Cyber War and the Reality.......


  1. Sobering look at the cyber war threat and growing vulnerabilities with the advent of greater use of technology in our daily lives. I am trying to think of the things we use daily: cars, cell phone, computer, TV, etc., and find one that does not contain a chip or processor. Not only that but an attack, as illustrated in the generator test, can achieve an electrical and mechanical failure, completely destroying the equipment and precluding the possibility of rebuilding. It is possible in the future battles will be fought less on the battlefield and more in the “computer center”. It is amazing how sophisticated the threat is in a targeted attack and how they can seek out a very specific target or even piece of equipment. With this type of attack, you not only may not know you have been attacked, but when and by whom. The scary part is anyone with a laptop and technical training can cause damage and the way of conducting war has been forever changed. Humvee123

    1. I agree with you, there could be a major shift in the way modern warfare fights. Instead of teams of men fighting on the battlefield it can transform into teams of men sitting in a room to try to get into the data of a target to damage it or to make it nonoperational without actually being there. With one push of a button a person on the other side of the world can affect a major structure or even a whole economy by himself. Birdman123

    2. I agree that it’s a scary thought that anyone with computer access can cause so much damage. I also brought up the balloon test, as I thought it was a good example to use. When pure, it works correctly. When damaged, it has a domino effect. It’s also a scary thought to think that terrorism, with as prevalent as it is today, plays a big part of cyber attacking. Gators123

  2. It was a thought-provoking video because it is a growing concern with our society and everyone around the world because it could happen to virtually anyone or anything that relies on technology to function. In the video it showed that an unknown virus could start somewhere and basically be a pandemic to any computers around the world but in the end its main goal could be on a specific target. In the case of the virus in the video it was intended for a nuclear plant’s PLC in Iraq that was supposed to be the viruses’ target. I think that things like that and hackers are definitely a big issue now and going to be a huge issue very soon especially with the FBI being able bypass the security codes to unlock a phone without Apple knowing how they did that. I think if that information is not told to Apple for them to eventually fix it and it falls into the wrong hands there could be a very big problem with hackers getting in someone’s phone to get their personal information or other important information that may be on the phone. It could also be that the FBI abuses its hacking power by hacking into any IPhone they want so that they can obtain critical information. Birdman123

    1. birdman123 i'm with you I'm wondering why such small issues aren't but on the back burner to further establish how we can prevent hackers from potentially killing people the bigger picture is how are they doing this and how can we pretect are selves the fact that these individuals have the power to blow us to pieces scare me they no longer need to fight with us they are using our everyday items to take us out not saying the FBI, cyber professionals, etc.. are not doing what they can i'm saying we need more brains behind our operation these people are smart and determined. patient123

  3. This video was very shocking. It just goes to show that you truly can do anything and everything online these days. It’s a scary thing to come to the realization that people online can cause as much destruction as a bomb using only computer codes. The ‘zero-day exploit’ is also another scary thing we’ve got going on. Since no one knows about the hackers, the problem cannot be detected and therefore cannot be solved. You may never even know they’re there.

    Really, I’m pretty sure this video was made to scare us back into a time before computers. It’s terrifying to me that a PLC (programmable logic controller), something that is half of the size of a car battery, can be used for so much good and so much evil. As a woman in the video described, “They make the world go around.” This is so true. They’re used in trains, elevators, factories, potentially anything we can think of. Yet they can be used to destroy a considerably large populated area. When the man in the video used it to inflate a balloon, the PLC paused three seconds after beginning so the balloon wouldn’t pop. But when infected, the PLC never shut off, causing the balloon explosion. Like he said, imagine if it wasn’t a balloon, but instead a factory or a gas station. I’ll be the first one to say that I do not want to be around when that happens. Gators123

  4. this video was very knowledgeable you don't often here these kinds of details and reality on CNN and Fox these are the type of thing we as people should be made aware of its scary to know we have our men and women who fight for our country putting there life on the line and right under our nose we still are unsafe and unaware that the enemies have found other means to try and destroy us this PLC is very powerful and to thing millions and billions of people use all types of computerized devices everyday in fact it is the way of life and I the PLC actually is what make much of what we use function its so very scary nothing and no where is safe makes me not want to use the computer there probably someone watch me as i type. patient123


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