Arson and the Hot Investigator......


  1. This was an informative video that talks about a job of a fire investigator. I think it is good that they go to a crime scene if it has anything to do with fire; the detective makes a good point when saying one of the motives for arson is to cover up another crime. So having them would help to determine if someone was trying to cover something up or if it was just an accidental fire when the other crime was committed. I think it was cool that they could get the point of origin down to a size of baseball location by looking at the burn patterns and other evidence that was left by the fire and smoke. That could be crucial to solving the case because if they can find the point where it started at they could have an easier time determining if the fire was an accident or if it was purposely started. Birdman123

  2. The video talked about the Florida State Fire Marshall, organization and responsibilities and their investigators are sworn law enforcement officers with arrest powers. I don’t know how unique having fire investigators with arrest powers, but it seems our local fire/ arson investigators do not possess that capability. The investigators talked about using the scientific method of developing a hypothesis, testing it and modifying it as more evidence is available and analyzed. They also emphasized the importance of the forensics lab in building the case. The investigator may be able to smell an accelerant or determine what may have been used by the burn pattern or other evidence, but the lab will provide the specific analysis, which may help in determining where the accelerant was sold and by whom. They also discussed the importance of information/ evidence other than the building. Photographic evidence was taken, including witnesses to the fire, canvasses of the neighborhood, firefighter’s observations and even using outside resources, such as insurance investigators. This point to the increasing complexity of the task and the team effort required to successfully complete an investigation. Humvee123

  3. Arson is a pretty interesting topic. It seems like a very hard crime to determine, but with labs such as these mentioned in the video, arson can be detected a lot more easily than it may seem. Before learning about all the ways arson can be determined, I personally thought that with such destruction it would be hard to find any sort of evidence. This video pointed out the various was that forensic labs can work towards finding the culprit. It also talked about a majority of the major motives behind arson crimes. One thing I found particularly interesting was the use of accelerate k-9's. These are just k-9's that have been trained to sniff out any sort of flammable accelerate. With this sort of k-9 specialty, it makes determining a scene as a arson crime a lot more simple. gabegun123

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    2. I thought it would be nearly impossible to solve an arson crime because all the evidence is destroyed. The video shows that it is not as impossible as I thought, with smoke patterns and other types of evidence that fire investigators are looking for solving the case is still difficult but not impossible. Birdman123

  4. This video was great to watch and had a lot of good information. It was mind blowing that 40% of all fires are caused by arson. Arson fires are also among the hardest fires to investigate and to solve to make sure what happened. A fire investigation starts the second a firefighter is on his way to the fire, then once they are at the fire the house or object is now there’s for a reasonable amount of time in order to investigate the cause of fire and whether or not it was arson or not.


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