was interesting and also productive to learn about the different types of activities prisoners get to learn from.

  13. This video talked about the purpose of punishment. It referenced a few different types of strategies against crimes. The first was the deterrence strategy, which means making an example out of someone most likely. The second one is called retribution which means making the criminal do the time of the crime for the victim to get justice and not for the crime it self though. The next type is called protection, which means that the reason we lock up criminals is because they have broken the social code and because of that they are endangering the rest of society. The last type is reform and that means we take criminals and we help deal with the demons in there lives an try to turn themselves around and make them well functioning members of society. I believe we should talk a few things from every strategy to make the society better.

  14. I agree that there should be consequences when someone breaks the law as well. But like I said in the last blog, deterrence doesn't seem right in a way. It just feels like we use a few people as an example to scare others not to do it. I can see and understand why we do use it, but it isn't fair for those few people to get a crazy sentence when they didn't deserve it just to scare other people who are thinking about doing the same act/crime. But the rest of the theories I do agree with.

  15. This video reinforced some of the same ideas/concepts in the "Rehab Who?" video, such as deterrence, retribution, reform, etc. It also brought up new ideas, such as mentioning that some countries punish more harshly, while others tend to focus on reform. Although some people may view that as common sense, I think it is important to bring that to light every once in a while and remind ourselves that not every country punishes the same. Some people argue that deterrence and retribution don't work because countries that employ capital punishment do not have lower crime rates. Others believe that families deserve justice and criminals should pay for what they have done and education and yoga classes as part of reformation is not punishment. I liked that this video enlightened me on all of the different viewpoints again. Cards789


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