Understanding the Paedophile Next Door


  1. I was sick watching this video though my opinion before and after this video is that these kinds of pedophiles can never be rehabilitated and they should never be allowed back into society giving another opportunity to hurt another child and some people may feel as though this is a disease i personally don't think so. I felt so bad for the victims in this video especially the women who was molested by her on father and a lot of the times it is family or close friend who violate children people have know idea the pain of someone molested at the hands of someone you think loves you and want suppose to protect you. when these types of people hurt children they have no remorse but the victim has to life with it in his/her mind for the rest of there life and it causes horrendous trauma a pain no one can understand unless they suffered it but they not only victims but they are fighters because it a fight everyda. patient123

    1. I agree! This particular topic was one of the ones that is rarely spoke on or talked about. Yet each day children are hurt each day by people they assumed cared, trusted, and loved...just as he or she loved them. Children are so innocent and many things they know nothing about. There are men and women that will give sex freely and these sickos choose to touch and have sex with children. I cant understand and possibly never will. Yet I feel that anyone who hurts, rapes, or touches a child should be shocked miserably. Forensics123

  2. I did not like watching this video. It really makes me wonder what people are thinking and I would defiantly have my guard up no matter what if I had a kid. After watching this it will be hard for me to really trust anyone with my kid because you never really know. Someone can be the most trusted guy or woman in the world and the next thing you know they are touching your kids. One the other hand I think that since there is people out in the world that have these desires to touch little kids and whatever they want to do, that maybe it will be good for them to get some help. I personally don’t think they will ever change the way they are thinking about it but maybe if someone can give them some kind of tools just maybe they will never act on doing such a thing in life.

    1. I completely agree that helping someone that has these desires could be beneficial to the individual and society. It will help the person because they are getting support from the community to not act on their urges and it can prevent them from becoming a bigger problem. It also helps the community because if they are helping someone it could prevent them from actually committing an assault on a child. I don’t think it can be cured but support can help the individual not act on his feelings. Birdman123

  3. This video was a great learning tool for me because I did not know too much about pedophilia or any kind of things that happened with it so learning this was good so I know more which can help me in my future career. I think that it is wrong what these people do to kids and the ones that actually do anything to a kid or even watches pornographic material about a child should be locked up and not be allowed to be near a kid at all. I did not think, or even know, about people like Eddy who knew they had these feelings for kids but don’t act on them because they are wrong. I think that if he is treated badly for something he has no control over he will either actually assault a kid because that is what he was told so many times he would or he would make or complete an attempt on his life. This type of thing cannot be cured but I think if there is someone like Eddy out there someone should at least help them a little or just talk to them so they don’t feel punished for something they don’t even want to be and maybe stop them from acting on their feelings or ending up taking their own life. Birdman123

  4. This video brought out some very interesting and bold points to take into consideration about pedophilia. For example, they discussed a lot of things that I had not thought about before. Just because a person shows a sexual attraction for kids does not always mean that they have or ever will sexually assault a child or an underage person. The media once again portrays the paedophile as a person who is a monster, who is evil, and is only out to do terrible things. This kind of stereotype that was talked about in the video puts a lot of stress on the paedophlie leading them into the state of mind to think that they are going to do it and it’s only a matter of time. Paedophilia is a mental health illness and needs to be treated like one. These people need to be helped, they need to be talked to and shown reassuring support in order to keep them from carrying out such horrendous things. No matter how horrible the things are that the person says, they need to be listened to. sparks123

    1. I agree that this video was important because it brought to light the fact that not all pedophiles act on there attractions. Some still battle there feelings which further makes me believe that pedophilia is a disease of sorts. I think its important that people further educate themselves on the matter. I also strongly agree that its important to listen to people like this when they need to talk. gabegun123

  5. I thought this video was very informative on the topic of pedophilia. It really helped us to understand what victims of pedophilia experience. I think this video is one of a kind because it actually interviews a pedophile who was looking to spread information about the problem. The pedophile brought to light the thoughts and feelings that one experiences that makes them do the things they do. I think him being active in this video really helped to explain the problem at hand. I was pretty surprised that the pedophile actually agreed to come out and speak on the matter. I also thought it was interesting how the victim of pedophilia and the pedophile had a sit down and talked to one another about the matter. gabegun123

  6. This is a very serious topic. I have always felt that any person that touches or hurts a young child should be be shocked without mercy. Within the video it was found that 1 in 6 children will be molested before the age of 18. I found it very crazy that each pedophile as his own personal age and race preference when it come to these poor innocent children. I also found it interesting within the video that the pedophile Eddie was attracted to children yet had never touched or been intimate with one. Along with Dr.Good was trying to find another approach for peters (pedophiles) so that molesting and hurting children would not occur, and if it has not happened it will never reach that point. This was a very logical approach that she suggested to implement. However, if any one of the men within or after the program continue to touch and hurt children they should seriously be shocked until it is just unbearable to tolerate. Forensics123


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