Ageism? Or.....


  1. The elderly part of our society has maintained a harder work ethic in order to survive. Because they are more settled in their lives, they are more organized. Because it is the beginning of 'the baby boomers', they will eventually be in the majority. When you add their numbers and the fact that they are more likely to vote, younger folks have a problem. Not just civilians get to vote. Congress is where the electoral vote comes from, and most of our senators and representatives are very close to that age group- the baby boomers. It's not just the power to vote, but the power of their money and their influence. As Americans live longer, we will continue to see this problem.
    Younger adults support Bernie Sanders, but they are not unified or nearly as organized as the older generation. Mr. Sanders may have the attention of the younger generation, but if they don't become organized and participate in the elections they will not wield nearly as much power as the seniors.
    The funny parts of this clip also point to an uncomfortable reality. Another sexual revolution has begun during their retirement years, and it isn't a great concept. The picture in my mind is not a graceful one- I always thought it was important to age gracefully and to retain ones dignity during the senior years. The thought of my great-grandma "doing it" in the nursing home does not rest well with me. I believe they should enjoy their senior years, but we are likely to repeat what we see. This doesn't make our future appear as respectful as I had imagined, and I can only hope it is only a trend.
    Sexuality should wane in the older years. It is just the way it is supposed to be.
    OICU8 012

    1. And culture changes......JustSaying345

    2. With how price and things have change young people have to work more to be able to afford basic things like transportation housing and food so we do not have the time to keep up on the elections personally I don’t say yes or vote on something till I have all the facts. If I did vote it would be out of ignorance and leading with ignorance is not the right way to go. TAGTaylor33012

    3. I am not sure I agree that sexuality should wane in older years. Maybe the older generation never stopped having sex. I think young people today have grown immune to a lot of sex related topics and don't think twice about talking about sex, watching sexual content on television, or even engaging in sex. I think the older generation was more discrete and sex was something you didn't publicly talk about. The elderly were young once. How do we know if they sex drive dissolves completely? I think none of us will know for sure until we are old and gray. Hadrosaur012

    4. Yes I totally agree that the elderly should be able to age gracefully. I don't think it's fair for us to take their rights from them. I don't agree with the fact that we should not be open to the fact of our grandparents having sex in the nursing home I mean we all are grown here and they should be able to do what they please. I mean we all have needs right? Lol Pinky012

  2. Ageism and sex. Now there was a subject I didn’t think I would be covering in sociology (or ever, for that matter…) That being said, I can see Maher’s point. The humor in this clip comes from the fact that we don’t expect the elderly to be engaging in sexual activity, much less than with the promiscuous frequency expressed in the video. We tend to assume that, just because someone is old, they shouldn’t care about sex. I remember hearing a video about a pastor who was preaching on lust. He pointed to one octogenarian parishioner and said, “Look at Joe! He’s at the point of life when he doesn’t struggle with lust anymore.” Joe crossed his arms and said simply, “Speak for yourself.” In our society, we seem to place old folks in a box. We seem to make the assumption that they no longer have anything to add to society, whether sexually or in the realm of productivity and ideas. This is a sad trend. It always saddens me when older folks apologize for their age, as if it is something to be ashamed of! I want to learn from their wisdom, their years of experience, not have them discarded as useless worn out carcasses. They are people with dreams, ideas, wisdom and even sexual urges. They are thoroughly human. – Jung012

    1. Yes, I agree. I spoke of some of this as well. We need to not pretend they aren't important anymore because of their age, and they can't physically do what they could 40 years ago or think as quickly as they could 40 years ago either. They are still important to our families and our society. Purple012

    2. I agree that we shouldn't shame older adults for still participating in completely natural activities, but they need to be more careful. Personally, I don't care what anyone does with their sex lives as long as it's consensual. But if my tax money is going towards helping you get laid and treating your STDs, then I'm going to be upset about it. Marley012

    3. This comment is what I am trying to say! Everyone has sexual urges and desires. It doesn't matter what society thinks, even the elderly feel this way. Sure, losing sex drive happens with age, but that doesn't mean you have to be celebate for the rest of life. Elderly should never have to justify their sex life, age, knowledge, etc. -leafy012

  3. The humor of this clip was probably the best part of it. Let’s be honest, no one likes to think of grandma getting dirty let alone getting herpes. I didn’t realize the amount spent on the elderly compared to the young people though. But in some way I agree with it to a large degree because if you made it to be called elderly then you earned the right to live your years well, and as high as your doctor will allow you to be. Although the amount difference may be a little to steep however. How can we expect to take care of the next generations if the money spent is so little in comparison. One thing that wasn’t touched on was how much of that money was medical expenses however, and that is one crucial part of this that needs to be factored in, hospital stays aren’t cheap at any age.-Pasta012

    1. I agree with you all the way. Not enough money is being spent on the elderly now after funds were cut. Hospital stays aren't cheap at all, especially for extended periods of time. DeadMan012

  4. This video was like a comedy clip with a side dose of reality. He spoke about things people don't want to acknowledge, in my opinion. I think it's one of those vicious cycles we continue to create, yet question why it's happening. We put the elderly in a category that makes them feel less important, incapable, and like they are just waiting for the end. Not everyone, must A LOT of society does this. When they are treated like that they will rebel like teenagers. When they aren't shown the respect they've earned then they want to overly prove they are capable of still living. As for the sexual aspect, it's the same. They don't want to feel like that is coming to an end, and when pills developed that could help that, why not? I'm no expert, but I don't think viagra was developed for the elderly. I thought it was to treat ED when you should have full capability of sexual function and for medical reasons you don't. Not because you have reached an age that your body says it is done functioning in that way so let's force it by any means necessary. Seems silly. Anyway...we do need to treat them more respectively, listening to them and their needs, not just pushing them to the side as they age. Purple012

    1. I agree with you. I mean they don't listen to the needs that the elderly want but it short of helps from the government because they have done their dues. Like we have taught is to respect your elders. BlackHawks012

    2. I agree that the elderly are pushed aside very often and neglected. I think that's part of the reason why some old people can be so bitter. Believe012

  5. This video is completely hilarious! But it also shines light on how, even though there is ageism going on towards the elderly, they are still get more benefits than younger people. Older people get more support from the government than children do and still gripe about government funding medical insurance. It's terrible that it's acceptable to support older people having sex, who get more STDs that the government helps treat, but not the younger population. If they can't be responsible like college students they shouldn't be receiving more assistance than them. The unfairness is unjust and should equal at the very least. Marley012

  6. This is defiantly a humorous video, but points out some very interesting topics. At the beginning, he spoke about how much money goes towards the seniors in our society. The fact that we pay tens of thousands more for seniors than children makes me a little weary. That number should be a bit more equal. Sure, we owe it to our elders to care for them the way they did for us, but not at the expense of a childs quality of life. We are cutting financial aid to daycares, preschools, etc meanwhile the elderly are living comfortably. No child should be denied care or better medical care because the older generation is using it for their "sex lives." At the same time, I think that the elderly do deserve the benefits they receive. I just worry about the future of our little ones and how much benefits will be left for them. He also touches quite often on sexuality in the elderly. Some people feel like this is weird and an uncomfortable topic. It really is not. Sex normal for people of all ages, just because they are a grandmother doesn't mean they cannot fulfill themselves through sex. This is something that should be more accepted. -leafy012

  7. It's funny because we all do think that way about older people, we don't want to think about our grandmas and grandpas having sex. But the real truth is, is just because we get older doesn't mean our desires change, yes it may be harder from grandpa to get it up at the end of the day but they are still human. It's amazing how much more money is spent on the elderly than younger people. But i don't think that should be a problem, they have paid their dues. Most of them I'm sure did back breaking work when they were younger, coming from different generations they were raised on farms, and have gone through the depression (depending on their ages) I think its wrong that some elderly people cannot even retire until they are in their 70's (well for most) it used to be a lot younger than that. But we are cutting social security and a lot of other things the elderly depend on (what we will eventually be depending on). A lot of things have changed from generation to generation where people aren't getting what they need to survive. -dicaprio012

    1. I completely agree!! Couldn't have said it better myself. You read my mind. VT012

  8. This video was 100% accurate to be honest. I honestly glad that the government spends the tax payers money on the elderly because they worked longer than us, they are more fragile and need more health care because they could be gone in the blink of an eye. I loved how he said that they should go out with a bang because these people have lived the life that they had by working and paying their dues. Everything coming to end is to short. To be honest I wouldn't really say that the elderly has more sex but hey you know life is too short. When he said that anyone over 61 avoid Obama Care is because it's funded by government money. I think that it is any opportunity but them again that care program already has issues enough has it is. A lot of things change over the years and it won't stop because they are starting to set the standards way to high. Overall I thought this video was great. BlackHawks012

    1. I agree with you about the age and sexual behavior. Age should not be a factor to have sex but everyone should have social reasonability for their own activities and the social consequences. Whether the young person causing problems to their own life and career or older person causing problems to health or taxing the social security and health care system. I don’t think we can view one’s sexual behavior based on their age as long is it doesn’t cause problems to anyone outside of their direct control – chichi012

  9. This was an interesting video. I believe it was made more for comedy than reality because it was full of bias. Trying to tie the elderly's sex life to government money was all for show. The elderly could care less about the governments money. The reason for more spending is the fact that these are elders, they have saved up all this money over the years and want to use it while they still can. Whither the money is spent on the sex life or not doesn't really matter. The elderly tend to spend lots of money in the last 10-20 years as they realize they don't have an endless amount of time left. Also the reason the elderly are not satisfied with today's society is because they grew up in an entirely different world. So much has changed since they were young and they don't like what this world has come too. That fact is a completely different argument that I could go on and on about but that is why they seem dissatisfied. VT012

    1. I think your right on them tying it to sex for the show. I would agree that most of the elderly don't care about government money but there are some that still do. I think alot of anger from elderly is just like you said they grew up in an entirely different age and alot has changed but I think some of it is just because they can't keep up so tend more to focus on the bad instead of all the good with the technologies and advancements and such.I don't know that the government paying for their sex life is true or not but if so then I don't think they should be anymore then they should be paying for mine. If the elderly want to have sex they should fund it just as young people do. Deacon012

  10. It's a fact people, the elderly do have sex. Almost more so than us. Some of the facts Maher gave were shocking, such as elderly peoples usage of condoms. But because of Medicare and all the other medical plans that cover things for the elderly, they can still have fun like it's 1969 (get it?). The fact of the matter is though that more money does go into helping the elderly. Less of that money goes to the younger generation. We will all get their benefits too eventually, even if we don't want to get old, I even have people three years younger than me saying I'm old. We do however need to keep the elderly's benefits in high standard and quality, as the government is cutting funding to things such as Social Security and Medicare. So we need to be keeping the funds to these high as we will soon be the generation who needs it. DeadMan012

  11. In five years 172,000,000 on a penis pumps that is 1,323,076 of the high end most expensive ones, or 11,466,666 of the cheap commercial grade ones not the inexpensive bulk ones. Medical supply bought in bulk is really cheap. I think it is funny that there are more STD is old people than young people that are physically and medically capable to have sex and safely as I might add. Viagra and other type of erectile dysfunction medications are often a contraindication for nitroglycerin for chest pain for that first 24 to 72 hours. Where does emergencies medical personal find most of their chest pain victims? I will give you a hint one of their places taking a dump, eating, or having sex. So we can’t give them those meds that they need right away or there is a chance that we could drop their blood pressor so low that they die. Got to love the little blue pill with a surprise. TAGTaylor33012

  12. This video was very funny but very real too. Maher had very good points of what some older citizens’ deal with every day and how they may think and feel. I think that his saying that the older people are winning the war between themselves and the young can be very true. Older people have been through more than younger generations and they also have a lot of wisdom. When Maher spoke about the older citizens being angry, to a certain degree I understand why. Older citizens’ have seen the way our culture has changed and they don’t like it, that’s why they vote. Another reason why I think the older citizens are mad would be because they don’t like to just be given things. They’ve worked for everything in their lives, they don’t just want hand-outs. Although the video was a little awkward, I think that Maher said some things that needed to be heard and brought to our attention. Believe012

  13. I think Bill Maher used gross humor just to get a laugh out of his audience. I am not sure why he is complaining, he is a senior citizen himself! I doubt he thinks it is gross when he has sex. I don't know what the big deal is about the elderly having sex. They are still alive! If they are capable and consenting why shouldn't they enjoy themselves? I wonder what bothers people more, the elderly having casual sex or old people having sex in general? If my husband and I live to be in our seventies or eighties and are still with it enough to have sex, would anyone have a problem with that? I am not sure why the older generation isn't being smarter about safe sex. Maybe they think at their age no one would be carrying an STD. If they happen to get an STD why shouldn't they be taken care of? We have the health department and Planned Parenthood to help out younger people. A person is still a person regardless of their age. I think it makes sense that the elderly receive more money per year for health care than a child or young to middle age adult. Children and young adult, for the most part, are in the prime of their life and maybe don't need as much health care. An elderly person's body stars to betray them with illness and maladies. I think the older generation worked hard for their money. They had a better work ethic then people today. Why shouldn't they benefit now? Hadrosaur012

  14. I thought this to be more of a humorous clip then anything, but if his statistics are true then its scary that their cutting funding like he said for children's programs and other things to fund things like viagara is just messed up. I think if the seniors want to have sex by all means go for it, but it shouldn't be funded by the government or even accepted as part of any insurance. They should have to fund it themselves. We should have to take care of them as far as like nursing homes and stuff but, they get social security which I hope is even around when we need it so I think sex needs should be on their bill. I don't think we should be picking up the bill for std's from it either. Deacon012

  15. In spite of the jokes about older people and sex, Bill Maher always brings something that is thought provoking. While I don’t think age is a factor to stop having sex, it is important to make sure no one involves in risky sexual behavior regardless of age. Sexually transmitted diseases can cause problems older folks or even tax healthcare system. It is important to preach everyone behaves responsible when it comes to behaviors affecting health. Older folks may have less to worry about the consequence of risky sexual behavior as they may think there is nothing to loose, but they have to understand that they will be taxing other tax payer’s money. It is important to teach folks in healthcare to behave responsibly. Since I work in healthcare and deal with helping elderly people, I don’t think I have seen any evidence of elderly folks interested in having sex amongst themselves in the nursing home, they barely need to help in getting by with their daily life. But, Bill’s statistics seem to suggest otherwise, I am not sure if he is trying to get the point or get the laugh out of his audience. Either way, the points he is making worth thinking about seniors and their sexual behaviors. Regardless of age, everyone need to be responsible for their sexual activity and its consequences - Chichi012

  16. Much like racism and sexism, ageism is abundant in modern day society. The elderly are looked towards as a minority because of the physical, emotional, and reputation differences. Most of the discrimination is generated from the financial competition between old and young people. The video showed the federal government spends nearly 3,822 dollars per child and 25,455 per senior. Along with soc security, pension, and government health care, the senior citizens of our nation really have it good! I have never opposed this idea. I think old people should be treated with these benefits. I have watched many family members grow old, for the most part, society passes them by. My grandma doesn't know the first thing about computers or even cell phones. Im not saying that is all there is to modern day society, but, they are usually confused and left to wonder what is really going on in the world around them. Ageism also plays a role in my reasoning as to why I think older people should be treated with these benefits. I have personally been brought up to respect my elders, however, I have seen countless teenagers disrespect older people and treat them like crap. Along with that, many older people will struggle with health issues and possibly loose their spouse. These are extremely hard obstacles to overcome and I don't agree with adding financial issues to their list. My grandfather was a marine during the Korean conflict and passed away in 2013. If my grandma didn't have the financial aid she receives monthly, she would not be able to live in her house and afford life, period. I agree one hundred percent with what was said at the beginning of the video. The world is young verses old. We hold older people to a weird standard and look to them in a negative way when they don't reach it. Old people are people too, and they were young once just like us. Twal012


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