Society the Visual Journey

Society the Visual Journey


  1. The video rehashed a lot of what we heard in class on Monday but still a nice video overview for people who learn better from visual perspective rather than spoken I suppose. Overall I would say that the need for assimilating cultures is at the same level as respecting traditions. You cannot say “learn my ways or leave” and put no effort to take the good aspects of that new culture and apply it to your own culture. At that same time giving up your culture just because another culture comes along isn’t right either, everyone has a preferred path and there is nothing wrong with it. It also leads to another aspect of assimilation, the societal assimilation. This is something that can have many different perspectives and methods, the greatest impact I see impacting society is technology. An example of this would be going from Industrial to Post-Industrial. This is a massive societal shift and needs to be assimilated slowly just like any other cultural assimilation, because there was a working class culture around factories, just the same as there is now a culture around working at a desk, answering phones. How you search for the job, the qualifications to get the job and your physical ability to do the job may vary widely from place to place; it maybe even vary depending on what area of the factory you are in or what department you applied for. The same basis for assimilation applies in many areas.-Pasta012

    1. I very much agree with you! Technology has played such a huge role in changing our culture and the way we do things. I would almost say it is taking over. Jobs are more difficult to find because computers can do the same jobs more efficiently. I think that the culture shift from industrial to post-industrial occurred much fast than some culture shifts. For example, hunters and gatherers to the following culture shift took a very extended period of time. Storm012

    2. I appreciate that people can become a part of society without having to give up who they are. Even though we assimilate, we look very different from one another. Over time, I hope this will change but I don't think it will eliminate racism. As we begin to look more and more alike, will we find other ways to discriminate against each other.
      We are social animals and the video presented from prehistoric to modern man in just over 12 minutes, but it did cover the defining moments. Will we call "the computer age" the fourth social revolution, or will it be texting, faxing...I think our era is a viable candidate for the Fourth revolution. It has changed our society, but it hasn't completed the movement. I believe we are in the midst of it and will see where this technology leads.
      OICU8 012

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I very much agree with you! Technology has played such a huge role in changing our culture and the way we do things. I would almost say it is taking over. Jobs are more difficult to find because computers can do the same jobs more efficiently. I think that the culture shift from industrial to post-industrial occurred much fast than some culture shifts. For example, hunters and gatherers to the following culture shift took a very extended period of time. Storm012

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Just goes to show how much we've changed. I myself would much rather be back when we hunted and gathered. just a simpler time. We get so caught up in i want it now, gotta have it now, that we loose sight of what's really important!And I feel that's why we have computers taking our jobs. Just think, the way things have went, will jobs even be available, or will we have robots doing it for us? I myself like to slow down and smell the roses! Even though life doesn't allow that at times I make it a point to! Life is full of surprises and tomorrow is not promised!So in saying that to live in a simpler time would, in my opinion, be the way to go. Where everyone knows everyone and you can leave your doors open. You can still get that in a small town and don't get me wrong that also has it's draw backs. Gossip, but I much rather have that than uncertainty!And before cell phones; we just took our bikes and rode to our friends house... Then even a simpler time! We just get to caught up!MITHGTS012

    1. MITHGTS012, I can see what you mean! A hunter-gatherer lifestyle is certainly not without its attraction. However, I don’t know that it would give you the slower pace you seek. After all, most of the hunter-gatherer’s life is spent finding food and avoiding being food! Perhaps an agrarian or pastoral society would give you the slower pace you seek. – Jung012

    2. I agree on the whole technology taking over. We as a society are getting lazy. I feel like sooner or later there wont be any jobs left for man because technology will have taken over. Times have changed and I doubt we ever get back to the older days because we are so caught up on the fast pace of things, and wont pump our breaks. I mean not even to take a look around us to realize how much damage has been done. Pinky012

    3. Even with technology there can still be a slower pace of life in certain areas of the world. Overall, the whole world will at some point have to find a balance between technology and nature. Personally I feel like it is coming up fast due to the climate changes and the large cities being unsustainable in the long term, but I feel that we will find that balance before disaster and disorder. -Pasta012

    4. I too wish things were simpler jn todays society, but i do appreciate the time we save with new technology. I think this is why i like living in a small town. I think it's nice to know your neighbors and other people that live close to you. It just gives you a sense of community, like you're apart of something. Crown012

    5. Like I always say, “The smarter technology get the dumber people get.” When my sister was younger she was so smart she almost failed the preschool test. Only reason why she ended up passing was because she was asked if she could hope on one foot she said yes and told the teacher she wasn’t going to show her and started hopping on one foot when the teacher turned away. Now she has had to be put in special education sense she has been allowed to have a phone. TAGtaylor33012

    6. I agree I would rather be hunting and gathering my food. It is more simpler than todays society. We don't have to really work hard for anything. People don't appreciate things like we should. With the way technology is constantly evolving over time technology might take over and we may have no jobs a lot.Blue012

  6. This video was very helpful when it came to reviewing and refreshing the content from class. I found it helpful and, for the most part, interesting. (Though, the music got annoying after the first few minutes so I muted it.) I found the distinction between a melting pot and a multiculture to be helpful. While our unique cultures of origin mesh in America, they do not blend and become one. They remain distinct ways of viewing and interacting with the world. In addition, going through the various types of societies while highlighting the changes that resulted in them was a helpful refresher. The video appeared to, for the most part, subscribe to Lenski’s theories as it primarily focused on the technology that resulted in different forms of society. However, Weber’s ideas may have had some bearing once the concept of a postcultural society was reached. On the whole, the video was helpful and informative. – Jung012

    1. I found the music very annoying and muted it However, I also agree with you on the distinction of melting pot and multicultural terms. I don't believe I have ever heard the term melting pot until just recently but in truth that's a great term for describing America, and just because everyone meshes doesn't mean you have to lose your own individualism or lose where you came from. I have a mexican american step-brother who although he was born here, his grandmother still makes sure he knows his heritage and he was taught both languages from very young and in public speaks English but in her home is expected to speak spanish and hold onto mexican cultures, values, ect. I think knowing where you came from can only help you in knowing where your going, and I think this also holds true for larger societies not just individuals. If we don't learn from history were doomed to repeat it. We must figure out what works for everyone.

    2. I apologize I forgot my handle on that post Deacon012

    3. The music was annoying and it made me sleepily, I didn't even think to mute it I though somewhere thought-out the video someone would start talking lol. I agree with your post, the terms melting pot and multicultural stood out to me as well. The way I took it was its cool to have different cultural social groups, and just because one group has different values doesn't mean we can't learn from one another. When we learn from one another we evolve.

  7. Very Informative video. Key terms and knowledge, seem to be the same things from the text books and conversations that we talk about in class. This video could also be an alternate teaching\ learning prop for this class. Visually with the key words and definitions while throwing in pictures to match. One things that did get my attention is when it pointed out that the US is referred to a melting pot. Where people from different societies come together and form one. If only it was that simple for other aspects of life, this world could and would be a better place. If we could join as one and not try to compete all the time just my opinion. But again a very nice informative video for visual preference. Pinky012

    1. I agree i think this is a great tool for the class. I personally like power point notes. It helps me to see it and write it down. Also then I have it to refer back to. I like learning the vocab as well its important to learn to understand. With all the different people coming together in the U.S. it has definitely brought us to a better place and taught us a lot. It would be nice if other places in the world could do the same. VT012

  8. This was a fairly good video. It was quite long yet didn't give you enough time to read everything. It did supply good information. It took the was of many different people and showed how it helped us evolve. We live in a world full of different beliefs, religions, customs, and languages. Every group is different from the next. Yet if it wasn't for those groups we wouldn't be where we are today. Each group has taught us somethings and helped in a great discovery. From tools, foods, and weapons the groups have come together to better life for everyone. Although some groups are now striving above the rest. Not everyone is looked at equally. Not everyone has the same opportunities. Yet if it wasn't for some of the underdog cultures we wouldn't have all the things and skills we have today. VT012

    1. I do not beilive the intent of the video was to sit there and study what was being said, but indeed was to provide an efficient. A way to introduce you to concepts in a way that you don't have to read through pages upon pages to find certain definitions. In this aspect, I feel the video was well done. MuayThaiGuy012

    2. I thought some of the slides where just like overviews kind of like a reminder but some of them where going a little to fast because I had to keep going back and pausing that little bit. But you are right we do live in a different type of society and culture because times change over the course of life. It kind of was like an eye opener to see what types of societies have turned into over the years. BlackHawks012

  9. I thoroughly enjoyed the video, I feel it was a fair visual tool to understanding sociology a little better. For the fact of my comments sake I am only going to touch on two points made in the video, even though there were many. First I'd like to talk about "Pluralism", I loved this because it is spot on in that our country was built and made upon the backs of many different races. This is truly outstanding, we are truly the only country in the world to have this much diversity. Sure there are other countries that kind of have the same kinds of diversity but none come close. I guess what I am saying we the US are the land of opportunity, heck its the American dream, where you can do what you want and be who you want to be. Secondly I'd like to bring up (Assimilation) which ties into (Pluralism) nicely, but not so nicely when you have a congregation of people from different races, religions, and such you tend to get radicals, prides and prejudices. It is very hard and some may say impossible to get everyone to coexist, it is sad that this is the truth but that is just how it is. My Final thought is yes we are a melting pot as the video stated. MuayThaiGuy012

  10. This clip was a helpful review of other discussions and concepts thus far. I also like history and the evolution's of things and how they got here today so that probably makes a difference. I liked how it gave a breakdown of each society and included like the start and continued on to show how it grew from one stage to the next, because it then helps you to see how just minor advancements started saving time, leaving time for other things. If you think about it, something as small as in the ag society going from a horse driven plow to a tractor may not seem like a huge step but now has shaved off hours of time to be spent doing other things and saves manual labor off a body. I noticed the two different society names given, Gemeinshaft meaning closer relation and friendship, kinship more or less and the other Gesellschaft being somewhat of stranger more acquaintance type where their less likely to care. I kinda relate this to like living in my small hometown and tehn going to your job in the city. People in your community know you and your family and ask how your doing and genuinely care about your answer. Where as when you go to your job its different. Your boss or coworkers might talk or share things but in all essence, its just kind of talk. Their biggest concern is gonna be if your making it to work to do your job. This clip was a good visual review (but the music could have been better). Deacon012

  11. The video was interesting. There where a lot of terms that I have never heard of before but it was kind of cool to see what they mean and some where related to words that I know just didn't think would mean the same thing. I liked the first few minutes of the video was a good overview on some of the things that we have already discussed in class it was a nice refresher. When the types of societies came in the video there where some that where interesting to read and kind of visualize them. Like placing yourself in their shoes at that time of period. When clip mentions about The Third Social Revolution was kind of interesting because it states that it took the tradition society turned into and industrial society and how times are changing. Overall the clip was a good overview and a good reminder (but the music was very annoying and I literally put it on mute after 2 seconds of the video.) BlackHawks012

    1. I agree that the video was a good overview. The pictures provided with the types of societies also helped me imagine what it would have been like during that time period. I thought the video provided a nice flow of how societies have changed over time. I enjoyed the part about the United States be a "melting pot", although, the term multicultural is more politically correct these days. I think of the people I know and associate with and all the different cultures they come from. I like that the United States doesn't consist of all one race, color, religion, and so on. That would be a very boring place to live. Hadrosaur012

  12. I feel like the video contained a lot of information that is very helpful. A lot of similarities to what we have done as well as talked about in class. There were also a few key terms that i had never really heard of and was fairly confused with and hope we cover in later chapters. I also think that in itself the video did a really good job of breaking down societies one by one. I liked how it explained how really all of our groups in society are different but if it wasn't for that we wouldn't be the same as we are right now. Each group brings something different to the society that we have today and it is interesting to think about things in this way because all we do is just really think about ourselves and what is going on with the people around us.-Bengals012

  13. At first I was annoyed by the music in this video but about nine minutes into it I started humming along. I laughed at myself because I realized I could have muted it from the beginning. Music aside I thought this video was very informative. It provided a nice review of some of the information we have gone over in class and added a little more detail. I liked the layout of the power points. To me it is less overwhelming to see a little information at a time as compared to a twenty page chapter in a book with so much information all at once. I felt like I could concentrate on the specific topic being discussed and really absorb it. I actually wrote down the information from the video because I thought it was broken up nicely and I can refer to it again if I want to. Really seeing the progression from Hunter and Gatherers to Postindustrial societies made me think that although technology is convenient, it really takes away from person to person relationships. I find it a little sad. A few years ago, before I was married and still on the dating scene, I remember getting annoyed with men because they would only text me. It got to be so impersonal. Men would text me "here" instead of coming up to the door. I missed that from before cell phones were used for everything. I finally met a man who actually called me on the phone the day after I met him. I was so shocked and impressed. We set up a date and three years later I married him. Sometimes it is nice to take a step back and be more personal. I hope technology doesn't take all of that away. Hadrosaur012

    1. That's a really nice example how you related your marriage to how our society is changing. Once upon a time society didn't have the luxury of cell phones or even landlines in every home, and actually had to go out and ask the girl in person. I think brining a bit of that back to common day society would be nice. It's great to advance but sometimes you don't want to advance on everything.

  14. This was a very interesting video talking about how our country has grown. I really lied the format of this video, I find that I can digest information better when I'm reading it then when I'm hearing it spoken to me. This video shows that our society and how we live as a society has drastically changed over the years and will without a doubt continue to do so. I mean we've already come from a predominately agricultural society to an industrial one. I also really liked learning the distinction from Gemeinshaft to Gesellschaft, with Gemeinshaft relations to closer relationships and Gesellschaft relating to a more modernized relationship, focused more upon yourself than the well being of others.

  15. Although I am a more auditory learner, this was an interesting video that I actually enjoyed. It was very organized and broke down the different categories pretty well. I was familiar with some of the categories, which made it even more easy to understand and grasp the information. It was rewarding to see how our country has grown and became so diverse over the many of years. What I grasped from this video is simply, many people a separated by culture, and common likes just because we have different beliefs, languages, and customs doesn't not mean one social group is better than the other. Me personally I love to pay attention and learn how other cultures practice their traditions. It's nice to see the things they value and believe in. Even though I may have different beliefs, morals, language, and values I still can learn form another culture. This country evolvement is beautiful and amazing.

    1. I could not agree more with this statement. Just keeping an open mind when viewing and trying to understand someone else’s culture and beliefs can go along way. Just making the effort the try and understand why they believe what they do can be very beneficial to everyone. Bullsnation012

  16. The video was kinda neat to see how much we have evolved. However, i had to turn the sound off after a while because that music was atrocious. One example of how much our society has changed, is that we used to use animals to pull plows. I would think that would not be allowed in todays society because we would find it cruel to the animals. We are much more conscious today about the feelings of others, including animals. Sometimes i wish that todays society wasn't driven so much by technology. I just feel that it makes interaction impersonal. But i do appreciate how convenient things are today. I like that my wife can work from home on her computer, cell phone, and tablet. I guess it's a give and take. Technology makes our lives alot easier today,and allows us more time to do the things that we enjoy. I just hope we don't forget the value of hard work. Crown012

    1. It's a good thing we have mute buttons, right?? The music seemed to annoy most people. It seems a little more humane for animals, but after looking at what we do to the same creatures to get our meats, dairy, and other things, I can't agree. We want to seem more concious of animals, but in reality it's pick and choose for most people. They love their dogs, but feel no remorse for stealing a calf from her mother so we could have a glass of milk. Technology is a blessing and a curse. I'm not so much for it, but can appreciate it as well. -leafy012

    2. I agree, Technology definitely make our lives a lot easier. But it often make people forget what it means to actually work for something with out technology. I think that we could find a happy medium with technology if we weren't so dependent on it. Believe012

  17. This video was pretty interesting and covered a great deal of what was said in class the last couple of days. I liked the video because it allowed for the same concepts from class, to be explained in a different way. I enjoyed the background music put in there and gave a very simple and relaxed feeling to the presentation. The presentation was well put together and made solid points about how we, society as a whole, have progressed and evolved into what we have become today. Personally I felt as if the video was really trying to explain that people are different and separated almost by their religious and cultural beliefs. It can be hard to except other people’s beliefs and values, especially if they are not in common with your own beliefs and values. Accepting and learning others beliefs help one keep an open mind and can also be very beneficial. Bullsnation012.

    1. I agree with you, this presentation at least worked in a logical manner and connected from cultural aspects within society to modern industrial revolution and the progression . I was able to identify and understand the material. Only problem with this video was the background music, it was kind of annoying and there was no apparent relationship between the subject and music. Chichi012

  18. I did not like how it was all slideshows with elevator music playing with it. I like being able to hear someone lecture, not reading off of a power point. But other than that being my only problem with the video everything else was essential. The information was nicely organized to where it was not hard to understand. I do like how the person who made it nicely broke everything down to help us understand it more effectively. I like how the end there also was a reference page so you know his/hers sources and information were credible. So you know the person just didn't make it up as he/she went along.

    1. I agree, the format of the video was a bit annoying. I am also an auditory learner so reading through the PowerPoint was difficult because I couldn’t really keep my attention on it. However, the points were solid and it was nice to see a source page at the end. Overall it was a well-made video, but it wasn’t really my type. Moot012.

  19. This was a very irritating video to me it had a lot of great information in it but it seemed the creator has no perception on how long it takes to read a bullet or how long it takes to look at a picture. It had great music I really liked the flute. This video seemed to give a brief over view of the culture of people. I really liked that the author broke done what defines one society from the next. I also liked that he defined melting pot, I have always understood what it was and meant but never knew the actual definition. I liked that he gave definitions that would better suit the United States than the term melting pot such as multiculturalism. This video was over all helpful even though it leaving me with more question then it answered. I have always liked learning about revolutions and how they begin. TAGTaylor33012

    1. I agree with our informative it was, but also how irritating it was. I kept having to pause it so I didn't get cut off, and I'm not a slow reader. There was even a point with the Native American picture, it just sat there on the screen and I kept waiting for words and nothing for about a minute. Frustrating videos this week, unfortunately. Purple012

    2. I am a very slow reader because I am monovisioned, meaning my eyes don't work together very well. I felt like I was constantly pausing the video just to read. It took me forever. I really did like the content though. I just wish taking all of it in didn't take so long. -Jakku012

  20. This seemed like a complete overview in class, and I had read the chapter also. It's interesting to see the shifts in society. I have lived many places and have always found an interest in how others live and view things. It's hard for some to believe that there are still people that live completely off the land and don't have the technology we have. It's even harder for some to realize there are people right here in America that live that way. I wonder where we will be in 50 years. Are we ever going to get to the infamous "Jetsons" days? We already have so many things that do stuff for us, why not flying saucer cars? Haha! But seriously, will we look back and see that there are things we've advanced to that may not be doing the good we thought it did when it came about? Hopefully we utilize sociology to it's fullest and pay attention to not only moving up in the world, but also making sure that what we advance to is going to continue to improve our lives, and not the other way around. What good is making things better, or easier, if in the long run we find out that it's been hurting us all along? Purple012

    1. Society changes every day and its interesting to see how the civilians in each society adapts to the changes. When will we reach the futuristic life style that we always hear about. Where are our flying cars. According to my dog we still don't even have colored TVs. I agree with you that not only does society keep advancing but us civilians also need to keep up. Godzilla012

  21. This video was very useful to me. I enjoyed seeing pictures and the information to go along with it to help me connect what we have already learned with visual and some alternated information. I appreciated how the person who made the video broke the collection of information down. Although the information on the slides were timed slightly too long, I like how they gave detailed about how culture has evolved. It is astonishing to me how society and culture has grown and changed because of technology. The church is no longer the center of society like it used to be; the state has stepped in and taken over. The beautiful thing about this country is that it is acceptable to evolve the way we do things and grow with technology. Although I believe technology is taking over more than it should, it does help and make our lives easier on a daily basis. Storm012

  22. This video basically summed up class Wednesday. It really broke down each section, though i felt everything went a little fast. It really showed how we have moved through the stages of society. Starting as a hunting and gathering society to a more advanced society. Technology really drove our societies forward. Starting with the plow and slowly moving forward into tractors. Even our homes made a slow progression from having no home, to tents, to brick houses. And then slowly going into pre-industrialism to the post-industrialism we know today. Though i do feel we should revisit the pre-industrialist era to revamp our society. DeadMan012

  23. I like the way this presentation showed Multiculturalism and how it connects to the society, history of assimilation within societies where how one culture blends with other and learn from each other, from hunters and gatherers to modern industrial society showing how world social changes in culturalism. Agricultural society was very intriguing to learn how men fought for food and establish a food chain. This presentation moved to show how society changed from hunter gatherer to industrial revolution and important scientific accomplishments shaped the world. I learned in new word” Gesell shaft” in this presentation which I never heard of. It was interesting to see how technology changed the postindustrial society and how education is influencing the modern society.

  24. I feel like it would have been really cool to live in a hunting an gathering type of society. Going out every morning and hunting down a wild mountain lion and killing him with your bare hands for food sounds manlier than shot gunnin a beer while driving a monster truck at a Jason aldean concert. anyway a hunting and gathering society seems a lot more simpler that todays society. Now all we do is just wake up go to work pay taxes and die. Back then you could tame a wild bear and name him patches and no one could tell you no because you have a pet grizzly bear. I find it that one of my favorite parts about this slide show was the "Gesell shaft". My ideal society is the little village where everyone knows each other and everyone works together to keep thing rolling. Its really amazing how far technology brought us. Its also kind of scary to think about like what is the limit that technology can take us? is there even a limit? will the humans die off after technology rules the world? These are questions we need to keep in mind. Godzilla012

  25. This video was a stressful one for me, but the content was good! However I understand that different people learn and adhere to things differently, so I tried to do the best I could with it. The music was annoying but I muted it. The transitions between the slides with NO words took a long time while the transitions WITH words were SO FAST. I had mono vision which means my eyes don't work together and it takes me a longer time to read words on a screen, and the words were moving too fast. I had to rewind it a lot just to read the slides. I like their definition of Multiculturism. I feel as if it hit the nail on the head. I agree that it is very interesting to see the changes of types of society, but even cooler knowing that some of those cultures are existing in this very moment as I type in other parts of the world. Sometimes on a day to day basis, the world may seem small and petty things may feel like big ordeals, but having this put into perspective for me reminds me of the beauty of life that is shared and compared and respected all over the world. So in that sense, the content of the video was cool. -Jakku012

  26. It's wild how much the human race has advanced within the past thousands of years. Imagine if we still were hunters and gatherers, the earth would look so much different. I'm not so keen on the post industrial age. I feel like we're losing something very vital, and that is close connection between communities and the earth. We know less and less about how to physically do tasks such as raising crops or types of animals. We have more research, but less people physically doing the task. If we had to go out and work for our food in a field, people would have such a different perspective on it. That is something that has been lost in America in most cultures. I also took interest in the two different societies. I'm defiantly more of a tight knit community type of person, and think that communication is vital to a healthy person. -leafy012

  27. This video was very informative. But it told me some things that I’d already knew, I like how the video explores how far we’ve come as a whole. It shows how our culture has grown and where it was and where it’s going now. I also like how it broke down some of the definitions it helped me to understand a little better. The video also shows how technology has changed a lot of our culture and how we depend on it so much more now. Like I said before the video shows where we are but I’m not so sure if they direction that we are going with technology will be so great. Technology has revolutionized so much now that it takes most of the jobs that we could be doing. I don’t think that, that’s a good thing. Believe012

  28. I really liked this video it went into more details about the things I already learned about in class. I loved the pictures that were with the slides. I got to get a visual picture of what the reading was expressing. The reading went into different view points of everyone. We all make up a society but we all have are own individual religion and values. This video really showed me how things have changed from then to now. We have evolved from using horses to using machines. Everything has changed but some societies even today have not changed. People still hunt and gather because they don't believe in technology. This is what I really enjoyed about this video. Some societies have evolved and some societies haven't. Some are still in a industrial society and some are in a postindustrial society. I enjoyed this video. This video just goes to show you how things used to be back then and how things have changed.Blue012

  29. This presentation did a good job at solidifying what ws taught earlier in classes and even added some new terms that I enjoyed reading about, even if the music was annoying. One of the points I am hoping that we will explore more in class is assimilation. America is a perfect example of assimilation. America is mostly made up of people with European origin so it is interesting to see what parts of their home culture have been given up in exchange for American culture and ideals. My family has strong Irish roots but because of a couple generations of marriage with Americans, you wouldn’t even be able to tell by my appearance. My immediate family has also given up all Irish tradition, even though the older generations of my family still practice a lot of them. America really is a melting pot. Moot012

  30. The video well explain very much about sociology and was intersting to me learning about the societies, culture and more about the social groups. Over all it was interesting but I personality didn't enjoy it by understanding from just reading the terms. I more of a listener because I get a more clear picture and by examples explained. However what struck my mind that I read about was the culture. how each have different languages and belifs. I experinced being in societies where theres many culture around me. For an example when I was back in the middle east, how we all have the same culture and speak the same language as well as same beliefs .When I came to america I see more culture from around the world and its amazing mixing up with them and learn from their beliefs. It make it interesting knowing from other culture. Which in class we talk about these particular subject. Only if the video was presenting by elaborating and not reading, I would of understood more than I do from reading it.Shakalaka012


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