Sexuality......Your Thoughts?


  1. Unfortunately women do go through this. I've seen other videos documenting this type of behavior towards women as well. I think some men are honestly trying to compliment but it's still in the wrong way. While other men really don't care if they are being rude about it. I suppose they may see it as a compliment in their own way. Cultural difference at times, but not always. As a woman I have been "complimented" with obnoxious language and when I ignore it they openly insult me with profanities or degrading words. I got a kick out of this video, but the truth behind it shouldn't be ignored. I watched a video about what it would be like if women called out to men in the same way. I got a kick out of that one too, but I know there is a bigger meaning behind. Sometimes it's easier for people to address issues, or recognize them for the first time, through humor. Maybe that can come out of these funny videos. Some recognition and changes in how we view our own behavior sometimes. Purple012

    1. Men wouldn't mind being objectified in the beginning, but then they would figure out how disrespectful it really is. I lived in New York for a few years, and remember the cat calls when walking through construction zones. They weren't directed toward me, but I always felt embarrassed for the person it was directed at. It was annoying and very juvenile.
      I don't remember anyone enjoying it...
      OICU8 012

    2. Cultural forces exactly shape our gender roles and expectations. Anything out of the norm is ostracized by many. Why can't men twerk as he did? Society defines and those who oppose are deviant......Cayman345

    3. I think the cat calls are meant to be a compliment too. I am a woman and have received comments that were suggestive and embarrassing. I just smile and keep walking. I never want to give the guys any more reason to talk to me. I workout several days a week and am usually running errands as well so I wear my workout clothes to do this. I workout in yoga pants. Some people look but most people don't care. I'm not going to change my clothes just because someone might say something. Hadrosaur012

    4. I agree that is almost easier to address these issues through humor. It lightings things up a little bit and makes it easier to upon up and talk about. It is a big problem in society though. I mean in my opinion it doesn't hurt to look, its out their for everyone to see. To hoot and holler or make rude obscene jesters is uncalled for. It is also sad that the men's first reactions, some of them to get made and automatically degrade gays. MuayThaiGuy012

    5. I understand your struggles about being taunted by males but honestly, if it's not yoga pants, it will be something else they call out on you. Some people, not just men, are just real pains in the ass. Unfortunately in this world, we cant control what others do, only what we do. For the record, I'm a male and I wear yoga - why not? I like to be comfortable too; if a guy wants to look at my butt in the process, well then I say 'enjoy.' JimHalpert012

  2. This video was funny! Obviously the actor in the video meant it to be funny while conducting an experiment. Honestly, the guy did have a nice butt. I think the actor was a little aggressive towards the men who just glanced as they were walking by. I think most people probably would look. The men who said objectifying comments got what they deserved in my opinion. Maybe they won't be so rude in the future. I did find it interesting how some men were very offended and wanted to fight while others were more laid back about the situation. I liked how the man who said the actor had a nice butt handled the situation. He seemed comfortable with himself and his sexuality. I am amazed the actor in the video didn't get hurt. Some of those men were pretty pissed off. It was a nice turn around for them to be humiliated for a change. I think you should be able to wear what you want. You might get some odd looks but I think that's ok. I think if you dress different then the norm or if you are flashy then you should expect some looks. Mature people will be respectful I hope. Hadrosaur012

    1. I agree with you this video was hilarious. I love how he not only makes funny videos but he is also doing an experiment. some of the guys went way over the edge when they found out. Godzilla012

  3. The prank was pretty funny and I liked how he did it. He didn’t go out of his way to force the attention onto him and just let it happen. The reactions he received were priceless; everything from the ‘just keep walking’ guy who had the blurred face, to the guys who wanted to fight because they got confused. Although to be honest I’ve done something similar to what happened during that prank before and thought ‘nice’…then found out when they turned around. But to be fair that guy had a nice butt too, and it isn’t gay to say that it was true; if you were there you would have agreed with me. The perceptions of men and women can get crossed up in expectations and assumptions very quickly and without you even realizing it. Sometimes you just need to admit they got it going on and move on from the situation instead of trying to fight someone just because YOU feel insecure. -Pasta012

    1. I thought the same thing honestly because it wasn't someone trying to get any sorts of attention and to piss off anybody just like it play it by year. Most of the men felt insecure because they were mad and wanted to fight. Its a petty joke grow up a bit. BlackHawks012

    2. I totally agree with you. If you got it going on, you got it going on and it shouldn't matter on either sex. I bartend and I've had women and men both compliment my dress attire and never once have I thought they were gay because of it. I mean even if they were I wouldn't be all offended or anything cuz I'm secure and know that I'm not so to me its still a compliment. I think the guys who got upset were very insecure and the one who admitted yea was like yep sure was, no and was secure with himself. Deacon012

    3. Exactly! I feel like our society pushes men into thinking that viewing another man as attractive in any way is "gay." When really, it's not! Women constantly compliment eachother in every way, and we never think we're lesbians because of it. It's just a thought about someones outward appearance and there should be no insecurity associated. Moving along would be the confident thing to do, not try and fight. - leafy012

    4. It was indeed interesting to see peoples reactions when they start to question their own sexuality. I think a lot of this anger came from them thinking that looking at the butt made them gay or something.If the people really look at the situation they would probably feel really stupid about being angry as they literally want to beat someone up because they are wearing clothes that make their butt look nice. Moot012

  4. I feel like you should be able to do what you want if it doesn’t interfere with someone else’s life. If a guy wants to wear leggings, so what? I feel like this was just a way to show that perceptions can change because of expectations. I really don’t think it matters what he wore, the point is he should be able to wear it without someone judging his choice. It wasn’t flamboyant or outlandish, although the way he wore it was attention seeking (which was the point) but I don’t feel like someone should have to cater to someone else’s expectations. -Pasta012

  5. I could watch that video over and over again. I thought it would be obvious to some people that it would of been a guy and not a girl but it's the way guys observe girls because they use to looking at a female that wears yoga pants and stare at them. I'm not the one to stare at anybody unless they want to be the outcast of them crowd for whatever reason but that's their own personal look and not the one to judge. Hypothetically speaking if I did the same thing and got the same reactions from those men. I would probably be called all sorts of names and be judge because they want to think I was trying to attract them when in reality I was just being funny. It still amazes me how if someone was to wear female clothing they get called all the names in the book in not going to repeat. I mean it's the 21st century it's time for a guy to take a joke without them thinking they are trying to get attention from a another male. The one guy who gave the other guy the compliment about his butt that should me that he was pulled into the joke and didn't care. Being insecure will be just a problem with the joke. BlackHawks012

    1. I agree most of the men that got embarrassed were insecure with themselves and were upset that they had been caught looking at what they thought was a girl. I don't think that it was a big deal though to get angry about if your confident in who you are you should be able to take a joke. Believe012

    2. I agree with the yoga pants in the subject. Often I thought it is not appropriate to wear outside and I see everyone including my own daughter wearing it, it seems to be prevalent in college campuses. I always thought it looks awkward and this video kind of confirmed my thoughts - Chichi012

  6. This was an awesome experiment! I have seen this one many times before and others like it. I think it is very important to have these and them be documented like they are, so that people can see that it is all very much real and that it happens on a daily basis. There are many other ones out there that do an even better job of showing what our society is really all about. You could literally spend days watching all the videos that are out there. I honestly don't think that some of the guys even ment to look, it is just so common and second nature almost like a reaction. You see a nice butt you look haha. It is your choice to say something or just keep walking. But really its just a butt a natural thing that everyone has. It was hilarious to see some of the guys reactions when they found out it was a guy. My favorite one was the guy that said "yeah I was looking, you got a nice butt". He new he was caught and wasn't going to lie and own up to his actions and not even get freaked out. It did upset me when some of the dudes squared up to fight the guy that was playing the prank, because they thought it made them gay by looking. This was just pure ignorance on their parts. The human body is a temple and is supposed to be admired. Looking at a male body builder and saying he looks jacked doesn't make you gay? So why would they think this would? There is nothing wrong with being gay anyway you are who you are. MuayThaiGuy012

    1. I totally agree. It was ridiculous seeing the passerby ready to fight just because the prankster suggested that he might have been gay for looking. Since when does it matter if someone suggests that? If you're not gay then cool, you know that. If you are then cool, you know that too. It really doesn't matter and it shouldn't be that offensive. The passerby that reacted calmly and owned up to looking was definitely the best response.

    2. I agree i think it was crazy that people wanted to fight because there was a camera there, the camera was just catching what really happens on a day to day basis. It wasn't like that guy was the only one that looked when he walked by, they all did.-Bengals012

  7. Thi video was very good, I'd seen it before on youtube. This was a great social experiment. The guy doing the prank said he did so because his friend said he doesn't understand how hard it is being a girl. I thought this was pretty funny, in part because I find it completely true. Girls don't really look at guys the same way that guys look at them, and girls don't often yell provocative terms at guys when they pass by. I notice this a lot when you go to the mall. I find that that is when you get the most comments from men. I'm not sure if it's because of the laid back environment or if it's because younger guys usually travel in packs and therefor have the approval from their friends. But in the video you saw the man bending over and getting into his car, all while trying to make his butt looks good as possible. You saw every guy walking past staring pretty hard at it, until the one bending over stood up and the guys passing by realized he was a man and not a female. Some of the reactions were to just walk away quickly and ignore him, and a couple of them started yelling at him to take the leggings off. We also saw a the prankster engage in conversation with a few of them which sometimes led to the passerby squaring up. I thought this was interesting because it really showed how afraid guys are to have others question their sexuality. They wanted to fight the prankster just because he implied that the passerby may have been gay.

    1. I don't know that I agree on girls don't look at guys the same way as guys do girls. I think its closer to even than you'd think I just don't think girls make it as obvious as guys so therefore don't get caught as often maybe. With the younger guys I think your right about it being more prominent in certain environments. I also agree with you on this video showing how afraid guys are having their sexuality questioned. Most of them were like all ready to throw down and fight just because of a joke. He's lucky some of them didn't. Deacon012

  8. I thought this video was funny but at the same time shows what most of society's view on it really is. Most people would be saying the same thing the one guy said when he was saying " come on their leggings.." It's not something most men wear, so automatically its assumed to be a female. I think the guys that got caught looking were upset because they got busted ou and embarrassed in a public place and maybe a few were insecure with themselves. I have a friend who dresses in drag and gets a whistle, look, or cat-call until they get closer and realize its a man. I think you are who you are and if a man has a nice butt and wants to wear leggings he should, and if a guy wants to dress like a female and looks good at it great on that too. I do think that guy was putting himself in danger too though because of the reactions he was getting, he's lucky none of them wanting to pursue fighting him. I mean he was even having to yell at them there's a camera there. All in all it was a funny prank for good fun. Deacon012

    1. Deacon012, I would tend to agree. Leggings are not inherently female anymore than neckties are inherently male. It would be interesting to try a reverse-experiment (if one could be devised) where women looked at someone they thought were a man in an objectifying manner. I would be curious to see if they reacted to their embarrassment and humiliation in a similarly violent manner. – Jung012

  9. I thought this video was very entertaining and the reactions were priceless. Where this video was really funny it also was very true immediately when a guy sees yoga pants he will look over to see. In our society it seems that it is okay because almost every guy would look over to see. Women do know this though and still decide to wear them and complain about it. Women say that they wear them because they are so comfortable but that is not the only reason they could just wear regular sweatpants, but they would say they look gross and that right there says I am trying to impress people. So where it is bad that in our society men do always do that to women I think that the women just allow it because if they didn't like it that much then they wouldn't wear them.-Bengals012

    1. I completely agree! In most cases I feel like people would say the guy is in the wrong. That he's a perv or disrespectful. Yet these girls wearing leggings know exactly how they look, and they know the attention it will bring them. Also girls check out guys all the time, which seems to be perfectly okay until a guy checks them out. It's all in our nature and the way the media and peer have effected us. You really can't get mad at the fact, and mite as well take it as a complement. VT012

  10. Sexual roles, few subjects are more controversial and, in some instances, more taboo than these. Deigned by society and steeped in tradition, these stereotypes attest to all within a group what men and women should do and how they should act and relate under certain circumstances. These roles are brought to light in the Yoga Pants Prank video. The YouTuber responsible for the prank performed an experimental prank to see if men would stare at his bottom when he wore ladies’ leggings. Based on the video, many men did so, believing him to be a woman. This video illuminates the societal belief that women are objects to be admired and stared at. Though perhaps not consciously admitted by many men (including myself), we can tent to look at women as if there are things rather than people. In an ideal society, women would, perhaps, be able to wear whatever they want without the constant fear of being objectified by men. Hopefully, we can move closer to this grand utopia. – Jung012

  11. I thought this was a pretty funny video. It had not only the men's reaction but it also had some women's reaction. There was a wide range of different types of reaction from just ignoring him and walking away to complimenting his butt to trying to fight him. I don't believe that this video is showing that society just sees woman as things to stare at. Its not a bad thing to take a glance at a nice booty while you are just passing by. Its just like window shopping at a nice expensive store you know you aren't going to touch any of these items but its nice to just admire it. its a known fact that society views women different than men. Men have more freedom when it comes to clothing and being able to show off while women have strict rules about what they can show. We are far from equality in this world however we are closer than we have ever been. Godzilla012

  12. I enjoyed this experiment as well! I do not like how some of the males criticized him for what he was wearing and for what he was doing, like he was doing something wrong wearing leggings and reaching in his car. I cannot tolerate people who say that think one gender should have different privileges than another when it comes to what we wear and how we act and dress. We should all be looked at as equals, even though we are not. Storm012

  13. The most interesting part of this video, to me, was the way that the different people responded to the same scenario. Some of the men got aggressive while others just looked away and quickly walked by. Some of the people, like the women, got embarrassed, and some of the others proudly owned it and complemented him. The last people I mentioned, the guy who said that he had a nice butt, was my favorite. This is because he did not let the leggings and the gender of the person effect what he thought about what they were all looking at, the man's butt. This was a very interesting study to me, even if they were just messing around, I think that it shows that there are an abundant about of stereotyping and judgment in today's world. Many in our society believe that just because one a certain gender, that they should not be able to wear certain things or act a certain way because that is what the other gender is supposed to be wearing or doing. My grandma always told me "to each their own, leave them be". If you don't like what you see, turn away. I very much agree with that statement. We should treat others how we would want to be treated if we were in their situation, even if we do not agree with it. Storm012

  14. This video beats all other videos. It's extremely funny but now we have to think about it from sociological stand point. So this video showed the effects of leggings on girls. That guys who are attracted to that will look at them. It's all natural through our genetics and now the media that leggings are the next best thing. Leggings are very tight and show off girls butts. With this being said I don't really feel sorry for any girls who this happens too because they know that leggings show off their curves. If you don't want to be noticed by your curves then don't show them off. If you want to wear them fine but don't get angry by peoples reactions when you know how the clothes make you look. It was quite funny seeing the guys check out the leggings and then when they see it's a guy they either say "oh my gosh, I thought you were a girl" or they run away like they didn't look. Everyone's reaction was different. They didn't want to be looked at as gay simply because they aren't. It's not their fault they thought it was a girl, normally it's girls who wear leggings. This does however say something about the way media and peer have changed the way people look at each other. The guys were interested in a body type and not a personality. That's something that is unfortunately becoming more common. Yet the girls these days want to show off more of their body's so in turn they are leading these guys on. This can really go a few ways depending on how you look at it. I don't believe anything about it is in fault of a specific gender. VT012

  15. This video is really funny, but it also shows that a good portion of males don't like other men wearing "female" clothes. It causes them to check out someone of the same sex and makes them irrationally mad for assuming the one pulling the prank was a woman. I feel it makes them angry because it, for a split second, makes them question their own sexuality. They think because they saw a "woman" with a nice butt, who turned out to be a man, that they are now gay in some way. None of the men should have wanted to fight him or anything, before he talked, because he was wearing leggings. He didn't invite them with a handwritten invitation to check out his butt, he just bent over and knew that guys would look. Other people just walked away and acted like they didn't look, which is what someone with common sense would do. They would realize that this isn't the type of person they thought, be slightly embarrassed and leave it at that. Anyone should be able to wear what makes them comfortable, regardless of what others think. They aren't the ones that have to wear it, or even look at it, so it is none of their business. Leave people to do what makes them happy, and do what makes you happy. Marley012

    1. I agree with you, I think the reason why the men were getting so upset was because they thought it was a women and when he turned around, they might have thought like can a an really look like that, or am I bisexual, which would make them upset. Its just pretty funny.Neverson012

  16. I don't think he should have said some of the things he did, but other than that, he did nothing wrong. He was just playing a prank on people, and anyone with a good sense of humor would have just laughed it off. The guys that were trying to fight him just for the fact that he was a guy wearing leggings is just ridiculous. From the one in the leggings perspective it's not his fault you looked at another guy's butt, no one forced you to stare at everyone's butt just because they are wearing formfitting clothes and bent over. Marley012

  17. So this video is very funny but to look through the sociological perspective of it heres my take. It one goes to show you the things that us women go through when we wear leggings or tight clothes that show off our bodies. Men sometimes really don't have a chill. We should be able to wear what we want and not be judged for it. Or this even brings me to the topic of rape. When someone has that happen to them, the person is always blamed "well why would you wear that, you were asking for it" Us girls are treated and viewed very differently than me. Another side of this is how it turned out to be a man wearing the leggings and not a woman, and all of those guys got super pissed. Because for a second it kind of made them question their sexuality and really in our culture today its "acceptable" to be gay.We have gay marriage rights and everything but for some people its still taboo and they aren't as comfortable with it as others may be. But if a guy wanted to wear leggings why not let them. anyone should be able to wear what they want no matter of gender or size shape ext. -dicaprio012

  18. This video was very funny but at the same time touched base with some pressing issues in our society. One, is that men feel as if they have the right to stare or address a woman for wearing certain clothing. This makes me very uncomfortable. Never should a woman have to make sure her pants are loose enough to divert attention away from her figure. Men shouldn't be so disrespectful as to catcall or stare at a girl as if she has no dignity. Clothing doesn't define a woman, her heart, mind, and soul do. Another thing is how men reacted with anger when they realized that it was a man wearing leggings. There really was no reason for anger. Shock, maybe, but not anger. The rage, I think, stemmed from the men being uncomfortable and upset with themselves for being potentially attracted to a male. They weren't mad at the man in leggings, but instead grew unsettled by their own feelings. Men should be able to think "wow, that's a nice butt" on a girl or a guy and think nothing of it. There should be less negativity and self-resentment regarding homosexual thoughts and feelings. -leafy012

    1. Ok, I really loved everything you had to say! What you mentioned about women being defined by they're character and about how the men felt after realizing it was a man wearing yoga pants. I did not really think of the men’s reaction to the yoga pants the same way you did. I thought the men were angry at the fact they were tricked. After hearing your response I totally agree! I tried to put myself in that situation and understood the same thing. I also think there is some gray area however... The way the media depicts women, usually in car commercials or porn, the women are downright disrespected. I think that plays a role in society’s view of women. Along with that, you have women who wear very skimpy outfits to get nothing but that disrespectful attention by need of self-assurance or some other insecurity. Those are my thoughts but I fully agree and enjoyed what you had to say. Twal012

  19. I think that the video gives good insight on what most women go through every day. Although guys staring is sometimes meant to be a compliment. I think that some people don’t understand that it can be a bit uncomfortable. I’ve seen a couple of videos like this and I like the fact that they try to make the social experiment humorous so that people don’t get offended, even though some were. I think this video definitely got the attention of men who would normally catcall or stare at a woman to think twice before objectifying them in that way and to be more respectful. Believe012

  20. This video is pretty funny actually.Even though he is doing this as a prank it kind of shows what women go through everyday. Men hitting on us when we're just wearing regular clothes, like yoga pats and workout clothes.Well, most women.I think there are also a lot of stereotypes by some women and men that when we wear revealing clothes we're trying to throw different signs. Women that have bigger assets may have this problem a lot more. O thin people just need to not worry about what other people are wearing because it may be acceptable in other places, and to them its fine. Neverson012

  21. It is interesting to see the reactions of the men once they knew that it wasn’t a female. It was weird to me how the guys thought it would be okay to stare at the girls butt but then when it was a guy they got angry. I don’t see how they have a right to be angry at all, they stared at a guy’s butt and when they got called out it just surprised them and they reacted with anger like it was wrong for that guy to be a guy, like they have some sort of right to stare at a woman’s butt. It’s interesting to see how some people work. This sort of video is funny but the underlying theme is very upsetting. Moot012

  22. This is a really funny video and it shows the truth behind yoga pants. Personally I think yoga pants are really comfortable but I realize that if I don’t wear something long over my rear my butt could get stared at now if I get touched me would be a whole different story. It the same risk if you wear a flowy dress a gust of wind could come and expose you. If you don’t want comments and looks don’t wear yoga pants as every day pants wear them to work out in like they were designed to be worn. LEGGINGS ARE EVEN WORSE THEY ARE NOT PANTS they are not meant to be as pants or without a skirt or shorts. THEY WILL SHOW YOUR BUTT and at that point and time I would say let they guys say whatever they want you don’t have room to talk about what is appropriate. TAGTaylor33012

  23. First of all, this video was hilarious! Secondly, this is a sad epidemic in today’s society. I remember growing up with my football buddies, going to the mall and each and every girl that would walk by us that was somewhat attractive would cause my friends to turn and look and proceed to talk about her attractiveness. I went down the same path. It wasn't until I went to the mall with my sister that I changed my behavior. I was downright disgusted. When I think of that behavior, I realize the men (myself included) see the women as objects, not people. We talk about women like they are on a shelf waiting to be purchased by us. It is downright disrespectful. When I look at my sister I see a beautiful, young, outgoing person with a bright future ahead of her. Ever since I noticed others behavior towards my sister I started looking at women different. I look at women the way I look at my sister, and I feel much more like a man. Twal012

  24. I like how the end that guy that gets caught is trying to fight him. It just shows that when someone catches you off guard with a bogus prank like that you have to try to prove your man hood. Especially since it showed that the other guy was with his friend, it gives him a even bigger reason to try and throw hands. But I seen that it is our culture to make it unacceptable to look at another person from the same sex. Which is understandable, because no one wants other people to think they like the same sex and actually do not. Especially in the last man's case where he was with his friend. So he's probably worrying that his friend is going to make fun of him about it later.

    1. I agree with you I wonder if it was accepted in this culture to be with the other sex etc. would some of them be angry about getting caught? I believe that especially knowing that your peers saw you get caught looking at the same sex rear end that raises eyebrows or room for them to laugh and make jokes at you. Of course I believe that if it was acceptable that the reactions of the men in the video would have been different even with it being a sin I believe as long as it was acceptable it would be ok with them. Pinky012

  25. I also thought this was a really funny experiment. I also think sometime guy do need to be called out because society is changing and in twenty years it will not be acceptable or normal to look at a girls butt in tight pants because it will probable will be socially acceptable to wear tight pants. TAGTaylor33012

  26. I would first like to start off that I think this video was hilarious. Its just funny to actually watch on tape what we as women actually go through on a daily. I mean weather its in jeans, yoga pants, or just a top on men always seem to find a way to get a free look. The problem is though not too many women actually confront a man that is checking her out or for whatever reason he maybe be staring at her and I wonder why that is. I think that is is just nature that us women has come accustom to to just let it slide? When the man turns around their facial expressions and reactions to him being a man was just priceless. I can say that everyone reaction was the same but some took light into the fact that they thought he was a women as others were very upset. But overall I loved the fact that a video was done or research was done on the daily task of being a women. Pinky012

  27. I am not sure if this video was funny or intended to send a message. I laughed little bit, but on a serious note. I see the gender biases among people and how they suddenly change their attitude when they realize this is a man. The man in the video was kind of pulling people legs and I am not sure if everyone is really looking at his back. But, I do realized we have gender biases in our society and regardless of age all men appear to do behave somewhat similar. If this experiment taught something, that is people are not serious and not well behaved when it comes to public places. Again, I am not sure what to make of this video, it was more funnier than teaching a message - Chichi012

    1. I agree this video was funny. But it did show the gender biases we have. The guys in the video definitely changed attitudes when they realized it was a guy. It did send a small message though, that guys can wear yoga pants too. DeadMan012

  28. No matter if this was meant to send a message to guys or just for kicks this video was funny. It really shows that guys can make other guys think they're girls. It shows that we instantly think its a girl when we see someone wearing yoga pants. But i must say this was so funny I want to do this now, without criticism. DeadMan012

  29. This video is the best thing any professor has shown in any class, hands down. Obviously this was done as a prank and meant to get a laugh but I do find it somewhat odd that some people, even in today's society, get so offended by homosexuality. Some of these men walking past and staring can't handle the fact that they just looked at another man, almost like it was some sort of life-changing mistake to have done so. But in reality, who the hell cares? As a straight male, I could honestly tell you that yes, I most likely would have looked too. I can appreciate the female body as much as the next man, and when I'm walking straight and looking down and happen to see a pair of yoga pants, obviously I'd assume it was a woman. But if it's a guy playing a prank, thats hilarious! Why be mad or upset with ourselves? It's a man in yoga pants - who really lost in this situation? (Probably us because, lets be honest...he had a nice butt.) JimHalpert012

  30. I have seen this multiple times because I follow his blogs since few years ago. Fosuey tube does social experiments and pranks to see what their reaction of the society can be now a days. Theres so much interesting blogs that he put on tube that make your realize how we us society are. For an example this video chose how men can react to women but. He puts so many situation that happen today in or society. Its very interesting to me to watch his blogs because I learn so much from his videos. Other situation he would make would be situation with muslims after the 911 attack. People would react differently around muslims differently then others. Some would be racist some would be more like standing up to the religion and throw some comments about. Its interesting to learn from his video because they surely are interesting to see how us society react to some situations such as the yoga pants prank. Shakalakah012


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