Synthetic Drugs and a Reality Check....Your Hallucinogenic Thoughts?


  1. The video showed how easy it was to get designer drugs over the internet and how this was a legal alternative to illegal drugs. Individuals react differently to chemicals in their body and it is impossible to know the outcome from a substance labeled only 2CI BNOME, no matter what the advertised effects. It took the state forensics lab to determine the exact chemical composition of the substance. The fact that this was advertised for use as a research chemical is a legal disclaimer that did nothing to mask the true intent of the product. Being legal is not the same thing as acting in an ethical manner. If a product causes harm or the death of the user, whoever provides it should be held accountable for the effects of their product. The loss of children or young adults caused by drugs is tragic, but the video portrays them as innocent victims, who need protection by the government. This ignores the individual responsibility each of the users had who bought or willing ingested unknown chemicals. Humvee123

  2. This video was a real eye opener to the dangers of these synthetic drugs that have become common in many places. I remember personally there was a gas station in my home town that would sell this stuff as "incense." It was a huge thing for awhile when I was in high school and there seemed to be very little regulations on these drugs. It is scary to think that this kind of potent, look-a-like substance is on the streets. It is no wonder why there has been such a incline in the number of overdoses in the last couple of years. Im sure a mojority of "pure" drugs people by now a days is just cut with these substances which make people believe its true. This is very dangerous because typically these synthetic drugs are way more potent, along with way more dangerous than the natural form of drugs. I think it is very important that we adopt more laws and regulations on these designer drugs. gabegun123

  3. This video shows how even somebody smart and knows what hes doing can go horribly wrong in the matter of seconds. It seems as if people are pretty ignorant to what they are actually doing when they are doing it. People need to realize that if they are going to do these crazy drugs that they should do some research on them. Obviously these drugs are bad for them and when they don't know what is in them its just beyond silly to do. The kid who put the chemical in the chocolate is literally the dumbest person in the world. "Im just going to put an unknown amount of this unknown chemical in this " like wow. When it was showing the facility in china with all the chemicals at is a real eye opener of how bad the problem really is. Because that was just 1 facility. They had a massive amount of barrels there with all kinds of drugs. Now imagine all the other ones that exist. There is no possible way to stop the production of that or the sale of that. People should spend their time more wisely by teaching kids and people in the community about these drugs in order for them to known what is actually going on. The owner of the store made a good point that even though they are bad they can be consumed on a regular basis at a safe level. So even if people were doing it or getting ahold of it at least they would know what they are getting into ahead of time.


    1. I agree that there should be teachings about the dangers of these synthetic drugs. It could stop people from taking them because they are aware of how dangerous they could be or even if they do, since you can’t stop everyone, they will know the dangers that come with the drugs. Birdman123

  4. What is becoming more and more popular in society today is the use of synthetic drugs. The video shows the popularity of synthetic drugs and how dangerous they can be. The two males in the video demonstrated the true dangers in taking these drugs; one of the kids thought he was taking something with mushrooms but it ended up with him overdosing on a drug he had no clue what it was going to do to him. The problem is, and I heard about this at high school with K2, is that the people who are taking these synthetic drugs don’t know how strong they are and they are having bad reactions and it could even result in their death. I think that kids and adults need to be taught of the dangers of these synthetic drugs because there is an increase in overdoses because they do not fully understand how dangerous taking synthetic drugs can be to the body, and it could hopefully deter people from using them. Birdman123

    1. I agree, synthetic drugs are very popular and are just getting bigger and bigger and also just so easy to be able to buy and use. These drugs are killing too many people.

  5. This video was really good. Very informative to watch. Synthetic drugs are very bad to use basically chemicals that people are putting into their bodies not knowing what they really are. It was mind blowing that there are drugs being sold on the internet. I’m sure that didn’t take long to track though. Once one drug is taken off the streets, then they find a knew way to make drugs. Even if the police make it illegal to buy and get the manufacture companies will just find a new way to sell the drugs.


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