Global Stratification at its Finest


  1. This was an infuriating video. It deeply saddens me that Glencore would take such advantage of Zambia. While upsetting from a moral perspective, this series of events does reflect Wallerstein’s Capitalist World Economy. Switzerland and the world benefit from Zambia’s native copper though Glencore while Zambia itself suffers. Glencore itself has the political leverage to keep their company private and with low taxes. Underneath this pressure, Zambia has little recompense but to live with the pressure. While perhaps not as corrupt as in the past, it is clear that Glencore continues to manipulate Zambia and international courts. Thus, Switzerland and Glencore (a rich country and company) take advantage of the poor country of Zambia. Moreover, this abuse expands past mere tax fraud to the environment. I find it extreme telling that all Glencore company representatives skirted answering questions about just how much pollution their manufacturing plants put into the atmosphere. Glencore is a disgusting example of a company using tax havens and underhanded business practices to abuse a country brutally. This is a sobering look at the repercussions of global stratification. – Jung012

    1. It surprised me at how far the corruption reached and how publicized it was and yet, they are still working to fix the problem with a lot of the same people in charge that have continuously played a role in it. I couldn't decide if i wanted to scream or cry while watching this.sherlocked012

    2. I honestly can't believe that things like this are going on globally and it seems like there is nothing anyone can do about it. It's like the corporation's CEO can buy himself out of trouble when Zambia continues to drown in it. Believe012

  2. Sometimes I wonder if Dr. White doesn't pick these videos just to see how well we deal with high blood pressure. I will be the first to admit that I really dont know much about big business or all the tax laws there are but I am from Illinois and therefor know a bit about corruption. How can we live in a world were such behavior seems to be celebrated as long as there is enough money made? How do these people sleep at night and look any one in the eye. I again wish liars pants actually did catch on fire! And the people who are being effected the most are the people who really would just like to have clean water, air, schools and medical facilities, all things that we take for granted every day!!! This is a sickening thought, and just one instance of this happening. How many other companies are there like this, how many are from this country alone?sherlocked012

    1. I’m starting to wonder if he picks them for that reason as well. However sometimes a rise on blood pressure is just what you needed. What’s crazy isn't that we live in a world where this takes place, but that we live in a world where very few do anything about it. –Pasta012

    2. Very true! These videos always make us think more and build our opinions on certain topics. It is crazy to think we have the power to help out others and decrease all the problems of the world, Yet no one will do anything. No one rich would risk having a "Middle income" for the benefit of thousands or even millions. The true meanings of what it is to live has been taken. People now only care about money rather than happiness or family. VT012

    3. This video is infuriating and it certainly does raise your blood pressure. Maybe Dr. White chooses these types of videos to bring awareness to these issues. I certainly have never heard of Glencoe before and would have never known the outrageous ways they treat the people of Zambia. I think I will always look at big companies differently now. I may pay more attention to what pros and cons they bring to the world. Hadrosaur012

    4. I believe he shares this clips with us to keep us aware of thing that are going on around us rather its past or present. I enjoy his pickings of videos because a lot of the information in some of these videos are hidden unless proper research is obtained.

    5. I think he does pick videos that may aggravate us for the purpose that we will be able to form a strong and passionate opinion, so it is easier to write about. It is truly a shame that the less fortunate countries are suffering at the expense of the wealthier countries gaining even more wealth and power taking away from the necessities such as water from poor countries in Africa and all over the world. Twal012

    6. I think he shares these clips because he wants us to share are own take on what we have individually experienced. We all at the end of the day have are own opinion. I believe it is easier to write about at the end of the day. Yes, I do agree it is mind blowing that others have to suffer at the expense of the wealthier. The sad part about it is the man in the video stated that Zambia is a wealthy country, but they are considered the poorest from companies like Glencore who don't care about others just themselves. They are taking away from the necessities that other people need. Blue012

    7. I believe that he keeps us on my toes, just informing us of thing that are happening in this world. It all ties in with sociology, and is very informative. We will need to know these things as we enter and are in this world. Pinky012

    8. While these videos can be very angering, I think that it is a good thing that we are shown things that move us. The heart of sociology is being aware of how people work and being aware of strife or struggle around us that we may not be aware of. I think that this topic is a good thing to have knowledge about so we can be aware of what is going on. Moot012

  3. Initially I was dismissing of the previous comment talking about high blood pressure. Then I started watching the video after skimming through the comments for a few seconds. I didn’t realize just how easy it was to scam and skim through legitimate pathways. I doubt it’s only the Swiss doing this; in fact I am very sure they are only one party involved. I was hopeful that there were some who would care enough to at least pay minimum wage prices and the base taxes for goods that are virtually stolen from decent people. Apparently my hope was baseless and naïve on multiple fronts. The fact that they can still get away with this and are now openly doing this on Wall Street every day with made up money for real resources is appalling. Pay the people for what you buy, don’t steal it and use loopholes to get away with it just because you’re a giant prick who loves the way that silver spoon feels up your butt. –Pasta012

    1. Pasta012 I agree with you on just pay the people for what you buy. Its crazy to think they probably spend more in high dollar attorneys and putting other people in their pockets to protect them from their corrupt doings then it would to just be legit in the first place. Starving a family and making them sick all so they can have an extra Bentley in their drive. Its infuriating to see people who think their life is valued at more then someone else's, especially over money.I agree that it will never be totally equal but this is just down right evil with no morals. In the end both graves will be the same. Deacon012

    2. This also really surprised me on how easy it was for the corporations to screw these people over. There are many different corporations that do this and if its that easy why wouldn't they do that? It needs to be damn near impossible for corporations to do that they shouldn't have this freedom to screw over a whole country. Godzilla012

  4. I am not familiar with laws or all the goes on around the world but this is definitely an issue. I could only imagine being in that country being taken advantage of. What has life come to when we have to get our goods so we can survive from a poor country who cannot support themselves. Like we had talked about it all makes sense that the rich are and stay rich by gaining from the poor. There must be poor to have rich and must have rich to have poor. But with this knowledge it's heartbreaking to know that there could be no poor and no rich if we wished there to be.

  5. When we generate wealth, it has to come from reserves or the benefit of others. Our society has learned how to enrich themselves and hide the wealth and the guilt that should come with it. Wealthy countries offer foreign aid and take up the humanitarian cause as an excuse. Why would they send a billion dollars to Zambia for aid if it didn't benefit them. In order to send that billion dollars, we earn 10-50 billion. Zambia wouldn't need foreign aid if they were the ones to benefit from their own natural resources.
    To make matters exponentially worse, they also are destroying the environment and making the citizens sick. Zambia has to borrow money to take care of its people, because they are being looted for the benefit of a few large corporations. Zambia does not benefit in any way; through a loan or through the foreign aid packages. Money is power, so it doesn't seem likely to stop anytime soon. As long as huge profits are being unfairly distributed to the those outside of Zambia, it is likely to continue until we all have to support Africa.
    Africa is a rich, yet undeveloped continent. If the benefits don't remain in their place of origin, we will continue to see the imbalance of equality grow.
    OICU8 012

  6. What is being allowed to be done to Zambia and its people is nothing short of disgusting and unethical. I was both angry and wanted to cry at the same time. The government is too poor to be able to fight against the corporations big lawyers who are ripping off the country and its people of resources that are theirs to begin with. Like the one guy said their rich but yet poor. This is ridiculous that even after being found guilty and charged they can just say "no, we feel were right so were not going to pay you" and they can get away with it!! The fact that even when these companies are found to be guilty of wrong doings they can just spend decades playing games and appealing it in court is just flat out wrong. Then they pardoned the one guy, Rich and allowed him and his whole entourage back in the country after not only being found guilty but he knew he was and had given up his citizenship. Then the other guy they spoke of that they talked about having eleven trucks when arrested, who needs 206 designer suits and 157 pairs of trousers all the while your starving people and their children then making them sick because you don't want to hold up to EPA standards??...SERIOUSLY?..and nobody will ever be held responsible or do one day in jail. Zambia will never see any money and those companies will keep taking from them til all those resources are gone, and by then half their people will be wiped out too from sickness because of it. I realize their are companies everywhere like this,(obviously Flint, Michcigan), but something needs to change somewhere to make them more responsible. Apparently, having all the money gives you all the power and makes you above the law. Deacon012

  7. This video was a very eye opening experience for me. I never realized how badly these Countries in Africa are being treated by these big corporations. These Big Corps such as Glencore are really destroying these countries from the inside. The copper belongs to Zambia but Glencore is taking the copper and selling it somewhere else and the people of Zambia aren't getting anything for it. These big Corporations don't care who they hurt in the process they don't care about the lives of the people they are screwing over they only care about the money they are making. In the video it states that the money we are stealing from Africa is 10 times the money we are giving them in foreign aid! its like someone taking your dollar but giving you ten cents because you don't have any money. Godzilla012

    1. I agree this video was an experience that I have never seen before. I also thought stealing money from Africa was quite a shock because I never really thought that it would be a lot more money than I thought it was going to be. I blame on us for putting Africa in poverty. BlackHawks012

  8. This video saddens me yet it does not surprise me. For a moment I thought "yes" maybe America is not involved in this mistreatment but I was disappointed yet again by the greed of my own country. Growing up I always heard, in songs and other media, that I should be proud to be an American. I am proud of my country for some things but the older I get the more my eyes are opened to the truth of what a wealthy and strong country can do to the less fortunate countries. Glencoe is a profitable company. Think of how much better it could be if it reinvested in itself. They should put money back into the company to fix the pollution problem. I am wondering if their employees are native to Zambia. I would have liked to hear from someone low one the totem pole who works for Glencoe. I would like to get a feel about how the company treats their employees. The copper comes from Zambia. It seems to me that the profits should go back to Zambia. On a side note I am wondering about the poverty level of Zambia before the copper mining company was there. Has having a big company in Zambia benefited them even with all of the pollution or was Zambia better off if the copper mining company never came. Hadrosaur012

    1. I don’t think it matters where the companies are operating from, I don’t think we should blame US companies without distinction. There are good and bad companies in the world, there are companies that return part of earned cash to employees and to general public in some form of charity. Of course, there are greedy ones as well. I think that the companies that operates with principles and in the interest of common public will always stay longer than the ones doesn’t care about their social responsibility. – chichi012

  9. I'm very thrilled that we are able to watch these clips as a class to see whats going on around us. Its always bittersweet, to see whats going on, but what can we do about it? We always hear how "crazy" this world is but a lot of us aren't always aware of whats really going on. It really breaks my heart that many people are taken advantage of, especially the millions of people who work hard extremely hard and get the short end of the stick. We have enough money in this world to have education, fresh water, abundant of food, etc. in every country. Its the greed and selfishness that prohibits this among others. Its really sicking of how families have to suffer and in order for change the "rich" has to sacrifice a little percentage that they are to selfish to corporate with, as if they aren't taking from these countries in the first place. I hope over time things change for the better against the worst. No one deserves to be without.

  10. I'm a little familiar with some of the laws but not all of them. What I found interesting was in the begging where the speaker said that you can be rich but you can't show it. I mean I can see where he is coming from because he doesn't want people to think that there are better than them. I think the reason why Africa is still the poorest country is because the other countries are taking advantage of them and trying to take everything that have to make them not have a dime. Looking at these kids in poverty is not what the world should be but no one can stop or try to make it a better place because the way I'm seeing it is that it will get worse and worse as time goes. Overall this video really hit home. BlackHawks012

  11. Switzerland as country is known for Banks and shady cash transactions. World most corrupted and wealthy seem to have their cash stored their banks. This video shows these things in a different light. There are corporations making lot of money and don’t return anything to the public. I have been hearing that Apple has almost over 60% profit margin on all their products, only difference is that they are not directly exploiting people, seem like consumers are willing to pay these prices even though sometimes they know that they are being robbed. Oil companies throughout the world are exploiting the natural resources for their own profits and this one is no different. I don’t think it matters where the companies are from - corporate greed and desire to make money is everywhere -whether they are in Switzerland or Zambia. It is sad to see these companies exploit poor people in poor countries. One way to make this better is to bring more transparency over the corporate transactions and how they do business, sometimes general public is also at fault for investing in their stocks and being greedy about the profits – Chichi012

  12. This video does an excellent job of putting into perspective just how corrupt the world is especially when it comes to government and business. It is clear to see that our world is extremely money driven. Obviously, in order to make the world go round it is necessary for money to be powerful. However, the fact that government officials and businesses such as the Mopani mine are allowing money to be more important than the well-being and health of the people of India is absolutely ridiculous. Companies in this world like Glencore are so obsessed with maintaining and expanding their wealth that they will take advantage of poor countries like Zambia in order to do so. I always knew the world was corrupt and that money worked in unfair ways sometimes when it came to politics and companies, but this video goes to show just how much the corruption affects society and the less fortunate like people in Uganda. I think global stratification is necessary to some extent to be aware in order to organize society, however I think CEO’s and government officials should all be a little more concerned with the overall fairness and health of society especially in the poor countries who obviously need help, rather than being so concerned about where their company ranks on the global hierarchical scale. Twal012

  13. Glencore is using Zambia that's a clear fact. Zambia is drowning and it seems to me no one is willing to help them. They can take from them especially when it comes to them benefiting from Zambia financial gain. I can not believe that they are being treated so poorly. I mean your getting there cooper and then Zambia has to sit and wait on money. It just really amazing's me how companies in this world are so obsessed with wealth and financial gain that they will take advantage of countries like Zambia in order to get ahead in life. So they have to sit and wait while Switzerland and everyone else is living the good life and they have to suffer and wait. Not only is Glencore totally in the wrong they are causing an environmental hazard from there plant. This just really goes to show you how some companies are willing to do anything to make it to the top and stay there. Any means necessary and people let them. This is so sad. Everyone should really being trying to see what is going on? Like hello were is all of Zambia's money going to? They should be a little more concerned about there people and the environment in which they are living. That's just my opinion on the matter.Blue012

  14. This video made me so sad and angry I remember studying on capitalism in my humanities class and this just exploits everything that we learned. It’s crazy that this happens; that the people of Zambia have to be subjected to poverty and pollution because of this wealthy company in Rüschlikon. They continue to make a huge revenue of money at the people of Zambia’s expense they receive the short end of the stick while the CEO of Glencore makes money off of all their resources. Rüschlikon rate of unemployment is basically none existent but in Zambia people have to live off of a $1 a day. It’s disgusting to think that where this corporation sought out a big opportunity led to Zambia’s misfortune. It’s so sad that things like this continue to happen globally and people continue to get away with it. Believe012

  15. This video made my blood boil. How can big cooperations live with themselves? Zambia is on of the top 20 poorest countries in the world. He said "we are wealthy yet we are poor". Glencore took over Zambia in cause from the copper boom, get's ahold of something that can help them so much, and takes in profit for themselves. Theres more money coming out of developing countries than money that is going in! Glencore is basically taking their "future" away from them. People breaking their backs most likely working for this cooperation and not having anything to show for it. It reminds me of this video about walmart i saw in my sociology class in high school they pay their workers so little and their workers live in terrible conditions yet walmart is one of the worlds richest cooperations. Theres a bigger picture going on here that not everyone pays attention to?! why aren't things like this a headline on CNN -dicaprio012

  16. If I'm not mistaken I take how another country is taking advantage of another. It saddens me that things have to be this way instead of everyone working together to make this world a better place. Everyone can learn something from one another so why not stick together, than using each other. I guess that's how this world works and it I just disgusting how people can steal from the less fortunate. The united State is really fortunate in a way, I mean there is not too much of that happening. Pinky012

  17. This is a topic I have known about for a long time. There are a lot of problems with the money being skimmed off in these nations. There is also a huge issue with foreign aid and other resources being stolen or skimmed by other nations or corrupt politicians or people. It is very sad to remember that Africa is a country that ranks near the top in terms of amount of natural resources and mining operations. The real wealth and value of the nation is being essentially stolen by companies and other parties that are interested in the wellbeing of the nation they are in. Moot012


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