Ageism and Shirley Caesar...Your Thoughts?


  1. I think Shirley Caesar is a really phenomenal lady and an even better role model. Through her gospel songs you can tell she expresses herself freely while sharing her stories and beliefs. I think it's really amazing that despite the fact it may seem "taboo" she is still performing and expressing herself freely and effortlessly. I think she easily breaks all social norms when it comes to our idea of the life of someone whose elderly. This lady is rocking her age and is completely comfortable going out on stage and producing albums still! Our culture would probably consider it strange that perhaps she seventy plus and is performing and singing her heart out. She's incredibly talented and is just as able as anyone else, despite age, to do what she loves to do. MacD001

    1. MacD - I saw one son as being revering of his mom and the their somewhat dismissive and unfair. Like he had no respect for the elderly. When he had no more use for his Mom, he basically kicked her to the curb!! Really Agiest behavior.....HopeMyKidsDoBetter001

    2. Your perspective is a little untraditional. I agree that she could be breaking ageist expectations by having a career at a late age, but so many other musicians make new music well into their elder years and even beyond the grave. I suppose you could say she kept autonomy through making religious music only but then again religious artists do that today. Was she so revolutionary? Probably not. FireFan001

    3. I agree, she really expresses herself very freely, and i think more people her age should be doing something to express themselves just like Shirley Caesar did.

  2. Shirley Caesar sings about the escapades of her two sons. Her message may seem clear cut at first but it takes a turn in her song. The son who became a successful doctor wanted to place her in the old folk’s home, despite nothing really being wrong with her. The no good son had been lazy his whole life and had little regard. However, he would not settle for his mom going to the home, so he says he will take her to his home. By the end of the song the roles have been reversed. Her son had become a successful doctor and this new title changed how his socialization occurred. He most likely had been cultured by his new position to believe that the elderly has little value to society and as a doctor how burdensome they can be on a family. Despite the no good son’s shortcomings in life, he had never forgot how he was raised on how his family influenced his socialization. In this case, a jump in class caused drastic socialization. FireFan001

    1. I like how you brought up the fact that the two sons experienced different socialization in adulthood. Someone who has been completely submerged into the post-industrial and technological environment that comes with being at a high status, is more likely to devalue family ties. In the eyes of the mother, the successful son's actions were less respectable than the troubled son, even though that society would still tend to view the doctor as more respectable. HAL001

  3. Shirley Caesar has a great voice, this was the first time that I have heard her sing and this was the first time that I have even heard of her as well. I am not very religious, but I really enjoyed the song I listened to during this video. For being born in 1938 she was really getting down as an older lady up on stage. As a young man watching her in the video, it was very motivational to listen and watch her move around like she did. That is not something we see daily or even really ever hear about. The television really doesn’t show many older woman or even men for that matter signing or dancing. Watching this video was defiantly out of the daily normally in the society we live in.

    1. I agree, this isn't something we normally see everyday. It takes a lot for her despite her age to continue being so faithful to what she's passionate about as well as her beliefs. She definitely uses songs and gospel singing well, to share her past and different stories of her life that touch so many lives. MacD001

  4. Wow, this lady can sing. It’s not an easy task singing for thirteen minutes straight without losing your voice. With all joking aside, this song did tell a pretty accurate story of how the elderly are treated. Many people view the elderly as being inconvenient, an even annoying. In this song, the “good” son wanted to drop his own mother off at a retirement home, so that he would no longer have to deal with her, and so that when he had friends over, he no longer had to be embarrassed by her. Many people do show their own parents this kind of disrespect. They do not want to have any part of taking care of the people who cared for them for their most vulnerable part of their life. Luckily in this song, the mother had another son to care for her, but for a lot of the elderly, their only caregivers are workers in nursing or retirement homes. Sandydog001

    1. I agree there's not many people now that respect their mothers anymore. I feel like it shouldn't matter how mad you get because she took your phone away don't resent her for it she's only making you a better person in the end. Pineapples001

    2. I agree with you how the elderly are perceived as an inconvenience to some people. It is a very sad subject, and I love how Shirley sang it with such emotion. Ageism is so real in this day of age, when it is just a selfish act upon the son who wanted to kick her out. chicagoblackhawks001

  5. Shirley spoke true words that happens all the time in this world. You have one son (usually the firstborn) that promises their mother the world when they grow up were as the other son (trouble maker) is the one that makes bad decisions almost all of their lives until the god in their religion reaches out and whispers in their ear explaining that life isn’t always about bad decisions. The good boy tries to put her in a senior home because she prays too much and gets stop by the boy that she would never see again taking her home and taking care of her. She didn’t want to go to a senior citizen home because she said she wasn’t sick. I tend to believe that most elderly don’t want to live in a faculty because they’ll be around people that are sick so they fear that they will as well. But overall, it was a great song and Shirley is a great singer and great mother. Pineapples001

    1. I agree with a lot of points you made, but I do feel that the reason many elderly people do not want to go into a senior home isn't because they don't want to contract an illness, but because they don't want to be left with people that are not their family, never be visited, and possibly be victims of elderly abuse. I have often heard many older people complain about senior homes getting bad reputations, just because of these common fears that are associated with them. Sandydog001

  6. I think Shirley Caesar is a very powerful woman and singer. I feel that what her son did to her was wrong. And because she was able to still physically take care of herself she should have been able to live outside of the nursing home. Because she is older her sons are just categorizing her as someone who is helpless to living on her own and being able to properly take care of herself. But she does not settle for less than what she knows she deserves. She looks at religion as a motivator also which helps her through her journey. Her sharing her story through this song may change others minds about putting their elders in homes. Spending time with them and being with them is much more important than putting them in homes where God knows what could happen to them, in my opinion. I really enjoyed listening to Shirley Caesar sing this song, she is very talented.


  7. Wow this song by Shirley Caesar is truly emotional. She sings with such passion which must be due to that being a sensitive topic. It starts off with her singing about how he had two sons, one who promised to be successful and to take care of her, and the other one who was going down a different path. After the ‘successful’ son graduates college and becomes a doctor, he invites his mother to live with him and his school teacher wife, and help raise their children. After the children grow up, ‘mama’ then becomes inconvenient to him and he pretty much kicks her to the curb and makes her move into a nursing home. Once the day comes for her to move, she happens to see her ‘troubled’ son, in his car and confronts him with the news, and he then takes her, to care for his mama himself, rather than having a home take care of her. This is a pure example of a problem that has been going on for along time in America, in a way we make the elderly a ‘minority.’ I believe this is true because as we discussed in class how the elderly are more likely to be mentally impaired compared to younger people, which tends to be a stressor, and makes some people not want to deal with it at all. chicagoblackhawks001

    1. I feel that it is not fair to just kick one of your loved ones to the curb because they are elderly and they are an inconvenience for you in that period of your life. Especially because it was her own son. She raised him and took care of him until he was independent enough to do it on his own and when it came time for him to take care of her it was just too inconvenient for him and his family. I personally feel that he should dedicate some of his life to her and take care of her in the last years of her life because she dedicated her life to raise him to be the successful man he became.


    2. I like how you went into full explnation on how the one rich kid wanted to have someone else take care of her instead of his lazy butt. That is insane too me when you know how those places can be and how they treat some of the people there. Plus you shouldnt ditch a legit loved one, that raised you, in a place like that. Yatchy001

  8. This song got me thinking a lot about the conflict that a lot of old people have between integrity and despair. It started off the the mother had a lot of integrity. She believed that her work for her son had paid off. He wanted her to live with him and help raise her kids which is something that a lot of grandparents would find very positive. The legacy that a person leaves is usually very important to them. But when the son decided to send her away to the nursing home, the mother felt despair. She thought of all the hard work she had done for her son that he now regarded as nothing. That can be frustrating for anyone—when you believe that your work is worth more than your reward. When the troubled son then comes to his mother's rescue, the mother can start to feel integrity again. Here, the social-exchange theory comes to mind. Both of the sons failed to give back equally to their mother. However, in the end, the troubled son did. In the end, it was about a mutual exchange, though very different things were being given. Because of this, the troubled son became the hero and the successful son was depicted as the worse son. That shows how economic success is only one type of success, and possibly even a less valid type of success. HAL001

  9. I had never heard of Shirley Ceasar before this video. She definitely breaks all of the general norms for older people. I know for sure my grandmother wouldn't be getting up on that stage and singing her heart out like Shirley Ceasar did.As I listened to Shirley sing her message became very clear to me. She seemed disappointed that her son would want to just stick her in an old-folks home. When she started singing about her other son who had said he would take care of her she seemed to get a little perkier. Elderly homes shouldn't be just a place to stick the older people because they are a "burden". We should be taking care of them the way they cared for us. I think that's what Shirley was trying to say to us through her singing. TennisChamp001

  10. Shirley Ceasar uses this song to sing about her sons and their escapades. Her song seemed very cut and dry in the beginning – one son was successful and one wasn’t. As the song continues the successful son and his wife decide the mom was a nuisance and needed to be put in an old folk home. The other son then returned and didn’t want to see his mother put in the home. Due to this, the less no good son (who had been her least favorite) switched roles and became her new favorite because he had still appreciated her. Her son that had become a successful doctor had been socialization to believe that the elderly has a minimal effect on society and as a doctor how burdensome they can be on a family. Despite the no good son’s shortcomings in life, he had never forgot how he was raised and how his family influenced his socialization in life. In case of the successful doctor son, a jump in class caused drastic socialization change. Caffeinated001

  11. I have never seen or heard of this lady before but after watching the movie I would honestly like to see more by her. She is from a very old generation but seems to understand society extremely well compared to most of her age. I like how she explains the difference in her two sons. How one went big and did good but more for society and not as much the family. That shows how society and family for friends looks at a person different.. Yatchy001


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