Credit Card Scams


  1. That was terrifying to see how easy they could get your card number and your pin code and what a fake ATM machine looks like. I could not really tell the difference between the first one and the second ATM machine except the fact that the real one had a name of a company on it. It was really innovative seeing what they did to get the card numbers and to see the person typing in their pin code. The card skimmers looked almost like the real card slots, maybe a little bulkier, so I know I would have a tough time telling the difference. Other things they did like setting up the cameras and putting a cover over the buttons were interesting because you don’t think about looking for those things but they are creative where they put it, like in the literature holder and other places where a camera would be tough to point out. Birdman123

    1. I agree with you that looking for cameras and stickers over the buttons are not something we’d be looking for when pulling out money. I also couldn’t really tell the difference between the ATM machines. I noticed that the card reader was a little different but I wouldn’t pay any attention to it normally; I’d just assume they were different manufactured parts. I feel as if in the future I’ll be grabbing the card readers, trying to pull them off. Just in case. Gators123

  2. Excellent primer on what to look for when using ATM’s or gas pumps with examples of each. From the examples, someone spent some time designing components that fit over the existing hardware to retrieve data from the cards. The additions look like part of the equipment so most people would not recognize them as add-ons, and would not even be aware that their information has been compromised. When ATM’s first appeared, robbery was the primary means customers could be relieved of their cash. Now they can accomplish the same thing with little effort and can do it without the victim even being aware they have been robbed. Crime/ crooks have adapted given advances in technology. In this case robbery has been turned into a white collar crime, with no contact with the victim. And, where previously the take was whatever the withdrawal amount, now they can use the credit card information as a means to establish additional avenues to create and illegally use credit. Humvee123

  3. This video was definitely and eye opener to things that need to be looked out for. Some of the devices as well as their tactics behind using these skimmers and false key pads are insane. When he began talking about how even simple hotel room keys can be turned into credit cards I was shocked. This was most certainly a scary video because it begins to make you think “what if I have used one of these machines with a skimmer on it?” I had also not even began to think about scammers doing the same thing to gas pumps or literally anything that requires you to use a credit or debit card. From now on i am going to be a little more alert when using gas pumps or ATM’s.

    1. I agree that it was a scary thing to watch; the things that they do to get the pin number and the card information is insane. The secret cameras, the card scanner, and the thing they put over the key pads to get the person's information. It makes me second guess the next time I go to an ATM or use my call at all. Birdman123

    2. The camera was definitely in a tricky secretive area I would have never thought to look if it wasn't for this video. Never known that the card scanners could look so real and legit. However, now that I do and know what to look for I will be on the lookout. For others and myself. You aren't safe anywhere not even the gas pumps. Forensic123

    3. I agree, this is a very scary thing to watch and pay attention for. I will be yanking and pulling ATM machines just to make sure they are all real and not skimmers.

  4. This video is very eye opening. Just when you thought you have seen it all there is more to see, just so much more waiting around the corner. I can't believe how much these atm machines and gas pump car readers are scammers, that look like actual legitimate card readers. It's sad yet pretty impressive that a person would actually go through the time and effort just to steal money from others that they have worked so hard to obtain. Criminals become smarter and smarter everyday. Very informative to know many times when I am out of town or in a rush I stop at off brand atm machines. Never known that it was this easy to steal information.I will no longer rush or stop at off brand from here on out my bank only, no where else. Forensics123

  5. forensic 123 i'm with you 100% make you want to just take the risk of carrying cash people are so pathetic and money hungry nowadays don't wanna work for there own funds. though this was very informal and eye opening the truth of the matter is we need for this to be aware to everyone because no one deserves to be robbed. patient123

  6. this video gave me chills i stopped carry cash because i thought having my money in an account would be wiser and saver and what do you know we have smart idiots just waiting to get they hands on our funds. this just makes me sick nothing you do in this century is actually safe you just never know when you may become a victim of fraud i really hate watching stuff like this though very informal how do you prepare yourself for these types of criminal they seem to be more intelligent then we think i will definitely be more aware. patient123

  7. This video is great a lot of information on how to protect ourselves, I knew some about skimmers but not really how they work and how to try to make sure the ATMs are real and not skimmers. This is going to make me yank and pull on ATM machines just to make sure they are real.

  8. This video was very informative. I’ve never heard of skimmers before but now I’ll make sure that I stop at the bank before I go somewhere. I knew people can get your card info by using a pin at the gas station but I had no idea that some people will put an extra box on top to steal it. When he mentioned the part at the end about being able to turn any card into a credit card using the stolen information, that freaked me out a little. It’s so easy to do and it just means that if someone wants it bad enough, they’ll get it. I’ve always been cautious about gas station machines and I’ve never used a personal ATM machine. It also is a little concerning that someone could be putting a thin layer over the buttons, tracking the numbers you put in. I’ll definitely watch where I use my card from now on. Luckily my bank is really good about catching frauds, sending a new card deactivating the old one. Gators123

    1. I agree with you that it is scary that someone could do this to so many people. It is a very good thing that you have a good bank that will catch this for you. Green123

  9. This video is a very helpful one. It puts the information out there for the people that have had no idea that there are even people out there that do this. This is a very serious and scary thing that can happen to anyone at any given time. I know that I try not to even use my debit card where I have to type in my pass code because they can still use that. I usually swipe it as credit. Also that is hard to be careful of as well because I have seen at Walmart the worker waited to process the transaction completely after the customer left and took money back off their card. This is a very serious crime and it is almost impossible to stop now that there are so many people that know how to do this. I hope that one day we can find a way to protect ourselves. This video is great! Green123


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