Ageism and Bill Maher.....Young and Old


  1. Bill Maher was able to present this dispute between the young and older generations well with facts and statistics while in a humorous manner. He mentioned a lot of facts that I'm sure most of us probably wouldn't have expected to be true. I think it was interesting all the statistics he mentioned because frankly, in today's society I think we have a different view on the older generation. Often times we see them as maybe living a boring lifestyle, or maybe not as being sexual active. But clearly, this video proves us otherwise. One statistic he mentioned was that the annual expenses to raise a child was on average $3,822 while for senior citizens an average 25k. This was shocking to me, yet I always knew depending on the senior citizen home or residency, it was pricey. But 25 thousand dollars is a crazy amount to be spending, in my opinion. MacD001

    1. I don’t think the main point that Maher was making was how much elderly sex is happening in old folk’s homes but that the government spends the money for them to live their lives. I agree these statistics on how much we spend are shocking. I feel Maher is trying to show that we spend so much government money on the elderly, that the US society does see their value. FireFan001

    2. I agree, when I think of older people I tend to think they are living a boring life. This video proves they are trying to have fun and live what life they have left.

    3. I agree there are other areas of the world that need that special attention as well. It's not fair to give out almost everything to the elderly. Pineapples001

    4. I also feel that we see the elderly as living a boring lifestyle. Our younger generation seems to categorize all older people into having the same traits and hobbies. But just like we are, they are all different from one another and live their lives in different ways. They all have different hobbies and activities that take up their lifestyle. And little do we know that they are doing what we do behind closed doors. You could say some may be more "outgoing" than others.


  2. Aside from the Viagra and nursing home sex, Bill Maher makes a valid point on how much money we are actually spending on the elderly. Maher points out that the government spends nearly $4000 on children and more than $25000 on the elderly. Maher’s point is that the elderly seems to complain the most about politics, when in reality they are getting the most benefits from the government. Most elderly receive some sort of government health assistance, when the majority oppose Obama care. Ironically, older people complain the most about the government when in reality they control the government. Maher’s intended message is to show how much the elderly are really being supported. However, I believe his message had a latent function, ageism toward the elderly. Some may perceive the presentation of how much the government spend on the elderly to be astronomical. I feel like he may anger the average person by telling them how much the government is support the elderly opposed to other sectors. FireFan001

    1. I'm not quite sure what all is included in the $25,000 used towards the elderly, but I am sure that it is not for Viagra and things of that nature. I am sure that this would be an easy thing to type into google, however, for the purpose of this response I will keep it simple. I completely agree with what you are saying, but I do hope that people won't be angered by what is spent on the elderly, because many of them don't have other sources of income, whereas children at least have a parent to support them. While this isn't every case, I feel that it may help to explain the difference in the amount the government spends betweem children and the elderly. Sandydog001

  3. I love watching this guy. I think her is raw and really funny while doing it. I did not know that the government spends around $4000 on children and then around $25000 on older people. I think the reason that older people are getting more from the government is because they vote for the right people to be in office that they know will take care of them. In my eyes I think that the elderly in our country should be getting more from the government. Most of them have put in many years and have contributed a lot of time and money towards our country so I think we should be taking care of them better. When I think of older people I do not think of them having sex, this video made it very clear that there has been a raise in sexual relations with older people and a higher number of STDS being spread among older men and woman.

    1. I totally agree with you! Bill was very good, and straight out right with his video. I don't think its right for the elderly to have some type of STD. I do think its fair for the elderly to get a lot of the money, when it comes to health care, and other services like that. Simple fact, they put all the money into the funds. Like, social security, over the time that they worked. Overall, I think the video was a good eye opener.


  4. My first time watching Maher’s show and my first impression was no other than great. Not only was it obviously funny but it told the truth and nothing but the truth. The money that our government spends on the elderly is really out of hand but it’s not like we can take that money away from them now because they based their whole young years on working hard so they can relax old. Most of the time I think that the elderly can be a lot smarter at getting what they want because they can’t move around like they used to and complain a lot more than someone my age would to get sympathy from others to make them feel bad for the elderly. Although hearing the numbers of how many have sex, gets a STD, and doesn’t wear protection at that age still makes me feel a little sick. Pineapples001

  5. While many of us discriminate elderly people, many elderly people discriminate against the younger generations as well. According the elderly, we are lazy, and do not work for what we want, but instead expected to be handed everything by the government. This is a hypocritical thought from them. While there are many people who do take advantage of government assistance, and abuse it, many elderlies are dependent on help from the government, just to survive. While Viagra and penis pumps are a bit of an exaggeration, it was just meant to represent the $25,000 that it takes to support the elderly every year. If the elderly are so quick to judge younger generations for government help, they probably are not very informed on how much government money they are eating away at. I am not saying that spending money on the elderly is unnecessary, because in the next fifty years, most of the population will be older folks. What I am saying is that we should all be better informed as to what is going on in our country so that the elderly would not be so quick to judge younger generations, and so the younger generations won’t be so quick to judge the elderly. Sandydog711

    1. I realized after submitting that I posted the wrong username. This is meant to be "Sandydog001"

  6. I do not think I will forget the information I got out of this video very easily. I have mixed emotions about how much money the elderly should get from the government. I see some old people who have worked their butts off their entire life to retire and not have very much anymore. I think that is not fair what so ever. But finding out that the federal yearly spending per senior is over twenty five thousand, while the federal yearly spending for child is not even four thousand really makes me wonder. I feel like these numbers need to be better evenly distributed. I know elderly people may have more costly medical needs and such than most children, and they vote for the right people to get what they need, but that is a still a big gap. And the number of STD’s being spread throughout the elderly absolutely blows my mind. The government spends money to go to schools and teach children what and what not to do to prevent these things from happening while the elderly people are just doing whatever they want whenever they want.


    1. I too have mixed emotions about the elderly's financial support from the government. On one hand, we need to support older people because most have made significant contributions to society, but on the other hand, how much support do the elderly really need as compared to what they get? Like you said, that's a significant amount more than what children spend. I also agree that there is a double standard with the elderly and young people when it comes to the STD thing. Why should the elderly's mistakes not count as much as young people's? HAL001

    2. I definitely agree with you on the point that the government should be spending this money on children in schools and teaching them right from wrong, not throwing all these luxuries out to the elderly. It’s up to each individual person to make the most of their life. Children are thrown here not able to fend for themselves yet and we have a moral duty to give them the best we can. If the best we can give them is twenty two thousand dollars less than elderly people, there is a problem. Aloha001

  7. I think bill did a great job with this video. I think when it comes to taking care of a person, age shouldn't matter. Its mind blowing when he talked about STD'S are getting passed around throughout the elderly, I don't think that its right at all. My reasoning for thinking why the elderly are getting more money from the government is because, the law makers are the same age group. The lawmakers also, look out for the people of there age. Because, they have worked there whole life, and haave a lot of life experience. In the way i look at it, the older people should receive the most money when it comes to health care, and similar things like that. They worked their whole life, and payed all the taxes, and put into the social security fund, over the time they worked.


    1. I like how you brought age into play, the baby boomers coming together to help the baby boomers. I would like to see how the world would be with all of our generation as head and in the jobs to protect them though... ? Yatchy001

  8. Maher mentions at the beginning of the clip that we need to stop thinking in terms of rich versus poor or black versus white and start thinking about young versus old, which, according to our book, isn't something that people are very willing to do. I think that Maher knows this, and he also knows that the only thing that's going to get people to pay attention to elderly issues is humor. I feel like the book focused a lot more on ageism towards old people. Maher is sort of exhibiting this ageism, but at the same time, he is only calling out old people for using the system. It goes to show that all prejudice goes both ways. Old people are definitely discriminated against, but that doesn't mean that they don't take advantage of their circumstances. I was surprised to hear about some of the statistics Maher presented, especially about how much elderly people spend compared to young people. However, there are many elderly people who become poor after retirement. This shows that there is even stratification within the category of the elderly. HAL001

  9. I love this video. Bill starts talking about how the older generation of our country wonders what we are going to be like. Well you are taking almost more than a third of our money so there is a start. Money is almost being wasted on the last days of lives for them. Maybe find a less costly way to do all of this. Also he talks about how the young don't vote and the old do, which is honestly a weird issue, the young think of politics as stupid and childish when they should keep updated and make it a part of life to know those things. He kind of makes fun of old people while rooting the on which is also a strange but of course funny thing. The statistic about old people banging was weird too……. He is hilarious though. Yatchy001

  10. This video was really eye opening and also hilarious to me. I love Bill Maher and I think he got all the facts out there and points across that he wanted, while doing it in a memorable way. One of them being that the annual expense of childcare was around three thousand dollars a year whereas for the elderly it was over twenty five thousand. That actually sickens me because we should be bettering the youths of our society and giving them the best environment we can to grow up in so that we will have better adults in the future. Yes, elderly should be able to have a great time while it’s there last years living, but I personally don’t think I could do it that easily knowing I’m taking that hefty of an amount away from innocent children. Retirement is something that we are taught to plan for our entire lives, children don’t have that luxury of having time to prepare. Aloha001

    1. I agree that the elderly shouldn't get so much more compared to younger people. It is clearly unfair, and should be evened out way more. I think that elderly believe have some sort of entitlement but at what cost? Not as much funding for people who still have their whole life to live. chicagoblackhawks001

  11. This video was inappropriate, yet hilarious. I like how Bill Maher just tells us how it is, and he tells us in a humorous way so we will remember. I find it shocking that the government spends less than $4000 on child care every year, but spends over $25000 on senior care. I also find it almost disturbing that STD’s are on a rise in senior citizens, and that only 6 percent of seniors use protection compared to college students who wear protection 40 percent of the time. I believe ageism in America can go both ways, like in the Shirley video where young people are against seniors, but in this video it is switched. I think it’s switched because when laws are being voted on and passed, who is the one voting on it? Seniors, and seniors want what is best for them (well who wouldn’t.) Like Maher said, Why are seniors so angry politically? They are getting way more than what younger people are getting. This video was very informational, because I had no idea how much more seniors get, when I was always under the impression that young people had it all. chicagoblackhawks001

  12. Bill Maher was able to provide his argument against older generations vs. younger ones in a very humorous manner, which I appreciated because it made me pay attention to it more. A lot of the facts that he mentioned surprised me greatly. For example, we as a society view senior citizens as ‘old lumps that have really boring lives’ – yet in the video Maher talks about how seniors are in fact very sexually active and are getting government money to help with it. Another point that Bill made was the fact that the average amount of government money spent on a child is a little under $4,000, but they spend over $25,000 on older generations. I believed his point about this statistic was that the elderly seems to do the most complaining about the government and how they don’t get helped out; when in all reality they get 6 times more cash spent on them. Although I would like to see what that money is spent on – considering elders tend to need more health benefits and housing assistance than younger generations do. Overall I found this video to be extremely eye-opening and some of his jokes had me laughing hysterically. Caffeinated001


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