Autopsy...What is Gleaned to Assist

Autopsy....What is Gleaned to Assist?


  1. I thought this video would be quite disturbing. Much to my surprise, it was not. You always think of an autopsy being gory and as soon as the first cut happens, the doctor is being sprayed with blood. While I’m sure that does happen, it didn’t in this video; there was minimal blood. It was also pretty neat to see how our bodies are put together. It was, at the same time, pretty shocking how easy it is to take everything out of a body and to see what’s holding us together. When it came to the brain (the most important part of our body) there were only a few quick, simple cuts and the brain was out. I knew that the tools used had to be sharp because of everything they have to go through; but I didn’t know how sharp they really are (answer: very). I also learned that if your appendix is intact, it’s an identifying feature. At the beginning, I was taking notes so I wouldn’t have to come back to watch the video again. But I quickly stopped note-taking and just paid attention; it was kind of amazing to see what really goes into an autopsy. Gators123

    1. I agree with you that I thought it was going to be much worse than it really was. When they first cut into the cadaver I thought there was going to be a lot more blood then there really was. I think it works just like a funeral home where they drain all the blood out of the body before they open them up. At first I was just trying to get through the video but just like you after a while it was really amazing what goes on in the autopsy. Birdman123

  2. I thought that the video was going to be worse than it turned out to be, I did feel uncomfortable at first watching them cut open a real person’s body because I have never seen it done before but eventually I got used to it. It was interesting to see how all the organs looked inside and remarkable to see what it looked like when they opened the chest cavity. I didn’t see what kind of tools they were using, I figure it is standard surgeon knifes to first open the body up but it looked like bolt cutters to open the chest cavity which was curious to see, I didn’t know if they used a saw or something of that nature to open up the chest. Another thing that was fascinating to witness was how they took out the appendix because that was a way that they could identify a person if they needed to. Birdman123

    1. I also thought this video was going to be worse then it was. Even though it was an eye opener as to what really goes into an autopsy. Over all a great video.

    2. I also felt uncomfortable watching this. It provided some good insight on what a autopsy is but I think Ive seen all that I need to. I personally thought the worst part was when they had the chest cavity opened and you could see everything. this video was by far the hardest for me to watch so far in this class. gabegun123

    3. Yes a autopsy can be a bit graphic, however in out field we will just have to get used to seeing them as they can offer so many helpful facts that we would not be able to get otherwise. Elite123

    4. It was pretty graphic, though working within the criminal justice field you have to be able to grasp certain things that will take you completely out of your norm and be able to stomach situations as such. This video was very informative and raw. Such as when they were able to determine that the left side of the kidney was scared and very small compared to the right side. The tissues were thicker and heather in the right kidney as well. They didn’t hide anything from us they filled us in on it all. After viewing this video I feel somewhat expert, lol. Forensics123

  3. it surely started out that way to me the most disturbing thing to me but as the video continued i just thought of it as being natural.patient123

  4. when the video first started i was so disgusted but after awhile i just had the thought that it normal and a humans body.It was very informal and knowledgeable it a great tool if you want formal information of the human body an autopsy is very important not only for but for families of the deceased it give us first hand knowledge on what actually happen to the deceased. though i could not be able to do what medical examiners I appreciated there line of work a lot more as I watched this video and they have stomachs of steal cause honey I could not.patient123

    1. I also thought this video was disgusting as well. I agree that the video was very well at explain what was going on and taught me things I didn't know as the commentator was talking as the person was cutting the woman open. The autopsy is very crucial in a case because it is the starting point to how the person was killed or how they died.

  5. An autopsy assists the investigator by providing facts not available at the time of their initial appearance on the scene; especially those not apparent from the five senses. Autopsy results allows the investigator to get a clear picture of the health and condition of the victim’s body and from this deduce what most likely happened. This may also allow the investigator to shed light on the mental state of the victim, which may not be available from other witnesses. For example, it may be obvious from observation that drugs or alcohol was present at the scene, but a toxicological screening would be necessary to determine the level and types of drugs in the system, to determine whether they were a contributing factor or not.
    Other examples of information that may not be available from visual observation would be gunshot wounds. Such information as direction the weapon was pointed when fired; range the bullet was fired from; caliber; whether it was deflected. This might help determine the difference between self-defense, manslaughter or murder. The use of specialists provides useful assistance in determining the truth. Humvee123

    1. I agree with you, an autopsy is a very effective and legitimate way to get a clear answer about how the subject died and allows them to find stuff they could not see with the naked eye. They did not see that the subject had breast implants until they had cut her open due to the scaring not being visible. sparks123

  6. I’ve been in an operating room watching a surgery before on an individual that had torn there large intestine. I enjoyed watching the surgery thinking the doctor was in a way saving this individuals life. Now watching an autopsy even on video was sort of weird and made me uneasy. I did find it interesting at points like being able to know whether the blood clot from the heart was post mortem or not. I think that is very helpful if they were trying to find the cause of death. Was interesting also knowing that your appendix is used as an identifier if intact or not. Was interesting on how easy the organs were removed. I never took a biology class in my life so the examiner explaining everything was very educational for me. Guilty that I had to pause the video few times but once they had the organs away from the body I found it easier to watch. I never realized just how much goes into an autopsy. Silverline123

    1. I was in the same way of thinking. Never knew there would be this much to go into an autopsy. I had in my mind that they would have some narrowed down vision on what/where to look for things before they even started. I turned out to be very wrong obviously. Very tedious process.

  7. This was a very eye opening video, extremely graphic. This guy laterally basically opens her up like he’s gutting a fish. I think to to able to handle doing this job everyday one would need to have a strong stomach. It is so crazy just how easy this guy makes this look, he just pulls the brain out of the skull like it was an easy thing to do. There is a lot of information in this video, I did not know what some of the things he was talking about but overall very interesting. My favorite part of the video was them cutting the brain up and showing us the different parts of the brain. There was a lot of joking around though out the video, I guess on would have to have a good sense of humor to cut open bodies all day.

    1. I'm sure them joking around is there way of getting through the job. like you said cutting them open like they were gutting a fish I think that what made it weird and uneasy for me to watch it. I agree that them showing the brain was very interesting along with the heart. silverline123

  8. This video is definitely not what i expected. The video wasn't joking when it said warning graphic content. It is interesting that they can find out how the person died by the autopsy, this individual had a drug over does, and they also noticed she had breast implants. Autopost are very useful because it tells us how the person died, and gives us more insight on the persons inside because the investigator could only see the outside of the person not the inside. I am glad I didn't pick his profession because I don't think I could open up different dead bodies every day to see how they died, I would rather be at the scene and figure out who did it. I like how the person talking explained everything the person was doing to do the body and what body part they were cutting.

    1. I believe this profession takes a special person to do. but if it wasn't for individuals that did this there would be so much missed in death. Anywhere from overdoses or fowl play. I can say I could handle this and I'm with you I'd rather be at a scene and deal with that side of the investigation. silverline123

    2. I think the graphic content warning was well deserved. But I agree with you that it helped have something explain everything they were doing and kind of help sugar coat it and give a little insight into their profession. Acquainted123

    3. I agree! Also they were very thorough and in detail with each and every organ. I love how they just got in there and did what they had to do without complaining and making a fuss about any of it. They were seriously able to tell that she had a child, used drugs, and had implants by certain scarring tissue… I freaking loved it all! Forensics123

  9. This video was an extremely good video to watch. It was very informative and at first I figured it was going to be very graphic. If you look past the “graphicness” of the video and realize the things that the autopsy can actually reveal about a person’s death, it is incredible. An autopsy can help investigators so much because of the things that can be inspected throughout the body. For instance, they could tell just by looking at certain organs of the body what had been going wrong inside of the body, if the person had any foreign bodies inside of them such as diseases or viruses that could have caused or lead to the death. They can also look at certain organs and tell whether there was fowl play involved by the internal bruising of an organ. They can tell just by looking at certain lobes of the brain whether the person was an alcoholic or whether the person had a lack of oxygen or whether it was cut off. The autopsy can help solve an investigation in many ways and there is a lot that is involved in one as well as discovered during one. Sparks123

  10. One of the only videos I have ever looked up on YouTube and thanked the Lord that it wasn't in HD. The first few minutes are the worst to myself. The doctor just eases through everything like it is nothing, which it wouldn't be to them I guess, but it was hard to watch for a bit. It did get interesting when they would pull out each organ and then dissect it to make sure that there were no abnormalities in each one. This process turned up to be more tedious than I had thought I would be in my head. Overall a very information filled video. Would not watch again and glad I am not on my way to Med school.

  11. Dr. White what are you trying to do to us? I'm scared to think what these people would be doing if they didn't have this job to get off at; like a real life Dexter. Jokes aside this video did give some good insight on what actually happens during an autopsy, and the kind of facts they can find out about the crime just from their body. This is definitely a job i couldn't handle, but I am glad that there are people willing and able to do a job as grim as this because an autopsy can make or break a case. Advances in technology and sciences has made our detectives and officers job much easier, and has helped keep innocent people out of jail and guilty people in. Dangkids123

  12. I had a tuff time with this video. I stopped watching after like 7 minutes. From what I saw though the video presented insight on the routine of an autopsy. I don't think that I would be able to do this job. The guys performing the autopsy did it without any hesitation. This job takes a certain kind of person to be able to do it. gabegun123

  13. This video was pretty rough and I don't exactly have a weak stomach. The pictures in the textbook were pretty bad but it's different seeing the autopsy through a video. I actually didn't know a single thing going into this video but at least now I have a more educated understanding on the process. I am definitely thankful that there are people who actually want to do this job. Acquainted123

  14. An Autopsy is a great way to find out facts about the victim such as how he died, was it a murder, what kind of murder weapon the perpetrator might of been using. The officers working the investigation can only tell so much at the crime scene the autopsy could give them other leads of what they should be looking for. An autopsy can also better pin point the time of death all though the investigator might have an idea of when it was it is just a rough estimate. An autopsy can show what the victim has eaten and can see if the food as been tampered with or if it has even been poisoned. A lot of people may think it is hard to "stomach" watching a autopsy but it is just something one will have to get to used to working in this field as it gives so much information that we can not gather otherwise. Elite123

  15. Viewing this graphic autopsy was very, very fascinating to me. I have a true passion for this type of work. It allows me to go into my inner self and just open up fully. I never knew that they actually cut the entire body open just to do an autopsy, yet I did know that they cut all the organs in half. So that would make sense that they had to go through and cut the entire body open. Wow! These guys are so awesome for having the eye and the stomach to bare this particular type of job. By cutting each organ open they can detect the type of weapon used, wounds inflicted and which were fatal, how long the victim lived after injury, the position the victim was in at the time of the assault, at which direction force was actually applied, evidence of a struggle or self-defense, evidence of rape or sexual relate assaults, and if the deceased was under any influence of alcohol or drug abuse (Which is an analysis performed by the toxicologist). Within the video I love how they thoroughly examined each and every organ of the body. They were able to determine that the left side of the kidney was scared and very small compared to the right side. The tissues were thicker and heather in the right kidney as well. I actually enjoyed this video, I learned something different can’t wait to visit a morgue and have a hands on experience. Forensics123


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