Women in Prison in 114...Some of the Experiences


  1. It was an interesting at first to see how heated the group meetings would get, with all the inmates yelling at each other and getting mad it seems like it is just creating more tension than it is helping them. From the stories of the girls a lot of them were sexually abused in their youth and it seems like that greatly affected their mental well-being which led them into some criminal behavior. In the end the meetings did seem to help a bit because Selina did learn how to deal with her anger better instead of getting angry all the time and she said she can relate to people to know what they are going through. It was sad to see Michelle get out of jail on probation and go right back into using again and then when she was picked up by the sheriffs she had already contracted Hepatitis C from using dirty needles. It is good to see that there have been women that benefited from the program and hope that the numbers go from under a half graduating and leading a successful life to a much higher percentage that benefit through the program. Birdman789

    1. Since I am the only one to do this blog I have no choice but to repond to myself to finish the assignment. I agree with you completely on everything you said, it was like you read my mind.When the girls first started in the counsling sessions it seemed heated and was not going to be beneficial to the women in the program. Towards the end though it did show that there was some good being done. One way I saw it being beneficial was the portion of the women in the program did show some signs of getting better and overcoming their addiction and the ones that graduated from the program. Birdman789


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