Simply Me.....Political Basics

Simply Me.....Political Basics


  1. That did nothing to help my confusion, although I really dont understand why people just cant let us all be where we want to be on the spectrum, I have had people ask me who i am going to vote for or what side i stand on. It is no ones freaking business is the answer i always give, because it isn't. it is my right to pick who i want with out any form of judgement or punishment. She said that no matter how she explained the spectrum someone would say it was wrong, i didnt read the comments on the main video feed but i am willing to bet that there are complaints on there. which is sad. I did learn where the left and the right came from though, I never knew that, can you imagine being that first person to sit on the left of the King, had to be awkward! sherlocked012

    1. sherlocked012, I can see what you mean! Obviously, it is entirely up to you who you decide to vote for or what system of government you choose to support. However, the reason people may be curious is because, due to our democratic society, your decisions have repercussions upon the government as a whole. We don’t vote in a vacuum. Our choices ripple out to affect this nation. While it is your choice who you support, your choices affect everyone. Therefore, the person asking may be curious who you pick to support, why you pick them, and how these choices may affect the nation as a whole. Political ideas (just like any other type of ideas) have consequences. – Jung012

    2. Jung012, my beliefs are just that, they are mine, whether someone knows about them or not is not going to change the outcome of anything. i am not going to change my beliefs because of how someone says it will change things for them. Im a single mom trying to put myself through school, what my beliefs or how i feel about the government is going to vary depending on who is asking, what they want from our government is going to be different than what i want. so me telling someone its none of their business and not discussing it with them effects no one. I never discuss religion or politics with anyone, we have freedom of both, i also have the right to keep it to myself to keep the piece among those around me. sherlocked012

  2. this video helped me understand a little better. At least now when I hear on CNN or MSNBC someone say extreme left or extreme right I will have a mental picture of what it is their talking about. If I were to use her spectrum I am not sure which end I would be on. I believe the government should be involved on a minimal basis. She mentioned in the video about natural rights and your own personal production, I took that as basically if you work hard and do what your suppose to do you should be able to obtain the things you want. This is what I was always taught and believe and have always tried to do. If you want more try to better yourself. However, I also don't believe we should have homeless vets living on the streets either, while others who are capable of working have made a career out of public assistance. There's always going to be discrepancies but I do think the gap is way to large and something needs to change, so I guess I would fall more in the center. Deacon012

    1. The video did the same for me. Now I'll kinda know what they're talking about on CNN. I grew up with the same mentality that if you work hard you'll be able to obtain the things you want in life. I also agree with you about you homeless veteran comment. The distribution of wealth in America is absurd. Crown012

    2. You sound slightly in the middle and that seems to be where I stand, as well. I tend to be conservative, but it is very rare that any two would wholeheartedly agree on everything. I'm compassionate/conservative, if such a thing exists.
      I don't really believe in supporting a political party; I am much more interested in the intentions of the candidate. By associating with a party, you sometimes rule out the best candidate for the job.
      We have to vote for the best person for the job, and history shows that, at one time or another, they have come from both parties.
      OICU8 012

    3. I share your opinion about not wanting veterans to be living homeless on the streets. I believe programs to help these individuals is a must since they went to war defending our country. I also agree with you that individuals, who are perfectly capable of working, but make a living out of abusing the system is wrong. That really makes me angry when I think about it. I work hard for the things I have. Why should other people get to be so lazy but still benefit. I have these thoughts but how do you judge who really needs help. I still don't know where I lie on the chart. I guess I am close to the middle. Hadrosaur012

  3. This video was very helpful to me. Ive never understood the differences in left or right or even republican vs. Democrat. I never usually pay much attention to poitics, so it never really mattered to me. I would have to say though that i would definitely fall on the right side of the scale. I believe people who work hard should enjoy more wealth or benefits than those who don't. For the most part, we all control how much wealth we obtain and if you don't want or need any then that's cool too. Just don't act like you should be entitled to as much as the guy that works his butt off for his money. I do think the distribution of wealth in our country is sickening, but outside of the rich giving away some of their money to the poor, i don't see how it can be solved. This is the capitalist economy that we chose and it has many advantages and some disadvantages. In my opinion it is still much better than the government having control over everything. You should get what you put in. I understand there are circumstances in which that is impossible, but for the most part it's true. We live in the land of opportunity, and it you choose to chase wealth and social status and that is something that is very important to you, then go for it. If you just wanna sit around and not have a job and be lazy, then by all means do so. At least we have that choice. Crown012

    1. I agree with you on never really knowing the difference on republican and democrat or usually what either of them were standing for most of the time. The wealth distribution problem surely needs looked at but, like you said besides the rich giving up their money, and we know that's not going to happen, I don't see a lot of ways to fix it either. I also agree on how much you want to obtain depends on yourself not anyone else and someone shouldn't feel entitled if they didn't work as hard to get to the same places. I work in the union and I could make a great amount of money in the winter just like my union brothers and sisters. However, I choose not to because I don't want to and I feel my values of spending more time with family and such are more important at this time in my life. I've chosen quality over quantity and don't live beyond my means so I am able to not work and still survive, but I don't go around feeling or thinking I should be entitled to what they earn in the winter. There's always pros and cons. Deacon012

  4. This video made perfect sense to me! The right and left parties are in opposite ends of a spectrum dictating how much control the government or private enterprise has. It seems clear that the woman making this video has a right wing bias. While she presents the left wing’s ideals, she counters most of them with right wing counter-arguments. While not detrimental to the helpfulness of these videos, I wish she had been somewhat more overt about her own bias on the position. However, from a sociological perspective, it would make sense that a western, white woman would be biased toward the right wing as most while westerners seem to be so, including myself. While Marx had some valid ideas, a communist nation seems to be an unattainable goal. As I see it, the government must rely on the private market for, if nothing else, innovation and the setting of prices. On the other hand, an extremely right wing nation sets up its citizens to be taken advantage of by greedy businessmen. Untimely, some synthesis of communism and libertarianism seems to be the most stable form of government. – Jung012

  5. I believe the political spectrum is relative to the person and especially to their cause. We have the traditional divide, but we do not know exactly where it begins and where it ends. We can agree on the differences of size of the government-that is a little more precise. Free enterprise and a planned economy is a little more vague, as is private and community property. I hope we always have the right to either; some things are better left to the private sector.
    I'm a conservative but I also believe in redistribution of wealth. We are happier as a community when all of our people are maintaining with their basic needs being met. It improves the quality of life for all of us.
    Inequality will always exist to some extent. The best we can hope for is more equal opportunities being distributed more equally.
    Our election process is mocking me as a republican, this year, and I resent it. I feel the party really is being divided. I am a perfect example of why this spectrum is so difficult to define; we all interpret our beliefs differently. We agree on some details, but we vary from those people when considering other topics. Attempting to decipher human behavior onto a scale seems to be more difficult than one might expect.
    OICU8 012

  6. This video clarifies some of the political keywords I always heard but never fully understood. I understand the social inequalities and injustice, however I think that the people who work hard should be able to get ahead. The argument on top one percent having most of the wealth is reasonable one, but in our country all of these wealth are acquired legally, sometimes even with innovation and creative thinking. So I don’t necessarily think that is wrong, I also notice that most of the people in the top one percentage are philanthropists like Gates and Buffet and they are creating very positive impact in the world . Also, they seem to pay most of the graduated income tax. I think that the power of our country is the private sector and they create most jobs. If you look at the socialist or communist countries like Russia and China, they don’t seem to be all that successful and they are trying to emulate our capitalistic system. We can talk about all the problems about private sector or capitalism, but this is the one that works. We are the most powerful country and society because whatever we have here works. I understand all the differences between political parties, communism, capitalism etc., but the important point to remember is that - generally speaking, it works. While there will always be a negative view or a need to tweak our socio-economic system, fundamentally it is one of the best and works. We should always keep in mind while comparing another country or society. – Chichi012

    1. So can we take a second to talk about how corrupt and ruined our private sector is. I will have to disagree with you. Yes financially wise they are successful, but I mean them. Not US. They do not care about anyone but them selves and it has put a damper on us as a whole. Lets just take our health care system for example it is a complete joke, compared to other country's and guess who is basically in control over that, the private sector AKA the insurance companies. I will leave it at that. MuayThaiGuy012

  7. I didnt really like this vied. Yes it helped me understand what they are talking about on the news when all this political mumbo jumbo is going on, and now its getting to the point where it is like enough is enough. Guess what we still have about six months left until we get a nice break for three years. My stance on the whole spectrum is that I think it is a horrible idea. Politics is already nasty enough but throwing in the spectrum it further divides us as people and then people get into more arguments and a political argument can get really bad really quick. I guess what I am saying I am not really into them. People should be able to have their own thoughts without being labeled something or other. MuayThaiGuy012

    1. I agree! I thought about this too as I watched. Why are be now giving these different ideas labels because it will only cause further confusion and fighting. People can be so judgmental and we are only extending the torture. VT012

    2. I agree! The spectrum was so confusing at first but I got the concept of it. Other than that people should be able to have their own opinions and not be labeled. It's just how was take things as a concept. BlackHawks012

    3. Unfortunately the political spectrum isn't really a choice, it's just habit. Although I do agree that it isn't a good idea, sadly it just is what it is. My issue with our system is, although we are allowed to have our own opinions, I feel as though people get judged far too quickly for their choices. I believe this is, not such a problem with our political system, but a problem with our social norms. JimHalpert017

    4. I agree with you politics is something I literally cannot stand to discuss with people, it just divides everyone further apart. But thats just the world that we live in, sadly. -dicaprio012

    5. I think that the use of the spectrum is made to better identify the general beliefs or ideas that a party or a person holds. Like if I were to say that I aligned with “x politician” or “y politician” it may be a poor example if you aren’t familiar with those people. However if I say I’m a “right wing” voter, it makes my general political views more clear. Moot012

    6. I agree with you pretty much a 100%. I wasn’t fond of this video. I really disliked the background music it is on just enough to annoy you but not loud enough to listen to. We are such a diverse population that really can not justified splitting us up into two groups then pitting us against each other on very vague stand points. TAGTaylor33012

  8. This video was helpful in explaining the right and left sides of the spectrum. It gave a good basis of what the two sides offer and stand for. I sounded like the right side would be the most popular and equal for everyone based on the work people put in. The left side seems very confusing. I don't know why anyone would be in favor of the left side. Everything they stand for can be contradicted. Although I assume it depends on your current status for whom you would be in favor of. If you are working at McDonald's making minimum wage, no house of your own, no car. Then you would want the left side who will benefit you giving you the same as those doing big jobs. While if you have your own house, own car, have gone to school and have a good paying job. You want to privately own your things and get paid more for what you've worked for. VT012

  9. This video really was helpful in giving a general view of the political spectrum. It was also interesting to learn that the terms "left" and "right" were coined in England to describe those who opposed the King and those who agreed with him. Although the video did outline what it meant to be a republican or democrat, the best portion of this video is when it describes how people can be "left-winged" on some issues, and "right-winged" on others. JimHalpert012

  10. I'm not really into politics per say but it did help me understand the differences between the lest and right of the spectrum and one little part that really kind of got under my skin a little. In some parts of the video she mentioned some of other places she found the differences between left and right and the wealth. I'm sorry but if she looked on Wikipedia for some additional facts then I feel like something isn't right or it might have been stated wrong. I never really heard of the Occupied Movement till now because like said I don't follow on politics. It means that it's the government collecting all the wealth to either hand out evenly or as needed. Right there I feel like it shouldn't be evenly because most of America waste that money on something. So if it was handed out evenly I consider that as someone who lives off of the government but you have to do what you have to do I guess. So here is what I'm taking in is the the left side is mainly social equality and redistribution of wealth. The right side is social inequality and natural rights. Over all this video was a little hard to understand but I think I get the concepts of it. BlackHawks012

  11. I have never really known what to say when someone asked me weather I was a republican or a democrat. I have never really fully understood what it meant to be one or the other. I think this video helped me a little. Although I still don't fully understand, I do feel like I have a better grasp of the issues. It helped me to see the examples of the left and right sides. I don't completely agree with either side but the speaker said most people don't completely agree with either side and often argue. I guess I fit somewhere in the middle. I don't necessarily want the government to control everything. I have a better grasp of the left and right side but I don't really know anything about the parties in between. I definitely need to study this subject more but I feel like I have the basics down. Hadrosaur012

    1. I think where people struggle the most is not seeing the other sides view and why they may feel that way. I also don't agree with either side fully and it becomes an issue when someone is so far on one side they can't see anything else. Sometimes I don't even think they see the people on the other side, much less why they are there. They just get mad. Purple012

  12. You know I say that I know about politics but I don't think that I really do, and this video sort of helped me understand the concept a little more. I think a lot of people don't really know a lot about politics even when they say that they do. Because most of the time when you ask someone why they are this or why they aren't this they really don't have a reasonable answer. I guess what Im trying to say is I don't really know what side that I am on I agree with some parts of one side and disagree with some parts on the other. -dicaprio012

  13. I think this video did a great job clarifying what the far left and far right meant. People always used those terms around me and I never quite understood what it meant. I have also noticed that people from different areas think the terms mean different things. Because of this, I have always viewed them as arbitrary and never bothered to have them clarified. This video did a good job clarifying the general meaning of the sides and also some of the areas in the spectrum. It was also interesting to learn the history of the left and right. I had no idea the terms originated from the Kings court. It is also interesting to consider how each “side” has altered their ideas over the years. For example, the democratic and republican parties have changed views quite a bit since just the 60s. This is more interesting stuff to consider than I really thought before watching this. Moot012

  14. I honestly didn't get anything out of this video but "left" for social equality, and "right" for social hierarchy. I know in ways she was trying to compare it to politics but I was confused. The spectrum I know that classify different politic positions, which is just sections divided into smaller sections. I just feel as if we shouldn't be sectioned off and classified and then have to tell people how we classify ourselves. I just feel as if the left and right terms is ok to use but it should be broken down more clearly. Pinky012

    1. I felt a little confused too when I first watched the video, but after watching it a second time I kind of got an understanding of what she meant when talking about the political spectrum. Believe012

  15. One thing I felt I got out of this video was that she was more for the right wing. She seemed to speak about the left wing with much distaste. I am not saying that to be a bad thing or a good thing, just seemed a little biased. Maybe that was what we were suppose to see. She did a fair job of explaining the extremes of both ends to my knowledge, even if she did show her favoritism. There's a lot left in the middle of these two comparisons and it really sucks when people can only see one side or the other. Purple012

  16. this video was very informative; I like the way she broke down the political spectrum and how people often misinterpret either ends of the spectrum. I like how she explained how both sides of the spectrum would look different depending on your own political party choice, I also liked the way she included Marx’s ideals and how it applies to the general patterns in life. This video was very helpful as far as explaining how these things apply socially and in explaining the terms that I did not understand when they were said on the news but now I can actually have a well-rounded opinion on political issues/stand point because I have a better understanding. Believe012

  17. I really dislike the background music it makes me confused and is very distracting. It is also giving me a headache. She starts off rather slow. So it seems like almost personalities when she starts to talk about a spectrum. She has helped define which party stand for. As well as what each part means. I really dislike that most off this world is not black and white but mostly shades of gray it would be so much easier if it was just the black and white. If that were true we really would not have choses are a life that would be worth living. As well as the fact that you would be able to guess what a person was thinking statistically fifty percent of the time. With what she said why do we vote for people but why don’t we elect solely on the aspects that we believe that need to be fixed. TAGTaylor33012

  18. It's interesting after watching the video and giving my opinion from my perspective. I have read an article that was similar to this video but had an argument about it. I'm not a very high political person but I still had my opinion on this subject. I thought to my self as well as some other people I know that I heard mentioning about. I see it from my perspective is how is it ever Given that the political right is so corrupted by conservatives who seek to limit liberty in countless ways, wouldn’t it be better to a band the language of left and right and create a new term. My personal opinion of the the terms left and right are already widely used to denote the basic political alternative and because that alternative is in fact paired,,the best approach for supports of freedom is not to reject the term but to clarify it by defining the point of the terms. shakalakah012


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