The Rich Get The Flu and The Poor Get Terminal......

Who Gets the Flu? The Poor Get Time......


  1. As sickening as this is it is something that has been happening since the start of time and will happen forever. Money gives you special privileges in life. This kid is the scum of the earth. It doesn't matter how you are raised no one should ever act like this. This kid should be locked away for life with the key thrown away. His blood alcohol level was three times the legal adult limit. One of the passengers in his truck ended up being completely paralyzed being left to communicate only by blinking. Another one of his "Friends" has broken bones and internal bleeding. He ended up running over a group of people whom were helping a woman with her car after she was having trouble. This kid has no regard for the safety of others he is the definition of a criminal. Money really does rule the world and if you don't have any life is just going to kick you around like a doll. Godzilla789

    1. Money does rule the world. I have no doubts about that. However, because of the media attention that this case has received, i feel like the next time something like this happens the judge will make it a point to send a message. The next one won't want to follow this same pattern because of all the negative media attention it had received. I feel that eventually cases like this will be punished more severely because we have seen how bad it can end up. They gave this kid a slap on the wrist and he turns around and flees to Mexico, making the judge look like an idiot. I think these cases will end up becoming like the cases of professional athletes. Not too long ago, people would look the other way when athletes did wrong, but now it seems like they get a proper punishment and then some. Crown012

    2. I definitely agree, I don't think the next tim something like this happens that it will be treated so poorly. Clearly people are upset by it and are speaking about it. Media and even professors bringing it to the attention of students who are talking about it to other students and adults. There's no way that they would want all of this negative attention again. I'd be surprised if they don't end up sentencing Ethan more time just because of all the bad attention this has already received.

    3. I agree that this has been happening as long as this system has been around, but it is just wrong. It is sad how we just say okay well lets accept if you have money then you can get away with almost anything.-Bengals012

    4. I agree also, the next time something like this happens I believe it wont be treated will so little respect for the victims. They were not found justice and I don't believe they will ever see justice.

    5. It does send a message to everyone and it is good that judges get the ability in our country to change sentences. I think the "legal" pleads will fail to deliver justice for the victims because laws are built to protect the rich and make us "non wealthy" suffer for our actions differently. This is truly ashame..

  2. From a sociological standpoint this just goes to show that the social ladder is strong with the rich. The people who are on top of the social structure run the world. This Richie rich kid was raised with the idea that he is better than everyone else and that he can do whatever he wants. They claim that its not his fault because of his parents. Well if its the parents fault then why not charge them for the murders? Even after everything the kid has done his mother did everything she could to make sure he got off. There really is nothing stronger than a mothers love I guess. This kid was found in Mexico drunk off his butt. This 16 year old kid has a bad drinking problem. He probably has the drinking problem because of the problem with his parents raising him to be a selfish spoiled brat. Godzilla012

    1. You can only run the world if the world agrees that you should run it. The illusion that money is power will fade as more stories like this one get through. In the end it isn’t money that gives you the power to claim control; it’s the money to get the resources to force your control onto other people who are already divided. If we can stand together on this type of case it can end the chances of it happening again.-Pasta012

  3. “Cash rules everything around me.” This is the first thought that popped into my head. Albeit this is usually in reference to the many of us who struggle to make a living day by day, it is also a good analogy by which the rich get special treatment because they can pay the courts to sway the legal systems with top-notch lawyers and the best rehabilitation centers. In the case of Couch who brutally killed four from drinking three times the legal limit at the age of 16 during a joyride, “affluenza” was his defense, and it paid off. His parents offered to pay for a rehabilitation center that cost $450,000 a year. I’m proposing that this is the main reason the courts favored on the side of this underage’s actions. At you can find information citing that the cost of incarceration in Maryland is roughly $20,000, whereas the cost of treatment is $4,000. This is per year… PER YEAR. Couch’s family was offering to pay 113 times that amount! From what I could find $1,000 average a month for Texas’ drug treatment. Judge Jean Boyd who presided over this case sentenced Couch to ten-years’ probation and a brief stint in a treatment facility. Ethan Couch stole alcohol and upon shoving six other souls into his dad’s pickup truck, took off speeding 70mph in a 40mph zone. What happened next was supposed to be in the court’s grace, but because the defense argued for “affluenza,” nothing happened in support of justice. I think… I know this is complete and utter disgrace. A wealthy teen can’t live like other adolescents; they get off claiming that they can’t function normally because of guilt or isolation. What child doesn’t get depressed because of isolation at one time or another growing up? That’s normal psychological development. Affluenza is a scapegoat clause just like money is to the presiding judge. No justice for any of the murdered or others who were injured, even though they were in the vehicle too. This should be addressed on a federal level for how teens should be viewed in the courts (as a collective age of youth). If it were somebody who were not as wealthy, they would be thrown into the prison system regardless of age to rot among the other rapists and violent offenders of the law. - StrongArm789

    1. I get why the courts decided on the rehabilitation center for Couch, that is a big load of money for the center and with your calculations it is even more impressive. With his parents spending that much money a year that would have been enough money to help the rehab center though a lot of rough times in the future if they needed it. I just think that seeing how bad this case was the courts should have not just slapped him on the wrist and let him go but slap some cuffs on him instead and put him in a prison cell for a while. Birdman789

  4. To say that someone is so inept at basic human decency, ethics, and morals that they should get in trouble is insanity at its finest. If I were to walk up to someone and punch them in the face I highly doubt I would be able to use the defense of: Oh I never got punched before so I thought it was okay if I did it to them, it’s not my fault no one beat me up when I was little so I didn’t realize it was a bad thing. That line of thought is the most idiotic and downright ludicrous mentality I have ever heard in my life…and that’s saying something. If someone does not know right from wrong due to parental failures (as is the supposed case with the affluenza teen) I feel that you should allow the discipline of the justice system steer them into the correct direction; and should they be so broken they can’t be fixed…lock them up again to protect the sane and innocent from the deliriously crazed and spoiled rotten. –Pasta012

    1. I agree with that because as we grow it's a normal thing to learn from right and wrong. Being wealthy should not be an accuse for saying you didn't know any better. That is nonsense. They need to start disciplining teens who are using the whole "affluenza" excuse. In my opinion he should of still been sentenced even if he was middle class or poor. BlackHakws012

  5. It definitely seems as though money controls what kind of sentencing you get based on the stories in some of these articles. The article about Ethan Couch and the other one about Dan White were jaw dropping to read about. To be honest if I was arrested the first person I would call would be someone that thinks like their attorneys because I could get away with just about anything it seems like. Couch sickens me the most, he was three times over a limit if he was even legal to drink, on drugs, and killed people and severely injured a lot as well. Using affluenza as a defense is crazy as well, if that was a real defense almost anybody that is on trial can use that to blame someone else and get off Scott free. They should set an example with Couch and send him to an adult prison to serve the maximum sentence that he can receive. For White I am more impressed than anything; he somehow got away with murder because of a bad diet, how crazy is that. I would have loved to be in the courtroom for that case because it is the silliest thing I have ever heard; but it would make me doubt the effectiveness our legal system at times. Birdman789

    1. You are right. Money does control almost everything. It should note that way at all. You do the crime you should get the time no matter how much money you have or how much of a celebrity you are. It makes me infuriated. It is even in the constitution that we should be equally treated.

    2. I agree with you on money controlling everything. If you have a lot of money you can get or do pretty much anything you want to which is sad. A rich person could kill someone and get a very little sentence but if a poor person kills someone they will go to jail for the rest of their life all because of how much money you have. dragons789

    3. I couldn't agree more you are so right. They are basically sending the message that if you have money and a good lawyer you can get away with almost everything. With that being said you have to have money to get a good lawyer. The system is not made for the poor, you are on your own and thrown to the wolves. That's how the system makes their money off of us. Pinky012

  6. What really irks me in the Texas case is the fact that they blamed the parents for him drinking and driving. It is not their fault it is his. He chose to go against the law and drink! Just because he is rich and can pay for things they think they get special privileges. That is not how the court system should be. Also the fact that the results of this incident were immensely large and major should be in fact a factor in deciding why he should be in jail! He murdered someone, granted Mens Rea was not there, he still knew there was a possibility the minute he decided he was getting behind the wheel after drinking. One thing that I do agree with that I read was with Mike Gatto. He wants to make the affluenza defense outlawed. He wants to make it to where privileged defendants cannot use their wealth in court. I totally agree! Just because you have more money does not mean you can get away with breaking laws. It is not right and the fact they get away with it is what makes them disobey more. When they think they can get away with it because they have money, what is to stop them from doing something worse? We are meant to be treated equally not because of our race or money/social status. These articles talking about the rich getting away with crimes really makes me mad.

    1. I agree if though the parents were not the best parents around, they should not have been blamed. It was his irresponsibility that got four people killed. Just because he is a rich kid does not give him the right to get away with killing four people. The good thing is he is in jail in Mexico, which is probably worse.

  7. I read the Ethan Couch one and that one was bad enough for me. The way that the kid got away with drinking and driving underage is unbelievable, adding onto the face that he is a rich white male. He defiantly should have faced some jail time or at least a lot more rehab then what he actually had received in the first place. If he wasn't a rich white male he would have gotten in some more trouble that for sure. Even if he didn't have the title of being rich on his side he would have been in a lot more trouble. He was lucky enough to be able to get mommy and daddy to be able to pay his way out of trouble. This isn't even teaching the kid anything either by just letting him off the hook basically. He deserves some jail time at the very least or be sent to a juvenile detention center because he was a minor at the time. The main point is that he needs to learn from his mistakes. That's the whole point of making a mistake, to learn from it. Not have mommy and daddy pay your way out and keep on doing it again and again until you are the one would is either paralyzed or critically injured or the worst case scenario, dead. So he should have some punishment because in the end it is saving his life whether he likes it or not. ICCRunner789

    1. I agree with you. Punishment would be saving his life in the end. We remove children from abusive homes because they are being molested, beat, starved, and so forth. In a way this affluenza seems like a form of abuse. The parents are negatively affecting their child and now it is harming people outside their home. I know that is a fine line of thinking but I can't help but wonder if Ethan would have been cared for, by love and instruction, instead of been taken cared of, with the power of money, would he have been a much different person. Hadrosaur012

    2. It wasn't bad enough that he was drinking and driving but his actions caused the death of four innocent people and many others were injured. I agree with you if he wasn't rich then this would have been completely different. This is only teaching the kid that he can do whatever he wants with little consequence. Godzilla012

  8. When i first heard about this case, i thought the 'affluenza' defense was rediculus just like everyone else. However, i also wasn't sure that putting this kid behind bars for 20 years was the best option either. This kid has a problem that needs to be addressed, and prison just doesn't seem like the best place for that to occur. I also wasn't in favor of the day care center that his parents were going to send him to either. With that said, after seeing what has happened after the case was over, and the kid fleeing to Mexico, i think some form of long term detention was definitely in order. Until i read these articles, i had no idea about his history with drinking and how they found him with that 14 year old girl. Bottom line, his parents should be ashamed of what they created. He was long overdue for an ass whooping,and them not taking action with his prior screws ups are a direct result of why this tragedy happened. They should lock his parents up with him. Crown012

    1. I totally agree with you on locking his parents up with him and his long over due whooping. They are no better and have given him no direction or morals for life. The kid is obviously not stupid, as he was able to make a judge believe this ridiculous defense, but his parents never pushed his intelligence into a better direction. It sounds like they were too busy arguing and probably just allowed him to parent himself, on top of him seeing the crap they got away with. I think they are just as responsible for those four deaths and others injured and he is. Lock them all up. Deacon012

  9. I think Dr. Gary Buffone said it best when talking about affluenza. He said "the simple term would be spoiled brat." I think Ethan Couch is indeed a spoiled brat. Even if Ethan's parents didn't teach him basic rights and wrongs, we live in a world full of media. There are so many commercials about drunk driving. I find it hard to believe that Ethan didn't know it was wrong to drink and drive. He is rich not stupid. It disgusts me that he didn't go to prison just because his parents have a lot of money. I feel angry for the victim's families. Ethan Couch is a danger to innocent lives. That alone should justify a prison sentence. If he is so out of touch from the consequences of criminal behavior then I think a little prison time would have done him good. Let him get a dose of the real world. The $450,000 a year rehabilitation center to me sounds like a resort and he would be surrounded by other wealthy privileged people and probably would come out no better then when he went in. At least if Ethan would have gone to prison he would have been out from under his parents influence. He may even grow and show remorse for what he did. Since Ethan Couch got away with murder because of affluenza how many other rich people will use that excuse now. Why wouldn't wealthy people want lawyers who come up with out of the box defenses like Affluenza and the Twinkie Defense. I hope future judges see through these flimsy defenses in the future. Hadrosaur012

  10. It is sad that the amount of money you have determines how long you get sentenced. A poor person who commits a little crime that doesn't harm anyone gets locked up for a long time and the rich can murder someone and get a little if any form of punishment. It's sad that the fate of someones life all depends on how much money you have. I think Ethan should get sometime in prison for the crime he committed. He killed 4 innocent people because he decided to drive drunk. Instead of getting prison time he is getting sent to a rehab program where he has no minimum time he has to spend there. He could go to the rehab program for a couple weeks and come home since he hasn't been told how long he has to go. Even if he does go to the rehab program he will probably go back to drinking and driving like he was before. If a poor person committed the same crime they could possibly get sent to prison for the rest of their life. But Ethan just gets a little slap on the wrist all because he comes from a rich family. dragons789

    1. I’m sure he will go back to his old ways when he gets out, as this wasn’t his first time in trouble. I know for a fact that if I did something like this or even something small I’d get in more trouble than this kid did. I hope that the families of the victims will get justice someday, but as for now it doesn’t look like they will.

    2. I agree with you and the sad thing is that since is might not be getting a lot or any prison time he will probably do it again. If they sent him to jail or prison, he might have learned that he doesn't want to go back so he could change his ways. But since he is just getting as you said "a slap on the wrist" he will go back to his old ways. Then he will learn that he won't get into any trouble and keep doing the bad things he does.


  11. These articles show corruption at its finest. Money has helped this child stay out of trouble, not his lack of parenting. Even if I didn’t have my parents around to teach me right and wrong, I still had to learn basic laws in 8th grade, and was required to take a government and law class in high school at the age of 15/16. I agree that some leniency should be shown to a child, but when he has a history of committing crimes related to alcohol that should be thrown out the window; and where was the leniency for the black fourteen year old sentenced to ten years for punching someone? I agree with Mike Gato that this “affluenza” defense should not be tolerated, and I do not believe that society’s values are being represented when something like this can go on. I feel the worst for the families of the victims who have to go through every day knowing that the person who killed their loved one gets to enjoy his time at a fancy rehabilitation center instead of behind bars.

    1. I totally agree with you on the parenting part. I do blame the parents to an extent but your so right on learning how to behave from other groups of society. I'm sure this kid wasn't allowed to act or behave this way at school, or church or anywhere else. So even if he had good parents he's old enough to know right from wrong and there still has to be a certain level of responsibility laid in his lap. Besides that it's not like it's the first time. Deacon012

  12. The affluenza defense really makes me question our legal system. That is almost like saying "oops i didn't know murder was illegal sorry no one told me." Affluenza isn't the word it is just called bad parenting. After reading these articles and doing further research on the Couch family, I discovered that his parents also had a few legal problems. Ethan's father has been charged with criminal misconduct, theft by check, and assault but all those charges were dropped. He was also charged with impersonating a police officer. His mother was charged with reckless driving and had to pay a $500 fine. Affluenza and bad parenting are terrible excuses for drunk driving and killing four people. Now he is going to be moved to adult jail and serve his time. I hope he actually serves his full sentence and I hope others learn from this and don't take the affluenza defense.


    1. That's exactly what they're trying to do in his defense. They're trying to say that they put him on a pedestal his entire life, so how was he supposed to know better? Well its common sense, you don't drink and drive. Everyone knows this is illegal. He wasn't locked away in a closet his whole life, so he does know right from wrong. Our legal system clearly shows favoritism and its unacceptable.

  13. This case disgusts me to say the least. It only proves even more that money runs our society. I know this happens everywhere all the time, but to let this spoiled brat just walk away because of bad parenting is unimaginable. Where does it end and people start taking responsibility for their actions. In the past I've seen where they tried to use the exact opposite and say oh well he had a rough life, single parent home, poor or whatever. Now were going to say he should get a break because he's over privileged...SERIOUSLY?? Let's not forget while killing four people, two from the same family and injuring several others. If this was someone with little money you could bet they'd be rotting in a max security prison until the end of time. I had been following this story since it came out and think its just as disturbing that theirs an attorney who believes it was even ethical to come up with such a defense let alone a judge who bought it. So now this kid who has always got away with crap from his parents has now watched the same thing play out from the judge and knows its because he has money and people can be bought. I could not even imagine being one of the family members of the deceased and watching this kid walk. Deacon012

    1. I couldn't agree more. This kid is still going to be a spoiled brat after killing four people and not thinking twice about it. He'll be lucky if he can buy his way out of court again, which he will because he can post bail the day of the trial. I can't imagine being the family of the deceased. It must be horrible to watch him not only walk but then run away. DeadMan012

    2. I totally agree with you money is the power core of our society. Stuff like this will more than likely keep happening. The people on top of the social structure are going to do whatever they want whenever they want and are too powerful to be told not to. Its a shame but it is what it is. Godzilla012

  14. This case is ridiculous. Let's just let everyone off the hook. You raped and murdered a child? Let's give you community service because you were tired at the time and couldn't comprehend what you were doing. I'm surprised people that are currently incarcerated aren't making up bs excuses to try and switch their sentences. This kid is a stuck up, masochist who doesn't care about anyone, even himself clearly since he keeps acting out knowing that one of these times he will be put away. Let's just make this clear, if this were a young man from a low income family he would be sentenced to the most extreme of the judge's capability and would have been incarcerated on the spot. But, of course, since he's rolling on loot we think it's alright to give him a pat on the back of his hand.

    1. I totally agree. The law has to be equal to everyone. I’m not saying that the 16 year old was given the right decision, but instead I’m trying to say that if there’s money than anything can happen. It’s heartbreaking to hear that someone killed 4 people and injured 2 more and only got away with probation. And look where those lead him. He thought he could get away with anything and he made a similar mistake and now he’s in jail. #JSN012

  15. From a sociological point of view, this case just reflects upon our attitudes towards different classes. We have the lower, middle, and upper class. Ethan and his family fall into the upper class while the majority of us fall into the middle class. Now if a lower class individual was caught driving with 3 times the legal limit of alcohol alone he would have been sentenced to a hefty fine if not minor jail time. Now if this person had also killed people while driving drunk he would've without a doubt been incarcerated for as long as possible. Because Ethan lives in the upper class all he received was probation. So why do we do this? Why do we treat the upper class so much better than the lower class? Are we afraid that the upper class can use their money in a negative way against us? We want to be free and equal but we will never come close to being equals if we let things like this keep sliding.

  16. If you are rich, then most likely you will not serve jail time and to me, that’s no sense. Drinking and driving is one of the most dangerous situations that you can put yourself and others life at risks. Letting him off the hook because his parents never took care of him when he was young is ridiculous. It is not their fault that he was irresponsible; everyone knows drinking and driving are a bad thing. He should be serving time for the four people that he did kill that day. In just a blink of an eye, they were gone, and of course, Ethan showed no remorse. Just last year there was a video of him playing beer pong with his friends that broke his probation. He and his mom fled to Mexico where he got caught and now is in jail in Mexico. I do not understand how you can be partying knowing that fact that you killed for people. Instead of giving probation to Ethan they should have sent him to prison where he belongs, and should be going since he broke his probation.

    1. I absolutely agree that he should go to prison. One he was drinking and driving, two he killed four people, and three he broke his probation and ran. He should be brought back here and put in prison for what he did. DeadMan456

    2. You are absolutely right, everyone knows drinking and driving is extremely dangerous, and could put many people at risk. He is no exception, he should have known that as well, and if he didn’t the court letting him off the hook is not going to teach him his lesson. He has clearly learned nothing from this since he was caught again drunk. The only thing that he has been tough is that he is above the law because he has money. Piglet456

    3. I absolutely agree with you. If you're rich and get caught drinking and driving, you will not do a lot of time. Rather, than someone who is poor will do a lot of time for the offense that they committed. Wealth, should not play a part in the way you should not be punished.


  17. In this case, i do believe he should get some jail time. I agree that there is a double standard in the justice system, if you're rich you walk away with a slap to the wrist, if you're poor you get the full sentence. I feel that regardless of wealth we should prosecute everyone the same. His defense shouldn't have gotten him rehab but be sentenced for the crime he committed. DeadMan456

    1. I would still assert that Couch get a prison sentence only after he goes to a treatment facility appointed by the state itself. I say he should get a prison term after because once he has completed the treatment, then he will be old enough to sit in a cell for a while and think about the trauma he has caused. What better way to do this then sober him up, lock him up (for a while), and have him continue with a psychological evaluation. He would be scared for his life upon entering the penal system. Sure he’s a “spoiled brat” and he was underage, but all points of this case should have a separate and distinguishable punishment attached to them. I say this case deserves a scare tactic to make sure he may never drink a drop ever again. - StrongArm789

  18. This really shows the divide between poor and rich. If it was a poor person who did the same thing and used the "Affluenza" defense they'd still get time in prison. A rich person would either get rehab like Ethan or would get away completely. If we were to put the wealth to the side in court it would be much better. Although he was pretty much ignored by his family and thought he was above the law, like a god. I still think that even though this was his home life he should still receive time in prison. DeadMan012

  19. This is one of the most disturbing things I have ever read. There are so many things about his case that would put any normal middle class American in jail for a very long time. He killed four people and paralyzed another on top of that all, he was 16 years old with a blood alcohol level three times over the legal limit for a person 21 years of age or older. The fact of the matter is, his blood alcohol level should have been zero, and there is no excuse for him to get behind the wheel at all. It makes me sick how he can get away with something like this, simply because the court ruled that he was to coddled as a child. What about all the families he effected, they are not getting justice for the lives of the loved ones he took. The saddest part about this story is, this isn't the first case where the rich got off easy and it won't be the last, and this isn't right. Piglet456

    1. I agree the justice system needs to treat everyone equally because if someone was poor and did the same thing they would get a life sentence. No one can walk a side walk anymore because if someone where to have a high blood alcohol content and kill someone but the courts won't care as long the victim gives them the money they want. It won't be the last but it's sad. DaBulls456

  20. It is really funny that rich people are able to get away with so much. The argument was literally he is too rich to know any better. He really didn't even get a slap on the wrist by the legal system at all it was just like they said don't do it again. We all know that if it was a poor person they would end up getting jail time, and that is kind of hard to swallow for the rest of society to know that the top tier people with money are able to run around with no one saying this is wrong and being above the law. I just firmly believe that the kid should have served some jail time the first time like any other regular American.-Bengals012

    1. It is really funny that rich people are able to get away with so much. The argument was literally he is too rich to know any better. He really didn't even get a slap on the wrist by the legal system at all it was just like they said don't do it again. We all know that if it was a poor person they would end up getting jail time, and that is kind of hard to swallow for the rest of society to know that the top tier people with money are able to run around with no one saying this is wrong and being above the law. I just firmly believe that the kid should have served some jail time the first time like any other regular American. I just feel like the rules and regulations that were set out when our laws were made should be held to everyone.-Bengals012 Edited

    2. And then when the lower class person does get out of jail, they struggle to find a job anywhere because nobody will hire them. Meanwhile Ethan Couch will probably get some huge bigshot job one day and nobody will give it a second glance that he literally murdered four people. America needs to open their eyes and see the unjust things going on beneath our noses. -Jakku012

    3. It's ridiculous that rich people get away with so much in our society. But the ones out here struggling to survive will get a life sentence without anyone thinking twice about it. Our legal system is so crooked. Things need to be changed without a doubt! Our legal system should be EQUAL to all I agree with your statement 100% dicaprio789

    4. I feel the same way. It really isn’t really fare that the lower your economic class the greater the punishment not on the crime like it should be. With this in mind it says that if you have money you can do whatever you want with no consequences. The justice system can be really useful but when lawyers get involved things don’t necessarily go the way they should. TAGTaylor33012

  21. From a social standpoint why any 16 year old drunk driver be free into a world he just killed 4 people in a car crash. If I had kids and if knew the family I would not want my kids around him because what if that where to happen to my kids I would want to press charges. Kids who are wealthy like Ethan Couch and don't care about society and want to put people in danger should not be getting off the hook like he did. It dangerous to society what if where to kill a kid while driving but wouldn't care because he get out of it by money that his parents have. It's sad because the court didn't care as long the lawyers have the money in their hands. It won't be the last but it just isn't right. If someone was poor did the same thing he did they would probably get a certain amount of time or life because they have murder charge. The wealthy people won't even be close to a life sentence because they can use money to get the way out of it. It's sad and ashamed that the society we live in today is just going down hill. BlackHawks012

  22. From a criminal standpoint why didn't the justice system stand up for themselves and put there foot down. This 16 year old needs a lot of help because it's sad knowing that he can sleep at night and get away with killing the people in the car. It's sad how the justice system treats citizens now a days. It's not right to treat everyone different because of where they come from. It's called Equality but the justice system doesn't know that. Let's say if he was an African American and rich. That kid would probably get some jail time rather of he had money or not. Now if they saw him as White then he would be off the hook no jail time, probation or rehab. They would let him be free and don't have to see the court room again. It really will never be the last but it's sad and not right. DaBulls456

    1. Coming from another criminal justice major I couldn't agree with you more. Our justice system is completely crooked and backwards. The justice system is supposed to be EQUAL for all. But its sad that we live in a world where money talks and bs walks.Take OJ simpson for an example there was so much evidence there, everyone knows he killed his wife. But since he was a famous rich football player he walked, and no one was charged for the murder of two innocent people. It's completely wrong and ridiculous. Something needs to be changed. -dicaprio012

  23. What is the point of having laws if you can buy your way out of them being applicable to you? In the case of Ethan Couch he was an underage kid drinking, 3 times the legal limit and had Valium in his system. Do you know what would happen to me (a poor college student living check to check) if I tried to pull some stupid stuff like that? I would be LOCKED UP no questions asked. He literally took four people's lives. Can you imagine being the victims' families seeing this kid walk away from their loved ones death? Meanwhile my aunt missed my childhood because of one charge, and their were no people harmed. A drug bust locked her up for 9 years while this kid brushes vehicular manslaughter off his shoulders. The fact that he blamed it all on his parents poor ability to parent is pretty disgusting too because at sixteen years old you should know right from wrong. You should know that driving under the influence is bad for adults and it certainly isn't good for teenagers. Then, after his entire defense mechanism was pointing his finger at his mother and father, they decide to just replenish the love with more money by paying for his rehab. Money is now magic. It possess the power to fix anything. Apparently, money CAN buy happiness. Our justice system isn't very just is it?? Murdering four people equals a slap on the wrist. "no no! that is bad". Am I right? By letting them have their way over and over every time. We are putting that as their expectation bar... and they are never gonna stray away from that rich man privilege they have. They will just keep taking advantage of the system. -Jakku012

  24. It's utterly appalling to me that Ethan Couch was an underage kid drinking and driving not only just drunk three times over the legal limit and had traces of Valium in his system got no time what so ever for his crime. Just because his family was wealthy? The Criminal Justice System is so completely wrong for this the way the system works makes me cringe. It's so disappointing knowing that we won't all be treated equally because of our economic status. Knowing me a college student working at Mcdonald's would be prosecuted to the full extent. I would most likely be charged with murder for each person that I killed, just because i'm not a wealthy person. He should have been charged with manslaughter not just one but for each person that was effected by his actions. I think that's one of the biggest problems in our criminal justice system it's definitely something that needs to be changed, but deep down we all know it won't change. That's just how America is money talks, bs walks. And him blaming his parents for not teaching him right and wrong is a petty defense in my eyes. EVERYONE knows you shouldn't drink and drive, its just a given in our society? This outraged me to the extreme. You can't blame other people for you're decisions, especially one like this. It just goes to show you we all come from different backgrounds, and none of our morals are usually the same. -dicaprio012

    1. dicaprio012, I get where you’re coming from and this case is truly sickening. However, while we may not all have quite the same morality, we do have a society-endowed common sense (which you touched upon.) I have a very hard time believing that Couch was unaware that drinking and driving was bad or that killing people is wrong. These statutes (at least in western societies) are common sense. Hopefully, one day, our justice system will be reworked so stupid defenses like this don’t work. Maybe it will even be changed by you or I! – Jung012

  25. Coming for a criminal justice standpoint how could the courts even allow themselves to let this young man go free at all. I don't care if he got ten years probation he should have gone to prison for life! He ruined the lives of so many people. Why does money run this world? It's really sad. Aren't we supposed to be a country founded on what's right and what's wrong? You're going to tell me, someone who kills people while intoxicated is going to walk free? But let's say someone like me middle class, sells drugs. I get caught by the police, and I'm looking at almost a life sentence. But I didn't kill anyone. Its repulsive that we live in a country ran by money. Take a look at OJ Simpson! There was evidence there, his blood on evidence! His hand fit that glove! But did he go to jail for murdering innocent people! NO! because he had money. IF you don't have money in the criminal justice system point! blank! period! you aren't going to get treated equally. It's something that has always ruled the system and I think it always will! I really hope we can change these things, but money rules everything now a days in America. We need to work on these things. -dicaprio789

    1. When the news story first came out I was dumbfounded that this kid even saw the light of day again for the crimes he committed. You are correct that money does let you basically get away with anything. With money you can hire lawyers that use something to take blame off you; for Couch it was affluenza because of his parents and for OJ Simpson it was because “if the glove don’t fit, you must acquit.” These show you how money can sway the sentencing of wealthy people over someone that has less or no money at all. Birdman123

  26. This case is utterly deplorable. It sickens me that a court would accept such a weak defense and, even ore so, that a psychologist would help to substantiate it. However, aside from the apparent injustice of the verdict, it raises a couple of interesting points from a sociological perspective. First of all, it highlights the inequality and divide between economic classes. Is it possible that the divide between the upper and lower class could become so severe that the two groups could develop their own versions of morality? Ethan’s parents certainly appear to exhibit a different version of parenting (if you can call it parenting and not “ a criminal degree of entitlement”) than other groups. Their lack of any consequences was certainly illustrated when their son was “found passed out in a parked pickup truck with a naked 14 year old girl.” If morality is, indeed, only passed down from our parents than this may have caused him to have a severe lack of ethics. However, other sociological forces are at play when it comes to our sense of morals and, therefore, the argument fails to stick (at least in my mind.) In addition, if sociological forces affect all of our choices, can any of us really be held responsible for our actions, good or bad? It’s certainly a darker application of the sociological imagination worth considering. – Jung012

  27. This is just disgusting. The way the law bends towards money is just appalling. When I read the articles about this guy, I could not believe what I was reading. First of all he was drinking and driving. He should’ve been fined for that. Then he killed four people and supposedly injured two other people. This should have been the last straw and it should’ve sent him straight to jail for life. Not only that but also the fact, that he was openly using his money to buy his way out of going to jail. So instead of the 16 year old boy learning from his mistake, he now learned a new thing. He learned that his parents’ money will save him from anything in the world. Which if you think about it, it’s true in a way. We all know that money can get us almost anything. Now since the boy knows that he will be saved, he will never be sorry for what he did. And in the future, instead of feeling remorse or sorry for his bad actions, he will just throw money in peoples’ faces and look down at them. Like some sort of king. #JSN012

    1. I don't know if he should have got life for something like this sense he is so young and was intoxicated. I do believe that he should have been sentenced to atleast 20 years though. Anytime lives are lost it is a tragic time, when lives are lost and nothing is done about it is when it is 10 times worse.

    2. I'd have to agree with KLICK, imprisoning a child, even when he committed these heinous crimes is a little extreme. By most standards set forth by the states, it would be classified as cruel and unusual punishment to send a juvenile to prison for life. I understand how you feel about this situation, but you must consider that he is young. The juvenile has a great chance to change his life and learn from his experiences. He may even become a useful member of society, so throwing him in prison for life would not be the greatest solution.

  28. I was shocked when I first heard about Ethan Couch when it was first came out in the news that he killed and injured people in a drunk driving incident and I am still shocked to this day. The problem with it is that since he had so much money he was basically given a slap on the wrist and sent on his way. Now if it was me instead of him that committed the crime I am almost positive that, even using my own lawyer, they still would have thrown me into the deepest darkest cell and threw away the key. The same with the Dan White case; if I used the Twinkie defense I know that it would be so ridiculous the correctional officer would be laughing from when I get there and continue until I am departed, and then he will laugh some more. These two cases show just how much being rich can help you get your way in court, flaunting your money seems to get you a lighter sentence or attorneys that can find some pretty spectacular loop holes to get you a lighter sentence. Birdman123

    1. I agree with you that the Twinkie defense is ridiculous. I would go as far as to say that the "affluenza" defense is just as ridiculous as the Twinkie defense. The idea that somehow being spoiled eliminates the ability to connect criminal behavior with criminal consequence OR that consuming a lot of sugar could excuse or explain criminal behavior, thus consequence, is absolutely absurd! I think it is unacceptable that we live in a society that accepts these kinds of excuses for the fatal actions. Cards789

    2. I have to reply to this for the simple fact, I LOVE TWINKIES! Remember when Hostess closed up shop and a box was going for $100's? Actually it was your reference to loop holes that caught my attention. I'm in agreement with you. Some of the law is open to interpretation. So we as criminal justice majors need to realize this when its time to do reports/investigate. If you don't write it down you didn't do it. And if you don't write down what they did, they sure the hell didn't do it! And the people trying to get off will say/do anything they can. With or without the help of their lawyer. Or as I like to say interpreter to the constitution. State or Federal. When gathering information or making decisions this should always be kept in mind. Doberman789

  29. This case is super interesting. How this teenager kills four people while drunk driving and flees with his mom to Mexico. This should be a time where this teen is taught a lesson, he thinks his mommy and daddy are going to get him out of all of this stuff. Money is a huge part in the court system and I think that is sickening. It doesn't make sense to me why a person with money gets more privileges than someone who is poor. This teen is learning that money will be the key out of everything, and in the long run will end up raising him to be very conceited and will believe that what he did is not wrong.

    1. I agree with you. When a kid make a mistake they should pay for their action. Some of them are minor and cases like this are major that not only affects his own family and it affected four other kids and their families. Parent should be a role model in showing them the consequences for wrong doing. I don’t think this is his first case, this might have been happening for long time. There is no doubt that his parents know him, he should have been corrected by his own parents instead of the judicial system which the tried to cheat. Chichi012

  30. After reading a couple of the different articles, I have come to one conclusion, which is the punishment given to Ethan Couch is extremely lenient. Not only was the punishment lenient, but the defense that was given in court claiming that he did not know or could not be held accountable for his actions/criminal behavior due to the fact that he had freedoms or more privilege than other people is complete crap to me. I was glad to read an article about California trying to ban people from using defense similar to Couch's case, which is called the "affluenza" defense. I think that this should be banned across America because I do not believe that being rich, or privileged in any way should permit leniency in punishment. Considering this person killed four people, I do not think that any kind of defense should excuse this behavior, especially one that is as absurd as the "affluenza" defense. He deserves much more of a punishment than probation, regardless of how long it is! Cards789

  31. I believe that something like this is just a example of why the criminal justice system needs improvements. I feel sorry for the victims family and friends. They were not given proper justice and I believe they never will. The main reason why this teen was given a slap on the wrist is because of how much money his parents have, money runs everything and this just goes to show that it influences many decisions in the court room.

  32. I still can't believe that this is still going on. The idea of 4 libest being ended by a wealthy punk drives me off the wall. In all honesty I'm suprised he hasn't been shot by someone who has gotten rubbed the wrong way by this. I think it's interesting how someone can win the lottery and get killed because they won and this happens and he still gets off free.
    That's the inner reaction I get, money makes peor funny and had since the beginning of time. America is dominated by the rich and we are left to suffer.

    1. Also, notice how little this was spread over the media. It happened years ago and I don't remember hearing a single news story covering it. If it were a young African American with lower status.. Oh boy. We would still be hearing about it today, and for a good reason! He's most likely well protected anyways through his parents bank account. -leafy012

  33. It’s a sad story for the people affected with this kid. But at the same time, I don’t think we can blame the parents too much for his actions. However, what his mom did after the fact is deplorable. We expect the moms to do the right thing. It appears that this is not his first time doing this type of things, it doesn’t look like his parents corrected him. Unfortunately, this happens in our society a lot. Parenting has become a joke in many families eventually someone else pays the price. If I were his mother, I would have been ok to see him get punished. There is too much of tolerance in our society for these type of things. It doesn’t matter if you are poor or rich, every young person is expected to follow the rules and have some kind of ethics. Socially speaking, these type of kids, even though may be few, are creating bad name for young generation – chichi012

  34. Ok, I don't believe anyone has this angle so I will play devil's advocate. Juvenile court systems are created to REFORM. We as a nation have the most juveniles locked up of all time. Reading over the above posts I feel them, they speak directly to a part of my mind that screams. With that being said, we have to be able to separate our emotions from our job. If you want a job that focuses on your emotions become a painter or a musician. As routinely stated in class for some this will be our craft. Don't hate the sinner, hate the sin. Love the sinner because you mostly are them. We will encounter worse people getting away with more in our history of employment in the criminal justice system. Throughout history this boy is a 2 out of 10, at most. There is no room for vigilantism or high running emotions. As a C.O./L.E.O. you will encounter a laundry list of people. Inmates/offenders who have directly murdered someone, sexually abused a small child, or raped a woman. Worse monstrosities even. You will see someone murder indirectly through neglect (i.e. : Drug pushers, mules, medical professionals through malpractice). Some of you might be called to defend someone like Ethan Couch. He is entitled to the same freedoms and liberties provided by the United States Constitution as any other citizen of the United States. Due process and equal protection. Blood was spilled for these rights. Spilled for us to have our own opinion and be able to express ourselves as we wish. To practice the religions we want. To assemble and petition the way we'd like. Unspeakable acts and loses of life had to happen just to be able to vote. This is shop talk for us. This is were our minds should go because we are the professionals. Professional is tough work. That is why its called 'being professional'. Now with that said, some lawyers are reserved to a specific ring in hell, also some judges. Enter the Dragon: Judge Jean Hudson Boyd, shame on you. This should not have played in Texas! Someone should review her financial records in and around the time of the Couch ruling and sentencing. Look up a case with a teen named Eric Miller(2004) he got 20 years for killing one person while driving under the influence. A black youth got 10 years after someone he punched died. Something is fishy there right. Is it a coincidence that this was one of her last cases as judge? Broken record time: these parents though. Destruction of society starts in the foundation or at the core of the family. Ethan is a direct result of irresponsible reckless parenting. A seed planted facing down has a harder time reaching above the soil. Four months prior to the four murdered and nine injured he was in a situation that should've resulted in intervention then. *crickets* I wouldn't let Fred and Tonya Couch raise my dog. This is a textbook example of rich privilege. Same reason why a celebrity/the rich can run someone over, have multiple weapon/drug violations, or get multiple DWI's and still look like that energizer bunny all the damn time. Lock up a juvenile, leave him there. He isn't going to get better in there. Youth are moldable and easily influenced. Affluenza (sounds like the flu) is a ridiculous defense. The big question is: Is Ethan Couch salvageable? No justice was dispensed for the four murdered people and their family. I won't argue that. A jury of Ethan's peers found him guilty. The rub here is in the sentencing. Sentencing practices are up to the judges discretion. Apart from the stolen beer from Walmart who has been providing Ethan Couch with the booze and drugs (script/non-script)? Should they be prosecuted? You can't tell me an "eye for an eye" system wouldn't end the mobs need for vengeance. Cause it would. We are a civilized people and the law provides order for an inherently evil society. Liberty and Justice for.......the rich. Doberman789

    1. I now want to know more about this judge. Not that it changes my opinion on how unfortunate this situation is for all parties, but because it seems the four pedestrians didn't get fair chance in court. I also agree with you outlook on our juveniles in the system. Our system is broken for them. Rarely does anyone look at how they got to that place. People are always ready to condemn without looking at the whole situation. And when there are children involved, and that's under 18, then there is always more to the story. Purple012

  35. I find it appalling that the elite get treated better than the common folk in the U.S. Sure, they have money and can get a really good lawyer, but there should also be standards that the courts abide by to make sure that criminals are served justice. If I were to commit the same or similar acts, I can almost guarantee that I would be sitting in jail right now with a huge bond. I'd probably be able to get a good lawyer, but I imagine that this kid had a few expensive lawyers to back him up. The juvenile, Ethan, had alcohol and Valium in his blood. That alone should warrant probation and strict monitoring. To add four deaths and major injuries on top of that, the juvenile should be sentenced to at least serve some time. It wouldn't surprise me if he was also aloud to keep his license if he had a breathalyzer system set up in his car. This is all just nuts. The rich should not be treated with such favor over those that can not afford the best lawyers around. The constitution says we are all born equal, so why do some people get treated better than others?

  36. This is just another example of how are country is becoming so corrupt. We live in a world where the wealthy elites control the masses. If you have money you can buy influence, power and many other things. The "Affluenza" defense is horrible. Laws are made according to society and its norms. If a law is broken, you are subject to punishment. No matter if it was a middle class man that killed 4 people in a accidental car wreck, or a rich politician, they should be treated as equal. When Ethan Counch killed these people in a collision, he was more than 3 times over the limit of alcohol. Under those circumstances there needs to be some consideration as to the harshness of punishment. But it is ridiculous when the parents offer to pay for a 450,000 rehab. The kid should be processed and charged accordingly.
    Music 456

  37. This is a nightmare. I cannot believe a judge would only give this young man rehab. He was driving under the influence of not only THREE TIMES the legal limit of alcohol, but also with valium in his system. Not to mention he was sixteen and driving seven kids in a pickup truck that obviously could not fit more than five. He killed four human beings, paralyzed one, and severely injured another. Each one of these crimes, if committed by a poor teenager, would not be tolerated. There would be no question of how he was raised or what other factors were at play. The court would give the poor man jail, and there's no doubt about that. One of the saddest things in the United States, in my opinion, is how easily the rich can escape the law. We are supposed to be equal.
    The only thing I agree with about the courts ruling is not putting a minor in prison for life. I don't think this should ever happen, speaking as in most cases it causes more harm than good. Still, rehab will not help this boy if he really is plagued with "affluenza."- leafy012

  38. I have never heard of this story until now and I'm in disbelief. I mean I cannot believe that our judicial system let this get one over them. Affluenza, really like only the wealthy. Like we discussed in class, if this were someone less fortunate punishment would have been big! It's a disgrace the message they are sending out basically saying his behavior and actions are ok because he's wealthy. The fact that one who is less fortunate can barely be heard when in need or during trials like this is messed up. Also, I bet this kid now things that since he's gotten off once he will again. His parents money will a
    Ways be his safety net and as long as we keep listening and allowing his excuses we are just as guilty. Pinky 012

  39. Wow, I'm all over the place on this. There are so many wrongs in this situation, all fighting for the front line. There are more than four victims in this. The drunken teens are also victims. It has been proven that we are still very much developing mentally in our teens. Couch wasn't not dealt a fair hand, anymore than the pedestrians that didn't know what was coming. We are not born being able to make the choice of how we are raised. Just as much as some parents teach respect, others teach arrogance. I am not at all saying this kid had no fault in his choices. I would like to say that the socialization he had outside his family helped him see somewhere that this type of behavior is wrong. Unfortunately in very wealthy families you tend to not associate with anyone other than very wealthy people. This kids entire socialization process may have been like nothing some have ever experienced, totally focused on one's self. In other words, it is entirely possible he has no idea he did anything wrong. Not even a little bit. It is so sad to think that some people really are raised that way. I do not agree with his sentence and it obviously showed the judge it didn't work. I can also understand where the judge may have wanted to give him a better shot than jail. We aren't talking about a cold blooded serial killer. A lot of our jails, correctional facilities, prisons, whatever it may be, are broken. They are not doing the job of rehabilitation. Not everyone can be rehabilitated, but many can be, if given the right opportunity, and go back into society and make it better. Because they've learned something. A lesson that many will never learn, or in a different light. This case is so messed up and has so many opinions on it. I see the injustice for the kid. I see the injustice for the four pedestrians. I see the injustice for the friends in the vehicle (who also share responsibility). Again, so many wrongs. Purple012

  40. To be honest this kid needs jail time. Killing four people and seriously injuring 2 more plus being three times over the legal alcohol level isn't ok in any form. No matter if your family has coddled you to much or to little it will never be ok to do what that young man has done to those he has hurt or killed. to even be at that level of drunk doesn't take a couple of beers or wine coolers it takes bottles full of much heavier alcohol. To think this kid got off with just probation is truly a sign on how money controls the world if I did any of what Couch did my butt would have been in jail for longer than anyone of you reading this could count. I've always seen an eye for an eye and if Couch isn't getting jail time then make him visit the families of those he had hurt and make him take care of them. To see how much damaged he has caused to really get his mind in check. But that's just my opinion.

  41. If you drink and drive, and cause/hurt someone it's a crime. I feel like regardless of race, wealth or anything under that shouldn't matter. If you are rich, it doesn't mean you can go out and commit crimes, and think that everything will be okay. I don't think a poor person would have a very good way of defending there self in court. If you're poor and commit a crime, such as a rich person would commit, the poor person is likely to get the worse punishment. If you are pulled over by the Police in a bad part of your city, are more likely to get talked to bad by the Police. Rather, than getting pulled over in a good part of your city, the Police will treat you very good. I think the poor people aren't given' a chance to explain themselves as a wealthy person would. I don't think the Criminal Justice System should allow people to have wealth to defend them I don't think it's far to the poor people, who don't have anything to defend there self. I feel like if a poor person was to do a crime that rich person would do, the poor person would do the worse punishment. Having a lot of money shouldn't give you that mindset that money will be able to pay of your crime for you. A rich person, might not learn there lesson if they do a crime. But, a bad person will learn they lesson, they will do a lot of time for the crime they did.


  42. This is kind of sad because not only did they blame the fact that he is to rich but also that his parents are enabling him to be this way. What is going to be like in twenty to thirty years from now when his parents are not legally his guardians anymore and this happens again his parents have probably given up on him long ago. What are they going to say it would be his second offense are they going to try and pull the same bull s*** and say he is to rich then. He probably will not be rich any more from excessive partying, careless spending, and being cut off. So he will not have a lawyer and he will get the maximum sentence for it being his second time. When he gets out there will not be anything for him. He will not have a family if he ever had a family of his own or a job or parents to support him because he doesn’t have money. TAGTaylor33012

  43. It's actually kind of pathetic that this kid did not serve any time for the murders of 4 innocent people. Money may not be able to buy happiness, but it can clearly buy a get out of jail free card. I read up on affluenza and it says that the symptoms include a lack of motivation, feelings of guilt, and a sense of isolation. So these people who are affected by it not only get whatever they desire that money can buy, but also go on a murder spree and get out of it? But us people in the middle class kill ONE person and we won't be able to see the light of day for years and years. Isn't that just crazy. That's all this world is focused around is money, where did the morals go? Why aren't these laws fixed? He went back to drinking so he didn't learn a darn thing. The people in the courtroom should have seen that this kid wouldn't change his ways.

    1. I agree that it is sad that the kid didn't even serve any time for what he did. I think that money can run the world because it seems like thats what we are letting happen. No one should be let go with no time served for killing someone let alone 4 innocent people.

  44. So the child was raised to get what he wanted when he wanted it, not like myself. The parents were wealthy, they didn't need to worry about his future as long as they had money, they can buy him that. My parents had morals that I learned and lived by. Like working for what I wanted. I wouldn't of ever drove after after drinking, because that how I was raised. It's the parent's fault that he turned out like that and did that. He deserved prison time for what he did and I am more then happy he got caught. His mom should of had the knowledge to not flee to Mexico. Even with using the excuse of her just trying to protect them. All it does is involve her and get her son in more trouble. It crazy thinking the you have more common sense then these people who earn more money then you do.

    1. I very much so agree that its the parents fault in a way. But I don't think you have to be taught that you should not put other peoples life's in danger. His sense of carelessness is fully his parents fault, but theres no excuse for what he did. I think this kid needs put away for a long time so he can sit and reflect on what he did. Im anxious to see where this case goes further down the road. gabegun123

  45. When I first heard of this case I thought it was a disease. Maybe it is, but hopefully it will not spread. In the article, the judge seems to escape much of the wrath for the ruling. How did she reach her conclusion, especially after he jumped bail and escaped to Mexico? If his parents did a poor job of raising him how is rehabilitation going to correct this problem and make him a “productive member of society”? If he was a minor at the time, maybe the parents should be required to attend parenting classes. He seems to have expressed no remorse for the lives he took and those permanently affected by his actions, so maybe a dose of reality in prison would teach him some of the self- discipline he lacks. Being rich is now a viable defense to shield one from the consequences of their actions. I think many would feel better about the sentence if he offered an apology, but to most he escaped punishment and showed no desire to be rehabilitated. Humvee123

    1. I agree, the parents should attend a parenting class because the idea that they'd told him that he was too rich to get into trouble is ridiculous. There are consequences for your actions and he shouldn't be able to get away with things just because he's rich. Believe012

    2. I agree with you and think that he needs to go to prison for what he has done. If this was someone else who's parents did not have the money there would be no questions asked and they would be sentenced to prison for a long time. The parents should have to do some kind of classes as well how do they really think that just paying for their son to go to rehab is going to help him? It is not going to its just going to make things worse because then he knows that mommy and daddy will always be there to clean up his mess that he creates. Green123

  46. This report honestly made me sick. I can't believe that they let him off so easily when he used such a lame excuse. How will the families that lost their children get their justice? All they did was try send him to a rehabilitation center. He didn't even go through with that he didn't pay his bail and then he flees and goes to Mexico? Yet they still accepted his excuse that he was too rich to know that he was doing the wrong thing. I think he deserves to go to jail, he has no remorse for the things that he has done and he continued drinking when he wasn't suppose to. His mother in this situation may have tried to help but all she did was make the situation worse and she's crippling him. If she'd taught him how to do the right thing before hand they probably wouldn't even be in this situation. Believe012

    1. yes, he should be in jail no questions asked. i know that if I did something wrong and went to court, looked up at the judge and said im too poor to know that what i did was wrong they would probably laugh at me. And then he was not really even forced into rehab, I think that the family must have something on the judge and that is why he is getting off like he is.

  47. This article made me sick to my stomach. It does not matter if your parents have money or not. Everyone knows right from wrong and for these people to sit here and say that his parents made him not responsible for his actions because they basically give him what ever he wants is wrong. This child was 16 years old and has grown up knowing what should be right and wrong. His parents money should not buy him a way out of what he has done. He killed four people and injured many others. He should be paying for what he did. In my eyes he is getting rewarded and that is unfair. If this was me that did this and I have parents that just make enough money to pay our bills and that is it. I would be doing the most time for this and not getting a break. This is why our system is messed up because we do not treat everyone the same way. We should be giving everyone the same sentence for the same crime. Not giving them a break because mommy and daddy can pay thousands of dollars to make sure that you will get whatever you want. Green123

    1. I completely agree with you. I don't think it's right that he gets out of it. Like you said: if one of us was the killer, we wouldn't be getting out of it scott free, we'd be sentenced to the worst. Just because you've got thousands does not mean that a murder is okay. Murder should never be accepted; that's what was done here. Gators123

  48. I think this whole situation is extremely unfair and uncalled for. Its sad that money can buy someone out of jail time for killing people while he was in the wrong being drunk in the first place. He was sent to a rehab for alcohol and there was not even a minimum time frame he was ordered to stay at the facility. I think he should have been arrested and charged like any other person in this world without a ton of money would be charged. I think he should be spending life in prison with out an option of getting out at any point. And if that state offers a death sentence then maybe they should be looking into that. I think all people should be treated the same and the excess of him never having any responsibly or not knowing right from wrong should not hold up in court.

  49. I believe that today in America money does buy freedom. These selected articles give us examples of how. It is mind blowing that the 16 year old kid who killed people was only give rehab and probation. Yes the kid was just a kid but he was 16 and he should have known better. He does need rehab but he also needs to be put in prison. I think it is sad that when someone who is innocent but poor is only given a lawyer that is assigned to them by the state and that lawyer has little to no experience or is a god awful lawyer that no one else wants to hire. Even if that poor person is innocent he may be found guilty because he doesn't have the funds to support his case. Money helps many individuals stay out of prison or reduce their sentences which isn't fair to those who have no money. Money is a powerful thing in our society today.

    1. I agree with you. Yes, he was just a kid, but he was sixteen years old. If you can think back to sixteen I'm sure that any other sixteen year old would have realized the consequences of what they were doing. And sure your gonna have people saying "oh but he has been handed everything in life", or "his parents are to blame" there will always be the blame game that gets played. If you cant afford a good lawyer in todays legal system you might as well consider your self screwed, plain and simple as that. The poor people tend to get the short end of the stick even if the offense they have committed wasn't nearly as serious as one a wealthier person had committed. Sparks123

    2. I agree that money really buys you whatever you want in today's society. Literally you can see it anywhere you go but nothing is being done about it. You see it even on the media how you see low level street crime on the news every night but they don't show the rich people committing fraud or laundering money on there. You can even see it in the way laws are set up crack which is cooked cocaine has a harsher sentence then cocaine even though its essentially the same drug but its funny because statistically rich white people do cocaine and lower income minorities do crack is that not obvious enough!?


  50. “While we may have a right to an attorney and a day in court, our judicial system is far from perfect.” I find this statement to be very true in many different scenarios. The case of Ethan Couch was a very tragic incident and could have been prevented. This so called “Affluenza” may be considered a real thing in some psychological instances but that does not mean that it should be able to be used as something to push the blame on to. The parents of Couch are a possible figure to blame as well, with the lack of parenting and giving him anything and everything he asked for can turn a kid into a self-entitled, selfish, spoiled little brat. The judge should have taken Ethan’s previous brushes with the law into account and realized that this kid is never going to learn if his parents keep bailing him out of trouble. I know from personal experience of friends who have parents with a lot of wealth that have gotten themselves into a very serious and almost fatal predicament. This person was drunk and almost killed an entire family, the consequences were going to be very severe for this young man until his mother and father stepped in to pay away the consequences resulting in the court giving him a “virtual slap on the wrist” much like the one that Ethan Couch is receiving. Now on the other hand, if a poor person would have done these exact same actions they would have been viciously locked up for a very long time. Something needs to happen or be changed in order to even the playing field out for everyone. I also do not know how a normal person could go on living his or her life with the consequence of knowing that they had killed multiple people due to a lack of judgment. sparks123

    1. I agree with yo the fact that he killed four people though and only received 10 years of probation is a huge deal he could have gotten up to 20 years in prison and to me that is just ridiculous that his sentence was so low. Elite123

  51. I completely agree with you. I don't think it's right that he gets out of it. Like you said: if one of us was the killer, we wouldn't be getting out of it scott free, we'd be sentenced to the worst. Just because you've got thousands does not mean that a murder is okay. Murder should never be accepted; that's what was done here. Gators123

  52. Money truly is the root of all evil. I cannot wrap my mind around the fact that the judge, who has more than likely seen countless murder cases, would only give this guy probation. Granted, he was a 16 year old boy, but that isn’t an excuse. I would be furious is I was the family of any of the people who were killed. Probation and being sent to a rehab clinic is NOT justice for what he has done. It doesn’t matter if you have money or not: YOU KILLED SOMEONE. And the fact that they called it “affluenza”? Get real. You shouldn’t have to be told, “Okay, Billy, don’t go out and kill people today.” His parents should be very proud of the man he has become; being drunk and driving with SEVEN passengers, paralyzing one passenger, killing FOUR people, and getting away with it. What a great member of society! Gators123

  53. The fact that someone can get a lesser crime because they were born into a family that has a lot of money is just mind boggling to me, in my opinion i think everyone should be given the same treatment no matter what background they have poor or rich, however that isn't always the case if some one has more money they can afford a better lawyer and if they can afford a better lawyer they have a better chance than some on that is poor and has to use a state's attorney. For example the fact that Ethan Couch’s got 10 years of probation versus the 20-year maximum sentence for killing four pedestrians, 10 years of probation is a big difference from 20 years in prison. Using your wealth as a defense in court is just absurd to me and it shouldn't even be taken into consideration it is unfair to the victims and unfair to poorer offenders. Elite123

    1. I agree with you! If the wealthy young adult would have been a poor young adult I guarantee that he would have spent all 20 years in prison without any good behavior early release. I do not think that wealth or lack there of should determine the degree of the crime. He did kill four people and severely injure two others. He should have spent a lifetime in prison. Storm012

  54. I think the argument here is a joke. I think its ridiculous that this is even a real matter. I find it hard to believe that some one out there actually thinks that this is a valid defense. If his parents never taught him right from wrong because they are so filthy rich let the United States prison system do it. If he gets off with this theres no doubt in my mind that he wont be back to his same ways. If I were in his shoes I would be in prison right now. I don't think its at all fair that money can get you out of situations like this. So overall my opinion on this is obviously throw him in prison and let him get what he deserves. Can he continuously committed crimes like this as long as his parents have money? 10 years probation would never be the punishment for taking 4 peoples lives if it were your average person. gabegun123

    1. I agree 100%. This kid knew exactly what he was doing but of course in the end it all comes down to money. If they let him off then I should be able to get away with anything right? It really is a joke. I know the article didn't talk about it but the same kid is in custody again now. He broke his probation already and so him and his mom left foe mexico. long story short hes arrested again. Yet it just goes to show that this kid obviously didn't learn anything. I don't know how you can kill 4 people and look at yourself everyday. Let alone go back out partying when your on a 10 year probation for something like that. VT012

  55. This matter is just plain ridiculous. There is no explanation for why the legal system has let people use this excuse. It really does not mater how much money a person has, they still should be able to know right from wrong. It is definitely the parents job to teach their kids right from wrong and if they haven't done that then they will be very sorry they didn't. In no way shape or form is it okay to drive drunk and kill 4 people. In my opinion he should be sent to the worst jail there is because if you use your common sense we all know for a fact this kid knew exactly what he was doing and that it was wrong. I really can't believe our justice system is so messed up that it can let a drunk drive who killed 4 people go free without any true charges. I really feel sorry for the families of the ones lost. This article makes you wish you lived in a better place or that you could one day be apart of the decision making. VT012

  56. The sentence that was given to Couch was not even close to what he should have been given. Literally any other person that was not wealthy would have gotten prison time. I can see how the judge might think that he is young and that he is not fully matured and deserves a second chance but a harsher punishment regardless of the reasoning that caused him to do it. It seems as if there might have been something that influenced the judge to make his decision but maybe not its just a really confusing situation that should be further investigation.


  57. This defense is ridiculous to say that he doesn’t know better because his parents didn’t set boundaries. Half the people in prison and jails were raised with no boundaries doesn’t matter if there rich or poor. There kids every day that are allowed to do what they want and they suffer the consequences of their actions. How about the kids and young adults that go to prison for cooking meth with their parents? Their parents have showed them that this is ok. I know it’s seen every day that money talks, it shouldn’t. Everyone should be held accountable for their action no matter how big there wallet is. Putting the kid back on the street with just probation hasn’t taught him anything. Let’s hope he doesn’t kill anyone else. Silverline123

  58. I think we all need to really look at ourselves and the ones around us. Yes, this young adult made a very ridiculous case, but I think the bigger problem is that he won. He convinced the jury that because he was wealthy, and because he was not guided towards the correct path because he was rich. If this young adult was not Caucasian, and if he was not rich, do you think he would have won the case? If a poor person of a different race killed four and critically injured two, do you think he would have gone straight to jail or would have gotten probation? These are things that we do not think about, but should be thinking about. I am very interested to see what happens next in this case. I hope that the young adult gets tried as an adult and spends the rest of his life behind bars. Manslaughter is manslaughter, drunk driving is still drunk driving, whether the individual is rich or poor. Storm012


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