Professional Credit Card Operations


  1. Illuminating talk with an individual that pursued this trade. It shows how easy it is for anyone with technical skills and ability to learn to be successful. It also shows the sophistication of the group that provided real time updates and intelligence sharing on the latest security measures to counter these types of operations.
    I found it strange that, even though he was using card numbers from individuals, he thought of this as an almost “victimless crime”. The ones paying for this are the big banks and large corporations, who can afford to absorb these losses, not the card holder. This may be his way of justifying his actions to himself as he had some moral issues with his criminality, or maybe it just made him feel less guilty about doing it. He had no trouble living the lifestyle his activity provided and while he sounded relieved he was caught and the anticipation was over, he did not seem too remorseful for the pain he inflicted. Humvee123

    1. I thought that him justifying his actions was a a bad excuse, he is still stealing from a person it should not matter who really pays for the fraud.He said it did keep him up at night but he did not sound like he was so torn up about it. Birdman123

    2. This guy was not only comfortable yet confident in his work of fraudulent actions. He said that he kept his Presbyterian religion by his side along with his laptop. Some sick minded people actally do believe their religion is what kept them around for so long in doing what is defined to be fraud. He was beginning to get into the hundred thousand bracket. I wonder how many actually are billionaires off this particular project alone. This video discuss a criminal at his finest of craft. Forensics123

  2. It was pretty interesting for a podcast; it talks about how easy it was for this man to get into the fraud business and what sources are out there to help him. I thought it was interesting that he had a teacher that taught him the ways of the game and told him ways to do certain things. Just the level of sharing between the people in that was interesting to hear; they would give each other stuff to help them and they would get tips from each other. He seemed fine talking about taking numbers off cards and other things he talks about because his ego was so big that he would do these things and feel great but then at night he would feel bad about it where it kept him up at night; the way he justified it was by saying that a big company was really paying for it instead of him taking money away from a person. Birdman123

  3. I found this video very intriguing. This individual’s story was an amazing example of so many under the radar people that do these types of things every day. Some of the things that were talked about I didn’t even know were possible. It was also very interesting hearing how he had gotten caught and what it all led up to. Although it was very wrong of him to do because of the fact that he was stealing from multiple people as well as causing them grief, it amazes me that there are actually that many different types of anonymous resources out there that do things like this. With good technical skills and the mindset these individuals have it is ridiculous what they can get away with. It was fascinating to hear his planning and the thoughts that were going through his conscious while doing all of this.

    1. spark 123 i agree with you it amaze me how much time and effort he put into stealing from people who work hard for there money i'm wonder why exactly with the sills he has why he couldn't use it to do something legit instead the smart dummy choose to steal and risk going to jail and taking from other really sad. patient123

    2. I agree, it is crazy how much time and effort these types or people put into these scams, but the pay day they get out of all this must be very rewarding.

  4. Many people find ways of coping with certain feelings, grief, and pain. Yet this video is next level. This heightens fraud to the next level social engineering and all. He began to become a criminal at the age of 13 and was not even aware of the matter. He stated that he was fascinated with that fact that he was stealing money from others and becoming rich while putting others in debt. He said catch me if you can! Not even worried that banks and institutions have to repay all these millions and thousands of dollars not the actual costumer. Ten cards at one time all swiped and ready to go. If he got declined on one card he'd go to his car and swipe another card to use. Now this is scary as ever. Never understood how things as such work. Yet after viewing this video now I do. He got so deep in the game that he was thinking he would not get caught. By stealing from people and continuously keeping the identity theft and stealing as an inner conscious. Switching out vin numbers and putting new ones in making $100,000 a week. Omg I can't believe all that this video has opened my eyes to. Though I'm glad I am alert to more of what I did not know. I can now see things for what they really are even if a pretty fake picture is painted. Forensics123

    1. I agree with you that it’s frightening how easy it is for someone to steal so much information in so little time. The fact that he never even cared about the people he was hurting. Maybe it’s because he didn’t actually know them, but that’s really not an excuse. I’d like to know if he ever came in contact with any of those he stole from. Gators123

  5. I found this video both interesting and disgusting to think if he was so intelligent at stealing just imagine what good he could've done in a legit way people like this really thing me off i call it smart dummies yea he was getting good money put at the cost of others people hard ache and his own freedom. this was a true american greed story and it never ends well but well do live in a society were most of everyone would rather have things given to them or stolen from someone nobody seems to wanna work for what they want really made me upset listening to this and he actually sounded proud. patient123

    1. I really like how you put that! There are a lot of people in this world that would rather just keep taking from others than going out there and doing the right thing and working for their own money. Who in there right mind wants to do something that is going to cost them their life? I know that I would not want to do anything like that and I just do not understand. Green123

  6. This was an awesome video with a lot of information about how these scammers work and think. I think it’s a great thing that this guy was caught and put in jail. Its crazy how he just found a website on how to do this by just looking in a dumpster to find credit numbers and anything with account numbers. I had no idea there was forum’s on how to do this. Scams could be very dangerous and these types of people will do anything to get away from the cops even kill. I think for a young man he put a lot of time and effort in all his planning to do these scams. Over all a good video.

  7. This podcast was very interesting to say the least. I think speaking with a guy who was a credit card thief is pretty inspiring because he was able to sober up (in more than one way) and become a great person from what he learned. It was interesting to listen to because it sounded like he was being completely honest, as if he wasn’t holding anything back.

    It was interesting to hear how his strategy worked when he started getting deeper into the con-business. Keeping a laptop in the car to transfer his information was genius. Renting different cars and using those for his game? I think that’s brilliant. However, if the rental companies would have taken a photocopy of his ID, it could have stopped him in his tracks a lot sooner.

    As a college student, I couldn’t imagine doing what this man did. Fortunately for him, since he helped the Feds and got his life straight, he didn’t have to go through any trials and now he can live his life the way he was meant to. Gators123

  8. I think it was very interesting. I believe that if these company's would just take a closer look at what is going on there wouldn't be any of these issues. This guy took way to much time to plan all this out to try and not get caught. However these issues are out here everywhere and we just cannot get to them fast enough. We need to take these more serious and watch what is going on. There are people that scam everywhere in many different forms. Hopefully we get a better and closer look on these. Green123


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